James Yeager passed away on September 2, 2022. (Photo credit: Tactical Response)
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According to sources, James “MF” Yeager passed away this morning, September 2, 2022. He’d been fighting amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease) for some time and that is believed to be the cause of his death, although no official statement has been released.

James was perhaps best known in the gun industry for Tactical Response. However, he had quite a colorful background prior to his teaching years. In the early 1990s, Yeager worked in a range of drug task force units and undercover squads. By 1996, he was still in law enforcement, but working as a patrolman and K-9 handler for the Big Sandy Police Department. He’d later spend a couple years as Big Sandy’s Chief of Police.

Other time spent in law enforcement including in roles as the Firearms and Tactics Instructor with the Camden Police Department, among others. During that time, in the early 2000s, James also worked on protective security details in Baghdad.

This past Spring of 2022, he traveled to the Ukraine and offered his services training around 150 soldiers. According to Tactical Response, the city was 95% surrounded when he went in with his team to lend a hand.

Over the years, James was involved in countless aspects of the gun industry. He was always working, even as the ALS progressed.

James Yeager teaching a class at Tactical Response. (Photo credit: Tactical Response)

Here’s what Yeager’s bio doesn’t say about him. It doesn’t mention the fact that if he knew you and saw you at an industry event, he acted like it was the coolest and greatest moment ever. His personality was larger than life. When James was in the room, he held everyone’s focus. People might not have agreed with everything he said or did, but the fact remains he worked hard, taught passionately, and treated those around him as friends even if he barely knew them.

It was James’ wish not to have an official obit. He did not want anyone to cry over him, and not to make “dumbass social media posts on my birthday.”

James was, above all else, a force to be reckoned with. If you knew him, you knew he was a cool dude. We are saddened to hear of his passing. Rest in peace, James “MF” Yeager.

For those who would like to attend, there will be what his friends are calling a Big Ass Party at the range in Camden, Tennessee, on September 10th and 11th. A bonfire will be started at 6 PM. Attendees are invited to show up as early as Friday evening, September 9th, to set up camp. Tactical Response states they will be running the team room by alumni weekend rules, but people will be allowed to camp around the range, but not past the firing line. It’s not a memorial, it’s a party. Go prepared to tell stories.

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  1. I saw many of his videos. He was always over the top, but of course, that was part of his show. He was always interesting. Sorry to see him go.

    • Fuck this guy. Good riddance. Fuck you if youre on here sucking his dick because hes dead. The world is a better place now. Fuck yeager and his bullshit, and his rabid fuckin fanboys who are mad they can no longer be a part of his fuckin circle jerk.

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      • That’s a lot of hurt, Willy. It’s okay to be angry that he’s gone, but lashing out at others isn’t productive. Remember the good times, and know that it’s okay to cry, nobody will judge you.

      • @WillyWontcha
        Although the man wasn’t my cup of tea and I had quit watching his videos so long ago I had forgotten all about him, your sentiment is a tab bit over the top.

        • Willie, i started to say that it is quite obvious by your comments that you never met the man. But then I realized that you probably did meet him and he realized pretty quickly what an awful person you are and probably said something that hurt your little feelings. Any person that could write something publicly about another person who died knowing that his children or granchildren may one day read, is the kind of person that deserves all of the karma that your comments will bring to you. And the kind of person that James would never associate with. Your lack of character is especially evident by the fact that you did not have the balls to sign your own name to your vile comments. James Yeager had more character and honor in his little finger then you will ever have. He was my friend for 26 years and I will miss him. I am sad for you that you will never truly know what it is like to have a friend like James Yeager because nobody could truly care for someone such as yourself who hides behind a keyboard and makes such terrible comments about another human being.

      • ———>. “Fuck this guy. Good riddance. Fuck you if youre on here sucking his dick because hes dead. The world is a better place now. Fuck yeager and his bullshit, and his rabid fuckin fanboys who are mad they can no longer be a part of his fuckin circle jerk.”

        Just a hater. Fuck you, and fuck off. After you fuck off, when you reach that place, keep fucking off, when you reach your destination after that, continue fucking off. Where ever you reach, don’t stay there, just keep fucking off.

      • Speaking spitefully of a dead man. Shows your lack of class and upbringing.

        I didnt agree with everything he taught, but he was a good man with a terrible illness.
        And you are a schmuck.

