Home » Blogs » It’s An AR-15… It’s An AK-47… No Media, It’s An SKS

It’s An AR-15… It’s An AK-47… No Media, It’s An SKS

Darwin Nercesian - comments 61 comments

Another day, another assassination attempt on former President Trump. Have you ever predicted something, prayed you’d be wrong, then begrudgingly found out you nailed it? That’s what it feels like to see two deranged trash buckets try to take Donald Trump’s life in as many months. Fortunately, the picture being painted is that nobody who voted for Biden or would vote for Kamala Harris knows their way around a firearm enough to be effective with one, and for that, we thank you. Not wanting a near tragedy to go to waste, the mainstream media once again threw its ineptitude hat in the ring, attempting to identify the big scary gun as one of their usual suspects. It’s an AR-15…it’s an AK-47…no dummies, it’s an SKS.

Soviet SKS
Modern AK-47 (AKM)

But what is a Samozaryadny Karabin Sistemy Simonova, or SKS? Compared to the AR-15 and AK-47, the SKS is the oldest of the rifles and was developed by Russian weapons designer Sergey Simonov in the 1940s. It was first produced in the Soviet Union, later manufactured by various nations and widely exported. It has been a popular rifle worldwide due to its low relative cost, durability and ease of use. The semi-automatic SKS is commonly equipped with a wood chassis, folding bayonet and a fixed 10-round magazine, which must be loaded by hand or from a stripper clip. 

While the media and Fudd-lifers jump at the chance to show us how truly little they know about guns, quickly calling out the ubiquitous AK-47, the SKS is far from it. The only commonalities are the country of original design, a little bit of wood and the cartridge they fire, the 7.62x39mm. In rare instances, models like the SKS-D and SKS-M were fed from AK-47 magazines, while others could be modified to do so. 

That’s where the similarities end, with the SKS running on a short-stroke gas piston and tilting bolt operating system, and the AK-47 sporting a long-stroke gas piston and closed rotating bolt. Aesthetically, the rifles should not be mistaken for one another, with the AK-47 demonstrating notable differences including a stamped and riveted receiver (most of the time), stamped dust cover and the typical four-piece furniture set (stock, pistol grip, upper/lower handguards). The SKS, on the other hand, is equipped with a 1-piece chassis, upper handguard and no pistol grip. The SKS is also more often fitted with a 20-inch barrel versus the AK-47’s 16-inch and shorter variants. 

Inexpensive and readily available for years, the popular SKS inspired a cottage industry of terrible accessories, some claiming to address shortcomings, others seeking to modernize the aging platform, but most looking to play dress-up with the rifle trying to turn it into something it is not meant to be. I can’t begin to tell you the cumulative hours spent shaking my head at the wide variety of abominations for sale on Gunbroker and Armslist. 

The rifle found at the scene of this latest assassination attempt was masquerading as one such abomination, and as a gun guy, I’ll say that this particular SKS looks like a hot piece of gun show garbage. With a synthetic black “sporterized” chassis, detachable magazine and fitted with a magnified scope, this is the firearm equivalent of putting lipstick on a pig. I’m not hating on the SKS at all, and I’ll admit it was my first rifle long enough ago that I’d rather not age myself by saying when, but with reports claiming a 300 to 500 yard distance from the former President, a precision rifle this is not. I’ll go out on a limb here and say the would-be shooter who looked more like an extra in a meth den episode of “Breaking Bad” is not likely to know the difference between a sniper rifle and a supersoaker. 

61 thoughts on “It’s An AR-15… It’s An AK-47… No Media, It’s An SKS”

    • He was less than 76 feet from the tee green for the next hole DJT was walking to. If he hadn’t been discovered he could have hit him with a decent handgun -much less an SKS with optics. Imagine how still someone stands as they prepare to tee off in golf. He’d have had 30+ seconds to take a shot at an absolutely still target. Even if the rifle were not zeroed hed be able to get on paper at 25 yards.

    • Both the AK-47 and the SKS are equipped with adjustable leaf sights. They are calibrated out to 1,000 meters. Even a 5 moa rifle is likely to score a hit on a standing human at only 300 meters. Given decent quality ammunition and a properly adjusted scope, a competent shooter will almost certainly achieve a kill shot.

