Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly
Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly (AP Photo/John Hanna)
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Is there anything more you really need to know besides that quote above from Kansas’s Democrat Governor Laura Kelly? That exact phrase has been the preamble to so much double-dealing, duplicity and outright betrayal by squishy, linquini-spined politicians over the decades that it makes gun rights supporters’ heads spin.

Governor Kelly demonstrated just how steadfast her support is for the right to keep and bear arms this way on Friday. . .

And with that, Kelly vetoed a bill that would have extended the right to carry firearms to all adults in the Sunflower State. The move probably shouldn’t have surprised Kansans.

From kansascity.com . . .

Kelly signaled her veto at a town hall Wednesday, when she recalled moves during her time in the senate to allow guns on college campuses.

“When it came to voting to allow for concealed carry on our campuses I sort of drew the line. I thought that was too much,” Kelly said.

Despite Kelly’s opposition when she was in the Senate, campus carry became law in Kansas in 2017 anyway. And as her veto statement made clear, her dislike of campus carry clearly played a role in her decision to kill HB 2058.

So if the idea of anyone carrying the means to protect themselves on campuses is beyond the pale for the Governor, surely there’s no reason to trust people who can vote, stand trial as adults, or serve in the military with the responsibility of carrying a firearm on campus or anywhere else for that matter.

A veto override is possible, but will require changing a few votes.

The Kansas Senate already approved the measure with a veto-proof majority. But four additional votes will be needed in the House for the bill to become law.

While 18 other states allow 18-year-olds to carry, at least Kansas’s families and children will be able to sleep easier knowing that Governor Kelly is standing guard in Topeka against full civil rights protections for all, ensuring that some of the state’s adults are more equal than others.


[ED: This post has been updated to correct Governor Kelly’s party affiliation from Republican to Democrat.]

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  1. Well here you go,,,
    Another G O P traitor. It’s amazing that the Republicans have so many RINO’s still in their circle.
    This is why the Dems don’t fear the G O P , trash like her. + what I’ve seen over the last few years, the G O P has no BALLS anyway.

        • Kelly is a DEMOCRAT, has ALWAYS been a DEMOCRAT, served in the Kansas State Senate as a DEMOCRAT, ran for Governor as a Democrat AND was elected as a DEMOCRAT…
          In fact “Is there anything more you really need to know besides that quote above from Kansas’s DEMOCRAT (emphasis added) Governor Laura Kelly?” Is the FIRST sentence in the article… Where did you see reference to her being GOP?

        • From the article:
          Is there anything more you really need to know besides that quote above from Kansas’s Democrat Governor Laura Kelly?

        • Article can write whatever it wants. Laura Kelly is and always has been a member of the democrat party.

        • No, the article says she’s a Commiecrat. Even Wikipedia says the same. You need to up your reading comprehension and attention to details!

    • Bottom now says “Article corrected” – from Kansas’s Democrat Governor Laura Kelly? _ _ _ _ _ I wonder if she was wearing her “Mom’s Demand Action” T-shirt she’s so proud of.

    • from the article:

      [ED: This post has been updated to correct Governor Kelly’s party affiliation from Republican to Democrat.]

    • She’s not a Republican. She’s always been a Democrat. At the end of the article, there’s an editor’s note correcting the claim that she is GOP.

  2. Does she know that anyone with malice in their hearts is free to carry a weapon wherever they want, with or without her permission?

  3. “more guns on campus . . . will drive [left-wing douchebags] away from our schools”

    What’s the downside?

    • Actually, we should hope it’d drive out the profs first, then a college campus might go back to being a normal and free exchange of information and ideas. It’s really the adults, stupid. (No offense intended to Umm)

      • None taken!

        I would, however, be surprised if you could find many profs who aren’t already covered by my original statement😉

  4. Another pathetic backstabbing bitch. Some folks will never learn; when you vote for a Democrat you’re voting for the American Communist Party, supported in part by their lunatic Libertarian closest allies.

