Sure, it may not be quite as prestigious as the Midnight 3-Gun Invitational, but the targets should be easier to hit, right? Or so you’d think. Anyway, organizers have just announced the first annual World Zombie Shoot on October 13 and 14. And God help me, it’s not all that far away from my top-secret underground bunker location here in the Midwest. Proximity and dedication to keeping the Armed Intelligentsia apprised of the latest information regarding the outbreak may require that I document this event in some way. Make the jump for the press release . . .

1st Annual World Zombie Shoot

October 13-14, 2012

Fire for Effect Range, Fayette, Mo.

(Fayette, Mo.) July 23, 2012. The organizers of the Midwest 3-Gun Championships invite you to join the hunt at Fire for Effect Range for the 1st Annual World Zombie Shoot.

This event will challenge the skills of even the most experienced zombie hunter as well as offer a great introduction to 3-Gun shooting for the beginner. More than six stages will feature zombie and other steel targets for rifle and shotgun and, of course, a costume contest will afford the opportunity to win a .22 Rimfire rifle from CMMG.  There will be additional side matches.

“Our goal is to offer a challenging and fun competition for all level shooters and reward all participants with some kind of prize, so that our sponsors get the exposure they deserve and competitors all walk away with something,” said Ken Flood, match director.

Sponsorship opportunities are still available and registration forms can be found at


  1. Something tells me that the costume aspect of this competition is not the brightest of ideas.

    • Good point. I had been considering walking around the Portland club scene wearing a Big Foot costume on a Friday night. My other idea was to wear a Scottish Kilt and cover my head in a desert shemagh while walking through the Saturday arts and crafts Market. Maybe I should put those ideas on hold.

  2. This is sooo ghey…I don’t know what else to say. The whole “Zombie” thing is getting waaay over blown. I love watching The Walking Dead, but come on.

  3. What I want to know is what type of zombie costume Dan Zimmerman will be wearing? Photo please.

  4. What makes this a “World” shoot? Gun ranges have done zombie shoots for a while, I know the Aurora Sportsman Club in IL has one ever year.

      • It depends on what type of zombies we are talking about. The zombie apocalypse most people prep for features live ones.

        • So will this be a simulation type shoot with actors or are we looking at moving paper targets?
          Oh and will they be fast or slow zombies lmao you know there is a difference lol
          If you had descent track systems for moving mannequins around you could make it pretty cool.

        • Yes, there are two main types of zombies. Supernatural, like in “night of the living dead” which are essentially magical, and Scifi, like in “resident evil”, which are the product of science gone awry. Within each main type, there are sub types like “fast zombies”, “slow zombies” and “strong zombies”

          I think it is best to have on hand the right weapons for any type and sub type.

  5. I am going to dress in drag like Milla Jovovich from Resident Evil, (except hairy and ugly).

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