Remington’s new R51 handgun was the belle of the SHOT Show ball this year, arguably beating out the GLOCK 42 in terms of popularity. We didn’t hold out much hope for getting our hands on these anytime soon since TTAG and Freedom Group aren’t exactly BFFs, but to my surprise two of these puppies arrived at my FFL this morning. One is destined for some heavy testing, and I get the feeling that Robert has designs on using the other to replace his Caracal carry gun while waiting for the gun to come back from the shop. Stay tuned as we find out if the R51 is really worth the hype.
Hey, kids, you do know that you used to be able to order shotguns, rifles and such from Sears and Monkey Wards, right? They had them right there in the catalogs. You called up the local store on the phone (which used to hang on the wall in the kitchen – it didn’t fit into your pocket, and it needed wires in the wall to work), you gave them the catalog numbers and they ordered it.
The order would come into your local Sears or Wards’ mail-order store. They didn’t have a FFL, BTW, because this was before 1968. The local store would call you, and you’d go down and pick up your order. You typically paid with a check, or these little pieces of paper with pictures of dead white males on them that were known as “cash.” Credit cards weren’t accepted in most businesses back then.
Anyway, it was a done deal, and we didn’t have widespread chaos in the streets until the later 60’s.
They even sold M1 Carbines and Garands through the catalogs. If I had any idea how much those M1 Carbines would go up in price, I would have purchased a truckload of them back when they cost under $100 each.
Those m1 carbines and rifles could be sent right to your door by way of the US mail. No ffl’s needed.
They sure are cool looking.
It looks good. I hope it functions just as well. I wouldn’t mind an in between gun for my LCP and XD40 for carry.
Have you seen the ADP commercials? While not as graphic, they use FUD to sell alarm systems. Might as well use it for a pro-gun message.
I rather have an NRA commercial that more like “[cut to real-life DGU person who says] I am a survivor, and the next one and the next one. And the final message, I would not have been alive today if my guns had been taken away. The SCOTUS has said that the police have no duty to respond, you are the first responder”
But, then we are all dreaming. No matter what the NRA does, the networks will either refuse it or jack it up in price higher than a Super Bowl ad.
The anti-gun crowd will always get their message out by censoring any decent.
Which is why, there can never be any compromise as long as there is only a one way conversation. Block the blog comments, block the commercials, do your little dance, gun owners are committed to the fight.
I like that the rear sight is flat towards the front and rounded off towards the rear, less likely to snag during draw and gives a flat surface to rack the slide off your belt.
I still have my .22 ,best trigger on any gun I own ,great shooter. I sold my 8 inch heavy barrel SS .44 mag last year for a pretty penny to a collector . That gun was great as well dropped many a whitetail,soft shooter what with bring just under 4 pounds……
Ah, I forgot about the different action. I’d be curious to examine that, in a sort of engineer-geek mode.
I’m thinking it was staged. Most of the other sequences seemed to be filmed from outside the suv, and sparks from blacktop due to a handgun round ? Stranger things have happened, but it seems so hollywood…
I happen to really like the looks of it, but then I thought the Vector (CP1?) looked really cool, too. If it works as advertised, I’m getting one. By the way, for those who don’t know, it’s single action, with a grip safety.
Yes, I unfriended a person whom I had done a great deal for over the years. She was an unrepentant SF liberal; I tried to avoid political issues, since in many other areas our interests were amazingly attuned. One of her friends started in on the 2nd Amendment one day and I chimed in, using facts and logic, no invective. The abuse rained down on me from all her facebook pals; one of them called me ‘obsessed with guns”. She never came to my defence, never said a word other than responding to my Diane Feinstein quote about “turn them in, Mr. and Mrs. America” with a comment about cheering her on. I am a former volunteer firefighter, USCG boarding officer, former volunteer police department member and chief, town constable, town fire warden (you get the idea…). And here was some twit that likely had never done anything for her country more than pay the minimum taxes due calling me obsessed. Goodbye, over and out. Done…
We can only hope that we are held to the same high standard some day.
“Violated Department Policy?”
Wait, why are we talking at such a low level? Where are the attempted murder charges? Or at least assault with a deadly weapon for the infringing officers?
Should we be upset that it took them this long to determine the cops broke the policy, or eerily relieved to find out the LAPD does not have an official policy of opening fire on civilians?
I think this is the video definition of
“Stupid people, doing stupid things in stupid places”.
Though, I gotta admit.
i laughed.
this thing is HUGE
Between the LAPD, LASD and the gangs of Los Angeles, I pretty much treat them and view them as about the same level as far as their threat to my personal safety and for the safety of my loved ones. While there are some good cops and sheriffs, the departmental mindset is so degenerate and corrupt that law enforcement in Los Angeles basically now functions as state sanctioned criminals. Don’t forget, their primary purpose is not to serve and protect but to generate revenue for the state.
