A member of TTAG’s Armed Intelligentsia recently reminded me to read the comments underneath the posts I blog on your behalf. “That’s where you can see that we’re winning,” he asserted. Roger that. Even comments beneath huffingtonpost.com articles extolling the [supposed] benefits of gun control are, in the main, pro-gun. Which is why more than a few website posting these anti-pistol polemics ban comments. Or delete ones that disagree with their point-of-view. Or dispense with reader feedback entirely. For example, one wonders what readers make of What Would Jesus Shoot at thedaily.com. Excerpted by patdollard.com, we get a better idea what the great unwashed [/sarcasm] think about churches offering concealed carry classes. There’s the above headline and this little gem from a commentator named daveca. . .

The course has nothing to do with firearms use or carry, they are legal dodges on behalf of the State, to both control people by forcing them to get Government permission to Bear Arms, which is absolutely unconstitutional, and attempt to legally exonerate the State if something happens. NO one is trained in firearms use in 3 or 10 hours.

It’s amazing how the truth just leaps out and hits you in the face sometimes. You know, once you see it. I wonder how we ever survived without the Internet.

Which reminds me, in case you hadn’t noticed, hourly service at TTAG is now restored. Amen. [h/t Greg S and Tyler Kee for the link]


        • Are you sure it is Your car? And not a replacement brought in while you were sleeping??
          Overtones of 1984(Orwellian society) playing in the background!! Next up…Fahrenheit 451!!!
          Sarc off!! Ya just never know anymore!!!’

  1. Jesus, b/c of the nature of His mission here didn’t have to defend Himself. His Father protected Him(and His diciples)until it was time for His sacrificial death.
    Therefore, the question should be”What would Jesus have US do?”(or shoot),who DON’T have such divine protection.
    He used violence against the Temple moneychangers; where His act,lesson, and audience were all appropriate.So He’s not against the use of force in all cases.
    Whenever He had a chance to condemn self-defense in analogies to home& family defense, to defendproperty, or going to war,He NEVER did so. Rather, He treated self-defense as common sense.
    “Turning the other cheek” refers to our refusal to retaliate for insults and non-criminal behavior.
    Live by sword&die by it has multiple lessons, but none of them deny us the use of weapons.
    Jesus didn’t need a gun(sword) b/c of His unique mission and person. But the Bible makes clear that He doesn’t refuse us the lawful use of them.

  2. Its interesting what the Huffington post will delete. When an expert in their field jumps into the discussion often the administrator will delete and/or berate the commenter. When I submitted a comment regarding one of their articles, which was horribly flawed in logic and in facts, the administrator barred me from responding and left a sarcastic dig after my remarks. Their problem probably stemmed from their supposition which was completely backwards and also happens to be a conservative argument.

  3. No Jesus was murdered by you and me the govenent just facilitated it, but not to fear Jesus just happens to be God and it was all in the plan….…

  4. I don’t know what Jesus would do, but I do like reading the comments on MSM sites. Sometimes I have to laugh so hard at some of the arguments, although if you look at articles which are pro gun control, the freedom loving folks are out in droves, and in much larger numbers than the Antis..

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