      I suspect that this shooter chose an SKS not because he thinks it’s a great gun but because his FBI/BATFE handlers instructed him to use a politically incorrect rifle so that the assassination of Donald Trump could be exploited to advance the cause of gun control. Needless to say, Hillary Clinton is enraged that he survived to be questioned. I have no doubt that this shooter will be Arkanicided just like Vince Foster and Geoffrey Epstein.

  1. “the would-be shooter who looked more like an extra in a meth den episode of “Breaking Bad” is not likely to know the difference between a sniper rifle and a supersoaker.”


      • something we already knew weeks ago. nothing new, and another inane point from Miner49er to troll with completely ignoring the context of the post to which he replied to take the discussion off onto another of his trolling episodes of BS.

        Learn what context means Miner49er.

        • Oh yeah, I forgot the part about the DA in the video saying the allegations the officers left their post was untrue. But Miner49er didn’t include that little tidbit and insted frames it as

          “Update on the Pennsylvania shooting, Pennsylvania state police leadership say local ESU officers left their overwatch post:

          When the actual video its self, the link he gave , says “Trump assassination attempt: DA says allegations officers left their posts ‘untrue’”

          Yep, the usual deceptive slant from Miner49er

        • “something we already knew weeks ago“

          Then why did you vilify the Secret Service, when it was actually the local ESU LEO who abandoned their post in the face of the enemy when they went to get coffee and donuts.

          “Pennsylvania State Police Commissioner Christopher Paris’ striking testimony comes just one day after now-resigned Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle testified before the House Oversight Committee and largely declined to answer questions about the shooting at the former president’s Pennsylvania rally.

          Paris said that two officers with the Butler County Emergency Services Unit, a tactical force with sniper capabilities, left their posts in the building to look for a suspicious individual they spotted first and alerted to other law enforcement. That person was Crooks.

          The lawmakers watched video taken during a congressional tour of the rally site Monday, from the building where the ESU officers left their post, showing the roof where Crooks eventually climbed and took shots at Trump.“

          Yep the Secret Service, including their DEI hires, did their job. It was the local law-enforcement County Mounties that dropped the ball and abandoned their overwatch position.

          • “Then why did you vilify the Secret Service, when it was actually the local ESU LEO who abandoned their post in the face of the enemy when they went to get coffee and donuts.”:

            100% false

            1. I never at any point vilified the Secret Service.

            2. The local ESU LEO never abandoned their post “in the face of the enemy” to go get coffee and donuts. In fact, the actual investigation that took place by the DA revealed they did not leave their post for such. And Pennsylvania State Police Commissioner Christopher Paris never at any time testified that the post was abandoned so they could go get coffee and donuts. But even then, the post was not abandoned as there were still some officers there when others went to look for crooks but they were not looking out the window.

            Why are you trying so hard to vilify the local LEO that were the only ones that went looking for Crooks to stop him before he could fire?

            “Yep the Secret Service, including their DEI hires, did their job.”

            But now that you bring it up… no, they did not “did their jobs” – they let Crooks, knowing he was there (if not knowing why), roam around, did not heed the warnings by others that he was climbing onto the roof until those others in attendance told local PD what was happening and they had to prompt the SS to do something. The SS ignored its own protocol and refused radios from the local PD so they could remain in contact, and the SS ‘DEI hires’ (your words) allowed Crooks at one point to even roam around in the (whats called) ‘backstage’ area which is strictly off limits to other than vetted and authorized personnel, and they did nothing even after Crooks was in plain view standing when he first got on the roof at one point while he moved into position and was spotted by those in attendance despite knowing about it from those and neither did the SS snipers do anything until after the local PD snipers fired despite the SS snipers seeing him on the roof with the rifle in firing position. It was actually the local PD snipers who put Crooks down and not the SS snipers.

            So no, the “the Secret Service, including their DEI hires” DID NOT do their jobs. You lied once again.

          • Literally everything, don’t believe your own eyes. Trust what they tell you. You can’t be a real person. NGO? Nobody could spout the narrative this consistently.

