Marcus McCowan, 18. Image via Odessa PD.
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A real life horror story came to life recently in Odessa, Texas. Reports say Marcus Dewayne McCowan Jr., assaulted a slew of hospital staff before he began strangling and shaking newborn babies in a maternity ward. The young man screamed “die!” as the newborns turned blue, according to police.

Given that it happened in Texas, Mr. McCowan’s lucky he’s still alive.

Not only was McCowan not shot dead or beaten to a bloody pulp, but he continued to fight when police arrived. When they tried to take him into custody, McCowan tried to grab the cops’ guns. He survived that as well, possibly earning the title of luckiest man in Texas that day.

Image via

Law and Crime has the story . . .

Marcus Dewayne McCowan Jr. was taken into custody on Monday and charged with a slew of felonies, including two counts of attempted first-degree capital murder, jail records reviewed by Law&Crime show.

According to a press release from the Odessa Police Department, officers at approximately 6:30 p.m. on Oct. 3 responded to multiple 911 calls about a disturbance at Odessa Regional Medical Center in the 500 block of East 6th Street. Staffers at the hospital told police that a man had “forced his way into the Nursery and began assaulting patients and staff,” the release states.

First responders reportedly arrived on the scene after a therapist was able to temporarily subdue McCowan, but upon making contact with the suspect, police said he was “aggressive towards officers, which led to a physical altercation.” During the altercation with multiple officers, McCowan allegedly “attempted to take one of their firearms from its holster” but was unsuccessful.

A local TV station obtained a police report narrating what happened.  From KMID/KPEJ:

McCowan was visiting the hospital because his girlfriend was in labor. According to one nurse, McCowan approached her at the nurse’s station and grabbed her arm and made an “unintelligible statement”. He was asked to leave the area and nurses said he then began running back and forth in the hall. The nurses called McCowan’s actions “odd and unreasonable”. 

McCowan then reportedly approached a new mom who was holding her newborn in a baby carrier while waiting to be discharged. The nurses said McCown began focusing his attention on the newborn, but briefly walked away when the new mother moved her child from his line of sight. A short time later, nurses said they heard stomping and then saw McCowan running toward them at full speed while yelling and screaming.

McCowan then charged all three nurses and tried to enter the nursery, which was locked and inaccessible to the public; McCowan reportedly pushed one nurse to the ground while trying to break into the nursery. After an unsuccessful attempt to gain access, McCowan grabbed the newborn in the carrier from its mother and took the baby into the Lactation Room. A nurse followed McCowan inside and reportedly saw him with his hands around the baby’s neck. Nurses said the infant’s face changed color from lack of oxygen before they were able to wrestle the baby away and remove him from the Lactation Room.

At that point, a respiratory therapist, who heard yelling and came to investigate, saw McCowan force his way into the nursery, this time, successfully.

The therapist ran to the nursery and saw McCowan grab a newborn and begin strangling her with both hands. According to the witness, McCowan then picked up the baby, who had since turned blue, by her neck and began to shake her.

The therapist said McCowan said “die” to the infant and made a move as if he were going to throw her to the ground. The woman caught up to McCowan at that point and tried to slowly pull him to the ground in order to keep the child from falling. The therapist stayed with McCowan and the newborn, protecting her head in the process, until help arrived. 

Speaking from my own recent experience, I found myself hyper-protective of my twin boys when they were born. They were my first kids – at age 51 for me. My wife, facing a complicated pregnancy and delivery, told me to stay with the boys as they were taken to the neonatal intensive care unit. Yes, ma’am.

Image by Boch.

I can say right now that if anyone like an out-of-control McCowan had approached and attacked any of those half-dozen nurses, taking my twin boys the 400-some yards from the operating room to the NICU, they would have likely departed this mortal coil with a lot more holes than they were born with.

For the next two weeks, I lived in that NICU room watching over them in protective daddy bear mode. I saw other fathers, often sleep-deprived, doing the same with their newborns.  They, too, looked pretty serious.

Even if one of those fathers in the gun-toting state of Texas didn’t have a gun on his hip at the hospital that evening (which, actually, is quite likely as hospitals are one of the few places an LTC holder is not allowed to carry in Texas), I’m pretty sure they probably would have gone medieval on Mr. McCowan at the sight of him strangling their newborn child.

Again, the fact that McCowan lived that night means he won life’s lottery. Hopefully he’ll use the rest of his days, both in his coming prison term if convicted and later out of prison, to add positive meaning to his existence.


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    • (Writes thought-provoking commentary on the curious common thread connecting the recent increase in criminal activities and the cultural characteristics of the individuals committing them, just about to click ‘Post Comment’, changes mind, deletes…)

      • Guess I’m not the only one who does that. Of course W0rdPr355 does it to me sometimes when they think I should reconsider, or when they just don’t like what I had to say.

      • what’s the use? Poor black people have a terrible culture. They are crabs in a bucket. Everyone knows this.

        God bless the miracles that escape the hood and make it in life, I’m first to admit they are better people than I am.

        What are we supposed to do just give them all our money and wait another 150 years for statistics to equalize?

