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If super villain Joerg Sprave didn’t exist, Ian Fleming would have to invent him. Oh wait. He already did. Rumor has it that Sprave will play the bad guy in the next James Bond film, deploying a drill-powered gun that takes out U.S. and U.K. spy satellites (that officially don’t exist). That said, the Sony hacking attack may have altered that plan. So don’t blame me if it doesn’t happen.

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    • Far more minutes of entertainment than the Terminator has produced in his career. Been watching this guy for years, and he’s a hoot.

  1. If Joerg is in it, Bond is the bad guy. Wouldn’t that be great if the genius spy who introduces himself to anyone and everyone were killed with a slingshot of Spravian proportions. Make it happen people!!!

  2. I don’t always hack electronics companies, but when I do, I prefer to hack Sony.

    -The most Interesting Nerd in North Korea

  3. I really find it sad that people are more riled up by not being able to see a mediocre movie than they are about the human rights abuse in North Korea. It is really chilling how effective NK propaganda is on the western world.

    Here is some more info on what I mean:

    • . NK only exists because the Chinese feel the need to have a buffer zone from the west…Not because they are masters of propaganda… When the Chinese have a sufficient foot hold in western culture, you know, Harley Davidson, squeaky clean butlers, road rage, and Big mac’s.. NK will be cast aside.. I Give it one more generation.

      Meanwhile, we western heathens will continue to mildly amused with their rhetoric against the world.

      • North Korea exists because the Chinese are smart (pragmatic) enough to know that they don’t want to deal with 25MM starving refugees illegal aliens when Pyongyang collapses.

        That is the real dance. The ChiComs aren’t worried in the least about the West. We’ve foolishly given them enough of our money to allow them to become an actual world power. If they thought SK could actually absorb NK like the FRG absorbed the former East Germany, China would orchestrate the NK coup and collapse it as soon as they could lock down the border.

  4. I appreciate the glaring absence of a “kids, don’t try this at home” warning… If I had seen that video when just a “few” years younger, I would have made something similar using my dad’s power drill

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