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…[M]illions of Israelis still aren’t even eligible to carry a firearm for self-defense because they do not live in an eligible settlement — despite being at war and surrounded by enemies on all sides.

On Wednesday, one would-be self-defender pleaded with the National Defense Minister on X: “Don’t wait for the next holocaust. We will not forgive you. The whole country is an eligible settlement!”

What the National Defense Minister has done to bypass gun control laws is certainly a commendable first step and will hopefully help many defend themselves and their families amid this horrific war. But imagine if there had been armed civilians at the music festival, armed fathers protecting their families, armed good guys to fight the bloodthirsty attackers.

The best time to have repealed Israel’s gun control was any time before yesterday. The next best time is today. It’s clear that Israel has a long way to go to protect its people.

Instead of ammunition restrictions, waiting periods, and bureaucratic firearm licensing, Israel needs a Second Amendment protecting the individual right to keep and bear arms for self-defense.

Gun control advocates horrified by the scenes unfolding in Israel should think about the unknown number of terrorists who have crossed over our borders undetected. Maybe that will finally wake them up to the importance of our Second Amendment.

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  1. “Instead of ammunition restrictions, waiting periods, and bureaucratic firearm licensing, Israel needs a Second Amendment protecting the individual right to keep and bear arms for self-defense.”

    You don’t ‘ask’ for the right to self-defense, no nation but this one will just give it to you.

    Demand it, and if they refuse, take it, using any means necessary… 🙁

        • If I can piss you off, it makes my day in more ways than you can imagine.

          To repeat, I’m not interested in having ‘intimate’ relations with you, no matter how much you beg or grovel.

          Get it? 🙂

        • geoff…You may fool the fools on this forum but I can read between the lines and you are one sick pos hiding behind emojis.

      • Debbie W.,

        I know that it is incredibly painful to realize and accept that we are wrong about a deeply-held belief. Please gear-up to do that.

        Your incessant rant (that the populous will abandon their pursuit of civilian disarmament if they learn how post-Civil War bigotry inspired gun-control) is just not correct. It is simple human nature that a LOT of people love bigotry and embrace gun-control laws in the hopes of disarming their disfavored class of people.

        If you want to shout anything from the proverbial mountain tops, inform the populous about simple human nature–that both foreign and domestic entities who hate them WILL attempt to harm them and the only way to minimize the murder of innocent people is if the entire populous (and “entire” means entire, not just favored groups) is armed and ready to defend themselves.

        Point the populous to the recent examples of Mexico, Ukraine, and Israel. Mexico demonstrates how local narco gangs murder unarmed local people with impunity. Israel demonstrates how a local terrorist group murders massive numbers of local unarmed people with impunity. And Ukraine demonstrates how a state (Russia) murders the entire unarmed Ukrainian populous with impunity over large areas of their entire nation.

        • nocommonsense…RE: “If you want to shout anything from the proverbial mountain tops, inform the populous about simple human nature–that both foreign and domestic entities who hate them WILL attempt to harm them and ….RE: “the only way to minimize the murder of innocent people is if the entire populous (and “entire” means entire, not just favored groups) is armed and ready to defend themselves.”

          Listen you snot nosed history illiterate wordsmith…Point out one post, one sentence, one word where I said or ever implied Gun Rights were not to be all inclusive. Everything I cite concerning Gun Control shows how being non-inclusive worked throughout history.

          It would be a cold day in hell before you and gun talking blowbags like you have the sense and intestinal fortitude to say what I say therefore you have no podium whatsoever.

        • Uncommon isn’t interested in someone as vile as you are either, dingbat.

          Go rage impotently somewhere else. Unlike you, I *enjoy* doing this. You’re just going to blow a fuze and I’ll read about how LE had to put you down in a SWAT raid… 😉

        • Debbie W.,

          Listen you snot nosed history illiterate wordsmith …”

          I am very well educated and knowledgeable about History–especially U.S. History before, during, and after the Civil War.

          Point out one post, one sentence, one word where I said or ever implied Gun Rights were not to be all inclusive. Everything I cite concerning Gun Control shows how being non-inclusive worked throughout history.