  2. “but with reports claiming a 300 to 500 yard distance from the former President, a precision rifle this is not”

    The implication that Trump was not in danger is ludicrous. This asshole posing as a clown was in ambush on Trump’s path. That path would have taken Trump closer to the wannabe (est 150-200 yds), had he not been detected shortly prior. That is well within the range of even a 5 MOA weapon, especially given the option of a mag dump.

    We do realize that golf is a game played in a set sequence, on a set path don’t we?

    • “The implication that Trump was not in danger is ludicrous.”

      Only a completely ignorant person could make that argument. Sure, the SKS is not a 300 yard rifle in terms of accuracy but it is possible to put some rounds on a man sized target at 150 – 200 yards with the SKS.

      The guy could not get closer, to do so would have not offered any concealment like he had in the bushes. He was around the golf course for 12 hours before Trump arrived, had probably/maybe used google maps to look at the distances but even if he didn’t he had plenty of time to pick a spot that would give him the best chance and he found such a spot. Yeah, Trump was in danger – its just fortunate that the agents sent ahead to the next hole, probably something the guy didn’t know would happen, spotted the rifle muzzle because between the 5th hole (where Trump was when the guy was spotted) and the 6th hole (where Trump would have gone) the guy would have had ‘better’ but brief clear LOS and the shortest distance just off the 5th hole from his position and a better chance of landing rounds on target. This might be why he had not fired yet, waiting for Trump to leave that hole going to the next.

      • Google AI says the SKS, and hence the 7.62×39 round, has a maximum effective range of 400 meters (440 yards). And since Google AI simply cannot be wrong, there it is. /sarc
        I wouldn’t shoot a deer past 150, simply inhumane. 🙂

  3. The most interesting thing about the SKS is the recent pics of Xi and Putin reviewing elite Chinese troops – said troops all packing SKS fixed mag…

  4. “That’s what it feels like to see two deranged trash buckets try to take Donald Trump’s life in as many months.”

    Both motivated by the left wing ‘ideology’ vomit from Kamala’s lying mouth. Both donating to the democrat party. One saying he registered republican to counter-vote again Trump because he believed in the left-wing idea of counter voting would pull votes from Trump and the other writing some support for Trump while supporting left wing causes. Both mentally ill and easy prey for the left wing ‘ideology’ vomit that motivated them.

  5. I’m an SKS fan, own tons. As a solid bulletproof (yeah I did that) rifle, it’s probably the quintessential SHTF go to. That said, there are really no good options to putting a scope on one. Yeah, you can drill and tap the receiver and that’ll be solid, but this (apparently) clamped method or any of the other available methods like replacing the receiver cover for one with a rail are useless. For me, the only thing to change on an SKS is the furniture to get a better LOP. One thing for sure with this guy is that he isn’t firing on all cylinders. All that said, the one question we really need to answer is how did he know where and when to be?

    • Years back when I was trying to see how accurate an SKS could be made, (1 1/2 to 2 MOS is possible with handloads, firelapping and shortening the barrel to behind the front sight pin broaching, plus a laminated thumbhole stock and some MarineTex bedding along with a reworked trigger… I admit it became a rabbit-hole science project), I came up with using an 870 scope mount drilled and tapped into the receiver side – the two guns are nearly identical in width. Of course, mounting a scope precludes using stripper clips. Was it worth it? Nah, as I started with a milled Soviet example, it would be worth a ton more unmolested. If my 20-something self only knew what my late 60-something self knows now…

  6. Reporters aren’t experts on all subject matter. Or any really.
    Reporters will attempt to seek out information from people who claim to be experts.
    Reporters, not being experts, cannot discern who is and is not an expert.
    Hence, they take the word of some rando, occasionally in a uniform (again, not an expert just because of the uniform) and will report the words of that rando as factual information.

    Toss into the mix any biases or activistic nature said reporter and randos thought to be “experts” may have.

    What you get is an inherently useless industry ready and willing to be used as a tool of mass manipulation responsible for far more harm than good.