      • Yo WillyWanker, why all the hostility? The dude is dead. Cut him some slack. You have such strong feelings about the guy, why didn’t you tell him to his face when he was alive so he could slap the living shite out you? Or are you just another keyboard warrior sitting in mommy’s basement in your underwear playing tough guy on your computer? Chill the hell out before you blow a gasket.

      • Fuck this guy. Good riddance. Fuck you if youre on here sucking his dick because hes dead. The world is a better place now. Fuck yeager and his bullshit, and his rabid fuckin fanboys who are mad they can no longer be a part of his fuckin circle jerk.

        Dear WillyWontcha, maybe you didn’t have a dad, so please allow me to offer some fatherly advice. When a person dies, there is no point hating them anymore, or complaining about them, because they are dead. You can no longer change their opinion, or redirect their actions that bother you, because they are dead. Someday you are going to die, and its better for everyone in the world to just say some kind words, instead of embarrassing themselves with hateful blather. So a better response, than yours above, would be something like:

        I wasn’t a big Yeager fan, and/or I disagreed with his teaching and teaching methods, and/or maybe his persona and attitude. But he was a man. He was somebody’s son. He was somebody’s brother. He was somebody’s father. He was somebody’s grandfather. He was somebody’s friend. He was somebody to someone, likely many someones. I wish the people suffering because he is gone, to take solace in that he will suffer no more, and that he is a peace. Further, he would want us to move on, and live a happy and good life, filled with good things. So lets all do that for him.

        See? That is so much better than embarrassing yourself with a volcano of festering hate from your mouth hole. And others will respect you more for it. You want others to respect you more right? So next time do that, and later when you kick the bucket, hopefully everyone does that for you.

    • Rip Sir. And Prayers to the family. James threw a party in Nashville when the NRA came here. It was open to everyone. It was great being around like mined people. He like Donald Trump don’t have the greatest filter. And that is a good thing. The gun world needs more people willing to say the unpopular truth about our countries direction.

      He travelled to Louisville Ky to observe and report back on what he saw at the Breonna Taylor shooting protests. He said things about the protests that no other news outlet reported on. Like the protesters having a support system that provides access to lawyers. and bail money, the day they were arrested. Tables set up near the police station and jail with all this information being given out.

      He gave everyone a heads up as to what is coming. The rich people on the Left have developed a support system to get their people out of jail ASAP. And the Trump supporters are still in jail after the J6 protests.

    • I enjoyed his shows. They were entertaining. I know TTAG used to talk shit about him 10 years ago back in 2012 (I was here then too). I remember listening to Paul T McCain complain about him (since passed away) but yeager really wasn’t that bad, and his videos were always entertaining and oftentimes insightful. Check out this video of him 10 years ago. Looking young, slim, healthy and strong. I think this is the way he would like to be remembered.

  2. I am surprised he was able to go to Ukraine if he’s dead now. ALS is a disease that takes a man a piece at a time. It must have been a hell of a thing to get him in there honestly. I’ve heard there’s a “slow” and a “fast” variant, but man that’s really fast.

    • Yeah, I just had an ALS patient who was relatively fine in April, but will likely die any day now. By comparison I’ve had other ALS patients who lingered and slowly decade for years, more than a decade even.

    • I wouldn’t be surprised if he took matters into his own hands. ALS is a horrible deteriorating monster and if his “persona” is even halfway legit I can’t imagine he’d choose to be eaten alive over many months or years over a more swift exit on his own terms.

      It took a member of my family and I often think about when I’d make the exit because if you delay too long you won’t have the mobility to do it and you’ll be trapped alive in a rotting human shaped coffin gasping for air for however long your family, doctors and insurance decide.

  3. Not my favorite Guntuber and I certainly didn’t agree with many of his positions.

    But he did seem genuine in his beliefs and approach.

    Did not know the Ukraine training story. Sounds like he had some cods.


  4. I had a family member who died of ALS two years ago. She lived years longer than doctors said she would, but it was a very bad disease.

    RIP James.

  5. I have met James a number of times at shot show and NRA conventions, he always took the time to ask me if I was still doing the same job always remembered what I did very very personable even though I’ve never attended one of his classes that never stopped him expressing interest sad to see him go.

  6. Were I to contract ALS, it wouldn’t be my cause of death. I’ve seen what it can do, and there’s worse things than dying. RIP.