          I never claimed that you advocate for exclusive rather than all-inclusive rights.

          It would be a cold day in hell before you and gun talking blowbags like you have the sense and intestinal fortitude to say what I say …”

          Your obsessive-compulsive focus on post Civil War bigotry is a subset of my more globally and Historically encompassing commentary. Given that so many of our populous do NOT know about U.S. History (and the nuances of associated bigotry) going back 170 years, I focus my commentary on much simpler and more recent examples of oppression and the utility of being armed for righteous self-defense.

          I also focus my commentary on more recent examples of oppression because our detractors could claim that our society managed to progress beyond the bigotry of our post Civil War era and thus we don’t have to worry about that going forward. Of course my more recent example show us that we will always have to worry about oppression and gun-control going forward.

    • Geoff, they don’t even have a written constitution. To my way of thinking “Never Again ” only has teeth when an individual has the ability to defend themselves from the kind of attacks are routinely aimed at Jews for being Jewish.

    • And let’s remember that this nation only gave it to us because the men who started this nation had just fought a war with their own weapons that was begun when a tyrant tried to seize their weapons so that he could continue to abuse them.

    • There are unlimited amounts of weapons available in Gaza, so once again the farce of “ gun control fir your own good” is made clear.

  2. I was always under the impression that firearm ownership in Israel was generally allowed simply because of them being surrounded by troglodytes bent on evil.
    Obviously I was mistaken.

    • It’s hard to tell who was more disgusting…Unarmed naive Israelis playing around and residing next to a huge terrorist camp or the Israelis who thought nazi Gun Control following a Holocaust would be an agenda worth preserving…

  3. Israel needs it’s own 2A. The 2nd Amendment is an amendment to OUR Constitution and that is OUR set of laws. Laws that do NOT apply to any other country.

    The right to self protection is universal and applies to all living things as a God given right. But the American Constitution is for the USA only.

    • Per USCCA: Israel 1.5% of population allowed one handgun and 50 rounds of ammo only after the Gov’t allows said individual. Ducks in a barrel.

  4. I don’t feel sorry for the s0ci@list slave state of israel.
    Just as I don’t feel sorry for the socialist slave state of the Ukraine.

    Both have enemies that border them. And both are JUST AS afraid of their external enemy. As they are afraid of their own citizens.

  5. I doubt Israel will ever have any impossible to remove guarantees.like the US 2nd Amendment. They are surrounded by enemies who have armed encampments within their own borders, and they still had near suicidal gun laws. They don’t appear to be smart enough to save themselves.

  6. Seems like a good time for the tried and true “iT wOuLd HaVe BeEn WuRsEeEeE111!!!1”
    hysterical shrieking the antis always trot out at the mere suggestion victims be allowed the tools to save themselves.

    We all know life preservers make drowning worse and fire extinguishers make fires worse. That’s fact.

    • “We all know life preservers make drowning worse and fire extinguishers make fires worse. That’s fact.”

      I wish I was home when my apartment caught fire 20 years back. Proof the fire extinguisher hanging on the wall was the cause.

      (At least the cat survived, escaped when the maintenance man opened the door looking to see if I was inside … 🙂 )

  7. But imagine if there had been armed civilians at the music festival, armed fathers protecting their families, armed good guys to fight the bloodthirsty attackers.

    We don’t have to imagine how that would have played out if the story of the ONE kibbutz that immediately armed themselves and took up strategic defensive positions–just moments before Hamas came knocking–is true.

    (Hint: according to that story the kibbutz members who were also volunteer “security” personnel completely wiped-out the Hamas attackers without any Israeli casualties as far as I can gather.)

    • My read of that story (I chased it for a while earlier) is that the young lady being celebrated was an IDF corporal in charge of security at the kibbutz. She recognized that the explosions they were hearing in the distance from other kibbutzes were different than normal rocket impacts. Then she opened the armory to which only she or maybe she and a couple of others had access and handed out weapons to ONLY the security personnel. They were able to deploy before Hamas got there. When Hamas arrived they engaged in a ~4 hour gun battle with Hamas, reportedly killing 25, with 5 attributed to her. Then an IDF armored unit showed up and finished off the rest.

