Jason Vanderbrink. Image via YouTube by Boch.

Jason Vanderbrink is back again. His last video discussing how his companies are working to produce as much ammunition as possible has garnered nearly two million views. In this latest video, he answers some of the most common questions from gun owners across America about the availability of gun food. Spoiler alert: You’re not going to see primers returning to retail shelves any time soon.

For those who don’t have five and a half minutes to watch the vid, here are the highlights.

First off, Vanderbrink says they’re doing everything they can to protect their workforce from the Chinese flu. While doing so, they’ve manufactured more hunting ammo in 2020 than in any previous year of their existence.

He points to some of the complexities of ramping up production including raw material availability. That just doesn’t happen on a dime.  Not only that, but he noted that prior to 2020, there was excess capacity in the system during the previous three years.

Image via YouTube by Boch.

They’ve reacted as best they could to the 2020 surge in demand. “We made a LOT more hunting ammo in 2020 than we have in the 99-year history of our company,” he said.

As for primers, he tackled that topic saying that their primer production has been dedicated to feeding their factory ammo production before any excess is packaged and distributed to America’s reloaders.  Until and unless they catch up on ammunition orders, they won’t have excess primers to sell.

So there you have it. He’s running ammo production at four of America’s most prolific ammunition producers: Federal, CCI, Speer and Remington and working like crazy to try to keep Mr. and Mrs. America stocked with ammo.


    • How ever if you had invested in the Dillon the prior year and laid in a supply of primers, powder and bullets when they were available and reasonably priced,you would have the control of your ammunition supply and not at the mercy of ammunition companies.
      I purchase primers when they are on sale and purchase in 5 K quantities,4,5 or 8 lb. kegs of powder also on sale,as for bullets,jacketed I purchase on sale, in bulk and I cast my own also.
      The only ammunition I purchase off the shelf is that that I can’t load for,22 rimfire or that I choose not to load fo, self defenses. This interruption isn’t going to get in my way of shooting, the sooner one takes up reloading the sooner one can take control of your ammunition supply.

        • Most people don’t have $10,000 to drop on reloading supplies and 20 hours a week available for stuffing cartridges. That is a retired/semi-retired or single man’s game.

      • Right there with ya GMB. I’ll have no interference with my load workups thanks to lessons learned after Sandy Hook.

  1. Watched the video last night. Even the warehouse sections look like they’re pretty empty due to moving product. I wish them well, and hope that soon they are able to meet demand.

    • I am happy that they are apparently operating at 100% capacity and will be for a while. With no necessity to discount their products we can hope they will be solvent for years to come, I hope the gunmakers are equally enjoying success.

      • So, where exactly is all this new ammo going? The only ammo I ever see advertised is foreign stuff. I haven’t seen any ammo except shotgun ammo on shelves. Who has the big pockets that the distributors are supplying over us peasants?

        • It’s getting distributed. I was able to find a few different boxes online since all this mess started. The ammo zombies are back and rush the brick and mortar retailers on a daily basis.

        • I figure that Biden’s government must be buying it as soon as it’s made…because Ican hardly find a rounfd on anything.

  2. Meanwhile they’re auctioning AMMO at GAT guns up near Gurnee. A pox on yer “we’re making it fair” pronouncements! I’m still good😏

  3. I appreciate all the companies addressing the shortages. I know it’s not them that’s the issue

    • ^ This!

      No commercial operation keeps an extra 200% capacity in reserve “just in case” because that costs substantial money and is a waste of limited resources.

      It takes time for an operation to even decide whether or not the sudden increase in demand is significant enough and long-term enough to justify investing to increase production capacity. And then, if an operation decides that they should increase production capacity, that takes time as well.

      Compounding this situation (for firearm and ammunition manufacturing companies) is trying to decide whether the new Democrat dominated federal government will damage near-term (much less long-term) firearm and ammunition demand to the point that increasing manufacturing capacity right now will end up being a really BAD investment.

      • I’m sure some of that “excess capacity” was shift work. So running 2 8 hour shifts leaves 1/3 more capacity for a 3rd shift. They probably used that 3rd shift time for equipment maintenance.

      • Yep. Usually these politically related surges are very temporary. Demand goes back down just about the time your very expensive expansion hits full speed, and then you’re laying off employees and losing money on space and equipment that mostly sits idle.

