Kamala Harris
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Back in September, the White House announced that they were establishing a new Office of Gun Violence Prevention. The stated goal? To advocate for and carry out Biden’s executive orders on gun control. But the executive branch already has armies of bureaucrats to do the executin’ and orders are supposed to be based on laws (and their faithful execution). So it’s a redundant effort, or at least one that’s meant to further politicize gun control.

Perhaps more importantly, the new office is under the supervision of VP Kamala Harris. As we all know (or should), Harris is known for her controversial climb up the political ladder in California, where she used an abused anyone necessary along the way. I also probably don’t have to go into details involved in her rise despite having no discernible political skills.

Despite being overwhelmingly (and rightfully) rejected by her own party’s voters, Joe Biden’s handlers decided that putting her a heartbeat away from the presidency behind a guy who doesn’t have that many heartbeats left would be a really good idea.

It its first major push, Harris’ new ministry of gun control is making a play to manipulate the political weather and blow more states in the direction of gun control. How? Via something they’re calling their new “Safer States Agenda.”

“The Safer States Initiative is a White House effort to provide states with more tools and federal support to take life-saving action and reduce gun violence…” the report says. “In the months ahead, the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention will work with states to make sure they have the resources needed to advance this life-saving agenda.”

But instead of using the federal money-printing machine to come up with these allegedly innovative programs to stop actual gun violence in blue cities, the goals of this initiative mostly sound like the same tired gun control talking points the mid-wit center-left has been pushing for years. “Assault weapon” bans, homemade gun bans, universal background checks to established a gun registry, suing gun manufacturers and dealers into oblivion, and much more are the stated goals here.

The only good thing that might come out of this latest initiative is proven community violence programs that work with frequent victims and offenders to stop the cycle of violence, but Harris has made it clear that gun control is the more important point of emphasis here.

The administration’s Safer States Agenda is pretty clearly a way to give the bumbling Harris something to do to to try to rehabilitate her dismal image so that she can either replace Biden should he pass away or for her own run for the presidency later. Plus, it’s a way to siphon off federal funds and funnel them to anti-gun cronies in the states so they can use it to work against our rights. That may be popular on the anti-gun left, but it won’t do anything to make the Vice President appear any more competent or politically attractive.

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      • Dark, the Article is ONLY partly accurate. The Supreme Court did not refuse to hear the case, it told the litigants they would have to continue the proceedings at each level of appeal and hearing.

        The Supreme Court did the same thing in the New York Cases.

        • Define it how you will. They refused to hear the case and allowed the ban to continue. They could have taken the case and ended the ordeal for law abiding citizens and their Constitutional Rights. Rights delayed are Rights denied. Nothing more…Nothing less. At this point. The people of Illinois…Deserve the tyrants and tyranny…They allow

        • Nikita, the supreme Court REGULARLY refuses to get into a case until other avenues of appeal have been exausted.

          While I agree that what Illinois is doing is illegal and UNCONSTITUTIONAL, ite is still the procedure that the Supreme Court pretty much always followed. The exception is rare.

      • The invasion is more efficient and organized than ever. New records are set every week. Do ya think what she intends to finish is you and me?

        • Her intent means nothing, my resolve to resist is all that matters in my world… “The mongrels shall NOT prevail”…

        • “New records are set every week”

          Yep, record apprehensions of border crossers indeed:

          “There were more than 2.4 million apprehensions in the 2023 fiscal year, which ended in September. That tops the previous record, set a year earlier, of more than 2.3 million, according to government data released on Saturday. During the 2021 fiscal year, there were more than 1.7 million apprehensions.“

        • Yep, record apprehensions of border crossers indeed

          Minerva, once again you present a set of numbers that only tells a partial story… The number of “apprehensions” is up because the number of crossings is up “significantly” as is the number of “got aways” AND the number of those apprehended that are released into this country vs those “apprehensions” that were RETURNED to Mexico under the previous administration… The actual FACTS will not kill you, but provable lies and half-truths WILL make you look like a moron…

      • Well, she’s BEEN to the border, oh wait she’s NOT been to the border AND she’s not been to Europe… Ooooops: update, She HAS been to Europe BUT she still has not been to the border… No downtown Laredo does NOT count…

  1. Proven community violence programs?

    You mean money laundering, drug-dealing, gun-running ghetto militias?

  2. Who’s political ladder did she climb?, on a different note how many people did she incarcerate over pot? All may be well, at least she has failed at every task layed before her as V.P..

  3. Given the VP Kamelhoe’s previous string of accomplishments I anticipate another astounding success story, she has that midas touch….

  4. So, is this “Heels Up” Harris?? Or “Going Down” Harris? Guess it doesn’t matter. They’re both useless.

  5. Considering her track record of accomplishment on completing assignments. I’m not concerned about this one either. On a different note. Biden won’t be the nominee. Gavin Newsome will take over that role and if elected. Will nominate Kamala to be the Attorney General and eventually the Supreme Court. As payment for not getting in the way of his Presidential aspirations.

  6. If it was actually about public safety they would copy states with lower homicide rates, instead they want the rules from the states with the highest murder rates.
    Why, it’s almost like it is not about crime at all.

      • Higher GUN DEATH rates do NOT conflate to higher HOMICIDE rates, they are two entirely different sets of data, but leave it to MINERVA to try to use an entirely different premise to debate a question that was not presented…
        Why does everyone go for that x per 10,000/100,000 bullshit? The ACTUAL number of people killed is the most important number, hear THAT California (highest ACTUAL number of gun related murders), New York (8th), Illinois (3rd highest), PA (4th)? Fuck your RATES, own up the REAL facts… Three of the top five are BLUE states… Texas (2nd) FL (3rd)…
        States with the LOWEST number of ACTUAL gun related murders? 9 out of the top 10 are RED states with the LEAST gun “control”…

      • MajorLiar,

        MAXX has already pissed in your cornflakes about your usual lying “data”, but let me add the coup de grace: What is the gun death rate in those states when the data from the BLUE cities in those states is excluded??? Oh, yeah, now the numbers don’t look so good for your side, do they??