      So the story AFAICT is “unarmed security guards armed themselves from the central armory and defended kibbutz until the army arrived”

      The attributing of 5 kills to the young lady seems like marketing to me. Maybe it’s true, and even the story as I have framed it is a good thing. But it would have been a lot better if it was more like you framed it.

      Also, it may point to the failure of central armories with limited access in other kibbutzes that weren’t so fortunate.

  8. Israel is a socialist country, and as all socialist countries, it is more afraid of its own citizens than any external enemy. It will never give its citizens uncontrolled ownership of guns because that will permanently alter the mentality of the citizens – people that can defend themselves are no longer victims; people that are not victims do not need an all powerful government; people that don’t need an all powerful government do not need to pay 80% taxes… Clearly, the terrorists pose much less danger.

    • Never again? The myth of Israeli’s invulnerability has been exposed. How about not having hippie music “festival’s” scant miles from Gaza? Or no LGBTQ parades?!?They do have nukes so they’re armed. Aka as the “Sampson option”. He!! we barely have the 2nd amendment in many states including ILLANNOY. The Jewish people only have themselves to blame🙄😕

      • former water walker,

        The sad reality is that a huge percentage of the population is uneducated at best and just plain stupid at worst. Similarly, the dominant concern of a large percentage of the population is food and entertainment. Combine those two facts and it is surprisingly easy for governments to hem-in their population into very dangerous confines.

        Another sad reality is that people who are intelligent and concerned about more than just food and entertainment have extremely limited abilities (if any) to change the confines that their government has created. What that means is that a lot of people are stuck in their situation. My heart goes out to all of them.

        • Breaking: Bernie Sanders blamed Jews in Israel “calling them war criminal’s”. Sometimes you have satan(or an actual communist!) in your midst!

      • Democrats are simultaneously waving the Palestinian and rainbow mafia flags. That’s how stupid they are. Rainbow people get ten years in prison in Gaza.

        • They’ve always had this cognitive dissonance where they’d bend over backwards to excuse and celebrate the antics of bronze-aged fundamentalists of one religion while attacking and berating even the most remotely conservative adherents to another religion.

          Mental illness is the only way to explain the lefts nonsense.

        • Ten years? Being gay is practically a death sentence. Your own family will shun you, no job, no school. Oddly, sex with small boys is considered acceptable so long as the boy’s family is of low status. Lots of surgeries there to place the bowel back inside and sew together the sphincter muscle. However abuse of girls is frowned upon. Unless they are not Muslim, then it is only an unclean act. The videos of the Israeli women leaking rectal blood shows that even adults cannot well tolerate anal gang rape. Those women may be dead now if untreated. If I was Israel I would speed up the process of entering on foot by speeding up the process of identifying anti tank teams and other weapons systems. It’s not hard, just look where the mothers place their kids.

  9. Here is the simple vulnerability that exists in every nation:

    A ruthless enemy with a modicum of resources, intelligence, discipline, attention to detail, and patience can discreetly organize, train, equip themselves, and unleash a horrific surprise attack on the populace. Period. There is absolutely NOTHING that any security, law enforcement, or military force can do to prevent it before it starts.

    The ONLY “strategy” which is guaranteed to minimize the body count is an armed populous where virtually everyone (aside from children and indisputable misfits) who wants to be armed can be legally armed. Any nation who prevents their populous from arming themselves is ensuring the success of ruthless enemies who attack.

    That is reality no how much you hate it nor how much you desperately wish for Utopia.

    • In the US Navy every sailor on a ship was trained in damage control. (I cannot say if this is still true in the woke navy). It saved many a US ship in WW2. In comparison, the Japanese, always only concerned about offense, did not bother. Only a few officers were trained in damage control. They lost ships.