        • That was the two years of Obama, the “certainty” of Hillary’s win with ramping up to sell anything and anything, and then whoops, Trump. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and slowed down until covid and riots/Floyd/blm hit and then everything was gone.

          Then we moved into all the election craziness and Biden and there wasn’t even anything left to panic buy! Otherwise there would be a panic buy now, or especially so once he formalizes his plans…

    • Ammo is one of the most fundamental things any organized state must have. Their are, as a result, ammo factories all over the world. I would think that Turkey, Bangladesh, or Greece factories would be happy to sell primers to US loaders.

      • If they’re primers we can use. Check out the difference between Berdan and Boxer types, for instance.

        • I thought the difference was that Berdan were crimped in place. There is a difference in the primer?

        • Larry: Yes indeed.

          The short version is, Boxer primed cartridges have a single flash hole in the center of the cartridge base, and the anvil – which detonates the primer – is built into the primer housing. The Berdan system uses two flash holes, and the anvil is built into the cartridge case. You can’t use Berdan primers with Boxer cases, and vice-versa.

          Here’s a nice writeup with good pics:

  4. If stores limited purchases to one or two boxes per customer, and if they stopped selling boxes with more than 20 rounds (just like they did it with toilet paper), everyone could get some. I’ve got enough of both ammo & tp.

    • Back when ( 5 years ago or so) I was stocking up, the wife thought I was crazy. Not so crazy now.

      • I stocked up in December 2019 and January 2020. Prices were really low. $170/1000 rounds of 115 gr. 9mm and about $270/1000 for 55 gr. 5.56mm. I bought about 5,000 rounds of each (to add to my already huge stock of multiple calibers).

        I also bought 6 boxes each (1000 primers/box) of all of the primers (smal & large pistol & rifle along with the military primers for .30-06 & .308) and plenty of bullets and powder.

        I’m going to start doing bullet casting soon.

        • Good luck with that, Max, find someone who does and take lessons. I decided to try that around 1979, had the opportunity to clean out an Air Force pistol range’s bullet traps, a pal and I each took one trap’s chunk of bullet lead (around 22 lbs each). I melted mine down and poured it into my Mom’s muffin tins at the kitchen stove. Later remelted one or two “muffins” at a time and attempted to pour into bullet molds to make something stupid like 4 bullets at a time. Once cooled, swaged to size and then lubed, and I had literally DOZENS of bullets ready to go!! After mere hours and hours of working with molten metals. I am sure there was something I did not do wrong, but eventually the only thing I could remember was going to the store to buy a box of bullets. I still have the rest of the “muffins” 40 years later, they make good paperweights.

      • Same here. As soon as I read Obama in his book, Audacity of Hope, that he had the solution for reducing the street gang shootings in Chicago – tax every 9mm bullet some exorbitant amount; that day in 2015 is when I went crazy buying ammo.

    • I went out early yesterday to one of our local gun shops because I heard they were setting out a few 250 round boxes of Aguila .22lr each day and when that was gone, that was it for the day.

      I was the first customer. They sold me one 50 round box of 38 gr. That’s it. They had two more 50 round boxes sitting out for the next two lucky customers.

      That’s already the operating mode around here in PA. I think it will be that way for a long time.

  5. So what exactly are they doing to address the demand ? I hear a lot of excuses for the shortage

    Not hearing how they are going to fix it!

    • Watch it again then. He makes it clear that it will be 3 years until the things they are doing now to increase capacity result in product in the retail market.

      • That’s not how I interpreted it. He said they had a lot of excess capacity in prior years, and he’d want to see the increased demand for 3 years before making capital investment, which would take some time to build. So, 2 more years of overwhelming demand, and a year or two for the new factory. Maybe in time for the 2024 election to make it all even more excess capacity again.

        • Take a look at the 4:17 mark. “If we made an investment today it would be several years before… “

    • “Shortage” starts at the end consumer level and works it’s way up the pipe line to the producers and material providers. If you are experiencing “shortage” now, then you are too late. We’ve had at least 3 major spikes followed by 3 major dips in the gun market in the last 10 years leading to the insecurity/uncertainty/instability we’re seeing today. If you didn’t get a clue the first 3 times and stock up when ammo and guns were plentiful and cheap (like, “AR-15 for $350” cheap), then that’s on YOU, not them.