      • YouTube channel Dick Fairburn thinks it’s not “exactly” an SKS. He makes a compelling case & may be the most knowledgeable dude on YouTube. He should have a million subscribers but has only 20000. Check him out!(In no way am I affiliated🙄)!

          • yeah, its an SKS. I think its not the traditional looking SKS because its been modified with a different stock other than the traditional standard wood stock and been modified for a scope… but yeah, its clearly still an SKS, a sort of ‘commercialized’ look but still an SKS.

          • Concur. Look carefully and you can see the half round receiver cover under the scope. Also the gas tube is gimungous just like the SKS should be.
            I’ve never seen a scope mounted that way but whatev.

          • I can understand his “variant” view due to the stock and the modification for scope as that makes it a “variant” of the traditional SKS profile, but it still remains the SKS platform pain and simple.

  7. But what’s in a name?

    A rose by any other name would still smell as sweet…

    AK, SKS, They both launch the 7.62 with around 1300 foot pounds of muscle energy, at the terminal end of the trajectory it makes little difference.

    BTW, Pennsylvania state police leadership say local ESU abandoned their overwatch position in Butler, leaving the roof open for the registered Republican’s sniper position.

  8. I bitterly resent the comment about “Fudd-lifers.”. More importantly, I would point out to all of you TactiCool Fools that while neither the AK-47 nor the SKS are renowned for their accuracy, they are reasonably accurate. Typical dispersion is about 5 moa. Greater accuracy can be obtained with better quality ammunition.

    Both rifles are equipped with leaf sights that are calibrated out to a thousand meters. Most golfers as well as hunters carry laser range finders. This eliminates the need to estimate the range and calculate the bullet drop for whatever the exact range between “300 to 500 yards” actually was.

    Admittedly the hit probability from this apparently inexpert shooter might be low. Assume a hit probability of only ten percent. Firing a full twenty round magazine at a deliberate rate should then result in about an 88 percent probability of at least one hit.

    Of course the Secret Service agent who engaged the sniper from a range of “less than ten feet” and missed is a disgrace. I wonder if this agent was one of the singing fat ladies from Pennsylvania who couldn’t even holster her pistol?

    • Back in ye goode olde days we would use the SKS out to 300m in service rifle competition. They were good enough for scores in the 70s or 80s at that distance.

  9. So, as an article that is trying to highlight the lack of accurate definitions that people often fail to understand and/or use when identifying firearms, I have a small critique. The stock, whether wood or plastic, on this SKS or a similar one, is not a “chassis”, it is a stock. If we are going to be pedantic with others about firearms terminology, we need to police ourselves as well.

  10. It’s beyond stupid and incompetent that the golf coarse wasn’t constantly being swept by a couple drones with thermal cameras. The deep state wanted to give the crazies another shot at him.

    • “It’s beyond stupid and incompetent that the golf coarse wasn’t constantly being swept by a couple drones with thermal cameras“

      So who’s gonna pay for that?

      Do you think the money is better spent providing personal security for a billionaire now private citizen, or providing the thermal cameras to fire departments for structure rescues and search operations.

      • “Do you think the money is better spent providing personal security for a billionaire now private citizen, or providing the thermal cameras to fire departments for structure rescues and search operations.”

        1. Trump may have money, but he is a candidate running for president. The president has the sole authority to decide if SS protection is provided to running candidates, its not automatic. If its provided only the president can decide how much is provided. At first Biden said that Trump could not have any SS protection, he also refused to provide an SS protection to any of the candidates, but Biden changed his mind after being called out on it and provided SS to Trump while still frustrating supplying it to other candidates. Biden himself implied a desire that the candidates running not have any protection and ‘encouraged’ by implying they be ‘endangered’. Biden stripped the protection detail for Trump to the very bare minimum. Although we didn’t always have the SS, Its the first time in American history a sitting president, Biden, has actually created the conditions for the endangerment of candidates.

        But on the other hand, Kamala is using Air Force Two and other government aircraft and SS for her campaign. Now its true that the Vice president, as Vice President, has such available to them in their official capacity as Vice President. But, Kamala running for president is a personal thing and not an official function of the Vice President. So who’s paying the bill for Kamalas personal use of government resources in her personal run for office which is a completely separate thing from her official duties? The American tax payers, that’s who. So both Trump and Kamala, in their personal capacities, are running for office.