Can you say TRIGGER HAPPY STUPID? Cause that’s what those idiots are.Gee and if a civilian who is legal to own a gun defends himself in his home from an assailant,he has to prove his life was threatened even though it’s a break in AND he is subject to civil litigation from the perps family.That’s why I no longer live in STUPIDVILLE CALIFORNIA.
At least they didn’t shoot the dog. That would have pissed me off!
Who’s going to pay for the busted door!
what policy did they violate? were they among the 50% of cops who do not wear their seat belts? other than that, their actions seemed to be in accordance with standard police procedure.
No doubt this was staged. Several things I noticed (and noted by a few above comments as well)
Camera guy outside waiting for the kids to walk into the best lit intersections in town.
What are the chances or timing on a cold night for the camera men, the guys walking and the SUV to all get into the amazing light all at the same time?
In several scenes (ex scene #1) the guys running away from full-auto fire run right up the middle of the street. Even if you’re not too bright, instinctively you know to get behind a car or run between the houses. Not run in a straight line up the street.
In scene #2, the gun shots start firing and the guys run, not away from the approaching SUV, but toward it for about 30 ft all so they can find protection from a chain link fence. Oh, and once again they run toward the better lighting conditions instead of the darker, harder to aim area.
One of the two biggest giveaways are the return gun shots off the ground. I’m no ballistic expert nor have I shot at a wet road but the sparks on the road burst in an upward and outward direction ( around 1:08 on the video) not in a direction consistent with the angle being fired from. Both windage and elevation angles are very wrong. I’m not even so sure a wet road would cause sparks like that in the first place.
This one is the biggest give away. Replay the video and listen to the volume, and tone of the gun fire. In each scene it’s exactly the same. How could the volume be identical from inside the SUV, outside the SUV and the same volume with the SUV down the road and right in front of the cameramen? Listen at :24 sec and then at :36 with your eyes closed. Sounds EXACTLY the same. Also, no echo what so ever even though there are plenty of structures to produce an echo. Clearly the sound was dubbed in on the video.
Look, I don’t care how cool you think you are, you’re not going to venture into the hood and play a prank like this as you know there’s a good chance (very good chance) you’re going to get return fire from a real gun.
Nothing to see here. Just cops being cops. Which is why I love them so.
When seconds count, cops are just minutes away.
When seconds don’t count, cops kick in your door, shoot your dog (or dogfish if you have an aquarium?), and brake someone’s jaw to prove they were resisting a fist. Good thing we live in a civilized country.
People wonder why I am more afraid of the police then “criminals”. However in this case the police were acting like criminals.
The “Kill People to make them SAFE” act is going to be the start of something the Poilticans are really going to regret if they live through it. They will get away with painting the first 10-20 people killed in middle of the night No Knock raids as extremeists but then people are going to start to realize that they are going to get killed anyway and start shooting first. Once it breaks into open violence some are going to remember Clinton’s “Rules of Engagement” and the ARs are going to be put away in foavor of .270s, .308s and 30/06s with 20 power scopes. Their “Green Zone” is going to have to be pretty damn big and will tie up an awful lot of cops to man the walls.
Texas DPS Chopper Sniper Skates (like this terminology) The trooper opened fire to disable the vehicle because it was barreling toward a school zone, the DPS has said. Instead, nine Guatemalans and a teenage driver(totally legit?and having our best interest at heart) were found by authorities on the ground. The words moron, imbecile, and idiot mean different things. In psychology, an idiot has the least intelligence on the IQ scale (this now is equivalent to someone who is mentally retarded or the more politically correct “mentally challenged”); an imbecile is not quite as dumb as an idiot and is now considered equivalent to moderate retardation; a moron is then the highest level of intelligence for someone who is mentally retarded, thus considered as being mildly mentally retarded. Specifically, those who have an IQ between 0 and 25 are idiots; IQs between 26 and 50 are considered imbeciles; and those who have an IQ between 51 and 70 are considered morons. I am so happy to be a moron!!!
Who cares what the Los Angeles Police Department thinks. Those cops were clearly wrong and the prosecutor of the appropriate jurisdiction should be seeking an indictment before a Grand Jury for assault with intent to commit great bodily harm and attempted murder.
I had a pass this year, but couldn’t make it! 2015 though, 2015.
I kinda want to get one before it drops out of production. All of these other modern handguns are boringly reliable.
“On one hand, it’s based entirely on the fund-raising scare tactics the NRA’s been using for donkey years.”
Ok, I’m pretty sure the original phrase was “donkey’s ears” and it’s long since been bastardized into “donkey years”, but that’s ok.
