One of the new-for-SHOT Show items that caused the most discussion around here was Henry’s sneak peak at their new 9mm semi-automatic carbine, the Homesteader. Most thought it’s a great idea and Henry won’t be able to make ’em fast enough to keep up with demand. That’s pretty much our take.
The good news is Henry is officially announcing the Homesteader today and you should be seeing it in stores shortly. Here’s their press release . . .
Henry Repeating Arms, one of America’s leading firearm manufacturers, announced today the Homesteader 9mm, a feature-packed semi-automatic 9mm carbine cloaked in the gunmaker’s heritage design language built to meet the needs of property owners and weekend range visitors alike.
The Homesteader 9mm boasts premium materials and an adaptable feature set to provide effortless versatility for various roles, including home defense, protecting livestock from the predators that threaten them, and as a fun, approachable firearm for the shooting range using ammunition both widely available and affordable.
To provide compatibility for the most common magazine patterns, the Homesteader 9mm utilizes removable magazine well adapters to accept Glock, SIG Sauer, or Smith & Wesson M&P style magazines, in addition to the included 5-round and 10-round Henry 9mm magazines.
Other notable features include a threaded barrel for suppressor use to minimize noise for neighbors at the range or at home and thoughtfully laid out, centrally located controls that will appeal to right- and left-handed users. Its compact size and lightweight frame provide maneuverability for close quarters and allow the firearm to be stored where some standard-sized rifles and shotguns may not fit.
Intuitive, fast target acquisition is achieved with fully adjustable sights and maintained with features like a reciprocating mass inside the forearm to counteract recoil and non-slip leather-like texturing on the genuine American walnut furniture. Durable finishes like deeply blued steel, a matte sealant on the wood, and hard anodizing on the aluminum receiver keep the Homesteader resilient to a hardworking firearm’s inevitable wear and tear.
The manufacturer’s suggested retail price is $928 for the version with a Henry magazine well only and $959 for the versions that include an additional magazine well. All Henry Repeating Arms firearms are purchasable only through a federally licensed dealer.
For more information about the Homesteader 9mm and Henry Repeating Arms, visit or call 866-200-2354 for a free catalog.
Right now on there are two. 964.99 and 1019.99, plus shipping etc….
Few Henrys are going under MSRP and some people on a variety of sites have double MSRP for them.
Supply and demand. Henry is trying like everyone else to get the supply out there.
Because there will always be a demand for something prettier than the alternatives…
A few years ago I would have said this was a decent alternative to us that live in CA. But the way the Bruen decision has altered things in the courts I may be able to buy ‘real’ assault rifles like in the free states before too much longer.
we can’t buy assault rifles in the free states now. we buy common semi auto rifles.
And please, everyone, stop calling them MSRs as the go-to term, which is what certain orgs are using in their attempt to “soften” the image and placate the anti-gunners. My pistols and ARs aren’t intended for sport. They’re intended for defense, which means by default & definition that they’re intended to see battle, if that day (God forbid) ever comes to my door.
SDF- Self-Defense Firearm
Or, more specifically:
SDR- Self-Defense Rifle
SDH- Self-Defense Handgun
SDS- Self-Defense Shotgun
I vote for SDF. It is all -inclusive and just vague enough to throw the hoplophobes into a foggy bank.
Or how about SDS for self-defense sidearm and really confuse them. That’s what the armed services call something worn on one’s hip.
Thanks for the acronyms.
How do you feel about Self-Loading Rifle, or SLR?
The apologetics who use the concocted term MSR are the last ones on earth who would step up and define Gun Control according to its history of rot.
There is a dictionary definition for Firearm and by all accounts the definition begins and ends there.
Exactly right. There is no such thing as an “Assault Rifle”. There is Semi-auto and full auto. Civilians may only purchase full autos’ if they have an NFA Class 3 license.
The way states like CA, NY, and NJ have reacted to the Bruen decision is by throwing temper tantrums and passing ever more restrictive, ever more blatantly unconstitutional anti-gun laws.
I don’t see that changing. I think the tactic of CA, NJ, and NJ is to pass so many dozens of unconstitutional gun-control laws so rapidly that the Supreme Court can’t possibly invalidate them all, or if they did, it would take years. And the Democrats are hoping that by the time the surge of new gun-control laws reaches SCOTUS, President Biden or soon-to-be-president Kamala Harris will have packed the court with enough anti-gun, anti-freedom, anti-Constitution SCOTUS justices to roll back the clock to the pre-Bruen, pre-Heller days.
“I think the tactic of CA, NJ, and NJ is to pass so many dozens of unconstitutional gun-control laws so rapidly that the Supreme Court can’t possibly invalidate them all, or if they did, it would take years.”