    • Wow. You know, I liked Yeager, he was genuine or least seemed to be so yeah, RIP James. Your blue line bullshit here is over the top though. I have my own experiences plus that of many others to demonstrate beyond arguing what an absolute piece of crap a disproportionately large numbers of your brethren can be, never mind flat out criminals. So don’t act as if your brothers in blue are all valiant heroes sacrificing themselves for a greater cause. Cause they aren’t. They never have been. And they never fucking will be.

      • Yeah this isn’t the place for that you fucking moron. So go take your BLM Antifa loving horseshit back to MSNBC or WAPO you fuckin faygot.

        • “take your BLM Antifa loving horseshit back.”

          Well there you go, just another expression of that conservative tolerance and inclusion.

        • Fuck you, fascist. Suck that big boot till it throws you on the ground and chokes your lights out and calls you the bad guy. All pigs get roasted one way or another. No sympanthy for the jackboots that stomp on our 2A. Hope every FBI, CIA, ATF, IRS, Police chud gets black-tip syndrome.

        • Well there you go, just another expression of that conservative tolerance and inclusion.

          Do you guys troll on obituary pages also?

      • Every single time there’s a death or tragedy some asshole has to come in here and trash them because they didn’t exactly fit into their particular world view.

        It’s beyond pathetic to trash someone when they’re dead and have literally no way to argue back.

        • Well, he did argue back when he was alive and that was a pretty significant flaw he had. So no wonder he is disliked even after passing. Or does dying just all the sudden make people better? How dare someone talk badly about Hitler ffs… lol.

          Seriously tho. Yeager was literally “Carl”. All it takes is one google search to find out the truth about this asshole. He never got respect and it doesn’t change now just because he’s gone.

          But, no surprise this site would honor him with an article.

        • So because bashing dead Hitler is ok, bashing anyone else dead, right after death, is ok.

          This is where logical extremes have lead us.

          I don’t even really know the dude, at all, I don’t social media. And I don’t really care to know him. But I do know coming on here and bitching about someone’s condolences is dumb and childish.

        • “Well, he did argue back when he was alive and that was a pretty significant flaw he had.”

          He argued… What?

          Or he simply argued with someone and you believe that is a character flaw? Everyone should just agree with everyone else on what they say? Please clarify…

        • “Deutschland Uber Alles
          September 3, 2022 At 01:08
          Why would you even want to bash Hitler?

          He was right.”

          You may want to learn the origins of your username.

          Clue; The DUA term predates AH. He perverted it.

        • Geoff: Arguing isn’t a flaw. It’s WHAT, HOW, and WHY you argue.

          Ron: Yea, pretty much. Freedom of speech is either free or not. It’s not about being “ok”. You missed the point.

        • ——> “ Well, he did argue back when he was alive and that was a pretty significant flaw he had.”

          Yep. And that means you can go fuck yourself and then go fuck off.

        • He’s that new age “modern man” the NYT tries to promote. Anyone says something out of line of the narrative he’s gotta pipe up with his politics. It’s an active measures kinda thing to try and keep political activity at the forefront of all things in life.

      • ——->. “ Your blue line bullshit here is over the top though.”

        Looks like a whinebag got triggered. Go fuck yourself and then go fuck off.

    • Wow. You know, I liked Yeager, he was genuine or least seemed to be so yeah, RIP James. Your blue line bullshit here is over the top though. I have my own experiences plus that of many others to demonstrate beyond arguing what an absolute piece of crap a disproportionately large numbers of your brethren can be, never mind flat out criminals. So don’t act as if your brothers in blue are all valiant heroes sacrificing themselves for a greater cause. Cause they aren’t. They never have been. And they never fucking will be.

      Yeah – so this article is about James Yeager dying. NOT what you’re talking about. Also Yeager is one man, to be judged as one man. He is not the embodiment or representation of all cops, so please stop trying to make him out to be.

  7. He always had an interesting viewpoint, the world is less colorful without him in it.

  8. I lost my big brother to ALS. He had the fast version. Presented first in the chest,it usually presents in the extremities first. Terrible frigging disease.