        Yeah, I’m not wasting my life worrying about this problem.

      • I’ve yet to see or hear of anyone smoking a joint and then trying to strangle infants. Reefer Madness wasn’t a documentary.

    • This incident may have been a good situation for a DGU, but I’m betting the GFZ signs posted all over the hospital building and grounds made that highly unlikely. I also assume that should an armed citizen have performed a “preventative abortion proceedure” on McCowan, some ace City/County prosecutor would have swooped in to charge the hero for attempting to save the live births… Can’t have that in an era of life termination through birth.

    • If this happened in NYC the rival factions would likely have already used their anonymity in numbers to bludgeon this dude to death in the middle of the street in broad daylight. New Yorkers might be a bunch of Yankee doodles, but by God if you cross them in the wrong way on the wrong day, you don’t have much longer to be converting O2 to CO2, particularly if you don’t have them outgunned, because you can bet your candya$$ they’ve got you outnumbered.

      • I was born and raised in NYC. It was a tough place. While there still tough neighborhoods, for the most part New Yorkers are a bunch of Miss Nancys.

      • That’s a gigantic load of horse shyte. NYers are abject cowards who worship their Nanny State.

    • That’s a big part of the problem, you see. These pieces of excrement keep making it to the lock up ALIVE!! That needs to be rectified!

  1. Cops probably afraid to shoot a black man despite the atrocity he was committing. When you put on the badge do the right thing and do your job. Of course, just another deprived black person killing babies because he didn’t grow up properly and we should feel sorry for him.

    Oh and by the way for those of you who might think I am a racist, I am not. I call things as I see them. I have four black cousins, two Chinese and a grandson from South Korea so I think I get a pass.

    • Yup. when the perp began to attempt to seize thecopper’s duty piece, one of the others should have shot him dead. Had he managed to get his gruby paws on that copper’s gun no telling how many would have died. In situtions like this lw enforcement MUST remain colourblind.

      • You would’ve likely deafened an entire room of infants. Not cool. Now quickly snapping his scrawny neck I can get on board with.

      • “Yup. when the perp began to attempt to seize thecopper’s duty piece, one of the others should have shot him dead.”

        That would depend upon being able to cap the perp and not shoot the cop as well. (One of the 4 rules of Firearms Safety…, to which we may someday ad: 5. Keep your head in times of stress.)

        In tight quarters with a group fighting for control, better to swing the old club a few times first…

    • Those “no guns in here” signs are almost never compliant with state mandated signage laws. Ignoring them in some states can bring dire conequences, bu in most states if a venue is not properly signed (sigh sie, design, placement relative to public entrances) they are not binding. You can’t be buted for ignoring them. Which I do, and almost never get called out on it. Comcealed is concealed. Until I am “made” and asked/demanded to remove the gun from their precious premises, there can be no consequences. Know = your own state’s laws regardin this.

      • “Comcealed is concealed.”

        THIS! Don’t ask, don’t tell…

        We should always assume that everyone around us is similarly armed, as we are. No ned for show and tell. Makes for much more polite daily lives.

  2. Hospital carry: quality semi-auto .22LR pistol complete with RMR, suppressor, and subsonic rounds. Backup: collapseable titanium baton and/or big azz hunting knife. (infinite ammo). Think of the newborn’s hearing while your best intentions are to arm yourselves in defense of their lives! Thanks for coming to my Ted talk!

    • This pos should assume room temperature asap. Then again so should the dim demons prattleing on about the “right to choose murder”. Baal approved🙄🙁

    • My hospital carry is my everyday carry. A full-size double-stack and 2 spare magazines. If I have to draw, I will, for a day, be utterly unconcerned with anyone’s hearing.

  3. Mom needs to take their child and permanently disappear from his life. I wonder if he asked for an abortion and she told him no.

    • that was pretty close to my take on this matter. My guess is they have been esranged for some time, and he intended to bring that “phase” to a close by eliminating both of them from his life. Turnabout’s fair, though,and it would seem (we hope accurately so) the tables will be reversed by the courts.. a LONG season in an orange Onesie, Mom and Child should be able to “lose” themselves so when he gets out in a few decades he can’t find them.
      New surname would be a first step once he is convicted.

    • “I wonder if he asked for an abortion and she told him no.”

      Can’t see that it would matter much- it isn’t like a court would force child support on such a burdened individual…

      • People have been told their entire life that the key to success is abortion. The Left pretty much gave up on Constitutional arguments because they don’t have one. They mostly offer an economic argument. “Have an abortion so you can have more money.”

        • “They mostly offer an economic argument. “Have an abortion so you can have more money.”

          I would be interested in seeing anything you could offer that shows where liberals expressed “Have an abortion so you can have more money.”

        • Seriously Miner? How have you not heard that? You listen to those people. That’s what they talk about and women listen. Look up Michelle Williams Golden Globe Awards speech. She said she wouldn’t have had here career without an abortion. She thinks it’s okay to sacrifice the life of a child for fame and fortune. It’s sick and very sad.