      For terrorists attacks, the civilians must be armed when they want to be. They are the damage control. In this attack I read how the Israeli’s had their guns locked up in armories. They died. I really no longer care about the Israeli’s. They jabbed almost all of their population with the covid poison jabs. When the Inescapable Immune Escape Pandemic arrives it will kill a large percentage of the jabbed in highly jabbed populations. Israeli will cease to exist when most of its population dies. You worry about terrorist and deaths? The Hamas are pikers compared to the US and Pfizer and the Israeli medical establishment. 1:36 kids have Autism from the jabs given to babies. Hamas killed and maimed less than 10,000 people. VARS reports vaccine deaths but they are highly under-reported by much more than 10x. 36,000 deaths reported in VARS means far more than 360,000 deaths from the covid jabs in the US alone.

  10. And now the paranoid Far Right is salivating over a war. In reality comparing Israel which is constantly in a war with its neighbors to the U.S. is ludicrous.

    I might also state that even if some of the people had been armed pistols would have done them little good as the terrorists were wearing body armor and armed with assault rifles.

    One must remember too that it was a surprise attack and most Israelis would have died before they even realized they were under attack even if they had access to weapons.

    quote————-But imagine if there had been armed civilians at the music festival, armed fathers protecting their families, armed good guys to fight the bloodthirsty attackers.———-quote

    And as far as the attack on the concert I suppose the Paranoid NutCase Far Right think that people should dance at a concert with assault rifles strapped to their backs. I am not trying to be facetious in the least. We actually had one nut case here on this forum actually admit he was sitting at his computer with a pistol by his side. He actually believed his bizarre paranoid behavior was perfectly normal.

    Some of the attacks on Israeli police departments who fought back were still annihilated by the overwhelming firepower of the attackers.

    One must remember also that there was fault on both sides. Israel had made the Gaza Strip into an outdoor prison and the population density was like a pot of boiling oil ready to explode over human rights abuses by the Israli’s

    I am not condoning the absolute bararity of murdering women and children and old people, as a matter of fact my sympathies lie with the innocent people who were killed on both sides. Hamas murdered civilians and the Israelis then retaliated and now are also killing Arab civilians in reprisal attacks.

    The real villains were the power mad Netanyahu who was stealing more and more land in the Gaza strip forcing the Arabs into a smaller and smaller living space and also the murderous leaders of Hamas who have no regard for even the lives of their own people. Both were equally guilty for starting the war.

    quote————–Gun control advocates horrified by the scenes unfolding in Israel should think about the unknown number of terrorists who have crossed over our borders undetected.———-quote

    This is par for the course from the racist sickening far right. They never miss a chance to stir up paranoia, fear and hate against refugees and immigrants. I fear mad dog racists like Johnson far more than his imaginary paranoia of the current refugee crisis.

    • dacian,

      There is no doubt that a well organized offensive force with the element of surprise and armed with rifles will exact a significant death toll on unsuspecting targets.

      And there is no doubt that vastly superior numbers of terrorists armed with rifles and carrying grenades are going to prevail when they suddenly descend upon a police station with a few armed cops inside.

      There is also no doubt that the kibbutz residents stood a MUCH better chance of surviving if they had rifles in their homes. At the very least residents early in the attack would have taken a few terrorists with them which would have started reducing the number of surviving terrorists as they moved forward to attack subsequent homes. And that would have increased the odds of survivors in those subsequent homes.

      Similarly, there is also no doubt that a LOT more terrorists would have died in the process of attacking the police station if surrounding citizens had immediate access to rifles and were able to immediately come to the aid of the cops trapped inside the station.

      And perhaps the most important point of all: Hamas may have chosen NOT to attack at all if they knew that almost every home had a rifle and the ability to use it. The fact that Hamas never marches head-on to a gun battle with an Israeli military base proves that point.

    • Duhidiot,
      Yamamoto says otherwise…

      “I might also state that even if some of the people had been armed pistols would have done them little good as the terrorists were wearing body armor and armed with assault rifles.”

      Err, I don’t have a problem putting a few rounds from a pistol in a roughly 2″x2″ area from 10 yards away.

      Say, just about the size of the area below the chin and above the ‘armor.’

      And that’s not counting a much larger exposed facial area, or sections of the legs not generally covered by ‘armor.’

      “And as far as the attack on the concert I suppose the Paranoid NutCase Far Right think that people should dance at a concert with assault rifles strapped to their backs. I am not trying to be facetious in the least. We actually had one nut case here on this forum actually admit he was sitting at his computer with a pistol by his side. He actually believed his bizarre paranoid behavior was perfectly normal.”