  5. “Highly trained professionals” still get to carry on campus though, correct? How about this: open up the same testing and background checks that cops go through. As a matter of fact, why don’t we do this everywhere there’s a discrepancy? Some places allow retired law enforcement extra privileges. Wouldn’t this change be more, what’s the word the kids use…equitable?

    • “open up the same testing and background checks that cops go through. As a matter of fact, why don’t we do this everywhere“

      Great idea, let’s make it mandatory for all those who wish to carry a lethal weapon, regardless of their affiliation or lack thereof with any law-enforcement agency.

        • I know time are tough these day. But, things could be worse. For example, imagine being the poor geezer what lays down with this miserable, hate filled crone:

        • At least Deborah has someone sleeping next to her…

          What a tool you are! 😉 🙂 😉

      • Fine idea, except many state constitutions already guarantee the right to carry. Make it voluntary, and in return, those proven people get all the other carve outs given to law enforcement: carry in any state or jurisdiction and no restrictions on what is carried (any bullet including hollowpoint or armor piercing, any capacity magazine, any gun (not on “safe” list, not “smart”, not microstamped, “assault weapon”, short barrel, suppressor, or machine gun), body armor (it’s actually restricted in some areas), and destructive devices (flashbangs, grenade launchers, breaching charges).

      • No Miner. I’m only referring to the areas where law enforcement, including retirees, are granted special privileges. Are you okay with having second-class citizens?

        • Of course MinorIQ is okay with being a second class citizen – he’s been one all his life.

      • It is not for a government to determine what manner, methods, and implements citizens use to defend themselves, their families, their country.

      • Define ‘lethal weapon’ please.

        Baseball bats, a stone off the ground, steel pipe, hands/fists/feet, someone’s sneeze (covid), stolen cars? Or any other of a million things used to kill?

  6. Anyone who uses the term “but” after I support the second amendment, doesn’t support the second amendment.

    • Isn’t but spelled with 2 Ts?
      As in, she is a butt!
      And, that’s about the nicest thing that can be said of her, butt…

    • When someone uses the word “but,” it’s usually safe to assume they don’t mean any of what they said before it, whether about firearms or anything else.

  7. Yeah, we need more believers like her!! Keep pandering Governor, see what it gets you next election cycle!!

  8. Anytime supposed support for a Civil Right is followed by BUT. Is a sure indicator of malfeasance of Morals and Ethics. These types of Politicians need to have their Feet held to the Fire. (Literally)

  9. I learned a long time ago that the word “but” actually means “disregard everything in the sentence before the word “but.”

    • Ralph is correct. There would be no reason to use the word “but” if all before but was accepted.
      It is a form of forked tongue speech. Let’s just call ’em like they are with clear language, they are liars, period.

    • Actually, a lot of truth here… A return to age-old, Biblical principles would go a long way towards righting (no pun intended) our nation.

      • “A return to age-old, Biblical principles would go a long way”

        Including Mosaic law in Exodus 21?

        So you’re for slavery, including beating your slaves as long as they don’t die in a day or two? And selling your daughter into slavery? (Exodus 21:7-11)?

        Wow, I want a sip from your fruit jar!

  10. The GOP needs a purge of these democrat light grub worms. These people, who are really democrats masquerading as Republicans, need to be exposed and humiliated at EVERY opportunity. These traitorous snakes are worse than the democrats that they emulate.

  11. Has anyone actually bothered to look at the results of allowing campus carry?

    Oh, lookee there: https://www.kstatecollegian.com/2020/08/29/three-years-after-new-policy-no-incidents-on-campus-related-to-concealed-carry-violations/

    This one tried to claim there was one incident of a gun being carried “inappropriately” which was remedied with no citation or other action: https://www2.ljworld.com/news/public-safety/2018/nov/23/over-a-year-into-campus-carry-at-ku-first-gun-policy-violation-reported/

    Aaaand… “The overall number of criminal offenses committed on campus dropped to 671 incidents in 2017 from 770 in 2016.” https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/new-statistics-show-campus-carry-a-success-in-kansas

    Laura Kelly is wrong, wrong, wrong. More guns = less crime. Look at the facts, politicians.