        2. “thermal cameras to fire departments for structure rescues and search operations.” are already available to these out of completely different funding. It has nothing to do with this.

        3. “thermal” and other observation devices/platforms (e.g. drones) are already part of standard Secret Service TOA for protection details (and all federal law enforcement). No one is ‘providing it by additional funding’, its already there and available and all they need to do is use it.

        • “At first Biden said that Trump could not have any SS protection“

          Your false assertion would be hilarious, if it wasn’t intentional to promote your political agenda.

          It’s not up to Biden whether or not an ex-president receives SS protection, it’s a matter of federal law:

          “The U.S. Secret Service has provided lifetime protection for former presidents since Congress authorized the agency to do so in 1965 through the enactment of the Former Presidents Act. It requires security for former presidents as well as their spouses and children up to the age of 16, according to the agency.“

          The Secret Service evaluates the threat level and provides appropriate security.

          Regarding RFK Junior, I agree, protection should’ve been provided much earlier in the campaign.

          The SS has a terrible record with the Kennedys, having lost two of the Democratic politicians to assassins in the past 60 years.

          The SS provided protection to Donald Trump in 2015, a full year before the election.
          And as an ex-president, Donald Trump has received SS protection continuously since 2015, contrary to your claim.

          “running for president is a personal thing and not an official function of the Vice President. So who’s paying the bill for Kamalas personal use of government resources in her personal run“

          The same people who paid for Donald Trump to use Air Force One and other government resources during his campaign in 2020.

          And if “running for president is a personal thing” why do you expect the taxpayers to foot the bill for private citizen Donald Trump’s security?

          • “It’s not up to Biden whether or not an ex-president receives SS protection, it’s a matter of federal law:”

            Its a matter of federal law IF its not personal use to run for office. Trump running for office would be personal use to run for office, and the president gets to decide and the DHS authorizes the use.

            And like I said:

            Trump may have money, but he is a candidate running for president. The president has the sole authority to DECIDE if SS protection is provided to running candidates, its not automatic. If its provided only the president can DECIDE how much is provided. At first Biden said that Trump could not have any SS protection, he also refused to provide an SS protection to any of the candidates, but Biden changed his mind after being called out on it and provided SS to Trump while still frustrating supplying it to other candidates. Biden himself implied a desire that the candidates running not have any protection and ‘encouraged’ by implying they be ‘endangered’. Biden stripped the protection detail for Trump to the very bare minimum. Although we didn’t always have the SS, Its the first time in American history a sitting president, Biden, has actually created the conditions for the endangerment of candidates.

            Learn what context means Miner49er.

          • here’s what happens…

            DHS asks the president if SS protection should be provided to a running candidate. If the president says yes, then they get it by DHS following the procedures they have in place for authorizing it. If the president says no, there is no protection.

            The Secret Service does not determine who qualifies for protection, nor is the Secret Service empowered to independently initiate candidate protection.

            Under 18 U.S.C.’ 3056(a)(7), “[m]ajor Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates,” as identified by the Secretary of Homeland Security, are eligible for Secret Service protection.

            But being eligible doesn’t mean you actually get it unless the president authorizes the DHS to proceed with the procedures for authorizing it. Then if authorized by the president to provide it, the DHS Secretary after consultation with the Congressional Advisory Committee then authorizes the Secret Service to provide protection and the protection coverage the president authorizes.

            The Congressional Advisory Committee includes: Speaker of the House, House Minority Leader, Senate Majority Leader, Senate Minority Leader, and one additional member selected by the others; Their function is not to authorize the Secret Service to do anything, their capacity is to serve as an advisory committee to act on what the president will authorize.