  9. Thanks for setting the standard on how not to behave in a combat zone. 30 seconds of initial contact might have put these dudes in a cluster fuck but it wasn’t the fucked up situation that caught peoples attention, it was Yeagers fuck ups, attempted cover ups and acting like his shit didn’t stink – or did you all forget that he released a video challenging anyone that questioned him about the incident to sign a waver so he fight them to prove himself. It was proof these private security groups were hiring anyone that could shoot. Who tf puts an automatic vehicle in neutral then engages the parking break on a flat road? Anyways.. I remember the video that made him famous like it was yesterday, because telling myself NOT to do what that idiot did was one of the few things that probably kept me alive for my multiple tours. That video, and the one where soldiers just kept running in to save someone shot by a sniper. Like those crayon eaters never watched fucking Full Metal Jacket or something… anyways. Never knew he had ALS though. Obviously wasn’t really a fan of his either. How about that for a Eulogy. Dude was a tool and doesn’t deserve to be recognized by the gun community. He was literally a Carl.

    That said, fuck ALS.

  10. Many doctors and medical researchers believe exposure to toxic chemicals from burn pits and other improper disposals, lead directly to increased neurological diseases for service members and their dependents who are stationed near these toxic sites.

    In a demonstration of their support for the troops, Republican congressmen did everything they could to block the passage of legislation to help soldiers and their dependents who had been impacted by these toxic chemicals.

    “Veterans’ advocacy groups lashed out on Thursday after Senate Republicans blocked a much-anticipated bill aimed at expanding care for veterans who were exposed to toxins during military service.

    The Sgt. First Class Heath Robinson Honoring Our PACT Act was the product of a year of negotiations between the House and the Senate, and Wednesday’s vote was largely expected to be a victory for veterans in need of care.

    But the majority of GOP senators voted against advancing the bill, infuriating its Democratic sponsors and the veterans who have been pushing for it, who focused their ire on Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.)“


    “For it’s Tommy this, an’ Tommy that, an’ ” Tommy, wait outside “;
    But it’s ” Special train for Atkins ” when the trooper’s on the tide
    The troopship’s on the tide, my boys, the troopship’s on the tide,
    O it’s ” Special train for Atkins ” when the trooper’s on the tide.“

    More of the same from bizarro MAGA Republican world of ‘alternative facts’, where “truth isn’t truth”, accusation is confession and treason is patriotism.

  11. Good riddance. He spoke and taught a lot of bullshit. Got contractors killed in Iraq, one of whom was a mate of mine.

    • That’s Chuck Yeager, a real hero whose grandstanding never killed nobody.

      He was born and raised right here on the Guyandotte River, fishing and hunting the West Virginia mountains.

      After his P51D was shot down (3 FW190s), Chuck walked across the Pyrenees to Gibraltar and begged Eisenhower to let him return to the war. We’uns up in the hills know how to use our LPCs to unass the AO, sometimes you just gotta walk out of it.

      • “That’s Chuck Yeager, a real hero whose grandstanding never killed nobody.”

        Know you history, to know your hero.
        While Chuck was an American hero, he DID reach ‘Ace’ status in record time by shooting down German children that were basically only trained in the fundamentals of flying.
        Chuck showed up late to WWII. Most of the heavy lifting was done by pilots prior to Chucks appearance in the theater. Many as good (or better) pilots expired due to the competence/experience levels of their adversaries.
        Facts and truth matter, ESPECIALLY when bestowing ‘hero’ status.

        Always good for a laugh though.

        • “shooting down German children that were basically only trained in the fundamentals of flying“

          Those ‘children’ were doing everything they could to kill American soldiers, so that those ‘children’ and their families could continue to murder Jews, gypsies, the mentally ill, etc.

          Another Holocaust denier on TTAG, imagine my surprise.

        • Wow, how pathetic……..even for whiner.

          I agree with everything in your last comment EXCEPT for the…….”Another Holocaust denier on TTAG, imagine my surprise” ending.

          Stating FACTS about the situation in the European Theater (German aircraft/pilots were easy kills) at the time Chuck Y got there classifies someone as a “Holocaust denier”?

          The depths of your flawed thought processes are truly endless.

          One question……Where are you a tenured professor? 🤔

      • Pointing out that late-war Luftwaffe pilots were young, poorly-trained, few-hours-in-type cannon fodder sent up by their desperate superiors is historically accurate.

        Your characterization of anyone who points out those facts as a “Holocaust denier” is beyond the pale.

        You are a liar and continually reinforce that reality.

        • “After his P51D was shot down (3 FW190s)”

          Yeager was flying a P-51B-5-NA, serial 43-6762. He was shot down on 5 March 1944 by 21-year-old Unteroffizier (Non-Commissioned Officer/possibly Corporal) Irmfried Klotz, an inexperienced FW-190 pilot who himself was shot down and KIA a few weeks later.

