Jane Fonda
V for vagina (AP Photo/Marty Lederhandler)
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“If a corporation can be defined as a person, why not redefine vaginas as AK47s,” She wrote. “That way they’d be free of governmental restrictions by those who care about ‘the sanctity of life.'”

Fonda echoed the sentiments of critics who have pointed out that abortions can now legally be banned, but the 2nd Amendment — which ensures the right to own a gun is protected — is still in place despite numerous mass shootings across the US.

Ayomikun Adekaiyero in Jane Fonda Says We Should ‘Redefine Vaginas as AK-47S’ To Avoid ‘Governmental Restrictions’ After Roe v. Wade Reversal 

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  1. ummm, she lives in California. Maybe we could get chastity belts to comply with safe storage laws.

    • AK47 jane is simply trying to say she wants her right to murder the unborn not to be infringed.

    • If Jane Fonda’s vagina doesn’t mark her social security number on every penis it ejaculates, then she should be banned from California.

  2. So she wants background checks and waiting periods and capacity limits before she can have a vagina at home, and have to show good cause before she can carry it in public?

    • People who want gun rights want to be able to own and use guns, but only for lawful purposes. The point is to have the gun, but no one would argue to legalize school shootings, or drive-bys. So sure, own as many guns as you want, machine guns, grenade launchers, whatever, but you don’t get Bond’s license to kill included. Use your gun and someone dies, you should have to face the consequences. No arguments about that.

      • I have used my guns for over forty years and about 2 billion people have died during that time. How much trouble should I be in?;-)

  3. I think that she’d identify better as a revolver – with fouling apparent in a number of holes.

      • Not really , you can scope it in a variety of ways including removing the rear sight and putting on a rail. It takes about 5 minutes at most.

        • dacian, the Dunderhead, Thanks again for proving that your knowledge of firearms is on the negative side. It would take you more than half an hour to put a scope on an AK even with the proper tools. And then it would be a pretty shoddy job.

        • I have a red dot mounted using a side rail ony my AK. It works, but is definitely awkward compared to my ARs and other rifles with rails on top.

          An oh, Jane Fonda is wacky and wrong.

        • To Walter the Beverly Hillbilly

          quote—————- It would take you more than half an hour to put a scope on an AK even with the proper tools.———-quote

          You really dived head first into the out house on that one. Here are just a few mounts of many, that take only minutes and even seconds to install.


        • Actually WEB III, on this one he is right. Kochevnik rear leaf sight replacement does indeed do what he claims. Have one myself on a full Radom build AKM.

          There is a company whom I have mentioned before who removes the same, and welds a pic rail there too. Benefit is it’s much lower profile. Negative, need to refinish sight block. I have both. Prefer the Kochevnik because reversible non-permanent, and provides a still functional rear sight.

        • In a once in a blue moon, broken clock right twice a day sort of thing.

        • I have a REAL AK-47 and the only way to mount a scope is on a side mounted rail, there is no provision for mounting a rail in place of the rear sight (which is actually mounted in the middle of rifle above the chamber). These side mounts must be installed carefully with the firearm absolutely level, even after that it took three or four hours to get it consistent at 100 yards with a scope, sights are far better at that range. My recommendation? If you need scope get a rifle that was intended to be scoped. The post was correct the AK-47 IS hard to scope, YOU are once again, wrong.

        • To Mad Max

          You are 100% wrong. The mount I bought is attached after removing your existing top cover and your rear sight. The new mount/top cover pivots on the mortise that the rear sight used. To strip the gun with the new top cover in place simply pivot up the new top cover that has the rail and scope mounted on it. It takes less than 5 minutes to install. The only fly in the ointment is removing the rear sight leaf spring which is very stiff, but it can be done again in less than 5 minutes if you follow the instructions on how to compress the rear sight leaf spring. This is a very stable mount and much better than just getting another top cover that has a rail on it. I had no trouble sighting the gun in and since my gun is solid frame forged receiver that does not flex under recoil like the ubiquitous stamped sheet metal receivers do the accuracy rivals that of many AR 15’s.


        • dacian, the Dunderhead, I did not say it was not possible but the problem is mounting the scope even with a rail. Nice try, but your mouthwash just isn’t cutting. You claimed you could do it in five minutes? Remember? I would not want to shoot anything you worked on. You are forgetting that once you install the scope even with a rail, you STILL have to do a “bore sight”. Do you know what a bore sight is? I did not think so.

        • William Wallace The Third, you are forgetting that he still has to bore sight the AK which if you are any kind of a gunsmith as he claims, must be done before you claim it is “installed”.

        • I had no trouble sighting the gun in and since my gun is solid frame forged receiver that does not flex under recoil like the ubiquitous stamped sheet metal receivers do the accuracy rivals that of many AR 15’s.
          Knowing your level of comprehension, you probably missed the “original AK-47” part of my post, it is also a forged receiver, and I took possession of it in Phu Loc Province in early 1970 from an NVA soldier who no longer needed it (from his cold dead hands as it were). I have no desire to butcher this piece with anything you are recommending and if YOUR standard of accuracy is the AR15? Hmmmmmmmm.

