
Want to know the safest place in Indianapolis to eat these days? Hmm, we’ve got a taste for cajun. How about Papa Roux? “The Eastside restaurant owned by (Art) Bouvier was robbed Saturday night, the first time that’s happened in the popular Cajun eatery’s eight years of business. Now, BouvierĀ is offering a 25 percent discount to customers who can show a handgun license.” It’s too bad it took getting held up to convince Bouvier that encouraging concealed carry was a good idea, but it’s good no one was hurt. We’re guessing he’ll have more business and a lot less trouble with the riff raff going forward. Although we can think of one local who may not become a regular.


  1. how come when i hover my mouse over the link for shannon watts it comes up as “shannon troughton”?

    guessing its an old name?

      • I thought her maiden name was Watts. And her married name was Diggler, which she’s been keeping quiet about for obvious reasons.

    • Shannon Marmion Watts also went by the names Shannon Renee Troughton, Shannon Renee Weaver and Shannon Renee Marmion. One is her maiden name, one is he name of her ex-husband, one her current husband and the other — who knows.

  2. 25% off! That’s a lot! Good for him. Hope he gets a lot of business.
    Looks like Broad Ripple has changed a bit. I grew up in that section and went to school there.

    • That is what I was thinking. 25% is a pretty substantial discount. I’d definitely go there if I lived nearby.

  3. Just make sure to put up a big sign by the front door advertising the policy. Won’t matter much if anybody actually takes you up on the discount, you won’t be robbed again. At least not during business hours.

  4. This story reminds me of my new bank. They use to be posted with gun buster signs. After they where robbed by two guys shooting 12GA off inside the bank the stickers came down.

    This is when I switched banks from my posted bank. I called my new bank (the freshly robbed bank) and asked them if I switched my account to them if I could open carry there. The manager called me back in 10 min and asked if I had friends that would join and open carry also.

    • You should consider Chappell Hill Bank in Chappell Hill, TX, about an hour NW of Houston. They’re famously pro-2A.

  5. Isn’t Papa Roux the restaurant that gave a guy (a veteran) a job after he walked miles and miles in the snow to a job interview because he had no job or car?

  6. Nice thought, but while I’d be happy to eat there I’m not sure I would want to try and stop an armed robbery for that 25% discount…

    • Point is, by advertising the discount and alluding to the presence of concealed weapons the chance of ANYONE in that establishment ever having to clear leather has decreased by about 99%. There are still a few crooks who can’t read good, after all.

      • Exactly.

        Criminals may not be the most intelligent demographic, but when it comes to survival instinct, they’re not stupid.

        “Owner encourages armed citizens to eat here” = “I’ll find an easier mark elsewhere”

  7. very clever idea. You get security for low cost. Good will from the gun community. Odds are good they wont get robbed in the future.

    Very Smart.

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