As anyone who’s experienced one will tell you (and tell you and tell you) a toothache can be downright maddening. If it’s bad enough, you have little patience for waiting until a dentist can fit you in. All you want is for the pain to stop. And it doesn’t make you an anti-dentite if you decide to take care of things yourself. Lots of people use the traditional doorknob approach. Others make do with the tools they have at hand. That seemed to be what a Decatur, Alabama man was thinking Monday when he’d had enough of his irritating incisor. Just one problem – the only tool he had available was a gun . . .

Well, that was the only one he could think of, anyway. reports that cops responding to a call found him with his mouth bleeding profusely and his brother trying to stop the flow.

“The man was conscious and alert when officers arrived,” Crouch said. “He told them that he was tired of his tooth hurting and attempted to shoot it out.”

Here’s the real shocker:

The victim’s brother told officers that the 61-year-old had been drinking beer and complaining of the toothache before going into his bedroom and closing the door.

Fotunately, the pain from his newly broken jaw took his mind off of his aching tooth so on the whole, the procedure was successful. The vicodin they gave him in the E.R. probably helped some, too. And since he probably lost all of his firearms, we’ll kick in a shiny piece of IGOTD hardware just in case he has another owie down the road and wants to give the Castaway method a try.


    • I was wondering the very same thing! This can’t be his first trip to stupidland.

  1. Should have used a Glock, nothing more reliably removes teeth and drives framing nails like a Glock.

  2. Had to look up that Cast Away reference… yikes. Anybody who’s had an abscessed molar can tell you they’d do just about anything to stop that pain – not fun.

    I feel bad for this guy; hope he recovers and wises up a bit in the future.

  3. Genius! I’m going to start an “Irresponsible Tooth Owner of the Day” series on my dental blog! 😉

    Dumbass… doesn’t he know the proper tool for the job is an old ice skate???

    Being from Alabama… it was probably his last tooth.

  4. Ive had a broken arm, knee surgery, and 2nd degree burns to 15% of my body, none of them hurt as bad as a real bad tooth ache.

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