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Paintball Prey?

Robert Farago - comments No comments

What is a paintball sniper? A paintball sniper is totally different than your typical paintball gunman. A sniper lays low, hidden, usually in complete isolation from the other players, waiting to take out his unsuspecting prey. A sniper must demonstate [sic] total patience, laying completely still often for long periods of time. A sniper also uses a different type of paintball gun. Your typical gun, whether a pistol, rifle, or machine gun, has a small barel that projects the paintballs out in an arching motion. A sniper marker often has longer barells [sic], anywhere from 6″-22″ long. These barells are designed to create backspin on the paintball as it leaves the gun. What this backspin does is create a very straight path for the paintball to travel on. As you can imagine a sniper takes long shots from a greater distance than your average paintball marksman. Accuracy is a must as a sniper! These custom made barells produce a truer shot on a straighter line, thus providing the most accurate shot possible. Along with custom barells, sniper rifles will often have a scope to identify prey from great distances. Another must when looking into a sniper rifle is a bipod. A bipod allows to you balance your sniper rifle while you lay down flat on the ground to take your shots.

0 thoughts on “Paintball Prey?”

  1. “Mom, why can one part of the government not let me go to school for pretending to have a gun and another part of the government not let a guy have a job for saying that people dying from real guns is a problem?

    Her answer to such a child’s question should trip off the tongue with ease: “Well, dear, once we realized that one part of the government was teaching you that even pretending you had a firearm was bad, we realized public schools had gone off the deep end. Firearms are not bad. Violent people who hurt other law-abiding people with sticks or other weapons are bad. We realized that the administration spokesperson for health issues ought to know that mental illness is the problem, not firearms. Dr. Murthy clearly did not believe that, so we opposed his nomination. This will give Dr. Murthy more time to read the constitution and consider ways to improve the treatment of the mentally ill.”

  2. When it comes to sniping with a paintball marker, the quality and consistency of the paintballs and the correctly sized barrel for your paintball diameter, is 90% of your accuracy. Length of barrel has only a little effect, which will be obliterated by not paying attention to the previously mentioned elements.

  3. If you want to “be a sniper” you want to find a marker that is feed from a magazine that will shoot first strike rounds. A first strike round is basically a rifled slug in its design with half a paintball as the tip of this soft projectile.

  4. As someone who has worked in the paintball industry, and played at the national level, there is not such thing as a paintball “sniper”. Sorry. It doesn’t exist. Why is this tired debate on TTAG anyways?


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