        Are you even CAPABLE of telling the truth, you quarter-wit @$$clown???

        I’m sure you’d be a great disappointment to your parents . . . assuming they were ever formally introduced, you lying sack of Leftist/fascist excrement.

      • MINOR49er. Again, with the lies of the hoplojobes. What is up with you people?

        If the rate is “higher”, it is ONLY in the cities run by your buddy Leftists.

  7. Reading through the initiative it is basically all the stuff NY has passed in the last few years minus the locking up shooters (see bail reform and lackluster sentencing). Annnnnd we saw increases in suicide and “gun violence” (read gang violence) so the real question is who gets the money.

    • “…who gets the money…”

      Likely a bunch of directors will get half, and the rest will go to a couple stadiums full of Gender and D.I.E. Studies graduates, who will all obediently pull the “D” lever at the voting booth.

      • Ah so like 7/8ths of the “nonprofits” in Albany who conveniently have various state and city officials on the boards

        • The politician’s take on karma (what goes around comes around) is financial. They write gov’t checks and drop them into the whirling cesspool, and with a year or three or ten of laundering, some of it floats back around to them, where some aide with a landing net scoops it back out.

  8. States to Force Gun Owners to LIST Guns? DOJ proposes new laws about storage and loss leads to Lists.

  9. There are lots of people in DC and in the individual States who see themselves as an aristocracy whose mission it is to coerce, restrain, or control the rest of us lesser mortals.

    These elites have had a stranglehold on power for some time now and this Country is suffering from the effects of the failed “criminal justice” policies they’ve implemented. Since the elites are never wrong, rather than change direction they double down; so in the face of “gun control” failing to have an effect on lessening crime the answer must be…even more gun control!

    Besides, their opinion of your Constitutional rights was best stated by Rep. John Conyers: “The Constitution means what WE say it means…”

  10. …no discernible political skills?

    Really? I keep hearing that her performance on Willie Brown’s staff was exceptionally good.

  11. Obama famously said “If you want something f**ked up give it to Joe.” Clearly Knee Pad Harris takes that to the next level since she has yet to succeed at anything other than trading favors for position.

  12. This two-bit-whore we call a “Vice-President” would not have a purpose left in life if she was actually successful at banning guns and eviscerating the Second Amendment. Aside from being a slut, this is all she wants to talk about.

    • wake up. She’s an over-achiever as border czar. A radical leftist MVP. Another day, another 10k+. Every week a new record. Now they ride Burlington Northern and Santa Fe trains to the crossing.

      Look at the imaged “asylum-seekers”. Well-nourished, muscular, taller-than-their-national-average males, fat children, comfortable middle-aged men with an air of authority. These are people with money to spend on clothes and grooming. And they are happy. It’s a land rush, dude. Reconquista embedded in a globalist leftwing takeover.

      That is why she laughs so much. She ain’t nervous. She just can’t believe how big she is winning.

  13. “Plus, it’s a way to siphon off federal funds and funnel them to anti-gun cronies in the states so they can use it to work against our rights.”

    Your money on both ends of the fight. Almost like they’re not entirely stupid when it comes to a political guerilla war.

    I wonder if anyone’s ever written anything about this. You know, like a “playbook” in sports sorta thing? I mean, it’s possible considering how widespread this tactic is and how it dovetails so nicely with others than are also common.

    That would be a heck of a thing, eh?

    • They aren’t stupid. They’ve accomplished quite a bit. They only appear to be stupid when you think they’re trying to make the country better for most people instead of a select few. Once you understand their goals, they look downright accomplished. Now their obedient followers that aren’t profiting from the descent into Hell…they’re the dumb ones.

      • The only bit you get wrong is that most of their obedient followers do, in fact, profit from the whole thing when you look at it from their point of view.

        I eagerly await Conservatives figuring out how the Left does what it does. I believe this will occur sometime around 2742, but it may be more useful to just use a stardate.

        Jokes aside, it’s a constant amazement to me that Right-leaning talking heads/influences/pols and grassroots folks basically know exactly fuck-all about their political adversaries or the people who follow those adversaries.

        People automatically assume that their own thinking is replicated in other people and that deviation from such cognitive patterns is “stupid” or “crazy”. I’ve only been pointing that out, to no avail so far as I can tell, for over a decade.

        • “People automatically assume that their own thinking is replicated in other people…”

          I think it’s a natural inclination. It explains why so many tend to project their liberal worldview onto people like Palestinians, who will actually tell you who they are if you bother to listen to them.

        • True.

          It’s also something the Lefty talking heads do to their political adversaries.

          The “Trump will do ALL THE BAD THINGS INCLUDING DEMOCIDE” shit going around on the Left now really is what they want to do to everyone else.

          They see it as what they would do if they were in his position and got re-elected and they can’t imagine seeing it any other way.

          Which is both hilarious and simultaneously terrifying when you realize how damn good they are at manipulating other people.

          Which is where those obedient followers come from. They’re manipulated into seeking short term benefit at extreme medium/long term expense. Just like a cult, which is why I’ve constantly compared them to a cult for a long time.

          And how do we get someone out of a cult?

  14. Did the White House switch from ‘cocaine to acid’ for Christmas? Boston mayor official ‘office’ Christmas party is no white people allowed, only people ‘of color’ may attend.

    • Comparing any drug to what I will call “your brain on progressive politics” is a insult to drugs and a simultaneous wild overestimation of what chemistry can produce in the physical universe.

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