Henry American Made firearms
Courtesy Henry

By Dan Clayton-Luce

With the motto, β€œMade in America, Or Not Made At All,” it’s no secret that we at Henry are huge proponents of putting Americans to work making American products. From the genuine American Walnut, to the gun barrel quality steel, to the hardened brass receivers, we have made a commitment from Day 1 to assemble our rifles and shotguns using domestic materials and craftsmanship.

We’re not alone in this either. While not the majority, there are plenty of manufacturers, big and small, that have made a similar commitment to keeping their production on U.S. soil.

It is also no secret that the situation surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic has affected all of us. But if we stick together, we can get through this.

Chances are that you plan on purchasing something soon. It could be a block of cheddar cheese, a new car, or the lever-action rifle in .45 Colt that you have had your eye on. No matter what that purchase might be, you have a choice to make before spending your hard-earned money.

Before you pull out your wallet or click that Checkout button, consider where the product is made and who benefits from your show of monetary support. Is it American made? If so, you are choosing to support American manufacturers in a time when that support is needed most, and on behalf of all American manufacturers, we can’t thank you enough.

We went back through our video archives to dig up this bit of gold, which now seems more appropriate than ever and sums it all up quite nicely.


Dan Clayton-Luce is the Communications Director for Henry Repeating Arms.Β 

This article was originally published at henryusa.com and is reprinted here with permission.Β 


    • One of the reasons why tariffs are important. A “free market” that competes with third world slave labor is not “free”

      • It’s difficult to compete with no environmental regs. The tree huggers here push for super strict regs to save the planet, then turn around and buy from (support) the industries that were shipped overseas and are responsible for wrecking the environment. We need super strict regs on the use of plastic here so we can save the ocean from the 1% of the litter that we contribute. Well at least they’ll feel virtuous about it, and that’s really the point.

        • Don’t forget minimum wages, unemployment insurance, mandatory health coverage, all the taxes, and all of the many other things required of employers by federal, state, and local governments. Make it impossible for people to make things here and we will buy form people who make them elsewhere.

        • This!

          We need just enough regs to make sure companies clean up behind themselves and don’t pollute the rivers and forests with even more chemicals that we can’t filter out. Too much however will strangle the golden goose.

          My home business is strangled with licenses and fees that I have to pay, its absurd. I literally need a license to sell common house plants and it isn’t cheap.

      • Agreed. Tariffs are a useful tool in controlling the opposition as well. China is a perfect example. China is the most powerful and most determined adversary of the US, so we do epic shit tons of business with them why? Instead we should tariff and sanction, and then deal with allied countries instead. Hell, even Mexico is a better option then China is.

        • Buying from China at this point is an act of treason. They have deliberately tried to kill our citizens and the citizens of other countries by sending them faulty medical supplies.

          They pull similar stunts in economic warfare by sending us garbage and watered down products, as well as freely allowing their citizens to scam ours. I accidentally ordered seeds from China on Ebay, because Ebay likes to lump them in with US sellers. Great way to get some of that elusive chinese bok choi, or just some common weeds. Even if you select US only, they include international and the divider between the two is easy to miss.

      • Time to go back to 12th grade economics buddy.

        The CONSUMER (that’s me and you) pay for Tariffs, not the producer of the product.

        • No shit simpleton. He made no statement of who paid the tariff. At this point in history tariffs and other action should be to punish (destroy) chicomland.

          1st step being to expel every Chinese citizen now in the US for an technical education/degree. TODAY.

    • Agreed. If a company in (for example) Sweden makes a better product at a cheaper price, that’s what I’ll buy.

      • Yea, and who cares if the country we export manufacturing to is a Cold War adversary! They’ll love us for our greenbacks!!!!

        F that noise.

        The WuFlu brought to light the stupidity of off-shore manufacturing, and the policy choices that got us there and screwed local manufacturing in the same breath.

        • In the Cold War era, Sweden was neutral but pro-NATO. Finland was also neutral but had to walk a fine line because of agreements with the USSR.

          It is said if the Cold War went hot, Finland would have been targeted by both sides.

        • Olof Palme might beg to differ on the “pro-NATO” assessment, since NATO as a “group of nations” is a myth. It’s basically a US agreement to protect Europe’s security, so that we can keep the Germans from re-arming.

      • At Doug “If a company in (for example) Sweden makes a better product at a cheaper price, that’s what I’ll buy.”

        And if that company is (for example) China-Con? Then what Doug?