        • Dacian you have claimed several times owning a firearms increases your risk to be shot and killed. You have also stated “assault” weapons are not for civilians. Yet you claim to own a firearms and an now an AK47 that you put a scope on.

          You claim to be more intelligent than all of us and if your beliefs are true, you are taking a risk are you not? A risk you claim will likely result in your own death. Your AK47 with scope concerns me as you have stated those weapons are only for mass murder, and you put a sniper scope on it? Are you planning on a mass murder at a long distance?

          And while you are trying to square your inconsistencies, where are my letters you claim exist of Jefferson and Madison conspiring to make the 2A to control slaves and not allow firearms for citizens?

        • to Mad Max

          quote———— I have no desire to butcher this piece with anything you are recommending ———–quote

          Obviously your reading comprehension is at the 3rd grade level. If you had understood my post it would have told you that you are making no permanent modifications to your weapon. You simply remove the rear sight and that is it, no drilling, no tapping, no permanent modifications. I cannot make this explanation any more simple to understand.

        • to Storm Trooper

          quote————And while you are trying to square your inconsistencies, where are my letters you claim exist of Jefferson and Madison conspiring to make the 2A to control slaves and not allow firearms for citizens?———quote

          You were given that info on at least 3 different occasions and you rejected it all with the wave of your hand. Go back and read my last post to you.

        • to Walter the Beverly Hillbilly

          I never stated I was a gunsmith. Jethro W.M. said that.

        • To Walter the Beverly Hillbilly

          Quote———- Do you know what a bore sight is? I did not think so.———-quote

          You have never been to my place but now you are telling me you know what tools I do or do not have. Tell me Walter Bizzaro did the voices in your head give you this insight or perhaps it was a large crystal ball you gaze into and ask it questions. Walter Bizzaro you really need to see a shrink and get your head examined.

        • …including removing the rear sight and putting on a rail…

          Shitty way to put on a scope. And you’d have to use a scout scope with intermediate eye relief. Also shitty. Bottom line – AK’s were not meant for scopes. Same with SKS.

        • You are 100% wrong. The mount I bought is attached after removing your existing top cover and your rear sight.

          @ Dacian. The least accurate, and worst kind of scope mounting system for an AK. Reminds me of the slightly wobbly jostling around SKS rear mount with screws. GAG.

          The best mount for an AK, is the side rail. It is the most stable, End of Story. Your solution sucks, because anytime you take your cover off to clean, or any other reason, you have to re-sight the optic.

        • quote————And while you are trying to square your inconsistencies, where are my letters you claim exist of Jefferson and Madison conspiring to make the 2A to control slaves and not allow firearms for citizens?———quote

          You were given that info on at least 3 different occasions and you rejected it all with the wave of your hand. Go back and read my last post to you.

          You have have given the source with this post ^^^ Why didn’t you do it? Do you have the sources or not???

        • dacian the Dunderhead, The only tool you have hangs between your legs and I am not so sure if you know how to use that tool. One does not need voices or “insight” to know what is in between your ears is not much more than mush.
          Again, do you know what bore sighting is?
          How about the firing sequence of a cartridge?
          Or what is “times fire”?

        • to Anonomouse

          quote———–The least accurate, and worst kind of scope mounting system for an AK———-quote

          Wrong. I have the Texas Weapons system mount and it is rock solid. It cannot move just as the rear sight does not move when it is installed. Same mounting holes.

        • to Anonomouse

          quote———-You have have given the source with this post ^^^ Why didn’t you do it? Do you have the sources or not???———-quote

          Read my latest post to Storm Trooper. Yes the sources were given not once buy many times.

        • dacian, the Dunderhead, the Only think you have that is “rock solid” is your head.

  4. Pretty sure her vagina doesn’t go bang anymore so why would she care?

  5. Abortions are banned? I thought some states just changed their laws to be more in line with most of the western world instead of China and North Korea. Some states. And for the propaganda-infused snowflakes thinking this will endanger women (whatever those are,) every single red state with new abortion laws makes exceptions to protect the life of the mother. Many of the ‘bans’ are only after 15 weeks or a heartbeat. You know, like laws that resemble liberal France. It’s only crazy because the propaganda tells you it’s crazy.

    • They’re upset because now they know everybody isn’t lauding their choice like they’re some sort of revolutionary hero. The anger isn’t about legality or “democracy”. It’s about them feeling like they’re being judged for their actions. No different from the militant atheist types who just don’t like that other people are judging them.

      It’s all some narcissistic psychopathy wrapped up in terminal insecurity.

  6. Jane Fonda is forever the patriot, whether swooning over AA missiles in Hanoi that were killing Americans, or swooning over abortions that are killing Americans.