The main thing to remember is that donkey ears are tasty something fierce! Especially Tijuana-style, whatever that means. Oh sure, not quite up to St. Louis snoots level, but still something to savor. I’m just sayin’.
Seriously? For a friggin stolen credit card? These macho twats should be embarrassed.
The Pizza Hut response was laughable. If I was working there, and I heard my boss utter that drivel… I’d hand in my walking papers that day, on camera if I could.
I like the look of it. It’s a little different. I like that.
If it performs, I’ll consider it.
Guys, I also had my head in my butt demanding the 1:6 and or 1:6.3 that the Russians used in their last Tula Krinkov barrels. Until I realized what the original purpose for Tula to manufacture the rifle with the 1:6 twist. The only reason the twist was changed to 1:6 was to stabilize 80gr subsonic ammo for suppressed krinkovs. Any other folk lore going around is pure speculation. The 1:7.87 will stabilize surplus and the other commercial ammo currently available. The barrels have been shortened and you now have SBR versions available directly from k-var. They shoot fine.
I am a driver for a company I am not going to mention, and that is WHY I started saving up for a gun, and a CCW license. It is why I started coming to this site too.
I can’t throw stones here. As I kid, friends & I tossed a pack of firecrackers over a bridge railing & it landed right next to a cop car. We were lucky they didn’t play hey jude on our skulls with nightsticks. Now, we would have been charged with attacking cops with WMD’s, Randy
Maybe we should deliver cheap suits with every food order. That would nip the robbery issue in the bud by your “logic.”
Well, technically she is right. But you could say that about anything.
Just because you haven’t driven drunk and ran over an old lady today doesn’t mean that you won’t tomorrow.
Just because you haven’t fed your child bleach today doesn’t mean you won’t tomorrow.
Just because i’m gun enthusiast today doesn’t mean i’m going to be the next Adam Lanza tomorrow. There, fixed it for you Kristen.
Is that Jamie from Mythbusters?
Should LA City not discipline these individuals and charge them with attempted murder or attempted manslaughter, the civilian populace needs to collectively sue the city and hold them responsible. Hopefully the FBI will step in and investigate the violations of civil rights in this case.
You are complicit in providing support to that which you oppose. It’s like you’re saying, “I am voluntarily suspending my rights to drink and taste food and to experience mild weather and coastlines.” Barring geography and weather if you want “great wine, amazing food and culture out the ass” doesn’t it make sense to promote those luxuries where you live?
“Great wine, amazing food and culture out the ass” which are fleeting, seems to be a poor trade for your protected rights, which also may be fleeting.
You are not pissed when you visit. You are under no compulsion to plan your vacations, spend your free time or your money in a place that is contrary to the Constitution.
You have made it clear your rights stop at tasty food, wine, geography and weather. You know this, but you persist.
It’s about time… Now the school doesn’t have to worry about mass shootings. The next would-be mass shooter will just take his/her murderous rampage down the road to the school that doesn’t have a “no guns allowed” sign. /obvious sarcasm
Why don’t they just take the logical next step and make a sign that says “Soft Target” in the most common languages. Terrorists and spree killers already know, so I think it would only be fair if they reminded everyone else that passes through their doors.
Does anybody know where the magazine clip goes?
Yesterday while visiting a gun store/range with the wife she asked, “Are we going to get shot while we are here?” I answered no. She followed up with, “Then why do you hear about people getting shot at gun stores?”
Trying to explain the two recent range suicides she had heard about while standing in the lobby/showroom of a range was awkward.
Bought one this wkend. Was
Submitted by djsqueeze on Mon, 2014-03-17 00:46.
Bought one this wkend. Was looking at the R51 and the Ruger LC9 w/laser. I chose the R51 because I had waited so long for its arrival. I now wish I had chosen the Ruger. I arrived home with my new purchase and as usual I put it to the test. I loaded one magazine with 5rds of 9mm snap caps. I pulled the slide and released it. The slide did not complete it’s forward travel. I pushed the magazine release button and found that quite stiff. Once the magazine released, I pulled on the slide, nothing. It was stuck. Throughout the day I’ve been trying to get used to the R51. However, with the problems I’ve been having I’m almost afraid to run live ammo through this firearm for fear of getting a live round stuck in the chamber; something I did later in the day. So, at this time I wish I had chosen the Ruger LC9 w/laser for $30 more.
Suleiman has been lauded as ‘an expert in defeating violent Islamist extremism’ and ‘the only serving intelligence chief who
has personally taken apart an Islamist insurgency’. ‘ His conflicted personality believed that there was
a higher good of the state that necessitated even the sacrifice of close family members and friends that he
loved. I don’t know exactly what I want, but I want to be rid of the
old structures. Srinagar is an exceptional city with spectacular physical environment, lakes, springs, mughal gardens, golf course, cycling tracks
hills and mountains, trekking opportunities and angling.