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The public (thanks largely to the media) has this misconception that guns can magically “go off” without so much as the press of a trigger. For those wishing to have their significant other accompany them on range trips (or just be more comfortable with your growing firearm collection), re-enforcing this misconception isn’t the brightest idea. And throwing fireworks at someone while they’re holding a gun is just downright idiotic . . .

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  1. If there was no ammo in the vicinity, then that was just pure Internet gold.


    Otherwise an ND waiting to happen… you can almost see the “pew pew” thought balloons coming out of her head.

  2. I couldn’t see the video on my iPhone, but I definitely got some “fireworks” thrown at me while shooting in the USMC. Running through a smoky live fire range with an M249 SAW was good times.

  3. Its like that scene in Sons of Guns where Will goes in the shop with a full auto loaded with blanks. Really smart.

  4. This has been around for a few years. It seems the husband had repeatedly told his wife to not handle the guns. She didn’t listen, so he figured this would get the message home quickly and effectively.
    However, if I was him, I wouldn’t sleep anywhere near her. Dumb, but somehow very funny.

  5. Yeah it’s an old video, but so what. As an aside, I pulled a similar stunt with firecrackers in my old college dorm as my next door neighbor wouldn’t stop their racket and frat meetings at 0300 to practice their ‘steps.’ After a few polite warnings, which they were too dense to heed, I waited till o’dark thirty when they were actually in bed and asleep for once and the dorm was practically deserted for the weekend. Strung up some firecrackers, 3o to a pack. Just like….an AK mag. (They were Natn’l Guard reserves, too.) Lit the fuses, slid them under the door and quickly tiptoed back to my room. Few seconds later, POWPOWPOWPOWPOWPOW, just like…an AK 🙂 The screaming was hysterical! They were so mad at me, knew I did it just couldn’t prove it. But it did shut them up 🙂

  6. i agree with her, he’s an a$$hole. A loving and supportive husband would not have said “don’t mess with it” he would have said “here is how you use it now go buy your own” – not throw firecrackers at her for not listening. It might have actually led to some quality couple time at the range.

    I think he should thank his lucky stars that a) no one was hurt during this jacka$$ stunt; and b) that she is curious enough to actually want to learn how to use it.

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