    As long as Americans are dying, Hanoi Jane is happy.

  7. She did NOT say ‘SHOULD’ . She said ‘maybe’ to illustrate, in her opinion, a valid point.

    The valid point??

    That whilst America is makiing a supposedly PRO-LIFE move of outlawing abortions, even for pregnacies arising from RAPE and INCEST which is considered to be a move from the RIGHT WING of the political spectrum, that same RIGHT WING political spectrum STILL promotes the anything BUT PRO-LIFE unrestricted firearm ownership.

    In polls the very same persons who oppose further restrictions on gun ownership come from the SAME strata of Society as those that would oulaw a womans freedom of choice.

    One thing that it will not do is to get rids of abortions any more than prohibition got rid of alcohol consumption . Abortions are too ingrained into general society. What it will do is force abortions underground into the hands of the ILLEGAL abortionist ”SPEAKEASIES”, or anothe NEVADA, and create another underground and criminal industry either at home or abroad. How much does it cost to go to CANADA or indeed Europe after all?

    • Uh huh. Yep. Uh huh. Wait, what? I’m sorry, I nodded off because I’ve already heard all of that bullshit about 1,000 times this week.

    • I’m not speaking to British dacian. I’m making a point about the ignorant pro-gun control / pro-abortion crowd because, just like British dacian, they make thoughtful arguments as well as any fence post.

      Fence post: “One thing that it will not do is to get rids of abortions any more than prohibition got rid of alcohol consumption. Abortions are too ingrained into general society.”

      Now replace abortions with guns.

    • This idiot spews his/her/it/they/them/pencil/kumquat/ (or however it defines) fake, uninformed, exaggerated garbage at will and some clown keeps running ads for Hookers in India, but I am “moderated” on about every third fukin comment I post (see comment below)? Fuks UP with that TTAG?

      • The elf bee eyes hacks your sht when your in moderation. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

    • The strata of society which recognizes in the Second Amendment no ultimate red line in what firearms should be restricted from civilian ownership (and would no doubt react to a total civilian ban without the slightest protest) is the same one which thinks a woman’s “right” to choose demands that she can remain indecisive right up until the moment of birth (or beyond that point) without restriction. Even your pro-serfitude old world mostly stops well short of those freaks.

      That strata also believes grown adults gyrating nude before children is an important developmental lesson in the name of culture, diversity, inclusion and equity – and that encouraging even very young children to set out on a path of physical mutilation leaving them sterile for the rest of their lives is critically important public policy every locality must embrace.

      Add in the general push towards compliance with ever encroaching infringements on all other aspects of individuals’ social and economic lives at government-owned gunpoint by people who think 100 million reasons aren’t enough to say that communism is a bad idea, and the pro-2A strata looks saintly by comparison.

    • Your comment is awaiting moderation
      She did NOT say ‘SHOULD’ . She said ‘maybe’ to illustrate, in her opinion, a valid point.

      I’ve read everything I could find on her “twitter post” and nowhere could I find the word “MAYBE”… I guess you just added that to give credence to another rant of blatantly false and misleading information that seems to be your forte.

      She said: We should ‘redefine vaginas as AK-47s’ to avoid ‘governmental restrictions’ after Roe v. Wade reversal.. Her words, not yours.

      • Wow, two out of three posts “awaiting moderation”? That’s the way to promote discussion. WTF?

        • Your comment is awaiting moderation
          So how do you respond to an article about vaginas without using the word VAGINA? It’s IN the fukkin article, LITERALLY! I know “awaiting moderation”.

    • Nobody complained when we drove the murdering of adults industry underground, why would they complain about driving the infant murdering industry underground? I mean except the people who want to murder their infant children, of course. Not exactly the same as a shot of bourbon.

    • You just get stupider and stupider, Albert. Was your daddy a liberal progressive Marxist?

      • No, once his queen was deprived of HER empire, she went all woke, and became a Closet Commie (TM). So now Albert the Servile Subject must be a commie, too. Remember, l’estat, ce moi.

        Makes me wonder why we BOTHERED to go bail their stupid @$$es out of trouble TWICE, last century. Next time they fall in the well, let them drown.

    • My dear retarded Albert: please tell us about abortion laws in the UK. I’m not bothering to look it up right now, but in general, EU abortion laws would be pretty acceptable to most of conservative America. 13 weeks, isn’t it? And, counseling is required, wherein other options are made available, like adoption instead of abortion. The EU countries don’t all have the same laws, but overall, they are very similar. Yes, a woman can have an abortion, but she has to follow guidelines, yada yada yada.

    • Abortions are too ingrained into general society. What it will do is force abortions underground into the hands of the ILLEGAL abortionist ”SPEAKEASIES”, or anothe NEVADA, and create another underground and criminal industry either at home or abroad. How much does it cost to go to CANADA or indeed Europe after all?

