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Kamala in a Nutshell: SAF Video Features Her Most Damning Anti-Gun Rhetoric

Doug Howlett - comments 30 comments

The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) has launched a 15-second video across multiple social media platforms, highlighting Vice President Kamala Harris’ controversial statements on gun control. The video, posted on X, Instagram, YouTube and Facebook, features audio clips that showcase Harris’ extreme anti-gun views.

In one notable soundbite, Harris, during her time as San Francisco District Attorney, states: “Just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn’t mean that we’re not going to walk into that home and check to see if you’re being responsible and safe in the way you conduct your affairs.” Another clip features Harris describing herself as a “radical,” saying, “Yeah, I am a radical. We need to get radical about what we are doing.” A third statement includes her support for a “mandatory buyback program,” which is lefty-speak for a forced surrender of privately owned firearms.

Alan M. Gottlieb, SAF’s founder and Executive Vice President, emphasized that the organization’s goal is not to tell people how to vote but to warn against politicians like Harris who they believe want to infringe on the Second Amendment.

“What she calls a ‘mandatory buyback’ is actually compensated confiscation, no matter how it is portrayed,” Gottlieb remarked.

He further underscored SAF’s dedication to protecting gun rights, noting that the organization currently has more than 55 lawsuits in progress challenging restrictive gun control laws across the country. SAF also plans to expand the video into a 30-second television spot, highlighting Harris’ views further.

“Whether she owns a gun or not, Kamala Harris obviously doesn’t want anyone else to have one,” Gottlieb added.

30 thoughts on “Kamala in a Nutshell: SAF Video Features Her Most Damning Anti-Gun Rhetoric”

  1. Kamala Harris would never violate her Oath to the U.S. Constitution.
    Its people like her and Mr.Walz that will bring America to where they think it needs to be.
    Long live the Democracy.
    Let Freedom Ring.

    • How interesting, an article about Kamala Harris‘s rhetoric on guns.

      With no attempt at presenting a balanced view, they completely ignore Donald Trump‘s rhetoric about “taking peoples guns first, worrying about to process later” and his call to “terminate the constitution”.

      Or Donald Trump calling for the “jailing” of those who disagree with supreme court opinions, or the employment of the United States military against his political opponents within the United States, a clear violation of the United States Constitution.

      Fascinating, the very definition of propaganda.

      • Says the new age roland freisler. You were just defending the fascist left’s desire to use the military to murder Americans. “Have you ever served?”

        What about harris/biden/zuckerberg colluding to censor Americans?

        • And you guys keep trying to censor p0rn in elementary schools. You may as well burn the drrag queen instruction books in a big pile.

        • “the fascist left’s desire to use the military to murder Americans“

          Sadly, your TDS has you somewhat confused, it was Donald Trump who called for the use of the United States military against American citizens:

          “Yes, Trump said he’d use the military against Americans he called ‘the enemy from within’
          Multiple VERIFY readers asked if the former president really made these remarks as Vice President Kamala Harris claimed in a recent Fox News interview.
          Author: Erin Jones
          Published: 8:09 AM PDT October 18, 2024 Updated: 8:09 AM PDT October 18, 2024

          “I think the bigger problem is the enemy from within, not even the people that have come in and [are destroying] our country — I don’t think they’re the problem in terms of Election Day — I think the bigger problem are the people from within,” Trump said.
          “We have some very bad people; we have some sick people, radical left lunatics. And it should be very easily handled, if necessary, by the National Guard, or if really necessary, by the military, because they can’t let that happen,” Trump added.“

      • “Fascinating, the very definition of propaganda.”

        Yes Miner49er… you are the very definition of propaganda.

        Why don’t you go start your own web site and then you can write any article you want and put your TDS mental illness on display for the world to see. You could even have comment sections where you and your other trolling identities can comment.

      • MajorLiar,

        And look at you, not even mentioning the fact that Kamal-toe the Ho has CONSISTENTLY advocated for an “assault weapon” ban (where are Trump’s similar statements???). Yes, Trump did support Red Flag laws – as did, and as DOES, Kamal-toe the Ho. Kamal-toe advocated for handgun bans in SanFran, and has supported handgun bans in other jurisdications – Trump, not so much.