        We just buried over 70,000 Americans and added over $5 TRILLION and counting to the national debt. Not to mention they can stop exporting anything at any time, including life-saving drugs.

        China also steals the finished product without paying R&D or development costs.

        Is that Chinese product still the cheapest?

      • Even if communists or terrorists make the products?

        What about products made by slave labor?

        Have you no conscience or soul?

        • Indeed. You better NOT be looking to buy an inexpensive shotgun in the near future.

        • Look at Turkey – rampant Islamist but at least not commie. And a Islam is largely incompetent a marginal threat to the US. And seems to be pretty uniformly decent quality and price firearms coming from there.

          Even Vietnam is reform enough to be acceptable. Chicomland NO.

    • There is absolutely no such thing as “free-trade”. Every market protects its interests. Libertarians think people and capital should flow to where ever markets permit. That’s a nice academic world view, but much like a friction-less physics lesson, that world only exists in a classroom.

      Here in the real world, markets and countries that host them protect their national interests.

      Don’t believe me? Try to get a permanent job in Brazil or China – you’ll be kicked out of the country in a hurry.

      We need to protect our industries and interests.

      Want to sell products to our consumers? Fine – make your shit here.

      • There is also no such thing as “free trade” when central banks rig their national currencies for trade advantage.

        The “free trade” agenda took fiscal trade decisions out of the hands of elected representatives and gave them to unelected central bankers.

    • cgray – you’re an idiot if that is what you stand on.

      Cheapest is NOT the least expensive.

    • To: Cgray, who doesn’t give a damn about his country-

      your job, if you have one, should also go to the lowest bidder also then, for example another one of those from India.

    • Several years ago at a Sears store, during the final gasps of life of that company before it tanked, I walked into the tools section to get “channel lock” pliers. When I found them, I saw that they had two options available…their economy Companion brand that stated on the packaging it was imported from Vietnam, and the bona fide Channel Lock brand boldly displaying the American flag and the words “Made In USA”. The former was literally twice the price, but I bought it anyway because (1) I buy tools with the intent of using them for the rest of my life and (2) I prefer to support a fellow American’s paycheck.

      My 2 cents…

      • Um…I’m a moron…meant to say the latter was twice the price. I gladly paid double for the Channel Lock brand.

        (mutters incoherently to self, stumbles to kitchen to reach for coffee pot…)

      • I bought those same Channel Lock pliers from Home Depot a few years ago when I decided to put together a small tool kit for my car.

      • Meadville Pa thanks you!

        Just down the road from where I grew up. Former tool and die capital of the world where every garage had machine tools and a few guys working.

      • I did the same. They were actually quite a bit nicer than the Companion brand, even if they were twice the price.

      • These days “Made in America” doesn’t always mean “Made in America”, it may be assembled in America, or finished in American, or included a % of American labor and parts, etc. Each product needs to be checked up on to see if its really American made, and not American assembled with foreign and domestic parts, which is code for “Made in China”.

        I buy good brands when I can, usually something that is UL listed. Made in America doesn’t always mean high quality. Buy the wrong brand and you end up with a piece of junk just as bad as the import. I often find myself literally unable to afford American made or the top quality import from Japan / Taiwan, and have to make do with the junk / knock off version. There is also the matter that a lot of the markup on American products isn’t just wages, regulations, and quality, but also a patriotic markup because people with more money than brains will actually pay it because there is a little American flag on the package.

        Foreigners, aka the Chinese, can own brands and manufacturing on American soil and have products “Made in America”, doesn’t mean they will be any good and you are still supporting the enemy.

        • It’s also really frustrating when brands that were traditionally made in America are made overseas in a country with a poor reputation for quality (e.g. China). To add insult to injury, they make the country of origin so difficult to find that you may need a magnifying glass to read it. Using hand tools as an example, Snap-On, Mac, Proto, and even Sears Craftsman and Husky used to be almost exclusively made in the USA. Now even the expensive brands have some tools made in China. I think we need more efforts like the bill introduced by Senator Rick Scott, the PRIME Act Promoting Responsibility In Markets and E-Retailers Act of 2019 (https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/senate-bill/2208/all-info). This would make it mandatory for all online retailers to clearly list the country of origin of their products, which particularly comes in handy when you can’t scrutinize a product’s packaging for this information before purchase.

        • Nanotech, Made in the USA is a selling point and people will list it if they can for the most part. I usually pass when I can’t find it listed on Ebay / Amazon, but the Chinese sellers are usually obvious.

