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It Should Have Been A DGU: Panic 911

Robert Farago - comments No comments


If you haven’t seen it, Discovery Channel has a show called Panic 911.  The wife and I watched an episode the other day and every one of the segments could have been ended sooner and less tragically if there had been an armed citizen involved. Or maybe the NRA should sponsor it. Anyway, I thought it might be of interest to you.


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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “It Should Have Been A DGU: Panic 911”

  1. What I find interesting is the preview for the next episode, in which a panicked woman claims her store is being robbed of its firearms; that the man is loading the weapon and shooting up the place. Clearly the implication is, this could have all been avoided if the place didn’t sell any firearms to begin with – that stores that sell guns are by their very nature dangerous places and a tragedy waiting to happen.

  2. Wow…so much Social Engineering taking place on just one show.

    Yet another reason I cancelled my cable years ago.

  3. I saw the previews last night and all I could think about is the caller should have had a gun in their hand instead of the phone.

  4. Well, I’m sure glad for that lady and her son the the police officer “violated protocol” by apprehending the guy!

      • When I saw that the cop broke protocol I immediately thought the women mistakenly shot the police officer thinking he was the criminal.

        • And here my first thought was, “See that, cable America? It’s ‘against protocol’ for the first responder to intervene on your behalf.” That ain’t protocol to protect you, you silly broad. That’s protocol to protect THEM. All the women in my family are shooters. Half of them were before I was. Hubby should be ashamed of himself for not leaving “Teresa” any way of defending herself other than a deadbolt and a crappy cordless phone.

  5. In one of the other episodes, a mentally disturbed guy who just got out of prison hours earlier is coming through the window after breaking it, and the frightened old lady is inside with a gun pointed at him. The 911 dispatcher tells her repeatedly not to shoot the home invader. WTF

    • Seriously?! Old lady vs career, mentally disturbed criminal and you’re telling her not to shoot? This just affirms to me that if, god forbid, I ever have a break in Im calling the cops, giving them address, situation,and a description of myself, then Im dropping the phone.

    • Whiskey tango foxtrot, over?

      That’s so much a stereotype, a caricature and a cliché that’s it leaves me (almost) speechless.


  6. I saw that as well. In one episode, however, a home invasion, the woman blew the prep away. The one that got me was an active shooter some where in Ohio who went on a rampage killing family members and neighbors. Cops got something like 20 911 calls. Police finally shot the guy but not until he had killed a number of people.

  7. This reminds me of a related thought I had the other day. Want to know the real reason why Hollywood/New York media despise armed citizens? Because if our culture gets to the point that many/most citizens are armed, there will be no basis for 90% or more of the television and movies that they produce. Think about it. How many times have we seen a television show or movie whose plot centers around a violent and often deranged criminal stalking, violently attacking, and sometimes even torturing defenseless victims? Well such a plot feature would be silly if many/most citizens were armed because there would be no protracted stalking, attacking, and/or torturing an armed citizen. That means audiences would reject such unrealistic plots. And that means no revenue for the Hollywood/New York media.

    • Yeah, no.

      Such plots were common in the ’30s, ’40s and ’50s when kids could buy guns at yard sales — which as a thirteen year old I did in the ’70s, which Colt Nany gun I still own.

      Stupidity like Saw et cetera are more graphic, but not more common. Even with lots of armed people, there’ll be those who go without, or whose guns were in a safe or whatever.

      The cultural cancer makes use of mass media. That is all.

  8. The first video preview is about a woman named Teresa who was the victim of a home invasion. The video describes how she stepped outside and a man suddenly rushed toward her. After she runs into her front door, the video displays a caption,
    “Teresa fails to close the automatic garage door.”

    The caption should have read,
    “Teresa fails to put two shots into the attacker’s center of mass because she fails to carry a handgun at home.”

    Two shots from a .38 Special or 9mm handgun into the attacker’s center of mass would have definitely slowed him down and discouraged further aggression.

  9. no, it should not be sponsored by the NRA. then it would fuel the NRA-promotes-fear meme. People are not dumb. Just let people come to their own conclusion what they would do.

  10. that show makes me sad. nearly every incident is violence against people who have abdicated their right to self preservation to the government.

    • . . . which is why I stopped watching it after the first show of last season. Woman with a gun hiding from an intruder is attacked after constantly being told by the 911 operator to put the gun down long before police arrive. Complete abdication of responsibility for one’s personal safety.

  11. The call that got me the most angry was where the dispatcher was telling the woman to put the gun down because the police were in the area even though the intruder was still banging on the door. Even worse is that the woman listens, tells the dispatcher she has put the gun down and one can only presume the intruder is able to hear this admission and they then breach the door. Honestly, WTF?!

  12. These video clips highlight an interesting risk that I never considered in a home invasion. If the home invader is fully functional and actively trying to get through your interior door (behind which you and your family are holed up), it gets really dangerous if the police show up in your home. For one thing the police may accidentally shoot you or your family in the process of taking down the home invader/s even if the home invader has not yet breached your interior door. (Remember, interior doors and drywall do not stop bullets.) And what if the home invader manages to breach your interior door before or even worse right as the police get to the same door? If you shoot to stop the home invader, the police are going to shoot as well when they hear gunfire. Finally, how will you know when the police actually show up? The home invader could step away only to return and say in a convincing voice that he/she is the police.

    As far as I can see, it is safest for both the home occupants AND the police if the home invader is incapacitated before the police arrive.

    • Stay on the phone with 911 and have the dispatcher tell you the name of the Officer(s) outside your door.

      Just like you’re supposed to do when the “Gas Man” wants to come in. Call the company and validate his ID.

    • This is a good reason to practice clearing your humble abode. For instance if I choose to hole up in my son’s room, the closet is the worst place to hide. It is directly behind the door and in line with the main hallway. Almost any fire fight, cops or robbers, will send rounds the entire length of this closet. The best place is an open corner using a toy chest for concealment and good angles to shoot him if he breaks in (which he will).
      A good instance of where a little forethought, training or practice could save your life. But it’s useless if you don’t have a gun.

  13. We don’t call 911…well, at least not until the home invader(s) are achieving room temperature. Now that I have a laser lite on “JMB” there’s no need to even line up front and rear sights. The 21st century’s point and click device provides a time critical advantage in any DGU situation.
    There, take that all you foaming at the mouth hoplophobes…


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