    We are looking at the facts and looking at you and wondering what is wrong with you. We’re wondering why you should still be in charge of anything.

    • Or, maybe find a way to remove her State provided armed security ; she could make up her mind to go unprotected, apply for her own permit (and jump through the same hoops as the citizenry) , or PAY for her own guards…. Equal protection under the Law and all. And make it veto-proof.

  12. How does a Bible- thumping state like Kansas end up with a DemoCommie governor? The Dems have been trying to erase God from our society for decades.

    • Brownback
      more going to college
      more south of the border immigrants
      less family owned farms.

      Kelly had better tread lightly though, it’s more of a rarity to find someone in Kansas who doesn’t own a gunm. This ain’t New Jersey

    • She won because Brownback was extremely unpopular and the GOP candidate was painted as his protégé, and would have been another 4 years of Brownback policies. She has been extremely ineffective for the most part during her tenure though, and has not been able to get much bipartisan support. To top it off her Wu-Flu response has been highly controversial (though who can say what the “right” response was/is). It is highly unlikely that she will get a 2nd term.

      • “She won because Brownback was extremely unpopular and the GOP candidate was painted as his protégé“

        Brownback was defeated because his implementation of irrational right wing Republican talking points caused the state to suffer both economically and socially.

  13. Kelly was quite correct on vetoing this bill. Psychological studies of young men under 25 years of age prove that they do not reach full maturity until age 25 on average. Young men often do not realize both the short term and long term consequences of their actions and this coupled with excess testosterone is a keg of dynamite that they live with every day. Of course the militaries of the world knew of this long before any professional psychological studies were done on it, this is why its so easy to turn even formerly pacific young men into mindless robotic killing machines who kill on command and never question orders.

    Ask yourself the question, “Would you feel comfortable in a room full of drunken young college men at a Frat party that were armed to the teeth with modern high capacity weapons”. I am sure if your sane and even reasonably intelligent you already know the answer to that question.

    • do not reach full maturity until age 25 on average.

      YET, we trust them with the defense of our country, put them at the controls of armed long range drones and multi million dollar fighter jets and ALL of the latest high tech military weaponry… Because we can coerce them to KILL?

      • “…until age 25.”

        This certainly wasn’t the case for all of history up until perhaps 80 years ago as WWII ended and we stopped recognizing the line between “child” and “young man”.

        Now we have “adolescent”, “teenager”, “manchild”, “Democrat”, etc.

        • “This certainly wasn’t the case for all of history“

          Shall we not learn from the chaos and bloodshed of history?

          “It’s always been done this way” is a poor excuse reasoned thought and action

      • “we trust them with the defense of our country, put them at the controls of armed long range drones and multi million dollar fighter jets and ALL of the latest high tech military weaponry“

        You don’t get the keys to the Kingdom until after months of intensive training and proficiency testing regarding these weapons systems. Not to mention multiple layers of supervision and guidance.

        Contrast that with the only qualification: “do you have the cash?”

    • Well it sounds like we may as well just require a psych eval for anyone under age 30 who wants to buy a gun, car, weed killer, barbecue grill, lawn mower, knife, tennis racket, climbing equipment, swim trunks, electrical components, gasoline, matches, a pet, a beer, have kids, get married, or whatever… right?

      Or, as an alternative, YOU, dacian, could go don some bubble wrap, find a quiet room to be afraid in, and leave the rest of us alone.

    • I like how you set your arguments up. “Would you feel comfortable in a room full of drunken young college men at a Frat party that were armed to the teeth with modern high capacity weapons”.


      • Why is he a troll?

        Just because he pointed out a possible outcome that is all too real and fraught with peril?

        He posed a hypothetical situation that I personally have been in many times.

        As well as a rack room full of adrenalined-up boots who just spent the day on the rifle range, there is a reason the base has an Arms Room under armed guard.

