Normally, it’s the extreme anti-gunners who talk about dick size. Not theirs. Yours. According to the anti-gunners, anyone who loves firearms is compensating for a small penis. Which fails to account for gun owners with a large penis (longer than 5.4″) or women (who generally don’t have a penis). More to the point (so to speak), any biopsychologist worth their calipers will tell you that the whole penis size thing is a great landing at the wrong airport. The true indicator of sexual virility? Testosterone. Testicle size. [FYI: The average testicle size (2″ X .8″ X 2″) yields an average testicular volume of 1.10 in³ (18 cm³).] We can postulate that James Yeager has larger than average testicles because A) he’s bald (testosterone degrades hair follicles) and B) you’ve got to have big balls to post a YouTube video that says owners of .40-caliber handguns have a small dick. That is all.


  1. Yeager is insane. He’s done plenty of damage and stupid over the years; he’s no better than any anti-gunner (in fact I consider him worse).

    • Haters gonna hate.

      I actually don’t mind his videos. Not that I always agree with them, but the guy fully excercises his first and second amendments and I respect that completely. He is actually 100% accurate with this video. .40 sucks and if you carry it you have a small dong.

      • I’m curious – do you have any empirical data to back up your assertion? Consider the fact that Yeager is a 9mm guy, you are comparing the .40 to the 9mm. In just about every respect with the exception of ammo capacity, .40 beats 9mm. Now, if you are shooting it out of plastic gun like a Glock, the recoil is not gonna be a lot of fun, but if you use a metal framed gun like a Sig, then recoil is very manageable. I own a number of .40 and 9mm guns and I have both a 9mm and a .40 slide for my Sig P229. I shoot my 229 better with the .40 than I do with the 9mm.

        All that said, I would definitely steer women and small guys away from the .40. The 9mm recoil is definitely less and if you don’t have the upper body strength to control a .40, then you should avoid it.

        • I’ve got a small peener, HUGE nuts, and I carry a .40. So what exactly does that Venn diagram make me again?

        • “In just about every respect with the exception of ammo capacity, .40 beats 9mm”

          Actually it does not.

          With a 40, you have more recoil, faster slide cycle (which increases wear and tear), less ammunition, and more expense (disregarding current ammo crisis) for a gain in 1-200 ft/lbs of energy. Thats it.

          Personally, I suggest everybody talk to a doctor, EMT, or trauma surgeon and ask him/her what the difference is between 9mm, 40, and 45 wound channels. Hell, even in ballistic testing, the difference between the major players is minimal. 😐

        • “for a gain in 1-200 ft/lbs of energy. Thats it.”

          And when it comes to pistols, energy isn’t very important. Penetration and tissue damage are. With modern loads, 9mm and .40 are pretty much identical in those regards.

      • Most cops in America must have small dongs cuz its the number one law enforcement caliber.

        • @ pat: i def agree, 40sw is the most common leo caliber out there, although Mr. Barettt is absloutley correct about needing physical capability to help tame the 40’s “snappyness.”

          in my experience, i have found that steel frame guns help as well. i have a sig 226 “classic” with a 40 upper exchnage kit, the differecne is quite notable to me compared to a glock 22/23 in the controllability department.

        • It really helps if the G22 is loaded with 15 rounds vs a single stack on other guns. Generally, heavier will help with recoil, no doubt. There is a wide range of ammo available today so folks can use lighter bullets or reduced powder rounds that equate with a 9mm, if they need/wish.

      • In .40’s defense, it’s been suggested that .40 is better for polymer handguns as the recoil pattern seems to make a limp wrist less likely (in before “limp wrists only happen if you hold the gun improperly” — I know this, but there’s no guarantee you’ll be able to hold the gun just right in a defensive situation).

        • thats because 40 has a faster slide cycle speed than the 9mm and 45, which could explain why its better for limpwristers (possibly not).

          Good theory though. Ill bite.

        • I heard that the polymer makes the gun slightly flex, which helps recoil somehow. Don’t know it that is true. Glocks do have a low bore axis (lots of people hate talking about bore axis… to…come to think about it). You can always choose a lower power round, or barrel exchanger, if you own a Glock.
          Or you can use a 9mm and fire +p+ rounds (as the two calibers can overlap in energy, while being close to equal in rounds carried with same sized pistol).

  2. Just when I’m starting to get some respect back for him, he goes and does stupid shit like this.

  3. Those who can, do. Those who can’t accuse everyone else of having a small penis.

  4. Not a fan of the .40 myself, but if that’s your comfort zone more power to you.

    So what is he saying about .45 ACP? Should I go buy a .25 ACP to show what an enormous wang I have?

    Man, I am really tired of all this “compensating” crap. From caliber to engine size, it’s getting really old.

    • Yeager is a tool, I’ve said it long time ago, he just insists on proving me right with each new video. I can shoot my G23 better than many 9 mm pistols. That does not mean I don’t like 9 mm, I like both. I wouldn’t go as far as to say that .40 is better than 9 or the other way around, depends on what suits you best. And why does Yeager care so much about my penis size anyway?

  5. I don’t care really for .40 cal, I like my 9 and .45, but this is america and like all of its citizens, they are entitled to their opinions…no matter how goofy they may be.

  6. Hahahaha thank you for codifying what a “large” penis is. Also, please note that you put the 0 in the wrong place in the testicle size measurements haha… “The average testicle size (2″ X .08″ X 2″)” .08 inches is REALLY small. The link you provided says 0.8″, which is a totally, totally different thing 😉

  7. LMAO uhm how about comfort.
    Anything from a 9 to a .45 gets the job done. I prefer a 45 actually. Nothing about power, it has to do with how the round feels to me. a .45 is smooth. It is a slower round. It just feels right. I like shooting it. A 9 mm is more snappy. Is not better or worse, I like 9 mm too, but given a choice for cost, etc etc etc a .40 is a great round. Sort of a best of both worlds. Now someone running around with a 50 cal desert eagle might be over compensating for something, just sayin…

    • I usually do not trust my government but they figured out 230 grains at 850 feet per second is lethal enough to get the job done. They figured this one out 100+ years ago. Works today too.