          Women listen. Look up why women abort 97% are for social & economic reasons. It’s a lie told by the abortion industry. Look up the docs they used for Roe v Wade. They later admitted to making everything up. They fabricated the stats for women dying in back alley abortions. That myth persists to this day! Prior to R v W women were increasing their earning power, so that’s another lie.

          You know who loves abortion? Big business. Why do you think they pay for it? Do they pay for cancer treatment? No they want women at work, not on maternity leave or taking off in the future to deal with children or just quitting to raise their child instead of working so she can pay someone else to do it. Do you like always being on the side of Big Business? Do you think they have your best interest in mind just because they virtue signal for your social causes?

          I could write an entire page on this, but I’ll be busy today. Abortion shouldn’t be a left right issue. The abortion industry and politicians are using you guys to further their own goals of money and power. Do you believe in fighting to protect the vulnerable? So do lots of other progressives. Look into Let me know what you think. I’ll check back tonight.

        • Miner
          My comment is awaiting moderation. I got a call as I posted so I couldn’t edit it. This post might be too old for them to check comments. I’ll be busy today, but I’ll check back tonight. Long story short, the abortion industry pumps out lies. Protecting the vulnerable isn’t a left right issue. They want to divide us. Look into paaunow dot org. They’re progressives agnostics and atheists. They caught onto the lies they were being fed.

  4. My wife is a Cardiac Nurse and I often discuss how all hospitals are soft targets. Even Columbus Regional near Ft. Benning. Some hospitals are a little better at security but the majority of the suits, who run them, want the patients, family, and community to feel welcomed. That means lax security.

    One of these days some wacko will hit a hospital and rack up a high count. Similar to a intersection with no traffic light. It will take a wreck for anyone to fix it.

    • Well I recall, perhaps three of four years back, a doc in a hospital saw a fellow doc threatened, pulled his OWN piece, carried against hispital rules, shot the clown dead. He was not charged immediately and the whole thing sort of faded from the news stream. He quietly left that place…… have not heard further. The “furore” died down fairly quickly.
      BUT the underlying question has never been addressed……… if NO ONE qualified/designated is armed, anyone can enter armed and have their way UNTIL somoone with the appropriate means comes onto the scene and takes appropriate action, as happened, if late, in this case.
      Now the State must expend a significant chunk of public money to deal with someone who hs proven he has no respect for life olther than his own.

  5. Every hospital in Houston posts the 30.06, aka “easy target” signage out front. Maybe this hospital should’ve posted a “don’t strangle and shake infants” sign next to the 30.06. I bet that would’ve helped.

  6. Assuming that he is healthy enough to fight police, he should have been immediately placed into a medical coma until such time that several patients could benefit from receiving his organs by way of surgical transplantation. Then release his body to a medical school for surgical practice.

  7. This is something from a horror movie at minimum. We know folks are going to go off once their switch is flipped but for several years now it’s HOW they go off and what they do because of it is unbelievable and horrifying. Here psychotic anger was taken out on innocent (apparently white or light completed) babies. This followed a fatal stabbing by an illegal in Vegas, several killed in Thailand by blade and firearm, and 22 killed at a city hall in Mexico, which in Mexico was obviously a planned hit by the cartel. All within approx. 72 hours time and at two locations focusing on children and specialized staff resulting in casualties and injuries to both. Odessa case should be charged as a hate crime also.

    We’ve never seen such targeting of children before 1999 (Columbine) whether spontaneous or otherwise. Trying to figure out what sets these people off and to the point children are targeted needs far more attention than we’ve obviously have afforded in the past. By now you would think they would re-open closed mental hospitals to hold these horrors and cancel this new bail system but that doesn’t appear to phase authorities at all. Sad but I can’t see anything else needed to force these changes.

    • We’ve never seen such targeting of children before 1999 (Columbine) whether spontaneous or otherwise.

      Sure we have. The Bath School Massacre of 1927 (most casualties being due to the firebombing attack on a school, which as you’d expect mostly killed kids) being but one example. The 1989 Stockton Schoolyard Shooting comes to mind immediately too.

      IRL you can find killings children, particularly students, in the record books going back to at least the 1850s. My personal favorite example of flat-out crazy masquerading as normal being a schoolmaster in Florence, AL, who 1856, strangled a student that harmed the schoolmaster’s tamed sparrow.

      This ain’t new at all. Historical examples can be found back in ancient Greek records if you care to look. The safest, softest and, quite frankly, least realistic society ever created (as it comes to human nature) is the Western World post 1945. Everyone currently living has spent the bulk of their life in that society and forgotten what actual *life in the wild* really looks like.

      You’ve just been made more aware of this since Columbine because the media makes money by showing you blood and they figured this out vis a vis television in 1999.

      You can sample this historical lifestyle if you travel (or get sent to certain places), which Lefties love to claim that they do, but they don’t actually do that. They simply shift the location of their cocktail circuit. They go to Paris, but avoid the 19th District. They go to South Africa but avoid Johannesburg. They go to South America but avoid the whole of Uruguay.

      But it’s not like it’s uncommon to see mass violence against kids elsewhere in the world. Nor has it ever been.