      Abortions can take place in the first 24 weeks of pregnancy in England, Scotland and Wales. However, they have to be approved by two doctors. They must agree having the baby would pose a greater risk to the physical or mental health of the woman than a termination.
      Abortions were illegal before the the introduction of the 1967 Abortion Act, which initially allowed them to take place up to 28 weeks. This was reduced to 24 weeks in 1990.
      Abortions after 24 weeks are allowed only if:
      the woman’s life is in danger
      there is a severe fetal abnormality
      the woman is at risk of grave physical and mental injury… Give it rest Prince Albert, abortion rules in GB are even more strict than most states in the US AND rape/incest is NOT considered a reason for abortion.

    • Once again, the lying Limey subject LIES. While there are a RELATIVELY few individuals who have proposed this, I defy you to name ONE instance of legislation adopted outlawing abortion following rape or incest, you lying Limey poofter. You’re not only stupid, and ignorant, you’re also disgusting. Stay on your little island (that can’t even pull the trigger on a “Brexit” that was approved over a DECADE ago, you pathetic incompetents), continue wanking, and spare us your idiot opinions. We stopped caring about them in 1776, loser. But you’re welcome for us saving your @$$es twice in the 20th century. Sure hope we’re smart enough not to bother if you losers ever need it again.

  8. Your comment is awaiting moderation
    why not redefine vaginas as AK47s,” She wrote. “That way they’d be free of governmental restrictions by those who care about ‘the sanctity of life.’

    That’s cool, where will you put the serial number? Who will issue the Concealed Carry Permit? Will women want to open carry in states that allow it? You will NOT be permitted to carry your vagina into a school or a state or federal government building. Is there a Constitutional protection for the right to own a vagina? Magazine size limits could be an issue. Doesn’t California ban new sales of AK-47s how would THAT affect new vagina registration? On the bright side, an accidental discharge would have far less potential of causing harm or even death to those around the offending vagina. Aren’t Russian made AK-47s banned from sale in the US? Will you be required to prove that your vagina has the required number of US made parts? Will you need special exemption to carry your vagina in Canada or Europe? Asking for a friend.

    • an accidental discharge will result in the death of one innocent newcomer.
      first off, it would have to be an akm. i’ll bet i could toss a bulgarian surplus steel mag, how do you say… no net.

  9. Jane Fonda? Don’t you mean Hanoi Jane? Only fools, imbecils, idiots and Leftists listen to what she has to say.

    • Walter,

      “. . . only fools ,imbecils, idiots and Leftists listen to what she has to say. To paraphrase the brilliant Samuel Langhorne Clemens, “ah, but you repeat yourself.” The Venn diagram of “fools, imbeciles, idiots, and Leftists” is . . . one circle. With MinorIQ and dacian the stupid in the center.

      • Yeah, Lamp, but for some repetition is the mother of all knowledge? 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😊

  10. Pretty sure I can’t use my AK to kill people unless they’re an immediate threat to my life. She’s right, we SHOULD treat vaginas the same way

  11. The only way my AK would resemble Jane’s snatch is if Hoppe’s made a tuna scented gun cleaner.

    • Naw, your AK would still have a smaller, tighter, smoother bore, less fouling, and would only smell like tuna, instead of week-old tuna.

  12. She is still a wacko like she was years ago when she spit on the vets returning from Vietnam.

  13. No way I’d put my rod anywhere near that bore, not even if you heated a bottle of Hoppes and forced it in under pressure. No telling what has been fired off in there. Can you imagine the fouling in that thing?

  14. My wife just pointed out that she was on a talk show yearsback extolling adoptions, and in fact one of her three kids is adopted. I’m just guessing here, but I doubt that she would have been amenable to adopting an aborted baby.

    • Hanoi Jane “claimed” she was a Christian years ago. And divorced Ted Turner because he didn’t respect that. LOL…and she probably wishes she still looked like Barbarella😎

  15. Sarcastic humor and well done Jane. “There is often many a truth said in jest”—-Dacian 2022.

    Jane Fonda was perhaps the greatest heroine of the Vietnam war. She sacrificed a very lucrative acting career to end much sooner an obscene, immoral and unjust war. What Jane and the rest of the American people did not know at the time was just how terrible the war had really come to be because people like General Westmoron had instituted a body count to gauge the progress of the war which resulted in eventually the murder of 3 million civilians who were noncombatants (he was eventually fired over this).

    Other nutcase Generals like Julian Ewell deliberately murderer rice farmers and their entire families. The few who survived the massacre’s fled to the outskirts of Saigon and were put in concentration camps with no medical care, little food and no education for the children. Naturally this pushed many of them to act as spies for the Viet Cong. I had a friend who unknowingly played cards with one of these spies every night until one night this spy was shot when trying to blow up the camp.