      • Then they changed (generally) over to the 9mm. Cant even use hollow points (generally).

      • 30-06 works too. that doesnt always make it ideal in most situations or that something is not better in most theoretical situations.

        Mission dictates gear/equipment, not the other way around.

        • You are correct. They still do (in some spheres) use 45 (and even 40 and 22lr), though I did say generally. A 30-06 pistol would be badass.

  8. hahaha and I said “p*nis” and “t*sticle” in my first response and your spam filter appears to have flagged it. LOL. Comment fail.

    The gist was that you typed “.08 inches” for one of the t*sticle measurements but actually meant 0.8 inches, which is a totally different thing hahaha. I hope! You know, for your sake 😉

    BTW when my mom got her first ultrasound while pregnant with me, they thought I was twins. Turns out it was just my p*nis.

    Also along those lines, my grandfather had surgery a few years ago and the doctor told him not to lift anything over ten pounds for at least a week. My grandfather immediately responded, to the female doctor, “well how am I supposed to go to the bathroom then?” OMG. I have those genes, apparently. For shame.

  9. Wow! Well I guess I’ll sell my FNX-40 now so I won’t be lumped in with the sparsely endowed crowd. What a crock. Never cared for that guy. Like him even less now.

  10. That man is quite obnoxious. That’s like some liberal saying he is compensating for something himself based on his desire to own many large guns.

    He needs popped in the mouth but he’s unworthy of a closed fist. Needs to be bitchslapped.

  11. James Yeager says stupid shit on YouTube.

    TTAG posts an article covering his verbal diarrhea, complete with embedded YouTube video.

    Yeager gets EVEN MORE views on aforementioned idiotic YouTube video.

    And thus the cycle continues…

    • Yeah, I’m watching my way through this, and at first I thought RF was mining Yeager’s back catalog for headlines, because this video was filmed almost 10 months ago (he refers to the Empire State Building shootout, Aug 24, 2012, as “last week”). But my negative impression was wrong; apparently this video was just posted up yesterday.

      Your point is still correct, though.

      • Ha yea I thought so as well. I remembered a similiar video of ol JY pontificating about my package (I am an actual .40 carrier ha) and thought they were both the same. Apparently, he REALLY wants use to think this.

    • I used to share this opinion but changed my mind. Normal people being seen calling out and ridiculing the living manifestation of an anti’s propaganda image of a gun owner kind of proves an important point about who we are and who we are not.

    • Yeah, I’m with you on this, Alpha. This guy is the anti-gunners dream example of crazy gun-folk.

      You’d think he would learn from his mistake and exercise some humility and show some self-restraint, but he keeps doubling down on stupid.

      No more linkage, IMHO. We’ve made the point he’s an idiot, not representative of the majority of responsible gun owners, anything after this is just free PR for him and the anti’s after this. My 2 cents.

  12. T.M.I. on testicles for a gun blog IMHO.
    Giving a friend some crap is one thing but criticizing ones choice of caliber is counter productive and uncalled for.

    Goes to show that just because you can say something doesn’t mean you should.

  13. So if people like me, who carry a .40 S&W pistol, purportedly have a small penis according to Mr. Yeager; does this mean, by his rationale, that people who carry .45ACP have less than a small penis? And, to continue with his line of thought regarding “If you can’t kill something with a 9mm or .45ACP then you need a rifle” statement then it sounds almost like he is making the same argument that gun-grabbers make regarding mag-capacity (i.e. “if you can’t stop an assailant/kill an animal with ten/seven/five rounds then you obviously aren’t qualified to use a firearm”)
    Also, IMHO, 15 years ago does not equate to recently unless you are talking in terms of decades and centuries.

    But of course we know that Mr. Yeager is not exactly brilliant….or filled with common sense….or the best example of someone representative of the People of The Gun….

  14. I’ve never shot a .40, but it doesn’t seem so bad. I’d like to get a CZ P-06 myself. It offers more potential energy than either 9mm or .45, so why not? 10mm is certainly an amazing round, but it is definitely overkill for most defensive situations. I don’t see what is so distasteful about the .40, it is good enough for the feds then it can’t really be any worse than the competition.

    • As someone who owns a .40, I would advise you to try to get the same gun in both .40 and .45 and shoot them both. If it’s something you’ll be spending significant range time with, you might like the .45 better. It’s just more comfortable to shoot, for me anyway, and faster to get back on target.

      • Exactly what I did. I rented two Sigs – .40 and .45 together to see what will feel better. I have never shot anything bigger than 9 mm before that and used to carry CZ 83 in .32 ACP… 100 rounds out of each later, switching guns after every magazine I went and bought EAA Witness Stock in .40. Than, after couple of weeks I bought a .22 adapter for it. Than, after couple months I bought a 9 mm adapter. Now I’m considering getting yet another adapter – this time .45. (I have already loaded about 500 rounds for it.) Possibilities are endless with the Witness. One pistol, so many calibers – next time maybe 10 auto or .357 Sig… But now I really don’t know where I stand regarding my junk size!

    • The .40 is pretty snappy…lots of muzzle flip in a G23. having said that, I carry a G23. It’s small, light so it comes out of the holster quick, it’s easy to hide, has good energy, good bullets available and no safety to cause a fumble in an emergency. All that counts and what really counts, I shoot it just fine inside 10 yds. I have a 1911 house gun and really like it and shoot it well. It comes down to what you like and shoot well.