            So like I said…

            The president has the sole authority to DECIDE if SS protection is provided to running candidates, its not automatic. If its provided only the president can DECIDE how much is provided. At first Biden said that Trump could not have any SS protection, he also refused to provide an SS protection to any of the candidates, but Biden changed his mind after being called out on it and provided SS to Trump while still frustrating supplying it to other candidates. Biden himself implied a desire that the candidates running not have any protection and ‘encouraged’ by implying they be ‘endangered’. Biden stripped the protection detail for Trump to the very bare minimum. Although we didn’t always have the SS, Its the first time in American history a sitting president, Biden, has actually created the conditions for the endangerment of candidates.

          • Further clarification for : “Its a matter of federal law IF its not personal use to run for office. Trump running for office would be personal use to run for office, and the president gets to decide and the DHS authorizes the use.”

            Because Trump ran for office he became a candidate and candidates become subject to 18 U.S.C.’ 3056(a)(7) (see above) and the sitting president decides (see above). The normal SS protection detail an ex-president has is not the same as that which a candidate would have as the manpower and resources are much lower and restricted because an ex-president is not as exposed as a candidate for the office would be in campaign for office. So while its true that federal law does authorize SS protection for ex-presidents, its not the same SS protection needed for an ex-president who would be a running candidate and campaigning for office.

            Miner49er, you once again ignored context. Learn what context means.

          • “The same people who paid for Donald Trump to use Air Force One and other government resources during his campaign in 2020.”

            Your cherry picking to write that reply ignored the context.

            learn what context means Miner49er

  11. Gee, Kamal-toe the Ho completely sh*ts on the Constitution, what a shock!!! Leftist/fascists always do. (Read virtually ANY MajorLiar post here, for anecdotal proof.)

    Our Founders envisioned the Constitution as a LIMITATION on the powers of government, and it is so written. The Lyin’ Hawaiian famously said that he deplored the fact that the Constitution was a covenant of “negative rights” (no sh*t, Sherlock!!), and wouldn’t let him do what HE knew we all needed. Kamal-toe is following the grand tradition of Leftist/fascist/Dimocrat authoritarianism, and Tim “Stolen Valor” Walz is her pudgy fascist sidekick. People “in doubt” about who to vote for in November are morons. People knowlingly voting for Kamal-toe the Ho and Fat “Stolen Valor” Timmy are worse.

    Look, I hate many things about teh Donald – he is NOT a ‘conservative’, he has no coherent political philosophy, and he’s an egomaniac . . . and he’s STILL head and shoulders better than the alternative. We need a better political class (and better history classes!!).

      • “Another empty claim, and like most, zero substantiation.”

        over 17 years of him saying in his own words he actually went to combat zones when in reality he did not (and now he admits it in his own words blaming it on he ‘mis-spoke’). There’s a documented (in various videos on youtube) history, and in official records of his statements as governor, and while campaigning for office and even in this campaign at the beginning until he got caught in his lie. He ‘stole’ that valor plain and simple, and not only that but he insulted the ones who did serve in combat.

        “Tim “Stolen Valor” Walz“ – plain and simple, substantiated by his own words with actual proof he did it in news coverage and video record and official documents.

      • Gee, MajorMoron, how about the fact that his Congressional Challenge Coin lists his lists his rank as “Command Sergeant Major” – which was, SPECIFICALLY, a PROVISIONAL appointment, and expressly conditioned on him completing several conditions (including leadership school), which he NEVER COMPLETED. His retirement papers CLEARLY show he retired at his last OFFICIAL rank – Sergeant. Now, I have NO problem with his service – as far as I know, he served honorably, for more than his “20”. And he also skated on his unit shortly before they deployed (which he was WELL aware of, before he submitted his retirement papers). He jumped chain of command (a MAJOR no-no) to do so (because a procedural, customary “stop loss” provision was in effect at the unit level).

        He has REPEATEDLY claimed, on camera, that he “served in war zones” (he NEVER did).

        None of us are denigrating his service, we are objecting to his blatant LYING about his service (cf., ‘Da Nang Dick” Blumenthal). HE’S A BLOODY LIAR, claiming both rank and service he NEVER achieved. Suck it, MajorIdiot.

  12. I have a beautiful Russian SKS in original condition with the box it came in. Bought it for $120 in the early years after the Soviet collapse. Love the rifle just as it is.