    As the result of Ewells mass slaughter of the Vietnamese rice farmers South Vietnam went from a country that produced 1/3 of the worlds rice to a country that had to import rice to keep its people from starving to death and the U.S. had to foot the bill with U.S. tax payer’s money. Another hidden cost of the Vietnam war.

    Ewell was the greatest war criminal since Adolf Eichmann of Nazi Germany. He was actually promoted for his mass murder of civilians.

    Note: Author David Hackworth (Steal My Soldiers Hearts) and Author Nick Turse (Kill Anything That Moves) both claimed Ewell slaughtered over 7,000 innocent civilians.

    • I’m shocked, shocked that you’re sympathizing with a communist sympathizer and traitor.

      Your math about casualties to be outraged over is a little off, too. 7k dead at the hands of some US general is small potatoes compared to some of the mass killings your Viet Cong fraternal Socialist allies engaged in, to say nothing of the genocide their victory brought to more than an order of magnitude more people of the former South – and all that a statistical blip in the 100,000,000 & counting death toll communism has inflicted on humanity.

      Some “heroine”.

      • Sorry Stan you conveniently skipped the 3 million Vietnamese civilians that the U.S. killed in the war and the 1 million Vietnamese soldiers that died. Many of the Vietnamese soldiers that surrendered were tortured and killed by U.S. troops.

        • I missed nothing – 3 million is smaller than 100 million. Also, you only get 3 million Vietnamese civilians killed by the US when you go for the absolutely highest possible estimate as if it’s Holy Writ, AND you count civilian casualties on both sides in one big bucket as if Linebacker was bombing Saigon as well as Hanoi (fun fact: no it wasn’t), AND if you blame the US for the entire conflict as of it wouldn’t have happened without American involvement even when commie Vietnamese shells were falling on south Vietnamese civilians.

          Torture? Give me a break. Lots of stories out there of what the South Vietnamese went through after their defeat and the war “over” – excuse me, I mean the “re-education” of millions which certainly is NOT torture no matter how superficially similar the two are in every way.

        • to Stan

          Sorry but without the U.S. Involvement the South would have failed in only a couple of months. North Vietnam was being supplied with both Russian and Chinese weapons while the South relied on U.S. weapons and when the U.S. cut off its supply of weapons the South fell and fell quickly. As Hitler said, “All you have to do is kick in the door and the country will fall like a house made of rotten cards. And fall the South quickly did when cut off from U.S. weapons. Without U.S. Aid the war would never have gone on for 10 years but would have ended in months not years.

        • Sorry but without the U.S. Involvement the South would have failed in only a couple of months. North Vietnam was being supplied with both Russian and Chinese weapons while the South relied on U.S. weapons and when the U.S. cut off its supply of weapons the South fell and fell quickly. As Hitler said, “All you have to do is kick in the door and the country will fall like a house made of rotten cards. And fall the South quickly did when cut off from U.S. weapons. Without U.S. Aid the war would never have gone on for 10 years but would have ended in months not years.

          My wife is from Vietnam. She has said many times, she wished the USA had won, and divided Vietnam the way Korea was divided, so at least South Vietnam could have prospered. To this day, the South Vietnamese can instantly tell a North Vietnamese from their accent, and they don’t like them. And the north don’t much like the south either. Vietnam is a governmental hellhole, because of their policies and corruption.

        • to Anonomouse

          quote————-so at least South Vietnam could have prospered.————-quote

          Wrong. Today Vietnam is one of the most prosperous countries in Asia and has massive investments form Chinese industry and industry from other countries in the world.

      • to Stan

        quote———–Some “heroine”.———quote

        Glad you agree with me, she certainly was the greatest Heroine of the Vietnam war because everything she said was proven correct and later in time when the full scope of U.S. atrocities were known the entire U.S. population went into shock. All this certainly vindicated her then and still does today. She will go down in history as being “On the right side of History”. Dacian 2022

        • LOL, so it was totally fine for the Soviet Union and Commie China to fund and arm the north, but totally beyond the pale for the US to do the same for the south.

          No one cares about American so-called atrocities in Vietnam (especially the inflated communist propaganda numbers) except traitors like Fonda who deserve to be strung up. As for those who think such traitors are on the right side of history, there’s always more rope.

    • “Well they did look like frogs” said the scorpion.
      I’m 74 years old and I like toying with people’s minds.

    • Jane Fonda was perhaps the greatest heroine of the Vietnam war.

      🤮🤮🤮 Absolutely not. Well – maybe! For the north! Aka – The Communists!

  16. Another whakadoodle sounds off. Jane Fonda hasn’t been relevant for a lifetime. My adult sons would have to think hard to figure out who she was, or why she ever was relevant. Grandkids have never heard of her. She needs to crawl back under the porch, into obscurity. (That is how you call a woman a b1tch without calling her a b1ith!)

    • People who are products of higher education (including the college students of today) damn well do know who Jane Fonda was and still is and what she has always stood for. She has stood for truth in government and solving problems with foreign nations through peaceful means whenever possible.