      Yeager is an idiot and rather annoying. He’s definitely compensating. Guys adorned with large hardware don’t have to brag.

    • Yeah, I find .40 snappy and rather unpleasant to shoot. It’s not a power level thing. I actually prefer shooting 10mm because I find the recoil impulse to be longer, feeling more like a push than a snap that slaps your palm and wrist and whatnot. I think .45 is significantly nicer to shoot than .40. Mostly, I shoot 9mm for cost reasons (at least, it used to be the least expensive of these primary calibers by far).

      • I actually noticed that .40 was cheaper than 9mm from some sources recently and more readily available. That was when I first started seriously considering it.

        One thing I like about the CZ P-06 is the large beaver tail and the internal frame rails. The SP-01 in .40 is all steel with the same features while the 06 is forged aluminum. I’m sure polymer .40 pistols are very snappy given what I’ve seen, I would definitely go for something heavier and more rigid given the high pressure of the round.

        • Don’t expect .40 to be cheaper than 9mm once supply catches up with demand. More lead, more brass and lower volume of sales will keep the .40 higher.

    • “It offers more potential energy than either 9mm or .45, so why not”

      Believe me, it doesnt offer more real energy. Definitely not “potential” if you acquire more “potential” energy from overpressure cartridges.

      I went through 45, 40, 357 SIG, 10mm, and 45 Super phases during the first part of my adult life, believing it was finding solutions to problems, even though i was creating more problems than i was solving.

      I know many guys that jumped their 9mm ship onto 40 or 45, and then moved back 😀

  15. Suggestion: stop giving the attention whore airtime and let him fade into the obscurity he so richly deserves. He’s a tool through and through. More publicity isn’t going to change that for the better.

    Inflammatory for it’s own sake is ridiculous.

  16. James Yeager is a nutjob who is one skipped pill away from opening fire on American citizens.

    • And yet the uninformed throw ridiculously huge wads of cash at him for his training classes. It’s sad.

      He’s just as charming in the really, real world. No one I know who has met him personally has even a marginally favorable opinion of him, or his level of expertise.

  17. I swear by my Walther PPS in .40 S&W…as for penis size…not too big…but I’ve got two kids…so who cares.

  18. Colion Noir said Im bi because I have a .40. Does this new development mean I cant please either gender?

  19. O K, I can play that game.

    Yes, the Freudian symbolism surrounding guns is obvious.

    Men who fear and hate guns as evil things they reject with contempt are fearful of their own masculinity, and reject that masculinity as something dangerous which they are afraid they cannot control or use with skill.
    They feel shame in being male, and incompetent in a masculine role, so they symbolically express their suppressed desire to be eunuchs, if they cannot be female.
    They often recite the mantra “Guns have only one purpose – to kill”, but they know that is no more true than saying their penis has only one purpose. Aside from the fact it is part of the two-purpose male uro-genital system, it can be used as an instrument of pleasure in love-making, or a tool of defilement and hatred in rape.
    They attempt to deny the fact of that duality, and consider only the perverted “evil” view of the gun/phallic symbol, enhancing the guilt and shame they associate with their masculine nature. It is that masculine nature they fear and hate, and want to purge by becoming a symbolic eunuch.
    Those men who enjoy owning and firing guns, and take pride in their skill with them, are rejoicing in their masculinity. They do not feel guilt, shame, or any inadequacy in their masculine nature, but are both happy and proud to be male.

  20. Damn. If only I could conceal my 8 3/8″ Smith .460 Revolver. Then people would really know I’m not compensating for anything.

  21. Yeager actually does have a testosterone problem, a deficiency, and was prescribed testosterone by his doctor.

    He also says he doesnt like high pressure rounds like 40 S&W, which is odd because they both have the same max pressure, in fact 9mm +P is actually higher pressure than 40 S&W.

  22. Ummm…I just thought it was funny. You know, like, sense of humor type stuff.

    But then again, I’m probably laughing harder to make up for my 22 short “gun”

  23. You know how you know when a guy is compensating? It’s when he has found something that works for him and the experts agree is sufficient for the task, yet ditches it the second some blowhard tells him he’s compensating for something.

  24. Well, I own a .40 caliber pistol which is a Springfield XDM. When it first came out it was only offered in 40. Now, I’m a former marine, have an MBA, and am larger than the average size indicated. So home bit should wise up and shut his mouth because I obviously have no need to compensate.

  25. Hmmmmm. My ” go to” daily carry is a gen 3 glock 23 rtf. It serves we well and is fun at the range. The wife has never complained about “underpenetration”………….I must be an outlier.

  26. This is from August of last year, he references the Empire State building Shooting.
    So this has been out there and it was before his “start killing people” speech.
    And like Zombie above, laugh, or not.

  27. I had the “opprotunity” to buy a .40 Hi Point today for $150 brand new and passed. So either my junk is huge or I just didn’t want a .40, even a cheap one.

  28. I think anything 9mm and larger is sufficient stopping power, but I personally prefer the .40. I have most of the popular cal’s including .22, 9mm, .40, and .45.

    Ballistically I like it better than a 9mm, and it gives me more rounds than a .45. It’s also easier to find .40 ammo these days than 9mm.

    Yeager has also saif that Glocks are the only real gun, etc. He’s the kind of man that gives the rest of gun owners a bad name, and I’d bet he has a weenis or he wouldn’t be so worried about the issue.

    I’ll keep carrying my .40’s, and my immense penis. 🙂

  29. Get over it. This video was originally posted months ago. Also, if you’re so insecure that JY’s commentary gives you offense… then you probably do have a small penis.

  30. 2nd attempt — self-censored.

    Yes, the Freudian symbolism surrounding guns is obvious.