      The reality is that most Westerners are extremely soft, so soft in fact, that they don’t realize how untested they actually are. But if things proceed along the current course they’re going to find out. Many, literally, will not survive the acid test if it comes to that.

      • Actually we’ve had school massacres in North America since the 1600(s). For whatever reason I forgot about the Stockton incident but thank you as I’ll look that up. While I doubt anything from ancient Greece was part of this coward’s recreational reading, I appreciate the history and most excellent points just the same.

        I didn’t know any such horrors existed in Uruguay. I’ve been there to Montevideo once but on the drive from the airport to the oceanfront hotel I was somewhat impressed. After all, a lot of the architecture looked heavily Germanic-influenced. (?)

        • Montevideo’s buildings are Soviet influenced.

          Those are all modeled on the commie style of building apartments in the 60’s and 70’s. Originally a lot of them were apartment complexes that were later remodeled into hotels but the outside wasn’t changed.

          Interesting country. Montevideo has beautiful people and questionable architecture IMHO.

    • Modded.

      Yes, we’ve seen this before. In fact it’s basically the historical norm for most of the world going back thousands of years. Bath School “Disaster” and the Stockton Schoolyard “disaster” being two notable examples from before 1999. 1927 and 1989 respectively.

      This isn’t new. It’s just better covered than it used to be. Greek historians covered far worse, and semi regular, atrocities thousands of years ago.

      • “ strych9 October 9, 2022 At 20:31
        Oh, and the reason it seems German is because of East Germany.”

        No. Not “East Germany”. But like I said, the drive from the airport to the ocean front (not the hotels but houses, etc.,) the most architecture has German influence. I don’t think those houses were anything other than immediate post-WWII era. We know there was a Germanic immigration to South America immediately after WWII.

        Uruguay is now a vacation spot for Argentinians, as I was told.

  8. The Socialist State of Maryland had a bill up for vote this past session that would prohibit felony charges against a parent responsible for the death of an infant up to 28 days after birth. Call it a Demoncrats late term abortion. Many cultures have had child sacrifice, guess it continues.

  9. He was blabbering something unintelligible… oh speaking normally. How long before the leftist news, Al Sharpton and the rest of them start crying racism. It’s too bad someone didn’t turn this POS into worm food.

  10. McCowan had mental health problems and no one was killed and he was subdued and taken into custody without loss of any life. To suggest it was better to start spraying the hospital down with automatic gun fire in a hospital full of people and newborns and then dancing in the blood of the victim simply because McCowan was black begs the question, which man was more mentally ill?

    If McCowan had been white I am sure this article on T Tag would never have occured because the Far Right have always believed that “White Lives Matter and Black Lives do not”.

    When 4 White Supremacist’s bombed a church in Birmingham, Alabama and murdered 4 young black girls the Far Right Whites said nothing and J. Edgar Hoover flat out refused to prosecute any of the 4 white mass murderers. The White Far Right would do the same today if it happened again.

    The FBI has stated the Far Right White Supremacists are the greatest danger to the American people and their freedoms. Jan 6th proved that beyond all doubt. Hitler’s 1923 Beer Hall putsch failed but that did not stop Hitler and Herr Drumpf has screamed that his failed beer hall putsch of 2020 will not stop him either. We real Americans cannot let history repeat itself or let Herr Drumpf ever run for any office again. And when you consider the Far Rights modern day Book burnings the parallels to Hitler’s Nazi Germany are shocking, frightening and all to real.

    • “If McCowan had been white I am sure this article on T Tag would never have occured…”

      Utter baloney. You post examples from pre-WW2 Europe and the early 1960s Democrat-controlled deep south as your evidence??? Come into the 21st Century.

      • I’m curious about this turd’s pregnant and delivering “girlfriend”. I hope to eventually see a photo of her.

      • And his “modern day Book burning” is actually the right trying to stop sick Democrats from polluting young minds with pornographic books in schools. Just like they’re allowing trans sex shows for children under the guise of inclusiveness, they’re pushing sexual grooming books on prepubescent kids under the guise of free speech.

        lil’d may or may not understand what is actually happening. He’s just repeating the talking points pushed by the media.

    • No one suggested spraying the hospital down with automatic gun fire. Hyperbole much?? No one has suggested McCowan should have been killed specifically because he was black but because of his heinous attack on infants in a hospital. Good job creating a “strawman” scenario buddy. Bringing race into comments that were made without race in mind. How’s your antifa meetings going?

      If the perpetrator had been white the media would be making the case that he is alive right now and not killed by the police officers because of his “white privilege” and “systemic racism”. If one of the attacked had been a minority, the theme of the media would be how all whites hate minorities and want to kill them and their children. If the perpetrator was white, he would be charged with hate crimes and the FBI would be involved to insure after a local trial was conducted he would have a second, Federal trial on civil rights violations. The media would continue to blame and affiliate all whites for his conduct. How is that for race comparison??? Right now, none of the reciprocal accusations are being made against McCowan.

      You want to bring up history? Research the Zebra killings. A series of murders committed by four black serial killers who killed up to 73 white people for the sole reason of killing white people. The story did make national headlines. But, not for the fact that 73 people were killed by racist black men. No that was not stated. The story that made national headlines was that over 500 black men were stopped by police in the effort to find the killers. Seem like a familiar practice when blacks commit crimes against whites today?