  6. While I have seen a few instances of quantity limits on ammo purchases in the last year, most have not done this. Part of the problem are the jokers who are buying by the metric ton (figuratively). The vendors can stop this.

  7. Natchez Shooters Supply has or by now it may be had Hornady Critical Defense 12 GA 00 2 3/4″ 1600 FPS for $15.00 and change per box of 10. After tax, shipping 50 rounds cost me $102.00 or $2.00 per round. Limit 10 Boxes per day per customer. Critical Defense on GunBroker is through the roof. Some Wolf 00 and others go for around $2.00 per round after ship, etc.

      • Goofy giggler…Do you even know the difference between a 9mm and 12 GA? Put an apple on top of that ignorant pinhead of yours and you’ll see clearly how my 3 Sar9s do not fail to fire…ever. If a pasty mouth pos like you cannot contribute to the discussion you need to take up knitting.

    • RE: “I don’t want your crappy factory ammo. I want primers.”

      You mean you don’t want crappy factory ammo. you want crappy factory primers. Put on the dunce cap and go sit in the corner until further notice.

      • I’d take custom built designer large pistol primers by Ralph Lauren too if you know where to find them.

    • That’s nice, that you want primers.

      The gun owners who don’t reload, want primers too; they just want to buy them preinstalled in complete cartridges. There are more gun owners than reloaders, so there’s a bigger market for complete cartridges than there is for reloading components. There’s probably also a higher profit margin on complete cartridges than reloading components. So, what do you think they’ll focus on making?

      • Technically, everyone who makes primers makes ammunition too. So they’re first in line for their own product.

  8. “They’ve reacted as best they could to the 2020 surge in demand. “We made a LOT more hunting ammo in 2020 than we have in the 99-year history of our company,” he said.”

    Umm, its not hunting ammo that people are looking for.

    • Eh, it depends. I have some use for Hornady Superformance in .243.

      Last I looked it was backordered out until June for most people who even claimed they could get any. I was somewhat surprised that an oddball-ish round like that would be basically out everywhere. Same, mostly, with their American Whitetail.

      I can, locally, get .243 in a few places but I’d have to change bullet weights to do it which, given my actual use for the ammo, isn’t worth bothering with at the current prices.

    • Jason Vanderbrink, President of Federal, CCI, Speer and Remington….. just couldn’t come right out and say straight forward that the 90% of the expanded volume of “ammunition’s sales” this past year was for self-defenses and home protection etc., that wouldn’t look or sound good!

  9. People are sitting on hoards they hope to sell at a profit later unless it becomes illegal to do so. Few people need thousands of rounds for casual use. It’s anyone’s guess what laws may come out too. A large pile of ammo could end up worthless if it can’t be sold or is declared illegal.
    Look at the sandy hook hoarding. I bet money was lost on a lot of boxes.

    Apologies to those who shoot hundreds of rounds a week. I wish I could have that much fun on my own property.

    • I used to shoot hundreds of rounds every 2 weeks. Always put away half, and shot half just in case.

      I have no intention of selling any of my ammo stash at any price unless it is an absolute necessity.

      If it becomes illegal, fuck ’em. If they outlaw guns or ammo then I’ll be an outlaw.

      To those who cannot find affordable ammo or primers now, put the money you were going to spend on it aside and if/when they are available buy as much as you can.

    • The challenge is for those of us who enjoy competing and those of us who teach. The only firearms teaching I do is some DMR courses, which are fairly limited in round count, around 200 rounds. The agencies I teach TCCC seem to have plenty of ammo for their courses, but most of them didn’t shoot much anyway, maybe 8 range days a year. The guys that are really hurting are people like ATX Precision and Tactical Fitness. The guys that have some small .gov contracts, but pay their rent on civilian shooters. Those guys are really scrambling as students drop courses because they can’t find ammo.
      My Cowboy Action Shooting will suffer greatly, and lots of clubs, like mine, are being as creative as possible to make new divisions and rules to allow folks to shoot and compete with as few rounds as possible. I’ll do no more than 2 long range competitions this year. There were a lot of years I shot 40k rounds. This year, trying to do it all with 15k or less. And I think it will be that way for the next several years.
      The upside, I’ll have no flinch reflex ever again, and my draw and reload times are going to be amazing. Maybe my shot-gunning gets better.
      So. Much. Dry. Fire.

