Guns in general are beautiful works of art. But sometimes, the designers go above and beyond by embellishing their art with intricate designs and using precious metals. It’s a completely different level of “gun porn” from what we usually see here in the United States, and it was on full display over at the IWA show in Germany. So while I have a moment, I thought it might be nifty to tease out some of the better pieces and give you a post with nothing but pretty pictures. Enjoy!
Simply amazing. I would be afraid of shooting them if I ever happened to get one.
Thanks for the great pics and for making it possible for us to really get a close look at the incredible craftsmanship.
Oh that’s clever, Chrissy. I was going to let it go, but that was uncalled for. Sooo….let the debate beatdown continue!
Yes, social security is “welfare”, defining that term as money given to you by the government, but taken from somebody else, in excess of what you paid in. You can go verify this for yourself at a million credible websites, but the fact is that on average people receive far more in SS payments than they pay in throughout their lives. Yes, I’m aware that some people pay in, but never collect, or collect only a little. Those are the outliers and are atypical of most people’s experience.
Take a typical man who works from age 22 through 64 and retires at age 65; earning the average wage of about $43,100/year throughout that period. Yes, early years will be lower, but later years could be higher. Just assume the average throughout because, well, overall that’s correct for the typical man, not necessarily each and every specific man. Ok, so given that, he’ll pay in some $345K in his lifetime, including both his and his employer’s contributions. However, he’ll receive about $417,000 in retirement benefits, which is $72K more than he paid in. For women, with their longer life expectancies, the free money adds up to $192K for a woman with that same earnings profile. THIS is why social security is essentially insolvent and in dire need of reform: the elderly, as a group, are by far the wealthiest of Americans, yet they’re soaking up the largest portion of the welfare payments out there. And don’t even get me started with Medicare……
Oh, by the way, KY has an age 65+ percentage of population of just 13.3%. U.S. national average is 13%. So KY is *slightly* higher than average. Does that explain their massive welfare payments? Doubtful. You see, MANY states have higher percentages of 65+ than KY does (including highest-in-the-nation Florida at 17.3%). Yet, those states aren’t among the top welfare case states like KY is.
Soooo…..any more crap you’d like to make up, or do you just want want to write more filth in the place of facts?
Regardless of other Eastern Bloc countries that manufacture and export AK and Tokarav ammo, parts etc,…
Our illustrious ammo market will once again set a new “normal” for ammo pricing. How’s that leetle plinker .22lr pricing working for you?
All by design. Comedian Chris Rock even said years ago, you want real gun control?
Make every bullet $5 each.
Hmmmmm, would it be ok with you if I kill an active shooter to protect children? Pretty please?
Why is it that the gun grabbers are mostly white and come from affluent areas that rarely if ever see crime? Steinberg lives in an affluent suburb north of chicago. I know this because his arrest for domestic battery made headlines a few years ago. He entered into an alcohol treatment facility as part of his sentence. Under Illinois conceal carry law, he would not be eligible for a FOID card or a conceal carry permit. Maybe this is sour grapes.
Hi Everyone
What is to keep The ATF from rading me in my Home?
I knew you couldn’t resist Robert…….lol
I have decided to go ahead and order the the R51. The review on this website gave me pause at first . But now I believe the two main issues written about here are not real issues at all. I’m refering to slide bite and that there is no way to tell if you put this fire ARM back together properly. I don’t believe these issues to be true.
Any other issues that folks here are writing about can be fixed. I would chalk it up to getting out the bugs in a new firearm. You can’t fix slide bite or the way a firearm goes back together.
I guess the people here who currently have this gun must have paid an exorbitant amount on an auction site. I can’t seem to get one anywhere else. My LGS will be notifying me when he gets his in.
My KSG shoots great and I have not had any trouble with it at all. The fore rail in the photo may have been folded in the cast or some crud. I do NOT use a picatinny fore grip on mine at all, I got used to using my hand of the pump with my pair of 870’s and I just keep it that way. All of the extra furniture on peoples guns is where most of the problems start to begin with. Put on it what you need to use it where you are, and then forget about it. How cool do you need to look to another hunter anyway?
Robert Seddon
I work in a gun store and we just got our first shipment of R51’s last Friday. The 3 that came in have myself and my coworkers confused. The slides lock open when the mag is not inserted on all 3 pistols. Is this normal? Also, the slides on all 3 guns do not rack smoothly. They are very gritty and feel as if they are binding multiple times on the way back. I’ve contacted Remington about this but haven’t been replied to yet.
I do like the look and feel of the R51, and I think the trigger is nice, I’m just concerned that all 3 of the ones at work may be defective.
If these lowers are 3D printed, then you can print 2 materials at the same time, meaning the manufacturing would be in compliance with the regs. A good industrial 3D printer is more than capable of this, while maintaining high part quality.
I saw a comment about making the fill material react different. If the fill material is 3D printed with a certain type of filament (such as high impact polystyrene), then it can be dissolved in limonene. It would leave the lower receiver intact while completely eliminating the fill, leaving you with a 100% lower.
Three people, a sign, and an empty parking lot. Now THERE’S a movement!
These pictures/post are kinda silly to me.
Like all of Obama’s appointees, Murthy is, first and foremost, a political hack. His group, Doctors for Obama, which morphed conveniently into Doctors for America, had more influence on his being nominated than his non-existent medical management experience.
It should be a felony to carry a gun in a school, a rec. center, municipal building. etc.etc.etc.
Wow, this is W. Virginia? I guess they haven’t heard of Newtown, or Virginia Tech. I would love to ask the irrational Mayor, one question. What common sense gun law protects you while your cowering under your desk? When Evil comes to kill your kids, does the GUN FREE ZONE that made you feel so safe, now change to a KILLING ZONE. You bet it does.
It’s the DEMOCRAT party that is coming after your gun rights folks. If your a gun owner and a democrat voter, then you really have to explain to the rest of us, how you can pull the lever for these band of fools.
I am a one issue voter. I vote guns every time. If you get the 2nd amendment, then you probably understand the idea of a constitutional Republic!
“Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners” sounded like the Orwellian name for a gun control group until I checked their FB page…