They don’t need to, they can just stamp GVR on it, and give it back to the court that ignored the ‘Bruen’ decision…
For now hence the need to blitz all laws asap.
GVR= “Grant, Vacate, & Remand”- sending it back to the lower court to be redecided in light of current USSC decisions….
Funny how American gunmakers are trying to make rifles look less like, as my wife would say, machine guns” and more like traditional rifles. Wonder why? POF just made a lever action 9mm and now this.
its because the market waxes and wanes. right now there is a resurgence in ‘traditional’ looks. it happens every several years.
I have to agree with .40 cal Booger.
I am so bored with the tacti-cool that I am looking at various “traditional” looks firearms.
So much I have a Shiloh Sharps Quigley on order.
I would like to have a 1875 Break top.
Did you now? Awesome man! I’m looking at an old Savage Model 99 myself, been buying some really nice old stuff here lately.
Or, it’s just a modern take on the old Marlin Camp 9.
Hope not! Had a Camp 45, whatta piece of junk! Still can’t believe Marlin sold that skank to lil ol me…
For me I prefer AR patterns for someone like my dad he prefers a traditional look so this to him would be more appealing. I also want less weight than this in a 9mm. There’s room on the table for all and isn’t it great that we have those options?
Also in agreement with the other replies. It’s just the industry response to changing market. AR pattern rifles are so over saturated in the market that I dare say everyone who wants to own an AR-15 has at least one AR-15 (those in the DPRC or NY notwithstanding). I’ll be honest and say standard ARs don’t do anything for me anymore either.
The one area ARs are branching out and cashing in is the retro market – folks like what’s old just for fun shooters, and that’s drawing some folks in.
So, the market is trying out other ideas to appeal to “not just the same thing over again”.
That’s a cute little rifle! I’d put it in the same category as a Ruger PC Carbine (although much prettier and most likely nicer fit and finish.) It’s interesting that the weight is about the same (6.6 vs 6.8 pounds for the Ruger), although adding the Magpul Backpacker stock to the Ruger drops it a bit and changes the balance for the better. And, the Henry price looks to be about the same as the Ruger plus Magpul stock.
My thoughts exactly! Now, if only they made it in .45 ACP.
I just noticed that Ruger has quietly discontinued the .40 S&W versions of the Ruger PC Carbine, so now Ruger only makes it in 9mm. What’s up with that?
I’m hoping Ruger replaces their discontinued .40 S&W PCC with a .45 ACP PCC.
If not, I’ll wait for Henry to make one. I can wait — I’m done with rushing out to buy the newest model as soon as it’s released, only to find that a month later, an improved version has come out or one in a better caliber. I’m also waiting for Henry to release the Long Ranger Express (16.5″ barrel, currently only available in 5.56) in .300 Blackout or .350 Legend, or to make a 16″ carbine in the new .360 Buckhammer. Henry, are you listening?
Stuck, there is nothing new under the sun. The same ballistics that put our ancestors on the ground will put us on the ground. Decide what what you like. Arm yourself with it and don’t worry about it. POTG will argue endlessly. I’ve said it before. Most of us enjoy it. I do. Occasionally, know it all that I am, I learn something. Makes it all worth it.
> Ruger has quietly discontinued the .40 S&W versions
Interesting! I hadn’t noticed that, but glad you mentioned it! My brother has the .40 and I have the 9mm and love it for what it is. But, it’s (IMHO, with my old eyes) a 75 yard gun.
Ballistically, I don’t think the longer barrel does as much for the .40 or .45 as it does for the 9mm (although .357 out of an 18″ barrel is a huge improvement!) And, the price of 9mm seems to be significantly cheaper than 9mm. I’m wondering if those were the main factors in them discontinuing the .40, and not releasing it in .45.
For what it’s worth, my testing for 9mm in a 4″ pistol and a 16″ carbine had numbers pretty close to the 124gr Hydra-Shok here:
Ruger has stopped making any gun in .40 S&W.
I like this rifle in 9mm but I don’t think it’s worth a grand.
Henry uses a lot of MIM in their rifles.
I’m not a big fan of a lot of MIM.
The made is USA thing is good though.
That’s because .40 is a suck-ass caliber.
Good Travis, now stand about 50 feet away while someone shoots you with a suck-ass caliber and tell me if it hurts. We will Start small with a .22 or .380 and then we will try the .40.
I want know what the ouch factor is.
Never heard that one before. I wouldn’t want to get shot with a BB gun, that doesn’t mean I think it’s a good caliber, dullard.
40 is slowly being replaced by 9mm by many departments and will likely see a gradual reduction in production. I would guess it will end up like 38 special due to popularity and sheer numbers of firearms chambered for it but losing our in the numbers game to 9mm.