        “Propaganda”, you say?? Yes, that is the very DEFINITION of ANY post by you dealing with politics. Perhaps I could interest you in a mirror??? Nah, IF you were sentient, you would hate what you saw (God knows WE hate your lying @$$!).

        Go suck-start a shotgun, you lying, Leftist/fascist propagandist.

  2. Abusive Tim Walz covered up money stolen from autistic children and starving children.

    h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYuaOGaxUnU

  3. The person who identifies as a pronoun says it owns a Glock. I am of the opinion this is one more flat out lie. Someone needs to ask if it can even spell Glock, gloc, glok, or even brick.

    • “Someone needs to ask if it can even spell… “

      I bet she can spell hamburger…

      “Burger King trolls Trump on including ‘hamberders’ in ‘massive’ fast food order
      Portrait of Mike Snider Mike Snider

      On Tuesday morning, Trump tweeted about the event. “Great being with the National Champion Clemson Tigers last night at the White House,” he tweeted. “Because of the Shutdown I served them massive amounts of Fast Food (I paid), over 1000 hamberders etc. Within one hour, it was all gone. Great guys and big eaters!”

      • MajorLiar,

        COOL STORY, BRO!!!

        Now do Kamal-toe’s obsessive repetition (at EVERY opportunity) of woke idiocies like “what can be, unburdened by what has been”, and similar meaningless drivel. Or we can do Tampon Timmy admitting, in public, that he let’s his retired mom try to live on her SS payments, and she runs out of food at the end of the month (WHAT a dutiful son!!).

        I am motivated to ask, “Do you actually ever THINK about what you are posting???”, but then reality and good sense intervene – “MajorLiar, THINK???? With WHAT, exactly?? If that boy had a brain, he’d take it out and play with it!”.

        Keep on keepin’ on MajorLiar – you continue to prove, on the record, that you, in particular, and all other Leftist/fascists, in general, are lying liars who lie. YOUR low-information voters, without the ability of ratio inaction, will believe any BS that a Leftist propagandist (like YOU, for example), bleats out.

        Your current ticket is SO pathetic that all you can bring to the table are cheap (and poorly constructed) “but TRUUMMMPPP!!!!” lines of male bovine excrement. YES, DJT is a less than ideal candidate – why I refused to vote for him the last two times. You Leftist/fascist idiots finally succeeded in putting up a “team” that is SO stupid, and so incompetent, that even Trump is clearly the better choice. Congrats, idiot, I just voted early, so there is at least a CHANCE my vote will be counted – along with the votes of how many illegal aliens????

        Seriously, go expire in an excavation. Go consume large quantities of night soil and shuffle off this mortal coil. You are of no value above the ground; you should be beneth it, inspiring the cabbages.

        • DAMMIT!! I typed “ratiocination”, and WP spell check apparently chose to render that as “ratio inaction” (what happens when a Leftist/fascist idiot posts something particularly stupid, and sits patiently waiting for his/her/their homies to bail them out).

        • “Now do Kamal-toe’s obsessive… “

          Speaking of obsessions, what’s up with MAGA Republicans all the time talking about other men’s genitalia?

          Even your anointed leader, the ‘Chosen One’ has other man’s junk on his mind:

          “Trump kicks off a Pennsylvania rally by talking about Arnold Palmer’s genitalia
          OCTOBER 20, 20245:47 AM ET
          By The Associated Press

          “Arnold Palmer was all man, and I say that in all due respect to women,” Trump said. “This is a guy that was all man.”

          Then he went even further.

          “When he took the showers with other pros, they came out of there. They said, ‘Oh my God. That’s unbelievable,’” Trump said with a laugh. “I had to say. We have women that are highly sophisticated here, but they used to look at Arnold as a man.”

          Y’all are just plain weird…

  4. This is the real Harris: “Just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn’t mean that we’re not going to walk into that home and check to see if you’re being responsible and safe in the way you conduct your affairs.”

    But don’t worry as she claims she owns a “Glock”, probably heard about them in a rap song.


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