    • I spent four years in the company of often “drunken young men” who often had fully automatic weapons nearby. Never had an occasion of them shooting anyone who wasn’t shooting at us first.

      I do concede that young men who inhabit frat houses in today’s world are likely to be pot smoking, liberal, girly boys who don’t have a full brain among the group. So, I too would limit their access.

      Semper Fi !

        • Negligent discharges are a huge problem for the military.
          It is a giant federal bureaucracy that happens to have guns.
          Any officer whose subordinate has an ND will find his career is over.
          So it is no wonder that on military bases in the United States only military police are armed .
          And they generally carry “empty chamber “, loaded
          After every mass shooting on a military base, there are calls for allowing at least some troops to carry concealed.
          As the officers do the calculus, mass shootings are extremely rare.
          Negligent discharges are far more common.
          The consequences of negligent discharge rest directly on the officers shoulders.
          While a mass shooting event is not his personal
          So the troops in the continental US remain unarmed.
          And you are right in that weapons familiarization training is a low priority item.
          All kinds of diversity training, and sensitivity training, are all given an equal priority.
          So weapons training is given short shrift so these mandatory, useless, training can be given .

    • But it’s TOTES OK to let them vote, drive, serve in the miitary, drink liquor, get married, and run for many public offices, right?

      When you figure out your worldview, please do us a favor and DON’T share it with us, m’kay???

    • dacian, are you then arguing for not giving driver’s licenses for men younger than 25 years of age for the very same reasons?

    • “Jimi Hendrix ” All Along The Watch Tower” explains it.”

      I thought Possums *hated* that song, with all the F-150 pickup trucks putting “Tire tracks all across your back, I can see you’ve had your fun”… 😉

      • You may be confused, I don’t think that song includes the lyrics you quote.

        Besides, it’s a Robert Zimmerman tune.

        • Tire tracks all across your back, I can see you’ve had your fun”

          “Crosstown Traffic”: Written AND performed by Jimi Hendrix (Electric Ladyland 1968)… Nothing about F-150s in the song…

        • No, I believe in fully informed fun.

          it is funny that people often get Hendrix’s lyrics wrong, I’ve had people swear that he sang “Excuse me while I kiss this guy…”

          Hendrix was a liberal, who was supposed to war. And after hearing his version of the Star-Spangled Banner, I think it’s clear that he would have no problem with anyone expressing their opinion by taking a knee during the national anthem.

        • I’ve had people swear that he sang “Excuse me while I kiss this guy…”

          ???… He COULD have said that, just not in the song (Purple Haze) “Scuse me, while I kiss the sky”… Hendrix joined the army to stay out jail, then pretended to be gay to get kicked out of the army… Hendrix on “politics”…”Music is stronger than politics. I feel sorry for the minorities, but I don’t feel a part of one. And I think the answer lies in music” That sounds more like a man that would be indifferent to the kneelers and other political bull shit going on today..

        • Maxine, I think you missed the point.

          Jimi was saying that through the uplifting spirit of music, he had transcended the ideas of majority/minority constructs and was attempting to achieve a higher consciousness through music.

        • MINERVA, again with the slurs? REALLY? Did I call YOU a name? Hell, did I even address your ignorant ass? Who the fuck are you to attempt to analyze anything Jimi Hendrix might have meant… Were you there? Did you engage in an enlightening conversation over a joint and a bottle of Pagan Pink Ripple, have YOU even listened to anything Hendrix ever wrote?… STFU and crawl back in your little hole the adults are talking now…

  14. One other point I neglected to mention was that in college controversial subjects are explored in depth as compared to high school that because of radical right wing school boards are often ignored, hushed up or minimized so as to turn students into brainwashed wind up patriots. College professors have expressed concern that they might not be as honest and straightforward when teaching if they knew that some hothead with a firearm might go “political” on them an open fire when discussing controversial subjects.