          12 October 1944: Yeager claims to have shot down four FW-190s (some sources say five BF-109s). In the after-action report by Yeager, he stated that none of the FWs dropped their belly tanks when engaged. That’s a sure sign of inexperience.

          6 November 1944: Yeager dives out of a cloud bank and spots a ME-262 jet fighter approaching the runway to land. He shoots it down short of the tarmac. The German pilot never saw Yeager jump him from behind.

  12. I always wanted to meet him. Guess that will not happen. I watched his channel for 10 years? More? I was always a fan.
    He did certainly have the best ever list of Last Wishes. His words. Respect, Brother.

    • Not a fan but watched a bit of his channel. We had a troll named McClain(who was a Lutheran minister) on TTAG a few years ago who hated him & called him a “disgrace”on his YouTube channel. He dropped dead a few years ago. Speak ill of the dead at your peril…RIP

  13. I really liked James Yeager, even though I never got to meet him. A few years back he posted something on FB and I made a statement that agreed with his point he was trying to make. He must have misunderstood what I was saying (in his defense, it was rather clunky), and he flamed me with high heat. It was one of my top 5 social media moments ever! I appreciated his time in reading so ma y posts and commenting. I like his library of videos. I am sad that such a bright light has been extinguished too soon.

    • I watched his videos and actually liked his approach and philosophy. It made sense. But I did notice how overtly hostile he was in comments even with positive commentary. Like dude, get over yourself and take a damn compliment once in a while. Still sorry to see him go. I would have liked to have taken a training class of his.

      • Joel you can still take a training class of his. James always wanted Tactical Response to be about the curriculum. If one were to have taken for example Fighting Pistol from James a few years ago and were to come back and take the same class today from another Instructor it would be the exact same class. The instructor staff is well trained to teach all classes the exact same way every single time no matter who is teaching it. So come take a class and you will learn exactly what Yeager taught. His curriculum.

  14. Oh miner, sometimes you border on hilarity. Are you referring to the bill that got loaded up with pork and changed to a discretionary item after it passed the house?
    The bill that Schumer tried to yank from the floor midvote when senators wanted to send it back through ? The one that got clotured instead of having bullshit trimmed out?
    THAT one? … I mean, it’s right there in the article that you included, if you can read (between the lines, admittedly, but hey, half truth is the closest you get to the whole truth)

  15. He let a lot of good dudes from Edinburgh risk die that day! He could have engaged but ran and hid in a ditch.

    • James was the first one out of his vehicle to return fire from the rear of the vehicle. He moved away from that position because the person in the back seat was taking that position with his fully auto weapon.

      He then ran to secondary cover, popping smoke and continued covering. The enemy was gone after the initial contact that had ended almost immediately after it started. It was a hit and run. They were simply attempting to suppress fire of an ambush none of them saw.

      Why didn’t they see it? Because “Johnno” the team leader was not watching his AO but instead was having “Camel” back up the vehicle with his door open because he dropped his “MCI” (cell phone) out the window. You can hear him say this and the door bell dinging.

      They never should have been stopped there. That was not James decision. Jonno should not have been dicking around ignoring his area of responsibility. James freely admits that he made a mistake when he tried to accelerate the vehicle thinking it was disabled, when in fact it was in neutral. He made a mistake in the heat of battle and moved to return fire.

      The fact is if he had accelerated, he wound have left the other vehicles (the rest of his team) behind. All three KIAs were already mortally wounded. The hard-sided Mercedes was disabled and the driver of the rear BMW was dead. The insurgences were already leaving.

      The fact is, that all three men were that were killed, were mortally wounded in the initial contact . In the video you see some fire later. This is the passenger of James vehicle squeezing off rounds as he dies. Johnno shrieks “stop firing!” Because he knows the insurgents have left and it is his own team member firing.

      James then immediately moves to cover Johnno as Johnno renders aid to mortally wounded Jay Hunt.

      They were operating in two soft sided vehicles and one hard sided vehicle. They were on what was termed “the most dangerous road in the world” at the time. The men killed were in the soft sided vehicles. This was not James decision. They were stopped for an extended time against SOP under Johnno’s orders, not James.

      James freely admitted mistakes were made that day. I have yet to see one of his critics post a video of themselves under fire, in an ambush. The decisions that got people killed that day we’re not made by James, they were made by Johnno and others above him.

