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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “Karl Lippard Combat NCO A2 1911. Testing. One Two Three”

    • I’ve been sitting here for about a half an hour hoping someone would ask that question. ‘Cause I sure don’t understand what I’m looking at either.

  1. From the top best as I can decipher:

    2 Rnds
    950 FPS Black Talon

    6 Rnds
    Black Hills
    230 FMJ

    Wight Gray(?????)

    The larger question, what does any of that mean. Who, what distance, elevation, temp, baro, humidity, rest, and on, and on…

  2. You’re a silly man RF, I don’t even want to guess how much time I spent trying to figure this out. You got us all real good. LMAO (P.S. I want to see the real test, hopefully sometime soon.

    • Actually, I used to be able to hit a manhole cover at 100 yards with about 4 or 5 shots out of 7. I can’t imagine the real-life holdover for a .45 ACP at 400 yards, but I’ll bet somebody could look it up in a ballistics table. If handgun ballistics tables actually go that far out.

      • I did the math actually, bullet drop on a .45 ACP at 400 yards is something like 40 feet of drop. Plus if there’s a 10mph cross-wind it’s another 4-5 feet of lateral drift.

  3. I’m gonna just guess that we are looking at a 100 yard target. And then guess that the 6 shot group is about 2.5 inches. Extrapolating that to 4oo yards, that makes 10 inches? I guess it is theoretically possible if you can figure out how high to hold.
    If they can make it happen I will be totally impressed. Maybe all the patronizing “Sharp End of the Stick” talk will be backed up by equally patronizing “Sharp End of the Stick” walk.

  4. I can make soda cans dance consistently from 50 yards with my custom P-13. I can’t imagine hitting a target with any 1911 at 400 yards.


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