      • To dry fire or not to dry fire. If you ask a counterman for a snap cap for a Glock 99 9/10% of the time they say, “It don’t hurt to dry fire a Glock” Well that is true to the extent on how much dry firing you do and Glock agrees.
        The thickness inside the slide for the striker to contact is somewhat thin. Constant striker hammering on the inside of the slide increases firing pin protrusion not only from inside the slide but wear occurs on the face of the striker.
        So when purchasing a used Gl;ock or any weapon that looks almost new and unfired it is wise to check for dry firing wear.

        • About 30 or 35 years ago I learned to shoot double action with a GP100. I was told no need for snap caps. But 40,000 dry fires later, there was a definite deformity around the firing pin hole which translated to primer flow when fired with live ammunition.

    • GS650G,

      It all depends on your notion of “casual use”.

      Consider someone who purchased 1,000 rounds of 9mm Luger plinking ammunition. That sounds excessive for, “casual use,” right? Now think of how easily/quickly that person could burn through that 1,000 rounds. He/she sets up an informal “course” someplace in the National Forest for a day of fun and burns through 10 magazines (each magazine holding just 15 rounds) before calling it a day. That’s 150 rounds. Two months later, he/she decides to work on slow, precision target practice and burns through 6 magazines plus a couple extra shots. There goes another 100 rounds for a total of 250 rounds and he/she only has 750 rounds left.

      Continuing on with this example, three months later, a family member or friend from out of state comes to visit and he/she invites the friend/family member to repeat both practice sessions burning through another 250 rounds. And just like that, after five months of “casual use”, that person only has 500 rounds left and could easily burn through those in the next several months. And we have not even touched on the fact that someone who purchased a new handgun should shoot about 200 rounds to break in that handgun and ensure that it is reliable.

      I hope it is apparent at this point that even “casual use” can burn through a heck of a lot more than a couple boxes of ammunition in just six month’s time, much less a year or two.

    • GS, my guess is those guys you mention sitting on hoards are HOPING it will be outlawed, the price they can charge would then double. Listen, I have been watching for 60 years how much money people have made off selling pot or worse, illegally, thinking ammo would be any different is just silly.

      • This.

        Prohibition makes people who have/can get the prohibited product rich every time.

        Drugs, booze, guns, ass, whatever. Doesn’t matter. Make it illegal and the profit margin skyrockets.

        The creation of “vice” units within police departments tells you what you need to know but lots of people don’t want to admit the obvious reality of this.

        Now, I don’t really think a lot of people are sitting around hording ammo for this purpose but I’m sure a few are.

    • Some people are hoarding, some people just shoot a lot because their favorite part of the hobby/sport is high volume when it comes to practice.

      5.56/.223, for example, is something I can go through 1000 rounds/day of easily. EASILY.

      And there are a lot of people that do that. Call it LARPing or whatever you want, but if you’re running serious drills literally all day you’re going to go through hundreds of rounds (or more) a day.

      I mean consider a 3-gun competition. Minimum round counts are often 125 rifle, 125 pistol, 35 scatter, 5 slug or something. And that’s if you hit every target with the first shot. You need more for your misses. And then there’s all the practice ammo to get ready…. easily 2000+ rounds each for your rifle and your pistol by the time you run your first competition.

        • A friend of mine loves CAS matches. I just can’t get past how much time he has to spend dicking with the loading gate. Makes a break-top look darn good.

      • Even downunder in one discipline I can through 1000-1500+ per year. I’m now shooting more rimfire and cursing not periodically stocking up on more bricks of .22.

    • I don’t believe that’s true to any large degree. I don’t know anybody that’s selling, unless they died. That’s not why we’ve been accumulating since the Clinton era.

  10. One suspects demand will continue to outstrip supply no matter what the manufacturers do. There’s a lot of uncertainty and concern about on everything from the pandemic to riots to what the new administration is going to be able to do to restrict 2A rights. Until those things are addressed, I think we’re going to see the current situation continue due to panic buying and efforts to make a fast buck in the secondary market.

  11. Love it…all the “complainers” rise up…didn’t learn any lessons under the 8yrs of obama, now suffer the consequences of your lack of foresight…

      • I was still a teen, it damn if I didn’t have my .22 LR and other supplies prepared for when Y2K was gonna hit!

        Thankfully I’ve continued to be “prepared” in more diverse calibers now.

