Screen capture by Boch via X.

Give it to Kamala Harris. The woman told us in her first of two interviews that her values have not changed. Moreover, she has always supported gun bans and gun confiscation that she euphemistically terms “mandatory buybacks.” Last Tuesday night, she chided President Trump for his “continuous lying” about her desire to take people’s guns away. After all, she claimed, she and Timmy are gun owners.

As the “Fact Check” above – a real fact check, not the so-called “fact check” that the legacy media uses to describe their gaslighting and censorship – Harris has since flip-flopped again on taking guns out of the hands of law-abiding Americans.

A whole three and a half days after the debate – after she told President Trump to “quit lying” about her desire to take away guns from the little people, she posted this on her X account.

That’s some pretty quick flip-flopping on guns.

Here’s the bottom line:  For most folks who support Kamala Harris, it doesn’t matter that she is a mindless Marxist.

For those leaning left who value their right to defend themselves and their right to keep and bear arms, they should vote in their own self-interest.  

Because the only thing that stops bad people with evil in their hearts is a good guy or gal with a gun.  



  1. There’s a new medical diagnosis for neck injury, its called KamaLash. But unlike whiplash, you get KamaLash by watching Kamala flip flop so much.

  2. 1994-2004 “Assault Weapons Ban” did not take away anyone’s guns. She’s been consistent since dropping out in 2019 and realized that calling for confiscation was not a winning issue. No doubt she’d love to try if she thought she could get the support, but her new post on Twitter doesn’t change her official position at all.


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