Thats what happened to the 10mm about 25 years ago and it made a huge comeback. You couldn’t get any money for a 10mm, it was considered a “dead” caliber. I did say “I like this rifle in 9mm but I don’t think it’s worth a grand.”
A 9mm in +P+ pushing 1600 ft/s would be fun plus I like the fact it’s wood.
Wouldn’t say 10 ever came anywhere near as popular as 38 special or 40sw. I love that 10mm is coming back (would like to see the same for 357sig) but I don’t see it ever surpassing either 38 or 40 for two reasons. Inertia and hand size.
Threaded barrel makes it still illegal in IL.
Unless I missed something in the new and hopefully soon to be null Il law, threaded barrels on rifles are good to go for now. Threads aren’t only for suppressors, muzzle comps that are legal still.
Looks like you’re correct. Don’t know what I was looking at before.
Don’t worry still illegal in NY for the threaded barrel and now we would need a semi auto rifle permit even if it wasn’t.
At first glance, the rifle seemed reminiscent in shape of the Browning Auto 5. Nice that Henry is making the PCC, but it doesn’t have that “Oh, Wow” sleek line that would turn heads for a second look, and possible purchase.
All this from a guy stuck with a .22LR space pistol.
Waiting for the Magpul stock version
Except for the operating mass being moved from the bolt to the forearm (think stoeger shotgun)
this is just a copy of the Marlin Camp 9 Carbine.
Which isn’t such a bad idea, since Ruger won’t resurrect it and compete withthemselves.
Other than the threaded barrel, what separates it from a Beretta Cx4?
Because of its thumb hole stock, the Beretta was not legal in California, but this rifle, configured as it is, has no evil features and is legal. (Similarly, the Mini-14 has no evil features and has avoided the ban hammer.) In fact, most PCCs, because of their pistol grips, were classified as illegal “assault weapons”.
This looks like my old Crosman pellet gun from 30+ years ago, the pump up job. Not trying to be disparaging, just reminds me of that. I am sure it is every bit as good as my other Henrys.
CCityGuy, kinda reminds me of a BAR.
That said, outside of a magnum caliber carbine, I have little use for a PCC. Sub-gun, pistol, or rifle. Real rifle caliber carbines are acceptable.
Magnum “pistol caliber carbine” I should have said. .44 magnum. Thank you very much. Winchester Trapper, Marlin and if I could talk my buddy out of one of his Ruger Deer Stalkers, that would do. He’s killed many a wild hog in a palmetto swamp with one.
Just what i was thinking, but Henry will sell it overpriced like all their other stuff.
This looks like something my grandfather would have had, and I mean that in a good way!
I’m intrigued by the four magazine options. Henry, Glock, SIG, S&W. It only makes sense to match what else you have, I hope that interchangeability becomes the future for PCCs.
“The manufacturer’s suggested retail price is $928 for the version with a Henry magazine well only and $959 for the versions that include an additional magazine well.”
$1k isn’t what it used to be.
On the plus side you can currently get perfectly acceptable AR15s now for $500 (maybe $400). The AR is a far more capable rifle. It really is a great homestead gun.
On the other hand, this does look like a really fun little rifle. I’d love to have one. I just wish they were $500-600 instead of $900-1000.
So, direct competitor with Ruger PC Carbine, but $180 higher MSRP. Hmm.
Higher than that too. The base PCC (without the mlock rails or pistol grip/AR stock) are running around $400~500 around here, in line with Sub2k. I get it’s Henry, I’ve got a Big Boy 45lc and a .22 and the finish is great on them, but this doesn’t offer any features that I’m not getting in a Ruger for half the price, and the PCC and Charger are still reliable enough for defensive situations.
If you’re looking for wood option for the Charger, you can get 3rd party for around $200 which still brings it in cheaper than the Henry with more aftermarket support.
Well, you guys choose Just remember. It’s only 9mm. Even with 16! barrel.
This. I’d buy another vintage N frame .44 instead.
Gadsden, I reckon with 158gr xtp.357 mag will work just fine in the hardwood hammocks in fl. I bet 158gr Kansas City load .38 spl out of my r92 would be adequate.
At this time, Henry’s Homesteader is forbidden in Illinois. The legislature has bent the law so it both ALLOWS a rifle with 10-round magazines, AND BANS that rifle because the magazine is a “fore grip”!
Gov. Pritzker will be running for president soon, and your governor will want to jump on the bandwagon. Beware!
JB Pritzker wont make it through the primaries.
Elizabeth Warren shot down Bloomberg and he has 20X the money that JB has.
JB wont be able to buy the POTUS, it might actually put a big dent in his wealth.
Besides his gun control bills being shot down will make him look like the fool he is.