    Men who fear and hate guns as evil things they reject with contempt are fearful of their own masculinity, and reject that masculinity as something dangerous which they are afraid they cannot control or use with skill.
    They feel shame in being male, and incompetent in a masculine role, so they symbolically express their suppressed desire to be eunuchs, if they cannot be female.
    They often recite the mantra “Guns have only one purpose – to kill”, but they know that is no more true than saying their p***s has only one purpose. Aside from the fact it is part of the two-purpose male uro-genital system, it can be used as an instrument of pleasure in love-making, or a tool of defilement and hatred in rape.
    They attempt to deny the fact of that duality, and consider only the perverted “evil” view of the gun/phallic symbol, enhancing the guilt and shame they associate with their masculine nature. It is that masculine nature they fear and hate, and want to purge by becoming a symbolic eunuch.
    Those men who enjoy owning and firing guns, and take pride in their skill with them, are rejoicing in their masculinity. They do not feel guilt, shame, or any inadequacy in their masculine nature, but are both happy and proud to be male.

  31. I thought the saying was if you carry a 40 you haven’t been a dumb shit that got your permit taken away.

  32. Anyone that uses the “small dick” argument for anything apparently skipped every week of Psych 101 after the first. Freud has been obsolete in our understanding of the human psyche since the 1950’s. It’s only idiots that keep beating that dead horse and acting like it means anything.

    The idea of “compensating” is ridiculous. When I was explaining what the Cutts Compensator on my old JC Higgins shotgun was, I got a look. Seriously, it pisses me off.

  33. I’d point out that there’s nothing further in than five inches that needs satisfying. Perhaps “skinny” would be a more realistic downer than “short.” Isn’t it time Yeager figured out what he’s going to say to the ladies? “Compensating for small breasts”? Nope. They’d have bought bigger ones if it mattered. Compensating for a small cl#t? It’s time the anti’s and the Yeagers got their gender-neutral act together outside the bedroom (or…kitchen). I’ve never figured out the whole “compensating” bit. I can’t think of a situation in which the one thing can substitute for the other, unless your pistol comes with a universal-rail-mountable vibrathing.

  34. Yeager is a child.

    I’m a purest by most metrics. I like guns to be made of steel and wearing walnut. Acceptable handgun calibers are .22 LR, .38 special, 9mm, .357 magnum, .45 acp, .44 special, .45 colt, .44 magnum. I prefer my handguns to have a revolving cylinder, or a grip safety, or if not made by some old US company, be made by some old Italian, German, or Belgian one. These are just my preferences though. Because all of that stuff is “good” doesn’t mean something new can’t be good as well.

    Having caught up with at least the 1980s I’ve shot a Glock 23 now for almost a year and have worked up about a hundred different .40 S&W loads for it, I’m a believer. It’s a good versatile round, you can pack .45 acp or better KE in close to a 9mm sized package. The plastic fantastic chews them up and spits them out every time. It’s really easy to shoot. There’s really nothing to b!tch about. I’m sure .357 sig is really nice too.

    If it works, it works, and some random roid raging pit-bull of a man’s tastes don’t change that fact.

    • Most of the nations law enforcement seem to agree with you regarding the merits of the Glock 40 (22 and 23).

  35. It’s kind of funny that Buck Angel here is commenting on other people’s dick size.

  36. I’ve got a .40.
    And while I may not be very big around, I sure am short!
    Oh, wait

  37. .40 cal is the only ammo I have been able to buy consistently and reliably at normal prices.

    If you got to CTD you will find that .40 cal is now cheaper then 9mm. For me this issue has less to do with performance and more to do with economics.

  38. The .40 is far superior to the 9MM in energy, wound cavitation and penetration. 40SW is on par with 45, 45GAP and slightly behind 357SIG which is still the near perfect pistol round. I consider 40SW the perfect round (for me) for its power, manageble recoil, high capacity, and relative ease of procurement and affordability.

    But it still boils down to comfort level and preference. Never thought 9MM would be hard to get and near a buck a round, like 357SIG. For the negligible cost disparity now 9MM is not the best choice, but there is no reason to insult others choices. Its great to have choices in these matters, while we can.

  39. .22 kills more people every year than any other round. That said I have several different handguns for carry. I choose the .40 for standard carry because of the S&W slim frame that conceals well. The smaller 9mm Diamondback that is the size of KelTec .380 for suits and form fitting clothing, then the NA .22Mag for the clothing that doesn’t conceal anything else.

    One thing that is really nice here lately is having a variety of different calibers since you don’t know what you can find practice ammo for

      • For years the FBI maintaned that the most common calibers used on murder were the .22 and the .38. They were the most non shotgun round in use for generations in America. Has that stat changed since the flood of plastic pistols in 9mm? I don’t know and I’m too lazy to look it up.

    • The 22 story only means that there have been many rounds fired (through lots of rifles, as well) over the years. Also remember that it is INCAPACITATION, not death, that is the goal, because nobody cares if it takes the bad guy two days to die after he stabbed you to death. A 22 handgun is a terrible choice, generally (unless your that Hawking genius in the wheelchair. or something).

  40. Two things I got out of this story;

    1. It is a good thing 99% of gun owners are non-violent over insulting their penis size.

    2. I now know a size deffinition for penis size. .. can’t wait to inform the wife. 😉 LOL

  41. Send him over to Feinstein’s camp. He’s done more for them than he has for us.

  42. Pretty stupid stuff. Also his comment about high pressure rounds is also stupid. According to 3rd edition Ammo Encyclopedia they list 40 and 9mm as both max pressure of 35,000 psi. The 9 IS a high pressure round. Of course with all his testosterone running through his veins it’s hard for him to make rational comments.