      Just got back from a trip to town.

      /looks over at the mouse pad

      /Sees a Glock in an inside the pants holster sitting on the table waiting to be put away when I get up from the computer.

      Yep. Sounds perfectly normal to me…


    • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD, No one, I repeat for the DEAF, NO ONE wants war. Least of all Conservatives. We value our young folks and don’t use them as pawns in your political wars with us.
      For your edification, most body armor is apparent when worn by your criminal and terrorist friends. When they wear body armor, you aim at the head.
      It seems that your reading comprehension is n a par with your critical reasoning. If you had read any of the accounts of the attack on the music festival, you would know that the your terrorist buds went after the autos of the people who attended FIRST to make their escape difficult at best.
      Where did you get that the terrorists attacked police departments? Do you really just make this nonsense up as you go along? What was attacked in the kibbutzs was the SECURITY booths which were UNOCCUPIED at the time of the attacks.
      Israel retaliated against the terrorists and did NOT target civilians as you seem to claim. You have heard of the term collateral damage? And I am sure you are aware (well terrorist apologists like you aren’t) that HAMAS and HIZBOLLAH routinely use their civilians are human shields.
      You are living proof of that you anti-gun radicals are all but dancing in the streets over the attack against our only REAL ally in the MidEast. You love it when you claim that having the civilians armed would have done no good. Clearly you have a bias against firearms.
      I am still asking how a “firearms expert” can’t know the firing sequence of a cartridge.

      • To Walter the Beverly Hillbilly

        I cannot believed you were ever a cop on the street. Even a retarded moron knows that in combat training people are taught NOT to shoot for the head. The head is a very small target and a sloping one at that. Bullets glancing off a head are common and anyone with combat shooting experience already knows that. As a matter of fact even high velocity rifle bullets have been know to glance off a person’s head. A friend of mine can attest to that fact when he was shot in Vietnam by an AK 47. Never mind an anemic round fired out of a pistol.

        Also people do not go into stationary poses and say “take a shot at me” rather they are moving , running dodging etc. making a headshot totally asinine. Jethro you never fail to make a complete fool of yourself every time you make a post.

        Tell me Jethro the Hillack what is the firing sequence of a cartridge? You will not answer of course because you know I will rip you to pieces over any fool reply you make.

        Below is a link to a combat school Walter Jethro you just might learn something about the real world if you watch it.


        • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD, you are truly and imbecilic moron. Apparently your training with guns was with cap guns when you were 6 yrs old. It is a well known proper tactic that when you suspect the target is wearing a bullet “resistant” (there is no such thing as “bullet proof”) you put two in the chest and one in the head. It is called the Mozambique. Clearly you have no clue about firearms.

          As to your buddy who was shot in Nam, the bullet did not penetrate and glanced because it was a glancing shot which was not a straight on shot.

          No kidding, people don’t “ordinarily” stand still when being shot at. As I posed the question of what the firing sequence of a cartridge is, it is incumbent on your ignorant posterior to respond with the correct answer. You couldn’t rip a piece of paper with a sharp object.
          Yes, numbnutz, when you are firing at an ordinary target in an ordinary situation with NO BODY ARMOR involved, you shot for “center of mass”. But here is some reading material to cure some of your ignorance. https://www.shootingillustrated.com/content/the-mozambique-drill-a-history-and-how-to/#:~:text=Sometime%20later%2C%20Rousseau%20made%20the,country%20where%20the%20shooting%20occurred.

          While in a civilian situation a bullet resistant vest is rare, in combat they are rather common. But then you have no clue what you are talking about.

  11. The one problem with arming the average Israeli citizens is the fact that 20% of them are Arab.

    • That sounds like a you problem. Palestinians are corrupt and rife with terrorist BS and Israelis are running a de facto apartheid state and pretend to be shocked when you treat people like animals they may start acting like them. I’m mystified at the unilateral support for Israel in the USA just as much as the people who act like Palestinians are blameless

      • It’s not black and white over there. It is very grey and grey in the morality. The Palestinians want to hurt Israel any way they can. Israel then does reprisals. Israel tried trading land for peace and got neither.