      • Not to single you out here Crimson but you touch on a valid point.

        You learned this in 1994. OK, great. Passing on that knowledge is a good idea. I’ve been telling new shooters this for several years “Create a backup stash for the lean times because they will come”.

        I mean, in 1994 I was 10 years old. I wasn’t exactly steeped in the economics of ammo supply at that age. A lot of your younger shooters these days were too young to do much of anything regarding guns, or they didn’t see it because they didn’t buy the ammo themselves under Obama.

        And it’s not like you’re going to have a lot of high school teachers or college profs telling you about the government induced issues in the ammo supply market, are they? Shit, most would get fired if they did mention such a topic.

        So one of the things we should try to remember here is to pass on such information to the nubs. They have no experience with these things and therefore no reason to consider them. Lots of the young kids these days think that the 2A simply protects their rights to own whatever LARP gear they want. They’re surprised and outraged at the idea of a body armor ban/AWB making their kit illegal because this is their first experience with these ideas.

        And if we’re doing our jobs right then there’s always noobs who haven’t had to think about these things…

    • I’m fairly young and also recently passionate about shooting sports and training. Even newer to reloading. Ive been trying to grab up guns that have interested me for the past couple years and luckily I have a baseline of the things I really would have wanted, but there are plenty out there I’d still love to have but since I’m young in my career, accruing the funds has been a slow process. Im disappointed once I run out of primers that’ll be it for a couple years and I guess dry fire training will have to substitute range time in order to hold on to the inventory I have. Hoping the future doesn’t look bleak because I could see a lifetime of enjoyment in this.

  12. I already had enough to cover any emergency needs. This situation does cut into my range time but that’s ok because I know this isn’t permanent. I just enjoy my range time. I won’t lose any sleep over it. It will make it less likely for me to buy something in a new caliber though.

  13. I found three Winchester Wildcat .22’s in the bottom of the washing machine. No target practice for me, I’m saving those for when SHTF

  14. The simple fact is, ammo is available for purchase today, in popular calibers, to most people in most states. (Gun owners who live in California, for instance … I’m sorry for you. I was once one of you, and I was lucky to get out when I did.)

    It might not be at the price you want; AmmoSeek is listing .223 Rem as being at least $0.84/round, 9mm Luger at $0.69/rnd.

    It might not be the brand you prefer; that .223 Rem is PMC Bronze, followed by Red Army Standard; and the 9 is from Buffalo Cartridge, followed by Norma and then a frangible round by a brand called National Police.

    And you might not be able to get it today.

    But ammo is available for sale, and if you avoid too-good-to-be-true prices from obscure sellers, you’re more or less likely to get what you ordered. So long as companies are continuing to make it and put it into the pipeline, I expect this to continue.

    • A lot of that is unusable by me. My ranges don’t allow steel cores or jackets due to risk of fire in the traps (last one took 3 days to extinguish). I still have half a case of 9mm Tula that I didn’t realize were bimetal and use where I can. I guess my M855 is SHTF, or maybe I can trade it.

      • A lot of that is unusable by me.

        But by the same token, much of it likely would be.

        So, again, we’re back to it’s available if you’re willing to pay for it.

  15. I watched the video and think he is lying. Most new guns sold in the US ever and they were for hunting? All those first time buyers were looking to go hunting …. not a chance. Everyone bought guns last year for personal defense. And they sure aren’t making .223 or 9 mm or .45. The fix is in and it was in last spring when the crunch started. I could be wrong, and I will be happy to apologize to all concerned, but what he said does not add up.

    • When nothing else is available and you passionate enough that you gotta have ‘something’, a hunting rifle will go just fine. I doubt many first time buyers understand the difference but hey that’s what’s there.

      When things cool off and get closer to normal, I’m sure the ones that bought 28 inch shotguns will likely trade in for something shorter. If they even keep a firearm at all.

      • Being patient might pay off in the next downturn. Barring any bans, less expensive hardware tend to show up in the secondary market but I won’t be betting the ammo will be included.

    • How about new gun buyers hitting the store for whatever is left? How many people went in to buy an AR and were told 223/5.56 was sold out so they bought a “hunting rifle” because there was some ammunition available. Personally saw that. Someone bought a used semi auto Remmington 7400 in 270 and 5 boxes of 270 winchester ammunition, because it was available.