    • Yeager is what the antis want to make everyone believe we are. When we point out his ridiculousness then we are illustrating that we are not. That’s important to do sometimes.

  43. I am pretty sure Mr. Yeager was mocking the very stereotype you so accurately identified.

  44. Yes. well. I’m sure that Yeager-Meister has researched this issue thoroughly, taking matters into his own hands and putting his money where his mouth is. One thing you can never say about Yeager is that he turned away from something because it was hard. No way. We all know that Yeager would bend over backwards for the truth.

    So I salute you, James Yeager. Keep on polishing your bayonet, and dream of large pen1ses.

  45. Or, equally likely: ….We all know that Yeager would bend over backwards for the truth money.

  46. I watched his video. It sure came across to me that he was just yanking people’s chains. His explicit criticism of .40 S&W was that it is a high-pressure round. What he fails to mention is that 9mm Parabellum is also a high-pressure round.

    I think what he was trying to say is that .40 S&W has relatively large and “snappy” recoil. Compared to 9mm that may have “snappy” recoil (because it is also a high-pressure round) and compared to .45 ACP that has large recoil. But neither 9mm nor .45 ACP have both snappy and large recoil.

    Isn’t that the way that life works? You never get something for nothing. Speaking of nothing, I rarely ever see 9mm ammunition on the shelves of the local gun stores. I see quite a bit more .40 S&W available. That alone is a fairly compelling reason to shoot .40 S&W.

    • Also, you have to wonder why they make +p and +p+ 9mm which nears 40 KE levels if the worry was recoil and gun wear (like Glocks break so easy and quick).

    • he is trying to say that while they both have similar pressures, the 9mm is well beneath its mechanical limits and the 40 is right on the line because it is downscaled from 10mm. That is a rough summation.

      That is why there are overpressure 9mm AND 45 ACP. Overpressure 40s are either a.) marketing gimmicks b.) the real deal that can only be fired in guns with fully supported chambers. Either way, you are “40-izing” (with the 40s drawbacks like increased wear and tear, recoil, muzzle flash, etc) the 9mm with overpressure cartridges for a 100-200 ft/lbs in gain in kinetic energy, which is NEGLIGIBLE.

      Yes 40 is more available…right now. Its still more expensive than 9mm if you troll the gunbot page over and over again (like I do), but there is more competition with 9mm. 🙁 I say, keep your 40. I’m glad I kept one.

      • I see what you are saying (in that there are no real +p40). A big advantage of the 40 is the range of power and bullet weight. It gives one options. The beginning bullet diameter does help (as it splits the diff between 9 and 45…..along with magazine capacity in the same sized platform…as 45 is a bigger gun). It really is a 9/40/45 world, as the 40 really did muscle its way into the starting lineup.

  47. Love my .40 – just a little more than my 9mm and .45.

    Find it sweet to shoot (Course from the CZ 75, any caliber is sweet to shoot!) And I have a bit more confidence in the round than the 9 based on MY research and experience. And I’m plenty accurate with it.

    Or maybe I carry a .40 ’cause I’m a lesbian trapped in a man’s body.

  48. Who asked him? I quit being interested in what he says long ago. Next he’ll be telling us why cardboard targets are better than paper. Somebody needs to take his camera away, slap him a few times, and find him another hobby.

  49. Spot on – .40 SW sucks. Too expensive, too peppy. A .45 ACP kicks less and a 9mm is just as good. Oh the FBI tests…oh the number of LEO carrying .40 SW…bunk…trend…fad.

    • KY gel, a quarter century fad that has ended up with the majority of TODAYS law enforcement using it cant be all bunk.
      The energy of a 45 with the round capacity and frame size of a 9mm.
      It smashed its way between the 9/45 debate……..with a bullet.
      Heck of a trend.

    • law enforcement agencies can, and often do, get stupid, which is why a number of them are transitioning back to 9mm.

      the north hollywood and miami shootouts should have started a discussion about long guns, not f^cking pistol calibers.

      The FBI wanted a bigger caliber without adopting the 45 ACP, which would have meant they were wrong to begin with. So you have the 10mm. By the time ideas to minimize the 10mms drawbacks (increased recoil, larger size, smaller magazine capacity) were fully realized, giving birth to the 40 S&W, the main advantage of the 10mm (more kinetic energy) was minimized too, making it another contender with similar performance as other major pistol cartridges. In other words, pissing into the wind/reinventing the wheel.

    • law enforcement agencies can, and often do, get stupid, which is why a number of them are transitioning back to 9mm.

      the north hollywood and miami shootouts should have started a discussion about long guns, not f^cking pistol calibers.

      The FBI wanted a bigger caliber without adopting the 45 ACP, which would have meant they were wrong to begin with. So you have the 10mm. By the time ideas to minimize the 10mms drawbacks (increased recoil, larger size, smaller magazine capacity) were fully realized, giving birth to the 40 S&W, the main advantage of the 10mm (more kinetic energy) was minimized too, making it another contender with similar performance as other major pistol cartridges. In other words, pissing into the wind/reinventing the wheel.

      • North Hollywood is certainly a long gun debate. 40 and 9 are near the same thing (you can load down or +p and load up). The forty of today has definitely come into its own with the wide variety of loads and platforms. It is certainly a 9/40/45 world in semi and 38/357 in revolver.
        I think we will see agencies transition between these three semi calibers for years to come (though I wish they would go to an 8 shot 357 wheel…for the cool factor). That….or we will see strange kinetic energy rail guns that don’t use bullets.

  50. I carry a 9mm…what does he think of that? I’m still shooting long after he’s run out of ammo…

  51. Twenty year old fad, sure..

    My G22 shoots fine. The G17 before it did too.
    I can shoot effectively with whatever is in my hand
    or near it when I need it.
    You should to.

    Dude in the vid is comedic.