      The FBI has been politically weaponized by the far left politicians. Of course they would make the January 6th fiasco the centerpiece of the problem, ignoring the three years of prior rioting by the scumbag BLM and antifa terrorists. Dozens killed, over 700 police officers injured, thousands of innocent citizens attacked and injured, thousands of police officers attacked, thousands of private business looted and destroyed, thousands of citizens’ private property damaged or destroyed and areas of some cities completely taken over by violent mobs. Acts of sedition, violence, revolution, tyranny??? And, somehow the left-wing psycopaths feel the January 6th fiasco was worse than what the left-wing scum did for three years prior.

      Your theoretical “book-burning” by the right pales in comparison to the lefts escapades. “To Kill a Mockingbird”, “Tom Sawyer”, Dr. Suess books and the Harry Potter books are some of the books that have been targets of left-wing book-banning. Not to mention the left’s corporate censorship of social media. One has more to fear from the left’s tyranny than the goofy antics of the January 6th doofuses. And once again, can a leftist go one day without always making the outlandish Hitler/Nazi/Jew killing comparison to anything they disagree with. It is the simpleton’s way of trying to win an argument by inflating and exaggerating beyond any logical or reasonable means.

      • to Tom T

        quote———–The FBI has been politically weaponized by the far left politicians. Of course they would make the January 6th fiasco the centerpiece of the problem, ignoring the three years of prior rioting by the scumbag BLM————-quote

        Pure bold face lies. BLM did not try and storm the capital and destroy American Democracy by establishing a one party Right Wing Dicatorship with Trump appointed for life as Der Fuhrer. And most of the BLM protests were peaceful and had many white and black people protesting together. Try again Herr Hauptman

        quote————-Your theoretical “book-burning” by the right pales in comparison to the lefts escapades. “To Kill a Mockingbird”, “Tom Sawyer”, Dr. Suess books and the Harry Potter books are some of the books that have been targets of left-wing book-banning———–quote

        Those books were never banned so do not distort history with the usual Far Right Wing lies. Yes the were criticized for their racist content and should have been. Some of the Dr. Suess Books were not sold anymore but that was completely voluntary on the part of the publishers and author. Sorry Try again with your distortion of history.

        • @dacian

          “BLM did not try and storm the capital and destroy American Democracy by establishing a one party Right Wing Dicatorship with Trump appointed for life as Der Fuhrer. And most of the BLM protests were peaceful and had many white and black people protesting together.”


          “… We know Black Lives Matter was there, and we’ve identified them and antifa.”

          “John Guandolo, who previously served as an FBI liason to U.S. Capitol Police, also confirmed the presence of these groups and said ‘they were everywhere.’ ”

          Black Lives Matter Activist Who Stormed Capitol on Jan. 6 Charged >


          “Yet, as RealClearInvestigations has found, the 2020 BLM riots resulted in “15 times more injured police officers, 30 times as many arrests, and estimated damages in dollar terms up to 1,300 times more costly than those of the Capitol riot.”

          Capitol police warned busloads of BLM rioters were inbound from Baltimore on Jan. 6 wearing MAGA, Trump hats > (note: twitter suspend the reporters twitter account and removed his post)

          ex-Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund testified before the Senate Rules and Homeland Security committees that intelligence gathered by law enforcement indicated that members of the Proud Boys, white supremacist groups, Antifa and other extremist groups were anticipated to be attending the Jan. 6 protest at the U.S. Capitol, and they may be inclined toward violence.

          A former FBI agent, on the ground at the Capitol said that at least one busload of Antifa “goons” showed up at the Trump rally as part of a “false flag” operation.”

          among those arrested after the Capitol riots was a man named John Sullivan, an Antifa insurgence leader who was arrested in Utah following the riot. He was caught on video posing as a Trump supporter during the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021. Sullivan had also organized an Antifa rally on January 6 near the Capitol. Sullivan’s Twitter page advertised a rally to “Kick these fascists out of DC January 6th, 2021,” further admonishing to “Dump Trump for Good.”

          yes dacian, contrary to your false assertion, BLM did try to storm the capital, and their protests were not ‘mostly peaceful’, and antifa and BLM are not the darlings you want to think they are – and far left violent actors are all over the country.

          Most of what you blame on the ‘far right’ is really people on the far left trying to get things blamed on the right, its the democrat socialists agenda as it is for any socialists agenda to keep focus and blame on somewhere else while they slither around in the background trying to bring about a socialists agenda. You have been duped, you are a fool, you are an idiot

    • @dacian

      “McCowan had mental health problems and no one was killed and he was subdued and taken into custody without loss of any life. To suggest it was better to start spraying the hospital down with automatic gun fire in a hospital full of people and newborns and then dancing in the blood of the victim simply because McCowan was black begs the question, which man was more mentally ill?”