    • I have several SKS’s. Four of them are Russian, the others are China and a few commercial versions.

      The Russian ones I picked up years ago for $52.00 each. They are still in the original grease and wrapping and crate they had the day they were packed at the factory that supplied the Soviet military.

      When the Soviet Union started to collapse all these SKS’s started appearing on the market and were being imported by import companies who buy up ‘surplus’ of all types of stuff for sale in various markets. One such importer here in the U.S. had imported a bunch of these and had orders for them from various retail firearm outlets. But the problem was not all of those who placed orders actually took possession of the rifles by paying the importer for them. This left some of these sitting in various importers warehouses, and eventually they would sell them off.

      A friend of mine was into finding businesses that were going out of business then buying their remaining good stuff at really cheap prices because the business just wanted to get rid of it. He told me about this importer company that was going out of business and their list had some genuine factory packed Russian rifles listed and asked me if I wanted to go take a look with him and I did. To my surprise they were the SKS rifles still in the original factory crate with original factory grease and wrappings just as they were supplied to the soviet military, but there were only four in the crate. I bought all four for $52.00 each and they told me I could take the crate too, that was the last of them they had having sold off all the others already.

      So, today that crate with those rifles in it still packed in the original factory grease and wrappings with the soviet era hammer and sickle stamp on the crate sit stored away as a piece of history. I’ve never had the heart to disturb their ‘pristine’ condition by trying to clean them off to make then serviceable and really never will ’cause I like them for the historic value.

      • Fascinating story. Appreciate hearing it.

        Mine came cleaned and boxed for retail sale. Included a Soviet era sling and cleaning kit.

  13. That’s what I was saying. 7.62×39 is not really a 300 to 500 yard round. 300, possible, maybe if you pointed it at the moon. This round has the same problem in that operational envelope as 300blk. Bullet drop. Lots, though slightly less than the American chambering. Inside 200 yards, both have phenomenal terminal energy for a rifle of the class, but either is a local call, and 500 yards will end with lead in the dirt.

    • Once again the TactiCool Fools offer their opinions without knowing their butts from a hole in the ground. Check out the ballistics tables for various loadings by major ammunition manufacturers:


      Even the subsonic rounds have a bullet drop at 500 yards of less than thirty feet. You don’t have to aim at the moon to hit someone unless it is moonrise or moonset.

      The more normal, intermediate velocity loadings for the 7.62x39mm cartridge have a bullet drop at 500 yards of about ten feet or less. The standard leaf sight on an SKS or AK-47 can easily compensate for the range. The Soviets designed the leaf sights for the AK-47 as well as the SKS to compensate for ranges all the way out to 1,000 meters.

      The Soviets would not have gone to the trouble to design these leaf sights if the residual velocity and energy wasn’t sufficient to be effect, meaning potentially lethal. The bullets from most loadings remain supersonic out to 500 yards. A lot of people get killed in the type of Third World Feces Holes where revolutionaries demonstrate how macho they are by firing a full magazine from an AK or SKS in the air. The bullets return to earth with a terminal velocity of only a few hundred feet per second. However; that is sufficient to penetrate a human skull which is usually lethal.

  14. I believe that the shooter was instructed to utilize a crappy SKS so that Harris could exploit the assassination of President Trump to get legislation passed to ban “assault weapons” and enforce a mandatory “buy back.”

    I suspect that Harris as well as Hillary are scared feces less because both Trump and their shooter survived.

  15. First, AR, AK, SKS, Whatever, scary black military looking gun.
    OK, we know the average reporter and nearly all the talking heads on the box know nothing about anything in general and even less about firearms. So no surprise they couldn’t identify a particular type or model of rifle.
    Go look at the sat. view of the golf course. Had the idiot wannabe shooter worn some sort of ghillie suit and not stuck his rifle muzzle through the fence, the agent walking a little ahead likely wouldn’t have spotted him until too late.
    A bunch of questions need to be answered in both assassination attempts.
    Too bad neither the FBI, Secret Service, nor the DOJ are going to allow any information out to the public unless they can use it to benefit themselves and the bureaucracy and dementiacrats.


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