          I actually should start putting the little American flag on my products, even though I already list origin.

      • I know and realize that it does a significant portion (40%?) of the company’s manufacturing. I am also not really so anti-NJ that I wouldn’t buy a Henry, especially considering how much I appreciate the aesthetics of their newer .45-70 and 30-30 side gate loading, brass receiver rifles. Contributing to the NJ government’s income base, however minimally, would bother me some. I have given lots of money to worse though.

  1. I’m checking everything I buy. Looking a a new Sthil chainsaw. Only certain models are made in the USA.

    Will buy the model that’s made here. Would have bought the larger model but it’s made “elsewhere”.

    It’s funny how easy it is to buy firearms and ammunition that’s made in the USA but for most other items it’s difficult to find USA made products.

    • There are many glass products and cigarettes made here. I recently went on a hunt for a USA made American flag to replace what was there. Some appliances are made here. I’m sure there are others.

    • I think the issue of finding US made is based on volume. The higher volume products with little to moderate quality control scale up for cost savings with cheap overseas labor. Textiles are a good example, any items that are poor quality get sent to liquidators or sold on the grey market with ease. The lower volume products with substantial quality control issues like guns don’t benefit as much from the cheap labor. The company spends too much reworking or scraping the rejects. So US manufactures have a better shot at remaining profitable in those areas.

    • I buy exclusively made in the USA suppressors. But I don’t have much option by law. Though, are the materials really all from the USA?

      Something like a Glock, Sig, or Beretta may be made in the USA. I have a NJ produced HK45. But the companies aren’t US, even if they have US presence or factories. Truthfully I don’t care too much about that, I like guns from a variety of places. A 1911 should be USA made, but I like German HKs and Sig’s (or a Swiss Sig), Italian Berettas, Czech CZs, Swiss made b&t, US made ARs, Belgian FN High Power, etc

      • My HK45 was produced in Columbus, GA at HK’s relatively new factory that opened in 2017. I find the quality of production indistinguishable from my other HK pistols. Like TheUnspoken stated, my typical preference is also for products to come from their original country of origin, e.g. SIGs from Switzerland, SIG Sauers from Germany, Berettas from Italy, Toyotas and Nissans from Japan, BMWs from Germany, etc. I am, however, happy to consider products that demonstrate they can maintain or improve the original quality of materials, fabrication, and finishing when produced in another country. I think HK and Beretta are prime examples of this. SIG Sauer’s U.S. made products, however, are sometimes of superb quality (SP2022, 1911, P210, MCX, MPX), while other times leave much to be desired (P series). In the end, it’s about who made it first vs. who makes it best. If I’m contemplating a purchase that I will own or use indefinitely, price is almost always a secondary concern. I can’t remember who coined the phrase… “Buy once, cry once”.

    • I noticed that the older, more beefy Sthil a family member has also has a UL sticker on it. I have a newer, almost identical model, but it now lacks the UL sticker and is very watered down compared to the old one. Wouldn’t surprise me if it came out China. Its not even six months old and already getting fussy with me.

    • Most DeWalt battery tools made in the US (batteries Japan and Taiwan). Not so with Milwaukee. And DeWalt flexvolt kicks their ass.

  2. at joe danno’s bucket o’ suds (cicero south of belmont, buzzer entry) he gave out “oobservation” bumper stickers, “buy american or it’s bye bye america.”
    he closed in the nineties.

  3. I just bought some New Balance shoes. Made in America baby. The only brand of sneakers I buy now.

    • Dan,

      Same…but you have to check the model…not all NB shoes are USA made. The 1540s are USA made.

      • Yep, I have the 1540, 990, and I had a pair of 574 made in the custom shop. I got USA embroidered on the back of the shoes.

      • Most NB (perhaps all) are NOT made in chicomland. This is the minimal starting point. Screw the CCP

    • I generally buy NB because they are the ones that fit my feet best. I’ve tried all the major brands but I keep coming back to NB.

    • Rolling with a pair of Vibram combat boots. They have to pull 3.5X the time since they are 3.5X the price, including suede maintenance (otter wax). Currently starting month three of the nine month requirement, walking several miles daily, moving logs, digging fence holes, light hiking across the farm, crouching, scuffing them, flexing them, etc.

      Vibram is Made in America, AFAIK. We will see. I was going to give Chippewa a try but even with the stimulus, high priced goods like that are simply out of reach for me right now. Surplus boots are the best available to me because dumb people selling their supply issue online.