        Perhaps the Arabs should have accepted the Balfour agreement, which the Jews did agree to, but they decided conflict was the better option. And they lost.

        • You can’t negotiate with anti-Semitic terrorists. Believing you can is projecting your own values onto them. They aren’t like us. People need to open their eyes.

  12. “The one problem with arming the average Israeli citizens is the fact that 20% of them are Arab.”


  13. Israel has been fighting Wars since recorded history, if they ain’t got it figured out by now they must be stupid not ignorant.

    • Yes, it’s a start, but, she’s wearing flip flops and doesn’t appear to have even one spare magazine. Ugh.

      And what’s with all the guys in the picture leaning backwards? Is that an Israeli thing? If you’re in a gun fight, get into a good fighting stance.

  14. There is a BIG difference between the permission to KaBA for the sole purposes of forwarding the government’s goals vis-a-vis the right to KaBA for any and all rightful purposes.

    Some nations are far more statist then the USA.

  15. Anyone leaving in Israel without a weapon has room temp IQ, illegal or not. This goes for Israelis and Palestinians. Neither side are saints in this btw.

    • Oh look another leftist/fool trying to draw moral equivalency in this situation. Hamas just admitted to raping the children they kidnapped so they would be sullied. They also shot, burned and decapitated babies. Meanwhile Israel is warning citizens to leave the area before they attack. It’s a totally symmetrical situation! Templar and Miner are really showing their true colors!

      • You have a very un-nuanced understanding of a situation that goes back thousands of years. Israel is a de facto apartheid wanna-be ethnostate. Treat people like animals and don’t be surprised when they act like them. Palestinians are no saints either, they’re corrupt and their terrorist bs is unacceptable. The USA needs to wash their hands of both sides. It’s absolutely absurd we’re sending billions in aid to Israel.

        • Israel pulled out of Gaza nearly two decades ago. They supply the country with electricity. They allow Palestinians to live in their country. Gaza does not allow Jews into their country. They live for the eradication of Jews. Hamas rapes and beheads Israeli children. Who are the animals in this situation? I’m all ears.

        • I’m ready to hear the nuance, Templar. Explain to me how Israelis deserved this. Also explain how Israel is more of a wanna-be “ethnostate” than Palestine when Israel allows Arabs to live in their country, but Palestine doesn’t allow Jews. This should be interesting.

          It might be tomorrow before I can respond. I’m going to be busy today. Some of us have to pay for lil’ d’s healthcare subsidies.

      • Gaza is an open air prison. Israelis, foreigners, and Jewish settlers are free to go in and out of Gaza. Palestinians can only leave with Israeli approved permits, especially considering Egypt will also close its border for months on end. They’re basically living under an economic embargo. Unemployment is at 40%, 65% of people live under the poverty line, 63% of people are deemed food insecure. Factor in almost half of Palestinians are under the age of 19 and it’s literally “no duh” you have a massive population of pissed off people. I just don’t find either side particularly sympathetic and seem to be piling bad decisions on top of bad decisions. I certainly don’t want my tax dollars going toward either party. I’m also not swallowing the narrative that Israelis are perfect little angels. Not going to be applauding israelis dropping Willy Pete on northern Gaza tomorrow

        • Templar ,you see that is what you do when you have terrorists like HAMAS. The “duh” belongs to you and your ilk.

        • Thank you Templar for outing yourself as either a leftist operative or a useful idiot. Calling the Gaza Strip an “open air prison” is a leftist talking point. Hamas has closed the border to Palestinians! Egypt has closed the border to Palestinians! But you’re only blaming it on Israel because you’re a modern day Nazi and and Holocaust denier. Israel obviously has to be careful who they let into their country. Israel border security doesn’t work like the US’s border security because they generally don’t hate their own country, unlike the Democrats here in America. BUT they do, under some circumstances, allow Palestinians in. However, under no circumstances does Hamas allow Jews to enter the Gaza Strip. You lied about that. Arabs make up about 20% of the population in Israel. Jews make up precisely ZERO percent of the population of the Gaza Strip. While you’re at it, look up the Jewish population in the surrounding Arab/Persian countries. Spoiler alert: ZERO again! See if you can figure out why. You’re either misinformed, stupid, or more likely, you’re just spreading left wing propaganda under the guise of “nuance” and “both sides are wrong” but mostly everything is Israel’s fault (according to you).