      1. The only reason “no one was killed” was that he was stopped.

      2. No one suggested “it was better to start spraying the hospital down with automatic gun fire in a hospital full of people and newborns and then dancing in the blood of the victim simply because McCowan was black”

      “If McCowan had been white I am sure this article on T Tag would never have occured because the Far Right have always believed that ‘White Lives Matter and Black Lives do not’.”

      This is 100% false for so many reasons

      “When 4 White Supremacist’s bombed a church in Birmingham, Alabama and murdered 4 young black girls the Far Right Whites said nothing and J. Edgar Hoover flat out refused to prosecute any of the 4 white mass murderers. The White Far Right would do the same today if it happened again.”

      Again, 100% false. Assuming you are referencing the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing in 1963. Your “White Far Right” concept had nothing to do with it. Its was committed by four Klansmen and segregationists: Thomas Edwin Blanton Jr., Herman Frank Cash, Robert Edward Chambliss, and Bobby Frank Cherry. Although these are generally associated with “White Far Right” they really aren’t. Not all like this are “White Far Right”, many were and still are today violent far left radical socialists like Herman Frank Cash, Robert Edward Chambliss, and Bobby Frank Cherry were even though members of groups associated in rhetoric with “White Far Right”

      …. and then you venture off into Hitler territory again with your ignorant rants but I will address this one…

      “The FBI has stated the Far Right White Supremacists are the greatest danger to the American people and their freedoms.”

      The FBI never actually stated that. The news media and politicians did because in the FBI reports it mentions white supremacists (hint here for you: not all white supremists are far right). The FBI released a bulletin to ABC and a report, which is the source of this, and what the FBI said was this:

      “Based upon current information, we assess the greatest threat of lethal violence continues to emanate from lone offenders with racially or ethnically motivated violent extremist ideologies and [domestic violent extremists] with personalized ideologies, … Additionally, anarchist extremists continue to pose the most significant threat of targeted assaults against police, as well as targeting government buildings and police vehicles for damage, sometimes with improvised incendiary devices”

      The bulletin was released in response to an incident in which a group of armed Left-wing anarchists took over a seven-block section of Seattle, including a police precinct building that was vacated, saying they had as “credible” threat it would be attacked. That group was Antifa who encompass several violent Left-wing ideologies including anarchy, Communism, and socialism – which by the way (read back up some) were the ideologies followed by Thomas Edwin Blanton Jr., Herman Frank Cash, Robert Edward Chambliss, and Bobby Frank Cherry of the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing. Trump designated ANTIFA as domestic terrorists.

      However, the FBI report also indicated that “white supremacists” (not ‘Far Right White Supremacists’) were a threat, among others, and not all “white supremacists” are far right and there are far left “white supremacists” as well. So if we go back to the context of the FBI report and bulletin : “we assess the greatest threat of lethal violence continues to emanate from lone offenders with racially or ethnically motivated violent extremist ideologies and [domestic violent extremists] with personalized ideologies” doesn’t just mean “white supremacists” it also includes the far violent left and others as also being “the greatest danger to the American people and their freedoms”.

      Once again dacian, learn to read and learn what context means.

      • to Booger Brain

        Quote———–Your “White Far Right” concept had nothing to do with it. Its was committed by four Klansmen and segregationists: ——–quote

        Your statement is an attempt to deny the truth and a bald face outrageous lie. The 4 men who committed those outrageous racist murders were as far to the right as Hitler was and followed right in his footsteps. Your response was so far over the top any sane person has already barfed.

        And here is the truth on the FBI statement and it had to do with the Capital riots not the bold face lies you just told about liberals or socialists.

        The Facts
        During Wray’s testimony, he detailed the many current, diverse threats to American society such as domestic and international terrorism, threats against law enforcement, cybersecurity and counterintelligence threats from China.

        He pointed out how the issue of domestic terrorism has been a problem for the U.S. for a long time and that it is not going to disappear soon.

        “So whenever we’ve had the chance, we’ve tried to emphasize that this is a top concern and remains so for the FBI,” Wray said about domestic terrorism.

        “In fact, we’ve viewed it as such a critical threat that back in June of 2019 under my leadership, we elevated racially and ethnically motivated violent extremism to our highest threat priority on the same level with ISIS and homegrown violent extremists where it remains to this day.”

        When Senator Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) asked Wray if he believed that the Capitol riot involved white supremacists and other violent extremists, Wray said that the Capitol riot involved violent extremists, considered to be domestic terrorists, who had a variety of backgrounds.

        He said that some of the arrested individuals from January 6 were militia violent extremists, such as those who identify as members of the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, while others were categorized as racially motivated violent extremists “who advocate for what you would call white supremacy,” Wray said.

        Shortly after, Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) asked Wray if he stood by his testimony that white supremacist extremism is the dominant and most persistent force of domestic terrorism threats today.

        “I would certainly say, as I think I’ve said consistently in the past, that racially motivated violent extremism specifically of the sort that advocates for the superiority of the white race is a persistent evolving threat,” Wray said. “It’s the biggest chunk of our racially motivated violent extremism cases for sure and racially motivated violent extremism is the biggest chunk of our domestic terrorism portfolio.”


        • @dacian

          your link does not exist.