      I’m in the market for some running shoes but at $169, there is no way I can afford New Balance. I thought I would give them a look since you mentioned them, but M**F**, $169? The dollar just doesn’t buy what it used to.

  4. Does it count as “Made in USA” if the parts are “sourced internationally”?

    Many items are this way.

    • I’ll purchase ‘assembled in the USA’ if ‘made in the USA’ is not available.

      HOWEVER, last year I went to purchase a pair of wool dress slacks from Men’s Warehouse. The USA label was $250 a pair. I opted not to purchase anything. Still don’t have a pair of dress slacks. I hope I don’t have to go to any funerals or wedding. πŸ˜‰

      • Thrift store, second chance store. The MCBH thrift store was a gold mine for top notch clothing because people didn’t want to carry it back with them.

    • The technology company where I work is an example of that. They’d get every single part from the US if they could, but it can’t be done.

      They also used to be able to say that ALL manufacturing was done in the USA, but now there’s a small factory in Mexico. I don’t view that as any abandonment of the US or the company’s principles, though; they do an increasing amount of business in Mexico and South America (N. America is a saturated market), and it makes sense to manufacture in the same region where you sell, if you can.

  5. Get rid of these damn crap unions that raise the price of products to crazy prices! Oh and unions only protect the lazy!

    • You should be glad our grandparents and great grandparents fought for the right to be in a union.
      That 40 hour work week and vacation and the right to not die working that unsafe job, ability to retire instead of working at whatever you could get or living in your kids basement and so on.
      But you probably would be a Pinkerton sharpshooter or paid union buster wouldn’t you if you had been around back then since you hate them so much.
      Unions are not perfect but they helped bring on a lot of what we think of as normal job benefits, safe work practices and so forth.

      • Unions served a purpose once now all they do is make sure the person pushing the button on the robotic welder gets union welders wages and drive up the prices of the finished product.

        • Here you go https://unionlabel.org/
          You can go there and find American made items to avoid since you dislike American Union workers.
          I’m glad I’m passed my working days so I do not need to take part in the race to the bottom. All you self made men will be scratching for the pennies folks like Bezos will toss out one in awhile.

      • The unions did achieve a lot in improving pay and conditions for the worker but the militant combative unionism eventually pushed too far.

        A better model of unions would be the German and Japanese models where the union is collaborating with the business and is represented at senior executive level within the organization.

    • No, increased productivity and competition for employees brought about those changes more than the efforts of unions did.

  6. As usual Hollywood is tripping over itself trying to please their masters in Asia by putting Chinese propaganda in movies. How many cell phones are made in the USA? How many are made in China? I just saw a new movie with Ryan Reynolds where he drops his cell phone and it breaks apart. He then utters, “American made piece of crap!” Now why would his character say that instead of Chinese made piece of crap? Hmm. Who are the traitors again?

    • I used to do IT work for an integrated circuits (chips) manufacturer. That was in the late 90’s through 2007. The Chinese government was sponsoring the construction of IC Fabs (an inexpensive IC fab, at the time, was $1b; many cost significantly more). China was also offering USA IC engineers significant salary increases to work at the Chinese fabs. USA IC manufacturers could not justify building fabs in the USA because they were so much cheaper to build and operate in China. Some USA fabs moved to Thailand and other Southeast Asia countries.

      The US government did nothing to keep the business here.

      I set up the global bar-code tracking system for the my company’s warehouses in the US, Spain, and Asia. In our Thailand facility, we had two central bar-code printers for the entire warehouse. In the USA, the warehouse staff demanded a bar-code printer at every desk because walking to the printer was too onerous. I have a lot of stories like that. We ended up closing the US fabs and warehouses; too expensive to operate.

      • It’s almost like the people in charge here were stupid while China was busy looking out for itself and getting the best deals in order to create a brighter future. If only someone here would come along with that message. Would Americans listen or would they bring out the pitchforks?

    • “Chinese propaganda in movies”

      It’s more than propaganda. The recent “Red Dawn” was supposed to be about an invasion by the Chicoms, not the pathetic Norks. At the last minute, somebody figured out that the Chicoms go to movies, so all references to China were scrubbed and Chinese insignia on tanks etc. were digitally replaced with North Korean. The producers then took their sanitized version to the Chicom censors for permission to show the film in China.

      Permission was denied. Hey, whatever the producers did, it still portrayed Commies in a bad light and the title was still “Red Dawn.” So the producers sold out for nothing.