    • College professors have expressed concern that they might not be as honest and straightforward when teaching

      ???? WTF are YOU smoking… You can’t possibly be talking the Sorry, low life, Commie ass “Professors” that preach their “Socialism is COOL” mind control bull shit to todays kids subverting the Constitution, undermining the founding principles, teaching hatred for history (while not actually teaching history) and turning them into self loathing creatures that see racism in everything anyone does or says that is in opposition to anything “Dear Komrad Professor” told them… Talk about a true “BLUE”, Kool Aid drinking, hard core left wing nutcase… YOU put Miner to shame…

    • “. . . in college controversial subjects are explored in depth . . .”

      “. . . as compared to high school that because of radical right wing school boards are often ignored, hushed up or minimized so as to turn students into brainwashed wind up patriots.”

      Good GAWD, you are obviosly living in an alternate universe!! If you actually believe what you post, you are either a complete cretin, or completely delusional, or both. OTOH, your fact-free ignorant commentary is amusing.

      Tell us again what a great president Gropey Joe is, and what a great VP Knee-Pads Harris is. That would be good for several guffaws.

  15. Democrats will always tell you, “I believe in the Second Amendment but….”. Republicans not so much.

    • Well, the leading Republican not so long ago did say “we should take the guns first and worry about the courts later”

      That Donald Trump is a real supporter of the Second Amendment, yessiree!

      • Yes indeed, violating the constitution, that’s why the Democrats tried to impeach him.

        And theBiden says, ” What”.

        • While Donald Trump did violate the Constitution, he was impeached for other misdeeds:

          “First impeachment of Donald Trump, the 2019 impeachment on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress

          Second impeachment of Donald Trump, the 2021 impeachment on a charge of incitement of insurrection“

        • possum… Miner has beaten that horse to death and has been trying to resurrect it ever since… All he has is Orangeman bad… Yet he has nothing to say about Obamas power grab through his puppet “The Big Guy” or how hard they are working to get as much anti gun and pro Socialist bull shit pushed through before the mid-terms… He has nothing to say about his Auntie Maxines little foray into Minneapolis to attempt to influence a jury with OPEN threats of reprisal, not to mention she crossed state lines to incite a riot “IF WE DON’T GET OUR VERDICT, GUILTY, GUILTY, GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS”… Oh wait, SHE was calling for “people in the streets”, and Aunt Nancy says it’s okay, she was promoting Civil Rights… But, all actions have consequences and the whole thing will be thrown out on appeal and Chauvin will walk… Thanks Auntie Maxine… And that is apparently okay with the Miner as well…

      • Trump is a supporter of the 2A. And never trump gun owners will always give moral support to the democrat gun grabbers.
        The “gun community” has always been very weak, on supporting machine gun ownership for the general population. Like you Miner49er.

        • “Trump is a supporter of the 2A.“

          When did trump ever actually support the Second Amendment, other than advocating for mass violations of due process regarding firearms ownership:

          “I like to take the guns fast and worry about the courts later”

          Obama and the Democrats opened millions of acres of National Parks, Forests and taxpayer owned federally managed lands to the carrying of firearms, can you name one action of Donald Trump‘s that even remotely approaches that level of expansion of gun rights for American citizens?

        • ” I like to take the guns fast”
          Is that a New York accent for first?
          I suppose when your stealing gunms you would want to take them fast.

  16. Maybe the voters of Kansas should have recognized who better governor would have been, the more conservative governor, the governor who some voters, who said he was too conservative. You got what you deserve. Maybe they’ll smarten up next election. Check and balances on your voting machines and laws also. Don’t need another, Arizona, Georgia, happening again.

    • LOL, my girlfiend voted twice in the last city election. Even then our guy didn’t win. Evidently some got to vote 3 times.

  17. Typical Democrap. Wouldn’t know the 2nd Amendment if it bit her on the ass. And yet these fools keep getting voted into office all across the country. Even gun owners vote for them. SMH

  18. She is so full of BullS***! The only time she drew a line is when she became a far right Liberal. What a blatant example of Hypocrisy and lies. For God sake, she even looks like a Liberal Snow Flake.

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