          Try another lie, and learn to read along the way and for cripes sake learn what the world ‘research’ means.

          “racially motivated violent extremism specifically of the sort that advocates for the superiority of the white race is a persistent evolving threat …. Wray said that the greatest terrorism threat to America comes from lone actors who are the internationally inspired homegrown violent extremists “which are the jihadist-inspired,” and the domestic violent extremists “inspired by domestic sources.”

          Racially motivated violent extremism cases are the biggest part of the FBI’s domestic terrorism portfolio. White supremacy is the biggest part of its racially motivated violent extremism cases.”

          What he said was … the greatest terrorism threat to America comes from lone actors who are the internationally inspired homegrown violent extremists which are the jihadist-inspired, and the domestic violent extremists inspired by domestic sources and among those is white-supremacy.

          Which is what I said but differently and shorter in length ’cause I know you have an attention focus issue and complicated subjects really mess you up.

          “The 4 men who committed those outrageous racist murders were as far to the right as Hitler was and followed right in his footsteps.”


          Those 4 were violent far left radical socialists. Because they happen to have been involved with a group deemed far right does not mean their politics were far right. The far left lunatics frequently embed them selves with far right groups because it helps further a part or all of their own agenda.

          Far left radical socialists have the same ‘racial cleansing’ goals as the KKK and the rest of your ‘White Supremacists’. And although their actions may be called ‘far right’, their real intent is to have them ‘disguised’ as far right to cause further confusion. One thing you can always count on from the far left is they do not hesitate to use others for their dirty work or to blame things on – its a key element to bringing about a socialists ideal, that it be some one else’s fault while they slither around in the background.

          Seriously, you need to learn the difference between political affiliation and actions and association, they are not always the same. You always throw these terms around as if they mean the people committing the actions are always ‘far right’ which is a political designation and it simply is not true.

          Would it surprise you to know that despite the political tag ‘far right’ that 90% of ‘mass’ shooter murderers voted democrat? yes it probably would. Did you know that over 50% the people arrested in association with Jan 6th voted democrat and another 18% didn’t even vote in the previous election in which Trump won? No, you didn’t. And some people have no real political affiliation and just wanna watch the world burn and will seemingly allie their selves with any side that will help further that be it politically left right center up down middle or what ever.

          You are an idiot.

    • Don’t care what his skin tone, he violated infants. They have no ability to protect themselves. Violating those who cannot defend themselves is evil. The death penalty is appropriate.

      Your defense of his actions is telling.

  11. Unfortunately the time for much deserved street justice was over when the cops arrived. And from his photo arresting cops didn’t break any bones, etc. Perhaps inmates may do the honorable thing.

  12. actually; this is perfectly normal. back in the day when FBI crime data was still credible (NYC and LA are among the agencies that no longer report), 80% of young children (11 years old and younger) who were murdered were beaten, bludgeoned, burnt, strangled or stabbed to death.

  13. My wife just got out of the hospital. She had a pace maker installed. And I had a 21a in my pocket the entire time, I was there visiting her. I’m never unarmed.
    I’m amazed no one had a knife on them in Texas???
    I EDC three blades and a gun. And one of my blades is a glock bayonet.

  14. The law, lawmakers, and law enforcement are pretty far out of touch with reality these days. Wonder how long it takes before they get their stuff together? This freak shouldn’t have survived the trip to jail. He shouldn’t have survived first contact with the police. He really shouldn’t have survived until the police arrived. Hospitals are full of lethal weapons, if someone had only picked one up, and used it. Anyone who knows how to save a life, also knows how to take a life. The sets of knowledge are complimentary, one building on the other.

  15. He will wish that he was killed in the hospital. Once he is sentenced to jail, he will need to have his head on a swivel with back up cameras installed. It won’t take too long for justice to be served.

  16. The FDA should have tested the mrna covid vaccine a little longer. Theres been alot of crazies.
    If it ain’t that its something else, maybe the way the moons lined up with Mars? or its probably theBiden, economics, drought, flood,a future hanging by a thread?
    If you take notice the worlds gone the dark side in the last 3 years.
    Blood Moon and a Red Mars?
    War, strife, killing babies, shts fcked up.
    What mental disorder would make someone do that in a hospital?
    What to do?
    Whether it would do any good or not people like this should be publicly executed and aired on the 6 o’clock news just in case the person wanting to watch didnt have the gas money or the time trying to make money to be there in person.
    We need a WAR.
    A war with space aliens.
    Join me in my conquest of the planet Slug.
    We can channel our hate on the Slugites instead of each other.

    Killing babies while mama is giving birth is fcked up man, real fcked up.

    • Possum, quit screwing around and get back to work on that damn centrifigulator. The end is not nigh enough.

  17. I’d rather read his obituary than listen to one minute of psychobabble trying to explain his actions and lack of responsibility for those actions.

  18. The guy is totally wacked. It’s not his fault. He didn’t know what he was doing. However the people responsible for setting up hospitals and similar places to be soft targets where a wack job like this can come in and create havoc against people deprived of the ability to defend themselves or those in their care, well they need to be held accountable.