      Hollywood is a cesspool.

      • “Hollywood is a cesspool.”

        It’s sad. I saw another one recently that was actually a pretty good movie, until you get to the end and you’re presented with a typical insane leftist worldview. They’ll gladly trash America, but they tip toe around China. Both movies were produced by Netflix.

        • For China, Hollywood doesn’t just “bend the knee”. They go down on both knees and open wide.

    • Yeah, you have been the only one thinking this way and in fact invented the line of thought which didn’t exist until 1990 when you thought it up.

  7. I do my best to buy MADE IN USA. I put effort into it, never expecting it to be easy or cheapest. If I have to I decide what I can do without so I can afford the American Made item that costs more, that I need or want more.

    Remember folks, it is your natural born god given right to stab your country in the back just because it is cheaper to support foreign nations than your own. Just because you have your rights doesn’t mean you should feel any sort of responsibility as a citizen.

    Yup, that’s Freedom right there, in its purest form.

  8. I bought a Henry Big Boy Steel in .357 two weeks ago. I’ve put 500 rounds through it already. Great rifle. Excellent quality. Accurate. Dependable.

    • Of my non-milsurps, 1 is German, 1 is Czech (both are air rifles), and the other 2 are American Rugers.

      The sporterized scoped rifle is Swedish with American stock, glass, bipod, sling. Barrel and scope mounts are local.

      The modern reproduction No4 in .308 is Vietnamese, but made to SAAMI specifications.

      The milsurps are British, Russian, and Yugoslav. I would like to add American Springfield and Enfield but can’t find decent ones at a good price.

      • I forgot to mention, all of my revolvers are Rugers, made in New Hampshire. However, I own a cheap Chinese shotgun and .308 hunting rifle I bought in a big box sports store that have never let me down.

  9. I recently retired from managing a company owned by a Chinese couple that own warehouses in three states. The owner started selling his product out of his car while in college 40 years ago. I was told by them that in China workers are brought in from the countryside and forced to work in factories. In many cases these workers jump out of the windows to commit suicide.

    • The “West” did far worse during our industrial revolution. Give them another 30 years and I think they will be more like ‘us’ when it comes to working conditions and the environment. really comes down to per capita income

      • No, actually, we didn’t. Not even close.

        The economic disruption of that period wasn’t pretty, nor were people, governments, or businesses in any way perfect, but NOBODY did en masse, or even on a small scale, what China has been doing to its people since Mao’s communist takeover.

        The fact that so many otherwise intelligent people think the West’s industrial revolution was in any way comparable to the systematic cruelty of totalitarian and communist regimes (or was actually cruel at all) is a testament to the powers of propaganda. It might be the most successful false equivalence argument in history.

      • Plus, “give them 30 years of economic development and they’ll be more like us” was what Nixon’s people said 50+ years ago when they forced China to start trading with the rest of the world. I think we all know now how that’s been working out…

      • Only people who are ignorant of actual history can make comments like this.

        Go study up on Mao’s “Great Leap Forward.” It was his attempt to turn subsistence farmers into steelworkers in the late 1950’s to the early 1960’s.

        The result was millions starving to death in the ensuing famine.

  10. You will be hard pressed to find many American-made products at Walmart or any big box store. When it comes to apparel, almost all of the big brand products are made elsewhere, while American boutique brands are stunningly expensive ($180 for a pair of Bluer Denim jeans vs $25 for a pair of Lee’s? GTFO). Carhartt jeans are the exception to this rule, as they are priced right and made in the USA.

    American shoppers generally want it fast and cheap, not good.

  11. Trade with communists turns out to be a bad thing. Who would have thunk it?

    Well, most of us who are old enough to remember who and what communists are, that’s who.

  12. It’s a lot more complicated than many think…Taurus now has a Bainbridge,Georgia plant & headquarters. A gun I planned on buying(G3)is made in Georgia. How much Brazilian parts??? Is Brazil an ememy of America? Turkey sure is but somehow is a NATO “ally”. Yet I see Turkish guns EVERYWHERE. I try to buy American but I’m typing on a Chinese phone,watching tv on a China tv,puter is chinese,copier,fridge,toaster, microwave,Comcast crap is chinese and ad finitum nauseum…Americans want cheap crap. Period.

    • Most tech is US, Taiwanese, or South Korean companies sub-contracting to Chinese companies such as Foxconn for actual production. The conditions of those production companies is so grueling gulag jailers are envious and the buildings have nets to catch suicide attempts.

