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Just Arrived At My FFL: Taurus PT92 AF 9mm

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Before anyone starts to salivate excessively (or fire up their flame-cannons, as the case may be) let me make it clear that this isn’t a review. Like H.G. Wells’ 1936 Sci-Fi classic, it’s merely a glimpse of Things To Come . . .

All I’ll say so far about Taurus’ big service pistol is that it’s big (34 oz. empty), extremely comfortable, and shows a level of fit and finish that might be just one cloth buffing-wheel shy of a SIG SAUER. The Taurus’ long DA (double action) trigger pull is consistent and reasonably light, at a hair over nine pounds. The SA (single action) trigger pull is exactly five pounds, with a short takeup and an awesomely crisp break. The trigger reset is a very short 3mm.

There are just two minor hiccups so far: the gun came drenched and dripping with oil in its shipping box and you’ll probably lose a thumbnail before you’ll manage to jam that 17th round into either of its allegedly 17-round magazines.

Stay tuned for the full review. This should be fun.

0 thoughts on “Just Arrived At My FFL: Taurus PT92 AF 9mm”

  1. I recently purchased the Taurus PT92 AFS. It is my first handgun, and I love everything about it. It feels good, shoots nicely, and I don’t have any complaints, except for the fact that it comes in a cardboard box. No case, whatsoever. Upside: It breaks down VERY easily, has several safety functions, and of course… looks extremely cool.
    This is NOT me, but a review that I watched prior to my own purchase.

  2. Got the very latest version,92 afs with adjustable front and rear sights. Added VZ grips, Beretta d spring, Titanium nitride on controls, had the barrel cryo treated. It’s all back together and I friggin love it. I’ve modified some Beretta mags to work with it. Just put about 450 rounds through it, I’m making a hybrid leather/kydex holster for it with the viridian c3 light and laser… This is a sweet shooter. Ordered extra springs so I’m set.


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