    • I believe it.

      Yeah, the tactical community snapped up all the .223/5.56/9mm/45 etc.

      But around here mostly the shelves are devoid of anything you’d call a “game cartridge” too. Heck, even birdshot’s getting down to being limited. I almost did a doubletake the other day when there was a box of 7mm Mag sitting on a shelf. I hadn’t seen that, other than online, since September.

      • Even Rural King in Martinsville, VA did not have a single box of ammo of any description in the store. Dude working their said none had come in for weeks. Same with the Walmarts; nothing at all on the shelves. A big wholesaler has very little of anything with .22LR at 35 cents apiece, 223 steel over $1 and 9mm FMJ low brand at almost $1 each. Totally unbelievable situation.

  16. Translation: Don’t hold your breath waiting for ammo — and consider yourselves lucky to have toilet paper (I added that last part).

  17. “President of Federal, CCI, Speer and Remington”

    Oligarchs buying up everything until you have no other options except to buy from them.

    • What are you talking about?

      You sound like all ammo comes from only one place and goes to only one place.

  18. Y’all know who’s celebrating this, right? He just took up residence in the WH, and has promised to destroy the firearms industry. So don’t waste what you’ve got, y’all are gonna need it for something besides making noise.

    • Bingo.
      More than one person aware of the obvious consolidation game going on where the rich are winning big and dictating the ground rules for the small guy.

  19. So unless you are already sitting on a mountain of primers your reloading is only going to take you so far.

    I’m also not seeing any 9mm FMJ and only one photo of 5.56.

    • I found a box of 1000 Alcan primers in my uncle’s stuff. I can’t decide whether to use it or sell to a collector.

  20. “They ain’t makin’ ammoz ‘n’ primerz on purpose!”

    “And they’re keepin’ it in secret warrhouses!”

    “And only sellin’ it to the ATF and Cheaper’n Durt!”

    “And Vanderbrink’s sellin’ it by the pallet out the back door to his buddies!”

    “And they took our jobs!”

    “ThEy ToOk ErRr JeRrRbBbBs!!!!

    People who asked the questions Jason answered either already know the answer (and simply want self-validation or attention) or are too damn stupid to live.

    YOU HAD SIX (EXPLETIVE) YEARS TO STOCK UP! If you can’t figure it out then it sucks to be you!

    • 21 year old gun owners would like to punch you in the dick.

      Also, they’re not wrong to want such a thing.

    • Some people are waiting over a year for just a pistol permit in CT. Not everyone has been a gun owner for years you know?? 7 million new owners in 2020 for instance. You are pretty dumb to not understand that. But keep belittling others. I keep seeing this same attitude on other posts, not sure what the end goal is but belittling others for not hoarding ammo is stupid.

  21. Id rather hear about the President of Federal, CCI, Speer and Remington telling us his plan NOT to sell to ANY police or military until the wave of gun banners shut up and go away

    disarm the cops and military, by cutting off their supply like they do us with BS unconstitutional laws!

    • Yeah and then the government would just EO full control of the ammo companies. Lol. Which I’m sure will happen soon anyway. You can kiss your guns and ammo goodbye under this new Demonrat control. They will disarm you and label you a domestic terrorist if you do not comply. It’s called the Patriot Act and it’s meant to be used against U.S. citizens. Iraq and Afghanistan were just training grounds for the REAL prize…. America.

      And they have the old NWO plan all ready to go it’s now called The Great Reset https://www.weforum.org/great-reset/

    • Mr Vanderbrink, I have no reason to doubt your honesty. We are on the same side of this anomaly.
      BUT, in the laws of economics and Supply and Demand, it is impossible to have this vast gulf between supply and demand. With any other product for which raw materials are available somewhere in the world, we would have container ships lined up at our ports with all the supply requested by current and estimated future demand. The USA is NOT the only mfg of ammo.
      SO, we all know first hand that demand is real and much greater than supply for the past year. If a virus killed every cow in the USA, we would have a shortage of milk for a few weeks. Soon thereafter containerships from around the world would inundate our ports with milk from all over the world. Simply the fact of the laws of Supply and demand.
      FROM WHERE in the supply chain is the barrier to all the ammo we want?