      • So long as the solving problems through peaceful means meant surrendering unconditionally to the most murderous socio-economic system ever invented at every opportunity. Funny how she found time to go hang out with North Vietnamese flak gunners but couldn’t be bothered to show up for the Prague spring a few years earlier before and especially after its brutal suppression.

        • to Stan

          You seem to forget that no U.S. troops were dying and fighting Russians in East Europe as they were in Vietnam. And Prague fell in a matter of days not in 10 years as in Vietnam.

        • Yeah, dacian the stupid,

          One thing your Soviet fellow travelers were exceptionally good at was oppressing smaller countries . . . until they collapsed like the rotten edifice of stupidity and corruption they were. But I can totally understand how an uneducated, ignorant, Leftist/fascist idiot such as yourself would admire such a regime. Do you have a poster of Putin hanging next to your Joe Stalin and Che Guevara posters?

      • People who are products of higher education (including the college students of today) damn well do know who Jane Fonda was and still is and what she has always stood for.

        Yeah. Communism/Socialism like her commie “grapes of wraith” daddy.

        She has stood for truth in government and solving problems with foreign nations through peaceful means whenever possible.

        The Vietnamese government is a heap of corruption, tyranny, and garbage policy. She got exactly what she advocated for, in choosing the communists.

      • “She has stood for truth in government and solving problems with foreign nations through peaceful means whenever possible.”


        how can you be so stupid.

        What Jane Fonda “stood” (“stands”) for was (“is”) promoting Jane Fonda. Every time her ‘acting’ career needs a boost or she needs to remain ‘relevant’ in some manner she does something ‘public’ to pluck the ‘heart strings’ of the public with some special interest appeal. Her appeal to the public has always been a ‘niche’ appeal, and she is not and has not been as widely popular as most of hollywood actresses. Currently her ‘optics’ appeal is sagging a lot and she needs to get it improved because her series “Grace and Frankie’ is starting to lose its popularity as the age demographics are changing and she has a new movie she is working on. So yeah, she is gonna jump on the band wagon of ‘anti-gun’ to ride the visibility wave created by the anti-gun industry to appeal to as many liberal left as possible because liberal left is her main ‘niche’ appeal demographic.

  17. Her old worn out “Ak-47” would get hauled to the nearest buyback for a 200 dollar gift card.

  18. She’s still as F-N crazy as a old bee-otch as she was 60 years ago when she was young bee-otch.

  19. There are ~880,000 abortions, on average, performed in the United States annually. Almost 80% of them are performed in states which already grant a right to an abortion either through the state constitution or by legislative action. Every day in the United States there are “mass abortions”.

    If a woman intent upon abortion can’t get an abortion legally does she go to ‘back alley’ or self performed abortion? Yep, at least most are prone to do so in some cases. In other words she being so intent upon abortion chooses an alternative solution no matter the danger to her involved.

    I gotta mention a striking parallel here though …. If a person intent upon suicide can’t get the ‘method’ they prefer do they go to other means and methods? Yep, at least most are prone to do so in some cases. In other words the person so intent upon suicide chooses an alternative solution no matter the danger to them involved.

    It isn’t an inherent enumerated constitutional right to commit suicide either, even though a state may allow it by law.

    The root cause of suicide is mental illness (either long or short term, or ‘in the moment’ emotional or delusional or grievance). The root cause is not guns.

    The root cause of ‘mass shooting’ is also mental illness (either long or short term, or ‘in the moment’ emotional or delusional or grievance). The root cause is not guns.

    The fact that it abortion was said/claimed/established to be a right in a SCOTUS decision did not make it an inherent enumerated right. The second amendment is an inherent enumerated right.

    The roe-vs-wade thing being overturned serves to illustrate something. The original decision that made abortion a right was a right granted by government under the color of constitutionality. A “right” granted by government is a right the government can take away. In other words what the government gave was a ‘privilege’ calling it a right.

    The second amendment is not a privilege to be decided by government, it is an actual inherent enumerated right so yeah the right to own a gun is protected.

    • Correction:

      ” If a woman intent upon abortion can’t get an abortion legally…”

      Should have been:

      Ther arguments goes: If a woman intent upon abortion can’t get an abortion legally …

    • To Booger Brain who claims he knows about everything and what he does not know is not worth knowing.

      quote—————The root cause of ‘mass shooting’ is also mental illness (either long or short term, or ‘in the moment’ emotional or delusional or grievance). The root cause is not guns.———-quote


      MARK FOLLMAN: There’s often, in the aftermath of these attacks, a rush to blame mental illness as the fundamental cause. And that’s just not true. When you study these cases, there is a whole range of circumstances and, often, a rational thought process in the person planning this kind of violence. So of course, we have to acknowledge that no person who commits a mass shooting is mentally healthy. They have deep problems. But it’s a range of problems that are behavioral, that are circumstantial. There are things going on in their lives. There’s lack of connection. You know, these are at-risk people, people in crisis. And there is opportunity to intervene before they get down this – what’s called the pathway to violence.