  19. And if it were NY or soon to be Illannoy, he’d likely be back out on the street in a couple hours.

  20. He needs his brains splattered with a big fat bullet!!!! WTH his wrong with this discusting POS!!!? Every damn day they are coming out of the wood work showing their ass! I would have shot him!!!

  21. I think people need to stop holding Texas up as some kind of bastion of awesomeness. Uvalde and this incident are but a few. I don’t think Texas is as filled with the patriots and tough ‘sum bitches as we are lead to believe.

    • You’re right. With everyone coming here in the 70(s) through the 80(s) leading to mass urbanization a lot of the traditional Texas ruggedness has subsided. Texas also has typically had very effective law enforcement including heavy prosecution and rough prisons that has over time worked as a pacification program that has stopped a lot of the individual independent problem resolution that used to exist in Texas culture. This actually began with the end of our Civil War but due to the Texas rural life and lifestyle it took about a century for this “conditioning” to become a norm.

      As with a reference to this turd surviving his rampage you see the effects of what I speak about above; for example, few are bold enough to go in to a hospital armed where firearms are prohibited because they don’t want to face loss of the right to carry a handgun because it was outlawed for so long. Anywhere else here where firearms aren’t prohibited he would’ve been shot dead.

      If this would’ve happened 50 or so years ago the cops would be lucky to show up in time to save this savages life so he could live long enough for a trial with conviction and execution to follow (another story but in short the process of that changed in 1974). He would’ve been simply beat to death with whatever was available by people around including the nurses doing as much damage as anyone, AS LONG AS THE COPS WEREN’T ON THE SCENE. Faster police response times and heavy-handed prosecution have led to less “citizen resolution”. The horrific and shameful Uvalde incident is an example yet still somewhat of an exception.

      But I agree with a statement I was also provided in another response to the article; if things keep going the way they’re going you’re very likely going to see a few years of “survival of the fittest” take place here with the typical individual ruggedness Texas and Texans were once known for return. And no, a lot of those caught up in the shltstorms of it all, such as this cowardly racist killer, will not survive it. We still have plenty of Kyle Rittenhouse-type men (and women) also here in Texas.

  22. There is no form of torture too vile, painful, gruesome, agonizing, prolonged or inhumane for this man. Anyone who would actively target and harm newborns deserves to die in the worst imaginable way!

  23. Much to disentangle there, this could turn into a 50 page paper before serious details are available.

    I’d also need to cancel my PayPal account before even writing the draft.

  24. What does a junkyard do with the screwed up cars that they receive? They remove the valuable parts and sell them. They might receive a thousand dollars for the most valuable car part, but that is chump change compared to what could be realized from selling organs from felons that should be killed. Those organs could be transplanted into sick people who are waiting for a new transplant. This whole concept would most probably reduce crime, as well.

    • Yes quite possibly would but as is known it would take no time for corruption to take hold thus leading to another otherwise functional program being unfortunately short-lived. Until such time as this brilliant idea can possibly be implemented we can also force efforts to be used to STOP DESTROYING OUR BODIES AND ORGANS BY USING TOXIC AND DESTRUCTIVE SUBSTANCES IN OUR FOODS AND WATER SUPPLY (so we don’t have to watch organs mysteriously and miraculously appear from unknown “donors” in China and third-world countries as they tend to do now).

  25. How about this, someone strangle this POS until he turns blue. How does that sound, or am I just being mean, and not understanding this POS. Did he have a bad childhood or something, excuse me, I’m sorry. I guess that gives him the right to strangle helpless defenseless babies. Get rid of him. We do not need psychos like this walking around on this earth with the rest of us, breathing the same air, and taking up our space.

  26. So you are seriously suggesting that you start shooting people in HOSPITAL? SERIOUSLY? SERIOUSLY??
    Whilst they are HOLDING a baby?? SEIOUSLY??
    Are you telling us that there were not enough people in the vicinity who COULD have overpowered a single person?? SERIOUSLY??
    Are you telling us that all thoise people had to wait for the POLICE to arrive/? SERIOUSLY.
    I tell you this that here inthe uK the guynwould have got a bloody great bat across his head in about ten seconds.
    Why because we do not bloody well rely on a GUN to do what can be done with a HARD
    Infact I have been involved in a similar incidednt that did not fortunaeatley involve a child.. I weas sitting in a pub with a mate of mine wahe a girl hed had parted from came through the door with a knife. She picked up MY pint glass jug smashed it on the table and went for his face. I knocked her clean right out with one to the temple and no regrets other than she did get me on the hand with the glass in passing -thankfully not seriously so. But it got me out of a lot of explaining to do.!

    • @Albert L J Hall

      “So you are seriously suggesting that you start shooting people in HOSPITAL? SERIOUSLY? SERIOUSLY??
      Whilst they are HOLDING a baby?? SEIOUSLY??”

      No one suggested that dacian….errrr Albert. You inferred it.

  27. Too bad someone didn’t shoot this Son of a Biscuit Eater and save the Taxpayer’s a wad of dough. There’s a reason animals cull, and if you’re going to act like an animal, then society needs to cull your a$$.

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