  23. I’m trying to sell all of my reloading and cast equipment but no one is close enough to me have to much weight to ship

  24. So he is focusing on hunting ammo, which maybe one 20 round box a year is sold. Everyone I know is looking for 9mm or 223, which they go through at a rate of 3+ boxes a week. I probably have enough hunting ammo for the rest of my life. And he just bought Remington ammo, which was shut down during the bankruptcy proceedings.

    Until he posts a video with numbers, he can go back to his office and get to work.

    • Strange how there’s a shortage of that hunting ammo that only sells a single box a year per person…

      Unless you believe that all those first time buyers were buying .30-30s, 7 & 8mm mags and .30-06s for home defense…

      OTOH, if you read about the Great Depression, you’d come to the conclusion that stocking up on such things is probably a good idea based on previous experience… and if you’re an edible forest creature you’re getting pretty darn nervous.

      • So if all ammo manufacturers are at full capacity and none of the sellers have any inventory, where is all the ammo going?

        • I would suspect that people are buying it…

          If you were to take it as true that your average hunter only bought 1 box of X caliber a year and then, given the run on ammo, bought 3, that wouldn’t be “hording” but it would create a 300% increase in demand.

        • I’m on some 30 notify lists with all sorts of sellers, and nothing desirable is coming in. So if they’re producing at 100+%, who is getting all that ammo? Not hunters buying 3 boxes of 30-06. I wonder who is buying up all these millions of rounds of 9 and 223?

        • According to the news every night, the cities have imploded in crime and assaults’, along with the huge increase in murders and shootings in the hoods, the gang-bangers seem to have a lot of 9mm 10mm and 45, dem boyz ain’t save’n nutt’n!…..their motto should be to their fellow brethren in dissension …. “black lives matter, you’d better scatter, or you be catching some splatter, and now be a lay’n flatter”

  25. I bought stock in Vista Outdoors ( the parent company, VSTO) in early December.
    In 6 weeks it has gone up more than 47%.
    It’s up 3.86% today alone.

    GO VISTA!!!

  26. If we had to fight World War II again, the United States of America would get its ass handed to it on a silver platter.

  27. What he should say is that HE/they will prioritize citizen gun owners and retail stores before they sell ANY MORE ammo to ANY .gov agency and that they will sell no ammo to the government until the supply chain is restored and the private need is topped off.

    • Then the Government would simply use the patriot act and whatever EO’s to take full control of the ammo companies. Owners and employees would be walked off the property at gun point. Anyone that resisted would be labeled a domestic terrorist.

  28. He talked for 5 minutes and no mention of what percentage comes right off of the top to fulfill Government and LEO contracts. Almost every Federal alphabet agency has some form of police now, military, state police, and large county and city departments. As for primers, the companies he runs manufacture 3 of the 4 major US brands. The only other company is Winchester.

    • ” Government and LEO contracts ”

      I don’t remember where I saw this, but it was about 5 or 6 months ago… The gubmint, at all levels, only sucks up about 10% of commercial production capacity, and most of this is law enforcement, not military. The military has its own production facilities, such as Lake City, Missouri (currently managed by Olin), that takes care of most (i.e, non-specialty) of its needs.

      I’m just passing this along — I didn’t do anything to verify it, just took it at face value. Those who are interested can do their own homework.

  29. And there’s the reason for part of the delay; it’s all being run by one guy. There’s no competition so there’s no incentive.

    And that’s how government socialism works and why eventually they always fail.

  30. Maybe the ammo mfg companies should learn that as soon as anti gun democrat politicians take power, to ramp up ammo production. It appears they ammo mfg co. would have figured this out by now……….

  31. I sold some 32 ACP ammo to someone around September last year and he shot around 9,000 in the summer. He goes to the range A Lot. He said that people were buying pallets of ammo at a time, either pooling their money together or one person. He said that’s what wealthy people in northern MN have been doing. So must be direct from the ammo mfg’s then. I guess they’d rather sell to them direct than have it go out to many retail stores. I believe him since it’s still going on. If I had the money I would of bought 10k plus 9mm, 5k 556 and 50k of 22lr and leave at least half up north at the cabin.
    I don’t believe many people are going to the store each day to buy ammo, maybe 1-3 people per store do if it’s on their way to work. Which would add up, however most gun stores aren’t even open that early.

  32. I reload two of my hunting rifles 4590 300 Weatherby mag both require cci primers today i called everyone with in one hundred miles not one box of primers cci Remington and federal not a single box

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