      I spent many hours studying this incident and watching/listening with headphones to the longer version of the video that most people have never seen. I wanted to put up a website and explain all of this in detail and show it in video. James would never let me. He did not want to stoke the flames. I always wish that I had done it anyways.

      • He has made stupid comments regarding the incident challenging anyone to call him a coward to his face, and if they sign a waiver, he will kill them.

        He also made threats to start killing people if any gun legislation passed after Newton. He lost his CCW for a period of time over this one.

        He also claimed to have Tennessee Dept. of Safety Firearm Instructor Certification. No such certification exists.

        He comes off needlessly angry, and paranoid, and speaks in extreme language, so even when he is right about something he is off-putting to many people.

        He made stupid comments that he doesn’t care that some other youtube gun celebs have Stolen Valor. He basically can’t seem to stop alienating people.

        But you keep protecting him…

    • jane will die a slow and painful death. As she deserves. Life doesn’t care. It doesn’t do fair or unfair. That’s an artificial construct of people.

      Now if dacian and miner49er join her in the cancer ward I will begin to revisit my opinion on fair or unfair.

    • Your bitch ass will bite the dust too someday moron. The difference is, at least I had some people both celebrating and commemorating my death. Pretty much no one will be at your funeral. BTW – fuck off.

  16. James was a want to be and made money off of trying to be like real warriors in real combat. There was no reason to play up “being surrounded by Russians in Kiev”. Really? Even in the poor man’s death his company tries to make him into some fairytale warrior. Real Military soldiers fought and never make up stories about 30 seconds of action and make it their legacy. It’s very sad and borders on stolen valor. His training was for civilians and he had a WWF wrestling persona to sell himself and his company. James was just James and he is gone and will be forgotten all but by his family. He wasn’t a War hero but just a business man making a buck. Leave him be and at rest. Seek true trainers who don’t speak like Rambo and act like WWF salesman. I’m tired of fake warriors selling fake training to poor slobs who act as if they are now WWF warriors. How weird to hold a bonfire memorial like he was a Viking warrior. I guess anything to try a make a buck keeping the fake training business going.

    • The bonfire is essentially a funeral.

      Fuck off hater! I, James Yeager, the ghost, was no worse than Massad Ayoob. What was Ayoob’s big valorous achievement???? Being a police officer?

  17. James was a exaggerator at work and when I work with him overseas he didn’t have the persona he put on back here. He was scared and showed his real human side. Shame we can’t honor him for just being a human and trying to just get by.

  18. Talk about hating lol, even still your ghost is spewing hate among real trainers. Tom Givens, John Farnam and Massad Ayoob- you my soulless ghost are still a loser and a nobody in the community other than a forgotten fart of air.

    Besides a few personal small forums, the truth is shown- no one knows him and honestly no one cares- he gone

    Fake resume and fake warrior as stated above – actually a coward is what most say, and I agree with that guy, what dreaming idiot or fake ass wanna be’s say “his last big mission he was surrounded by Russians, 95% of Kiev was; as he trained them”. Please how ridiculous and egotistical and let’s just say, exaggerated! Why do that other than trying to make something into something, so sad.

    I can only imagine the losers around that “campfire” telling made up stories about how they all trained as dreaming warriors in that 2$ school of pussies. Join the Military and fight for real, do something but real boy not still now pretending you’re a ghost. Sound like those libtard trannies wanting to be what they can’t be! Be yourself, try that Ghost lmao. That JY training camp put out a lot of weirdos! RIP………….off

    • RIP? Are you fucking kidding? You take a huge whopping shit all over the grave and memory of JY, and then say RIP??? WTF!

      Let’s break it down:

      —>Talk about hating lol, even still your ghost is spewing hate among real trainers. Tom Givens, John Farnam and Massad Ayoob…

      Among real trainers? Givens, Farnam, and Ayoob are not here, so WTF do you mean “among?”

      Ayoob. the total embodiment of defensive training of Ayoob comes from being a police officer. Look it the fuck up fool! I, the ghost of James Yeager, was also once a police officer. That means you are a hater, and can fuck off!

      BTW – Ayoob had this to say about me:

      And that means you are a hater, and can fuck off!


      Tom Givens. Join the military and fight for real you say. Givens never did such! His experience is from law enforcement. Just like mine!