That’s assuming he doesn’t have a massive grabber and die before 2024.
He is one big fat man and I’m sure he has a slew of health issues.
If anything he thinks he can have Kamalas spot as VP, he isn’t POTUS material.
How about this nifty little carbine in .357 magnum rimless?
Now there’s a versatile gun.
Plenty of lever guns in .357 (but not rimless). With a short stroke kit for a Rossi 1873, you can fire it pretty rapidly, and it still carries a sting at 100 yards plus.
I keep wishing someone would design an M1 carbine in 9 mm and keep tweaking it until it works. This thing is a pound and a half too heavy and the rear sight is too far forward. Still, it’s the best yet.
Chiappa already makes one. It looks exactly like the original, but with a blowback action. However, it’s also available in a polymer stock instead of wood as a (slightly) cheaper option. I just now looked it up, and here’s the link:
Looks exactly like one of my old Crossman PowerMaster760s
Now if Ruger would come back out with the Deerfield rifle in 44 mag. It was Semi auto. I think they also made a lever in 44 mag. There is a current resurgence in pistol caliber lever action rifles. Like to see the New Marlins being produced by Ruger coming out. Can only hope and wait.
I just pulled up the Marlin website, which says the Model 1894 is due out in the spring of 2023.
When last available, the Marlin 1894 was available in .44 Mag./.44 Special and .357 Mag./.38 Spl. And… I seem to recall that it was also available in .45 Long Colt.
TTAG Shadow,
As much as I love .44 Magnum (I have more than one firearm chambered in .44 Magnum), the price of .44 Magnum ammunition has increased and availability has decreased (over the last three years) to the point that this caliber has lost much of its appeal.
Going forward I am seriously considering .357 Magnum as my new “go to” Magnum caliber. The only relevant question: how much .44 Magnum ammunition could I purchase for the price of a .357 Magnum lever gun plus a .357 Magnum break-action single-shot rifle? The combined cost of a lever-gun and break-action rifle could easily hit $1000–that would buy at least 1,000 rounds of .44 Magnum ammunition. I have to believe that 1,000 rounds of .44 Magnum ammunition would last me a LONG time.
And my last paragraph inspires another question: by the time I have shot that 1000 rounds of .44 Magnum ammunition (which was equal to the cash outlay of purchasing two rifles in .357 Magnum), will price and availability of .44 Magnum ammunition be back to “normal” and hence negate my rationale for switching to .357 Magnum in the first place?
Truth to tell, I have no practical use for a weapon chambered in .44 Magnum I have never been a hunter and am now too old to be out tramping through the woods trying to shoot Bambi. Incidentally, I wouldn’t know what to do with Bambi if I did shoot him. My interest in long guns is only for recreational target shooting just to keep my hand in.
Nevertheless, I also am very fond of .44 Magnum and have had (if I recall correctly) four .44 Magnum weapons over the years, all but one of which were carbines. The only one I never sold was the Marlin 1894 I gave to my son. I do not have any now but was wanting a Henry Big Boy Steel carbine (with side gate loading) in .44 Magnum last year, which firearm turned out to be unobtainium. So… maybe this year, if the Good Lord’s willing and the creek doesn’t rise.
That $1000 price tag is a REALLY hard pass in terms of a carbine chambered in 9mm Luger.
Nevertheless, if Henry is selling them at that price point faster than they can manufacture them, then it sounds like they could raise the price even a bit higher. That’s capitalism at work.
Of course, if demand is great enough, another manufacturer will release a similar/better carbine to market at a lower price. That is also capitalism at work.
That price does seem steep for a practical firearm. A $500 PSA AR15 will be superior in most respects. A $200 Maverick 88 shotgun or even a $100 Rossi RS22 (or slightly more expensive Marlin 60, Ruger 10/22, or Henry .22 or 22 mag. lever gun) will also serve acceptably well. The $400 Sub2000 is ugly, but also small, light, and handy. Yee olde SKS is another practical option for the homesteader.
This gun is pretty though, and I really like the looks of it. I just think sub $600 is where it should be.
Finally, a successor to Marlin’s old camp carbine – now make us one in .45ACP !
I really wish more companies would make these PCC’s in 10mm.
love mine!
I just don’t get it. the 9mm Homesteader is not as handy as a 9 pistol for home defense.
you can’t carry it concealed. It’s useless for hunting.
If they offered it in 44 Mag I’d be interested, or even 357 Mag. If they also offered it with a 20″ barrel and in stainless, I’d probably be on my way to the gun store.
I know, I know, that would require a complete redesign of the semi auto action.
But I’ve got two slicked up Rossi lever carbines, one in 357, one in 44 Mag, that are near ideal brush guns, at least for me.