  52. I’ve got a Glock 31 and a Sig P229 that started life as .357 Sig. After I got tired of the muzzle blast and the $45/box price of ammo, I bought .40 S&W barrels for both.

    Don’t get me wrong – I like the .357 Sig round, but for function and cost .40 S&W works well enough.

    If I ever get to carry my P229 (in NJ – not likely), I’ll put the .357 sig barrel back into it.

  53. “…or women (who generally don’t have a peeniss).”

    Yes, but watch out for the ones who do!

    PS. I had to misspell the P word because there appears to be one set of rules for bloggers and another for commenters.

  54. My wife and I carry the SAME caliber; .38+P! What does THAT say about our respective genit@li@?

  55. I carry an LCP..with a pink grip sleeve. It should go without saying im hung like a bear..i mean a koala is a bear right?

  56. I agree that if you can’t kill it with a 9mm or a .45 you really need a rifle, although I’d throw in the .40 with them. I don’t really get the 4 pound .44 magnum. It’s not concealable or convenient to carry, you might as well carry 5 pound rifle.

  57. Yup, .40 guns have a lot more kick than 9mm guns. In fact, technology has advanced so far, 9mm guns have no recoil anymore.

    Stupid ammo crunch.

  58. I’m wondering if the writer of this article missed the point of the video. Mr. Yeager brings up some excellent points about the 40 S&W. I’ve been watching his youtube videos for over a year now and he seems solid. It’s because of some of these videos that I have changed my view about the whole 9mm vs 40 S&W argument.

  59. So…. Will I be less dead or more dead if I’m shot with a .40 vs. another caliber? Last time I checked, dead was dead regardless of the caliber used?

    • Right, there was an example provided earlier this year by a serving officer (don’t ask where, I can’t remember) who fired at an armed goblin twice in the chest with his .40S&W. The pathologist told him the bullets penetrated the heart, and then went on to sever the spinal column. which was what actually dropped him. He said a 9mm would not have gone in so far, allowing the perp time to fire back, putting his life in danger. The officer is a firm fan of .40 calibre since that time. If I was betting my life walking around armed, it would be with a .40 calibre, probably some variety of Sig.

  60. I guess i got a small one. Dont care…two shots totally planned. Two great boys who cant wait to shoot.

  61. Having answered questions such as what I do with my pistol while defecating or while engaged in coitus I suppose this really isn’t a bridge too far. I personally prefer .45ACP in full sized pistols and prefer .40 over 9mm in anything for which concealment isn’t the primary factor. Given that my penile endowment is just slightly over (much like .40 performance over 9) average I must be an outlier in for the purposes of this study. I do have to admit having never attempted to calculate my testicular volume (and frankly I’m a bit proud to admit that somehow), but given my full head of hair in my mid 30’s, relative lack of body hair and other secondary indicators I’d guess my testosterone production is below average, though not in a clinically significant way.
    I’m also a fairly small statured man generally, that is, 5’8 and 140lbs with hands more suited to piano than gunnery. Even so, I’ve never had difficulty with recoil ever for rapid fire with commander sized .45s, compact and subcompact .40s, or really anything that isn’t a full on magnum in a ridiculously light for caliber pistol. I attribute this to good grip position and what might be considered obsessive training since it doesn’t seem to be related to size or strength.
    Along these lines my very small and no longer young step mother seems to have no difficulty with recoil from her .40 S&W shield, a tiny polymer thing from which the pinky hangs if the grip extension isn’t used.
    I suppose gains in capacity or control in the .40 Vs 9mm debate are valid, just as the on paper differences in performance are marginal. However, baring very unusual situations or injuries, if one is unable to cope with the recoil of the .40 S&W it is indicative of too little range time.
    Carry whatever works best for you, but please, allow others the same unbiased choice.
    Also, when testicular volume is a criteria for firearms selection I suspect we’re indexing this backwards. Elmer Keith developed the magnum pistol and Col. Jeff Cooper was a life long proponent of the .45ACP. If these men don’t have ‘big balls’ then perhaps small ones are to be preferred.

    • “However, baring very unusual situations or injuries, if one is unable to cope with the recoil of the .40 S&W it is indicative of too little range time.”

      Even with a “lot” of range time, I guarantee if you can control a 40 really good, you can control a 9mm better. Its a matter of simple physics.

      40 guys hate people flipping their shit and complain about “unbiased” choices, although the irony is lost on them: only a biased person could justify carrying a 40, because they would be ignoring all of their disadvantages.

  62. I have a .40 cal, I don’t have a problem with it. Of course, the small junk thing, there are many ways he could know that, perhaps if he’s been naked in the same room with a guy that carries a .40, and when he turns around he just stares at it. Alphabet of Manliness, letter U, page 159, rule #2: NO PEEKING. Or he could be thinking about it, in which case, I don’t want to know about your fantasies. Seriously, tell a therapist or something.

  63. I need to carry the biggest handgun possible to use as a counterweight depending on which way I’m hanging that day

  64. i hope TTAG does not become a Yeager’miester like ENDO , just a little friendly fire lol

  65. For f^cks sake,

    A lot of you, including the author, are taking Yeager’s comments completely out of context

    For one, people are missing the point about 9mm vs 40 “pressures” because they are looking at one isolated number without realizing the bigger picture.

    The SAAMI/ANSI pressures noted for 9mm and .40S&W are identical, no doubt about that. What many are failing to realize (except many 40 shooters ironically) is that at 35k PSI, the 40 is operating at the top end of its intended limit for a 40 firearm’s design and the cartridge itself.

    At 34k PSI (SAAMI/ANSI maximum) the 9x19mm is operating quite a bit below the engineered standards for 9mm firearms (frames and barrels emphasized), which explains why there are +p and +P+ 9mm cartridges and not 40 (with the exception of buffalo bore, which cannot be safely fired through any 40 without a fully supported chamber anyways).