      There’s no psychiatric diagnosis that’s aligned with harming other people, let alone shooting people. And the diagnoses that get thrown around in the aftermath of these horrible crimes like schizophrenia or depression, other factors like that, themselves are not aligned with violent attacks toward other people. And in that regard, there also are no tools that psychiatrists can use to say this one person with mental illness is going to harm somebody else, and this other person is not.

      And I guess the last reason is that, as we’re seeing after the horrible mass shooting in Florida, many mass shooters don’t meet the criteria for severe mental illness in any way that would cause them to be flagged, let alone hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital.


      • You missed the point of your own reference dacian.

        Its in context with the majority that have mental illness that have been diagnosed. It does not address those which have violent tendany mental illness that drive them to comitt such acts of which the root cause is the mental illness and not a gun that drives them.

        Seriously you need to learn what context means and improve your reading comprehension beyond a 4th grade level.

        • No Booger Brain it is you that have no reading comprehension. Both posts of mine proved that mass shooters usually are not suffering from mental illness at all. You must remember that true mental illness means that the perpetrator does not know right from wrong. And that by the way is the legal definition in most States as well. Strange that a know it all like you were not aware of that simple fact.

        • Booger Brain

          I went back and read. I had trouble so I asked the 5th grader from across the street to come over to explain it to me. He laughed a lot and was amazed I could not understand it. Then his mom showed up and reminded of my sex offender status and said she was calling the police so he had to leave.

        • No, asshole, you’ve described the legal definition of “insanity” —

          “n. 1) mental illness of such a severe nature that a person cannot distinguish fantasy from reality, cannot conduct her/his affairs due to psychosis, or is subject to uncontrollable impulsive behavior.”

          Insanity is only one form of mental illness (see first line of definition). From one of your sources:

          “So of course, we have to acknowledge that no person who commits a mass shooting is mentally healthy.”

          If one is not “mentally healthy,” then one is “mentally ill.”

          “He recently released an intriguing look at mental health and mass shootings, looking for an explanation of why there are so few shooters diagnosed with mental illness, and yet mental health seems to be the first place people point to when looking for causation. He and his co-author R.G. Cowan closely analyzed public mass shooters who attacked in the United States from 1966 to 2019 and found that correlates of mental illness were approximately equally common among perpetrators, whether they had been coded as mentally ill or not.

          “They concluded that this is further evidence suggesting that almost all public mass shooters may have mental health problems, but that social stigmas, which reduce the likelihood that perpetrators will seek psychological treatment, may help explain popular underestimates.”


          And don’t bother responding to my post — you’ll just misquote, lie, and use unreliable sources to “prove” yourself. I’m not interested in trying to have a reasonable discussion with you; you make that impossible.

        • @alien

          he doesn’t understand all that. He has a serious reading comprehension problem compounded by confirmation bias.

        • to Klingon

          And now you expect us to take your rant seriously as compared to the mental health experts that spoke to NPR and refuted everything you said.

          Let us see proof of your degree in Psychology. We all will wait.

        • Dacian as usual is far off base and doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He’s attempting to draw a parallel and conflate mental illness and insanity.

          From the US Dept of Justice:

          Mental disorders affecting a person’s desires include impulse control disorders such as kleptomania, pyromania, and pathological gambling, as well as obsessive-compulsive disorders and psychosexual disorders including exhibitionism, voyeurism, pedophilia, and some fetishes. Mental disorders that affect a person’s beliefs and other cognitive abilities include psychoses such as schizophrenia, psychotic depression, and bipolar affective disorder. Individuals with personality disorders should be held morally responsible for their actions, as judgments of responsibility are judgments about the connection between an agent and an action and this connection is not affected by personality disorders.

          On the other hand, individuals with a psychopathic personality cannot understand morality and moral concerns and should not be blamed when they act wrongly. Likewise, severe mental disorders such as schizophrenia can exonerate persons from moral responsibility for their actions in fairly straightforward ways related to compulsion and ignorance.

        • You must remember that true mental illness means that the perpetrator does not know right from wrong.

          Uh… no it’s not! You can suffer from catatonic episodes, or lapses of paranoia, and still know right and wrong. Doesn’t mean you don’t have a mental illness.

          The problem, appears to me, is the latest style of leftist idealist parenting. In other words, divorced mommy and daddy, mommy and daddy getting crack pipes subsidized from the government:


          Mommy married to the state getting paid for her children rather than having a husband in the home:


          and everyone just partaking in impulsive pleasure and irresponsibility all day, everyday, – the hallmark of leftism.

        • to M lee

          quote———–On the other hand, individuals with a psychopathic personality cannot understand morality and moral concerns and should not be blamed when they act wrongly.———-quote

          You just repeated exactly what I originally posted.