          Then you go on to complain about Gaza economic issues. The Gaza Strip has benefited from lots of $$$ in foreign aid. Do they use that to help their own people? No! They use it to make and purchase weapons to attack Israel. They received pipes to help extend their water supply. What did they do with that? They used the pipes to build missiles! Hamas doesn’t care about their citizens. They only live to murder Jews. Those animals hide their military installations under hospitals and schools. They’re fine with using their own children as human shields. How is that Israel’s fault? Please explain that. Of course young Palestinians grow up pissed off. Their life is miserable because the governing body there doesn’t care about them. They’re taught that everything is Israel’s fault. (A similar lie is used in America. Democrats tell black people that they can’t succeed because white people hold them back. That very intentionally causes racial tension.) You were taught that too, but you have failed to explain any of it because you can’t. You’re a propagandist or another useful idiot like Miner.

          P.S. You failed to explain this comment:
          “Israel is a de facto apartheid wanna-be ethnostate.”
          I look forward to you either running away or trying to pass off more of your propagandist BS as “nuance.”

        • It looks like you ran away. You can’t explain your propaganda because it isn’t meant to be explained. It’s meant to be disseminated in committee-approved talking points. That works on the follower-prone, weak-minded, ignorant, distracted, and biased, like you and Miner.

  16. After the news of the Hamas attacks from last week, I was surprised to learn just how many Israeli civilians weren’t armed. Years ago, I trained with Israeli personnel on several occasions and at that time, it seemed that almost every Israeli carried a handgun or was issued a take-home military rifle. What happened? They have had regular terrorist attacks on their soil since the country was founded and had always been very keen about keeping their civilian population armed for self-protection. News sources stated that a wave of Liberal politicians implemented ‘gun control’ measures in recent years (sound familiar?) to make them ‘safer’. Look how that turned out. Never, ever give up your guns. We are next.

  17. “What happened?” I’ll tell you what happened. First it was the assassination of Yitzhak “Traitor” Rabin who traded land for peace (more terror) his assailant had watched as Hamastinians murdered his friends. Second was an increase in suicides among active service members. Naturally the genetically predisposed “Leftists”/”Progressives” (remember Golfa Meir admitted for a young Israel to succeed it needed Communist policies with all that entails) decided the solution to both issues was disarmament rather than addressing the root causes ie. a politcian betraying his nation and soldiers fighting but never being allowed to fully defeat their enemy. Hopefully the populace has learned it’s lesson but their prior actions/policies have demonstrated they are slow learners and likely incapable of change.


    Me=Roman Catholic, the fiancee’ Jewish, I met her when we were sixteen (16) years old, we are now 60. She had no interest in firearms (it’s a cultural thing in that faith/community, why I don’t know considering their history over four (millenia) but for her that has changed, she loves the range, we were there today, her cousins in Israel both male and female own firearms and serve(d) in the IDF (some have been called-up), her siblings and other extended family here in the USA are for the most part anti-gun save for a select few.

  18. Tensions have been very high in the region for alot longer than any person on this planet has been alive. The closest thing to any form of peace there was from things Trump did and even that is questionable. It is interesting that the fact that the Democrat party in this country kept pushing (on purpose) for all out war and it certainly looks like they got it. Blame who you want but this is happening because of Biden and those driving him. The American left is supplying aid to one side while supplying arms to the other. While simultaneously funneling huge amounts of money and arms to do the very same thing in the Russia/Ukraine fight. The bear can only be poked just so much before it attacks.

    These people are hell bent on human destruction and death by any means possible.

  19. I suspect the bureaucracy is a way to keep Mr. Ali and Mr. Mohammed from stocking up on whatever Palmetto State Armory has on sale. “Sorry! You live in the wrong neighborhood!”

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