  13. Try auto parts. The manufacture of some brake components was moved back to the States as the tariffs on Chinese products were ramped up. Some of the better brands of tires are made here, but most are not (especially economy tires). Some batteries are made here. Need an alternator, power steering pump, starter, HVAC blower motor, ball joint, spark plug, etc.? Very few of these things are U.S. made any more, and you will pay dearly for it if you find it.

    “Grub first, then ethics.”

    Or, if you prefer:

    β€œThe path of least resistance leads to crooked rivers and crooked men.”

  14. I still need to grab one of those Henry .22s ($300 or so). They are fairly inexpensive and look like a ton of fun.

  15. Deciding to ‘Buy American Made’ or ‘Not Buying Chinese Made’ starts with knowing where something is made. This is currently near impossible since online retailers aren’t required to provide this information along with other product specs.

  16. Libertarians Liberals and the Left agree with Rush Limbaugh. American workers should compete with workers in communist China???

    The”free market” has only existed between like-minded peoples and Nations.

    The three L’s and “conservatives” like Limbaugh are simply disconnected from the real world. They would be happy if manufacturing went over seas to make the cost of goods lower for american consumers.
    The middle class was created and maintained by the steel and oil industries. AND all the products that came from those industries.

    Without manufacturing you have no middle class.
    If we don’t have weapons made here we won’t have a 2nd amendment. The 1968 gun control act started the first import restrictions of guns.
    No pocket guns. No guns with a bayonet lug. How are you going to get a gun if they aren’t made here? And are banned from importation???

    • Chris, you’re very correct about manufacturing and the middle class.

      Manufacturing can (and does) lift huge cohorts of the population out of economic destitution. This was proven here in the US in the first half of the 20th century with the “Great Migration” – during which huge numbers of blacks who were subsistence and tenant/sharecropper farmers moved from the south to Detroit, the other northern manufacturing states on the Great Lakes, and also from the south to Oakland, and other manufacturing centers in California.

      The same thing has happened in China in the last 20 years, and the same sorts of people too. Subsistence and renting farmers moved to the centers of manufacturing set up by the CCP/PLA and suddenly made a huge improvement in their economic circumstances.

      This is because manufacturing has a very high Keynesian “economic multiplier.” There’s a reason why Trump is focused on bringing manufacturing back into the US – because doing so pays rewards to our economy far in excess of what we would get by creating the same number of jobs in service-based industries. We can get much more benefit for more people from having manufacturing in the US than by having companies like Facebook and Google.

      • I agree. Agriculture is very strong here. But it has never created a middle class. Farm workers have always been part of the service industry.
        But tractor and combine factories are like car factories. They pay is better at all of them. Compared to being a farm worker.

  17. Note to Henry.

    I’ve been waiting a long time to buy an American made 357 lever action threaded side loading gate rifle and when it FINALLY appears it is delivered without its American walnut. Like WTF?

    When is it gonna be available in wood?

  18. Yup, spend your money locally!

    I thought it was too time consuming to do this currently, so I made a tool for it. http://www.BuyLocalized.com is a browser extension where we show you American made goods on Amazon. We do the research once and then everyone else can access it while they shop online in the same way they usually do, check it out!

  19. Not everything can be made in America, no more than each individual state can make everything it needs. If Alaskans need oranges, it is easier to let places like Florida and California grow them and import them than grow them in Alaska, which would require special facilities. But we want as many things critical to national security and economic security as possible made here, and when not, made in friendly countries. Having so much made in China, which is both another country and an enemy at that, is insane. Hopefully this flu has woken people up to this fact.

    This is why it was good that Trump enacted steel and aluminum tariffs to protect our steel and aluminum industries, which China was actively working to destroy.

  20. I have two Henrys…the Classic 22 and the Big Boy Steel 357. Both work great and are beautiful rifles. I usually am not into looks as much as function, but the wood and the fit are very nice on those two.

    During the trade conflict with China in the last few years, I’ve purchased some other wonderful American Made products. Buck, Case, Estwing, Ka Bar, and Ontario make some very nice knives, hatchets, and that sort of thing. Yes, they are more expensive. However, there is no comparison in value. I came across some of my grandfather’s old knives…a Buck and a Case. They are probably 50 years old and better than some of the current stuff not made in the USA. Yes, some of the lower end equipment from a few of those manufacturers is made in Taiwan. That’s ok…we need to help Taiwan pay for those F-16s we plan to sell them.

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