        • “Let us see proof of your degree in Psychology.”

          Asshole — It doesn’t take a psych degree to prove you wrong, which I did. And MLee did. And anonymous did.

          As I predicted, you had to lie to distort my post. I even used a line from one of your own sources to prove you lied.

          You have the right to be stupid, but you’re abusing the privilege.

  20. Jane Fonda and her husband Tom Hayden were the first racist pig white liberal couple who I heard say, guns were good for them but not for other people. When they used their own firearms to repel home Invaders back in the 1970s.

    • That reminds me of anti-gun activist Alyssa Milano who admitted to owning a gun for self-defense.

    • to Chris

      quote———–When they used their own firearms to repel home Invaders back in the 1970s.————-quote

      Lets see a credible link to your statement.

      • YOU, asking for a “credible link”????

        Oh, dacian the stupid, you are comedy GOLD!!! You uniformly limit your cites to NPR, the NY Slimes, and sources like (*shudder*) Vox and Salon. You wouldn’t know a “credible link” if it fell out of the sky, landed on your face, and started to wiggle.

        You, sir, are an uneducated, ignorant, deluded, indoctrinated buffoon. Enjoy your afternoon circle jerk, dacian the stupid.

  21. Some women should keep their AK’s concealed, some, but not all.
    Dog gone I miss my Hillary Limited Edition Swimsuit Collection.

    • Oh, possum, you are a CRUEL and VICIOUS marsupial!!! There isn’t enough brain bleach in the Universe to get that horrible image out of my mind!!!!

  22. Jane Fonda’s vagina, that’s funny….. it is explosively highly active as “Barbarella” when she is captured, placed and strapped in the “Excessive Sexual Machine” which induces fatal sexual pleasure, she goes insanely bonkers wild and outlasts the machine and makes it go haywire and crash and burn so to speak. She put the AK-47 to shame even on all out throttle with her nuclear reactions. To this day I hate that (C-word) bitch!

  23. Rumor has it Jane classified her cooch as a “dirty bomb” decades ago. 🤔

  24. Looking on the brighter side…Jane may be a dried-up prune of a Communist hag, but she is smarter than SCOTUS Justice Jackson. She actually offered up a definition for woman and vag-in-ya as AK-47’s. Jackson just professed an all-encompassing ignorance on every question she was asked!

  25. Jane Fonda, another aging actress trying dsperately to still appear relevant.

    • It changes the color to blue.

      Seriously, in what context are you asking your question?

      What Fonda said?
      2nd Amendment?

  26. “Fonda echoed the sentiments of critics who have pointed out that abortions can now legally be banned, but the 2nd Amendment…”

    yes, the 2nd Amendment.

    2nd. Amendment.

    I forget the ordering of the 30 or so Amendments but which one was the “Right to an Abortion” one, again?

    Maybe the left should have pushed for that instead of the assault weapon ban.

  27. No Dacian. The info was a book that is discredited.

    I am asking you to present these letters. You made the claim, show your proof. Carol Anderson is not proof. The source documents are proof.

    • To Storm Trooper

      The letters are documented in her book. How many times do I have to drill this into your head.

      Other sources would be biographies on both men’s lives.

      Other sources would be the National Archives.

      The info is there for all to see and you reject it all because it runs counter to your nut case far right ideology.

      And obviously you are not a product of higher education. Yes her book was criticized but every author that ever published a controversial book has gone through the same abuse. And criticism of her book does not refute everything that was in her book either.

      And you ignored the info in my link that was from research done by NPR as well.

      I am sure this is all way over your head

  28. That is a lot of words to say you can’t show these letters.

    I reject only opinion pieces not based on fact. Carol Anderson was an opinion piece based on innuendo and conflated readings.

    Link the letters. NPR and the rest are not lunks to the actual letters. There are links to an opinion of someone talking about the.

    You know the difference between the actual source document and a piece about the document?

    • Yes, the national archives, the sources listed in the book, and biographies on the two men’s lives all of which you rejected with the wave of your hand because it does not fit your far right nut case agenda.

      You can lead a conservative Neanderthal to knowledge but you cannot make him think.

      • dacian, the Dunderhead. You did not produce and PROOF. All you submitted was your CLAIM that there is evidence in “books and the National Archives.”
        So what? You did not produce it; only your allegation that the “evidence” exists. Sorry but that just don’t cut it.

  29. Every slimeball killer, dictator, mass murderer etc entered this world from a vagina. Yet still my firearms have failed to reproduce and are motionless until someone picks one up. Having a firearm in hand during certain circumstances 3 times in 68 years quite possibly saved my life. Had I whipped out a vagina the outcome would have been quite different I am sure, and weird since I am a male, born that way and have plans to stay that way.
    Jane’s lavish lifestyle was mostly generated by the large sums her father earned as an actor and often in roles as a gun toting western character.

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