    Secondly, it requires less energy to create those pressures in a 9mm chamber than it does to create the 40’s respective energy in its chamber. Relative to the systems, the 40 is indeed “higher pressure” as is any cartridge that is downscaled from a parent cartridge (357 sig and 45 GAP also, although Ill admit that my knowledge of those two is limited).

    In a nutshell, the 40 is pushing itself to its mechanical limits. Many firearms that utilized 9mm engineering and were upscaled to 40 have had significant problems for a reason. That is why it is better to downscale (ahem….HK USP)

    Not to mention with 40 you do have a faster slide cycle, which does create more wear and tear, more recoil (affecting controllability), less flexibility to reload due to its limits being reached (both mechanically within the gun and within the cartridge case itself), less magazine capacity, and more expensive ammo (discounting the recent sandy hook crisis bullshit).

    That is why i personally do not prefer +P and +P+ ammunition for my 9mms (I ran them for quite a while because after the election it was the only thing I could buy in bulk). You essentially are creating 40 drawbacks within your 9mm platform (heavier recoil, more wear and tear, ad nauseum) for an extra 100-200 ft/lbs of energy that really means jack shit in the bigger picture of a gun fight.

    As far as 40 guns go, I personally do not see a purpose for them. The caliber is very niche specific and the drawbacks of a larger caliber do not disappear just because it is under the threshold of holy 45 ACP.

    There is NO advantage whatsoever to carrying 40 because of the drawbacks I have already listed. With the current ammo crisis, yes, 40 is more available. No doubt about that. It is for the same reason as to why there are 40 caliber pistols in the used gun display. 0__o

    As soon as something better than 9mm comes along, then Ill jump ship I guess.

  66. For f^cks sake,

    A lot of you, including the author, are taking Yeager’s comments completely out of context

    For one, people are missing the point about 9mm vs 40 “pressures” because they are looking at one isolated number without realizing the bigger picture.

    The SAAMI/ANSI pressures noted for 9mm and .40S&W are identical, no doubt about that. What many are failing to realize (except many 40 shooters ironically) is that at 35k PSI, the 40 is operating at the top end of its intended limit for a 40 firearm’s design and the cartridge itself.

    At 34k PSI (SAAMI/ANSI maximum) the 9x19mm is operating quite a bit below the engineered standards for 9mm firearms (frames and barrels emphasized), which explains why there are +p and +P+ 9mm cartridges and not 40 (with the exception of buffalo bore, which cannot be safely fired through any 40 without a fully supported chamber anyways).

    Secondly, it requires less energy to create those pressures in a 9mm chamber than it does to create the 40’s respective energy in its chamber. Relative to the systems, the 40 is indeed “higher pressure” as is any cartridge that is downscaled from a parent cartridge (357 sig and 45 GAP also, although Ill admit that my knowledge of those two is limited).

    In a nutshell, the 40 is pushing itself to its mechanical limits. Many firearms that utilized 9mm engineering and were upscaled to 40 have had significant problems for a reason. That is why it is better to downscale (ahem….HK USP)

    Not to mention with 40 you do have a faster slide cycle, which does create more wear and tear, more recoil (affecting controllability), less flexibility to reload due to its limits being reached (both mechanically within the gun and within the cartridge case itself), less magazine capacity, and more expensive ammo (discounting the recent sandy hook crisis bullshit).

    That is why i personally do not prefer +P and +P+ ammunition for my 9mms (I ran them for quite a while because after the election it was the only thing I could buy in bulk). You essentially are creating 40 drawbacks within your 9mm platform (heavier recoil, more wear and tear, ad nauseum) for an extra 100-200 ft/lbs of energy that really means jack shit in the bigger picture of a gun fight.

    As far as 40 guns go, I personally do not see a purpose for them. The caliber is very niche specific and the drawbacks of a larger caliber do not disappear just because it is under the threshold of holy 45 ACP.

    There is NO advantage whatsoever to carrying 40 because of the drawbacks I have already listed. With the current ammo crisis, yes, 40 is more available. No doubt about that. It is for the same reason as to why there are 40 caliber pistols in the used gun display. 0__o

    For you guys that say you shoot a 40 better, bullshit thats all i can say. Like James and any other instructor has seen, is about physics. Since it is accepted empirically that 40 and 45 produce more perceived and factual recoil, that means controllability is more affected, therefore followup shots are more difficult to make accurately. Dont take my word for it. Actually spend the money on 1000 rounds of ammo and go to a training course. Hopefully I wont rub anybody raw; if you think (thats right, think) your 40 is more controllable than a 9mm, then knock yourself out. Do whatever the f^ck you want.

    As soon as something better than 9mm comes along, then Ill jump ship I guess.

  67. For f^cks sake,

    A lot of you, including the author, are taking Yeager’s comments completely out of context

    For one, people are missing the point about 9mm vs 40 “pressures” because they are looking at one isolated number without realizing the bigger picture.

    The SAAMI/ANSI pressures noted for 9mm and .40S&W are identical, no doubt about that. What many are failing to realize (except many 40 shooters ironically) is that at 35k PSI, the 40 is operating at the top end of its intended limit for a 40 firearm’s design and the cartridge itself.

    At 34k PSI (SAAMI/ANSI maximum) the 9x19mm is operating quite a bit below the engineered standards for 9mm firearms (frames and barrels emphasized), which explains why there are +p and +P+ 9mm cartridges and not 40 (with the exception of buffalo bore, which cannot be safely fired through any 40 without a fully supported chamber anyways).

