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Joe Biden Agrees – Criminals (and Terrorists) Don’t Obey Gun Control Laws

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

You don’t need us to tell you that gun control laws only apply to law-abiding citizens. With about four seconds of thought and a few functioning neurons, it’s blindingly obvious that criminals don’t obey many laws at all, let alone gun control laws.

The self-evident nature of the matter makes it all the more remarkable that someone like Joe Biden, whose cranial activity is suspect at best, managed to 1) realize it and then 2) vocalize the concept.

The topic came up when he was asked about the hostage situation that took place over the weekend in a Texas synagogue. Ol’ Joe was every bit as lucid and articulate as you’d expect in addressing the matter.

From the New York Post . . .

President Joe Biden declared the hostage situation an “act of terror” but said that authorities “just don’t have enough facts” to determine why Akram targeted the synagogue.

So it was terrorism (committed by someone who’s almost surely a far-right insurrectionist white supremacist…one who just flew to Texas from the UK), but we just don’t know why he picked a synagogue yet. Or why that particular synagogue.

“I don’t think there is sufficient information to know about why he targeted that synagogue, why he insisted on the release of someone who’s been in prison for over 10 years, why he was engaged, why he was using an anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli comments,” Biden said Sunday during a visit to a food bank in Philadelphia.

All of those aspects of the hostage situation are real mysteries that will take the collective investigative powers of all of the FBI’s biggest brains to unravel.

And then the topic turned to the gun that “mentally disturbed” Malik Faisal Akram used to threaten his hostages.

The president said that he didn’t “have all of the facts” about how Akram obtained the arms but that the man “allegedly purchased it on the street” and might have only been in the US for a few weeks.

“Guns are — the idea of background checks are critical but you can’t stop someone from buying something on the street,” he said.

So there you have it, straight from the mouth of the most powerful old man in the world. Background checks don’t stop criminals — or terrorists — from getting their hands on guns and using them to commit crimes.

So how do they get them? They steal them or buy them on the street illegally, just as Joe said. The only people who actually have to deal with the mandated background check requirement are the average Joes or Janes who want to buy a firearm to protect themselves and their families. Or hunt. Or shoot for fun. Or compete.

Here in the real world, those ineffectual, rights-abrogating gun control laws — that are enacted as roadblocks to lawful gun ownership — only make society more dangerous for the law-abiding. That kinda makes you wonder why we bother with frivolous, cumbersome, bureaucratic background checks at all then, doesn’t it?

Just don’t hold your breath waiting for someone in the press corps to ask The Great Uniter about anything like that.


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