      John Farnam. I will say that Farnam is the only one to have military experience. He served in Vietnam, as a platoon leader. After he got out, he went right into law enforcement.

      Further – John Farnam had this to say about me!!!

      Now stop being a hater and fuck off.

      —>”Fake resume and fake warrior as stated above – actually a coward is what most say, and I agree with that guy, what dreaming idiot or fake ass wanna be’s say “his last big mission he was surrounded by Russians, 95% of Kiev was; as he trained them”. Please how ridiculous and egotistical and let’s just say, exaggerated! Why do that other than trying to make something into something, so sad.”

      This was the cherry on the top for me. Read your post, and then acknowledge, that what you are basically saying is that I, James Yeager, went over there and did something. I did what I could, while you sat in your armchair talking shit about what I was doing while you did nothing. You call it exaggeration. WTF did you do? Fuck all nothing! That’s what! And that means you can fuck off!

  19. I wasn’t familiar with him so I’ve been watching some of his videos trying to see why there’s so much hate. I haven’t seen anything bad yet. Seems like a nice guy doing his best to convince people to prepare ahead of time for bad times. Maybe I just haven’t found the bad stuff but I’m not understanding the hate.

    8 months from diagnosis to death is pretty harsh. I don’t believe in any kind of life after death but rest in peace sir.

  20. That guy is so right! Ghost is like those guy girls wanting to be someone they ain’t. JY was a decent instructor and had a pretty good training camp but after reading the back and forth – he is no Farnam, Ayoob or Givens. James acted like he was a special force operator and let’s be honest he was a Boy Scout and his ghost a Girl Scout lmao.

  21. Agreed, what man comes on a forum and pretends he is a ghost of someone. So fucking weird. The posts are sad and strange. I trained with James and it was a decent course and just found this thread with a ghost weird representing him so odd. Poor JY

    • ———>” Agreed, what man comes on a forum and pretends he is a ghost of someone. So fucking weird. “

      Probably a person with problems.

      ———>”The posts are sad and strange. I trained with James and it was a decent course and just found this thread with a ghost weird representing him so odd. Poor JY”

      This person probably liked Yeager and since he came to his defense in his own odd and socially inept way, maybe he isn’t all that bad.

      • “Probably a person with problems.”

        “This person probably liked Yeager and since he came to his defense in his own odd and socially inept way, maybe he isn’t all that bad.”

        Fuck off, victim.

  22. My mum was diagnosed with ALS 12 months ago and while it offered an explanation for her symptoms, we were devastated. She was always so strong and independent and it breaks my heart to see her suffer. We believe she may have had this disease for a few yrs already, but was never diagnose properly. Within the last 6-7 months she became much weaker and it was hard to understand her when she speaks. She was losing weight quickly and depends on a walker. I felt terrible and it is so hard to watch her deteriorate so fast. The riluzole did very little to help her. The medical team did even less. The psychological support from the medical centre was non-existent and if it were not for the sensitive care and attention of our primary physician she would have died. There has been little if any progress in finding a medical treatment. Acupuncture eased her anxiety a bit so my care provider Dr Miller introduced us to Health Herbs Clinic ALS herbal treatment. I wasn’t hopeful at first but glad to share she has recovered significantly within the last 3-4 months It has been a complete turnaround with her speech, she is even learning to walk again without a walker, the herbal treatment is a miracle. Visit healthherbsclinic we’re forever thankful to nature.

  23. My grandma has Lou Gehrig’s disease, she is about 75 years old it was diagnosed 2 years ago. Right now it’s getting more difficult to live for her, because of stiff muscles she can’t even move. Riluzole and Edaravone medicines are given, but won”t give much relief. She can”t eat food without choking. I thought this might be the last stage and the medications she was given did not help at all, so I started to do alot of research on natural treatments, I was introduced to Health Natural Centre and their ALS Herbal Protocol. She started on the ALS/MND Treatment last year, her symptoms gradually diminished including her vocal cord spasm, Body Weakness and Difficulty with swallowing. Reach them at healthnaturalcentre. org , She is getting active again since starting this treatment, she is able to walk again ( down the street and back )she have also resumed exercising to strengthen muscles!! God Bless all ALS Caregivers. Stay Strong, take small moments throughout the day to thank yourself, to love your self, and pray to whatever faith, star, spiritual force you believe in and ask for strength. I can personally vouch for these remedy but you would probably need to decide what works best for you.


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