    Secondly, it requires less energy to create those pressures in a 9mm chamber than it does to create the 40’s respective energy in its chamber. Relative to the systems, the 40 is indeed “higher pressure” as is any cartridge that is downscaled from a parent cartridge (357 sig and 45 GAP also, although Ill admit that my knowledge of those two is limited).

    In a nutshell, the 40 is pushing itself to its mechanical limits. Many firearms that utilized 9mm engineering and were upscaled to 40 have had significant problems for a reason. That is why it is better to downscale (ahem….HK USP)

    Not to mention with 40 you do have a faster slide cycle, which does create more wear and tear, more recoil (affecting controllability), less flexibility to reload due to its limits being reached (both mechanically within the gun and within the cartridge case itself), less magazine capacity, and more expensive ammo (discounting the recent sandy hook crisis bullshit).

    That is why i personally do not prefer +P and +P+ ammunition for my 9mms (I ran them for quite a while because after the election it was the only thing I could buy in bulk). You essentially are creating 40 drawbacks within your 9mm platform (heavier recoil, more wear and tear, ad nauseum) for an extra 100-200 ft/lbs of energy that really means jack shit in the bigger picture of a gun fight.

    As far as 40 guns go, I personally do not see a purpose for them. The caliber is very niche specific and the drawbacks of a larger caliber do not disappear just because it is under the threshold of holy 45 ACP.

    There is NO advantage whatsoever to carrying 40 because of the drawbacks I have already listed. With the current ammo crisis, yes, 40 is more available. No doubt about that. It is for the same reason as to why there are 40 caliber pistols in the used gun display. 0__o

    For you guys that say you shoot a 40 better, bullshit thats all i can say. Like James and any other instructor has seen, is about physics. Since it is accepted empirically that 40 and 45 produce more perceived and factual recoil, that means controllability is more affected, therefore followup shots are more difficult to make accurately. Dont take my word for it. Actually spend the money on 1000 rounds of ammo and go to a training course. Hopefully I wont rub anybody raw; if you think (thats right, think) your 40 is more controllable than a 9mm, then knock yourself out. Do whatever the f^ck you want.

    As soon as something better than 9mm comes along, then Ill jump ship I guess.

  68. I wonder if the snappier recoil (and quicker impulse) allows you to get on target faster with a 40? The advantage does seem to be compromises between the 9 and 45. It only makes sense that a 9 should shoot easier than a 40 (or 45), especially in the lower energy and lighter rounds. I am not sure how much things translate on the course (% difference in shooting times) and what the give and take (effectiveness) would be, but I do know that the three main rounds used today (9/40/45) are the ones to look at for defensive use (38/357 for revolver).
    The question is, would a person want to go down to .380acp or up to 41 magnum (not counting 38 special or 10mm)?
    I would love to hear from those folks.

  69. Borrowing from a quote I saw somewhere….

    Of course, I’m compensating for something. If I could reach out and kill a bad guy with my dick, I wouldn’t need my gun (a Glock 27 for EDC).

    I’m glad to learn (from this blog post) that my man-berries are bigger than the average potato chip in every dimension.

  70. Although as usual James goes a bit extreme with words I agree that the 9mm is the best handgun round, overall. Anyone can chirp in and say “44 mag” or some goof above says “7.62×25”. The fact remains 9mm is king. I liked .40 but I shoot better with the 9mm. Never cared for .45. Love .357 mag but for semi-auto it’s 9mm all the way.
    If you think James doesn’t know his guns and ammo go hit one of his classes, you will be schooled.

    • I have never heard 9mm be called KING in a world including .45, and .40, as each of the ‘big three’ has its charms. I (with 40) load down to near 9mm power level while still having the heavier bullet with larger starting diameter (and 15 instead of 17 rounds in the same size package).
      Both the 9 and 45 have been around a LONG time indeed, but anybody trying to dismiss what the 40 did this last quarter century as a ‘fad’ is deluded.

  71. This guy Yeager, what a piece … but hey, it’s making him money. He means well, he just sucks at people skills. I get his humor, but that’s because I’m pretty much an unintentional a-s/s-hole, too.
    For me, it’s a Glock 23 with a 9mm conversion barrel. The conversion barrel gives me a little more wall thickness and overall weight, resulting in even less perceived recoil using my preferred Hornady Critical Duty 135gr+P’s. I’ve also thrown in an EFK Dual Action Recoil Spring and lightened the trigger by 3/4lb.
    I love the .40, don’t get me wrong, but I run that out of my Beretta 96A1, and I run Kevin Underwood’s
    .40 S&W 155gr+P. Yes, I said +P. I love both calibers and have no qualms undertaking any CQC with either one. However, all that said … my fave hand’s down is my slightly upgraded VZ58 side folder in 7.62×39. THAT does all I need from 0 – 225yds, or so.

  72. I own more than one type of caliber and have shot plenty of larger more powerful rounds while in the military. As a citizen I have a .40cal and I have shot it many times and it’s better than a 9mm IMHPO. 9mm sucks. Go with a .40 and .45cal, both are great rounds. As far as having a small penis, lol, well, that’s not what anyone has ever said when I was in her. Considering the average penis size is around 5.5″ full erect for men and I can just say I’m a few over there. Yeager’s got some good tactical videos but he’s a idiot too.

    • Most women say size isn’t that important. With that being said, my personal opinion is that although Yeager may have vast amounts of experience and skill, he’s still just another guy who has bad breath in the morning and shit stinks and I don’t care if he teaches 1000 students and aliens from other worlds every week, every word out of his pie hole is not golden and don’t care what he thinks. I carry a Sig P229 in .40 and I can hit what I shoot at in the blink of an eye. THAT’S WHAT I CARE ABOUT, not what Yeager thinks, says or does.

  73. Glock 27 40 Cal suits me fine and gets the job done.My dick gets its job done just fine too.

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