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Kenda Lenseigne is a world-champion mounted shooter. This isn’t a crucial military skill anymore (not since the Crimean War, at least) but it’s still really hard. Or so I’ve been told; I don’t dare try it myself. She’s also extremely gracious, and signed a poster for RF in honor of his impending relocation to the Lone Star State.

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  1. Can you make a decent blintz at a chuckwagon?

    Her riding/shooting skills do transfer. Think of a shoulder roll through a doorway and a 6 shot 1 inch cluster in a bad guys forehead. I really like this gal.

  2. “a world-champion mounted shooter”

    The perfect woman. She can shoot a home invader’s eye-out while making love on top of her man.

  3. Being able to ride a horse and shoot a gun might be a valuable skill in the near future. After all, I keep hearing about peak oil and the looming end of modern civilization.

    • Every time somebody calls Peak Oil, somebody else finds another shale formation. The words “Haynesville”, “Eagle Ford”, “Bakken” and “Marcellus” didn’t mean very much 10 years ago. Now they mean natural gas out the wazoo and North Dakota shipping 750,000 barrels of oil a day. In the middle of World War II the “Black Monster” East Texas oil field was pumping 500,000 bbl a day.

      Peak Oil? Not even close.

      Peak Food? Closer.

  4. If only Kenda Lenseigne was representative of most Texas women, at least here in North Central Texas. “People of Wal-Mart” is indicative of most of the women in this part of the Lone Star State.

    • Those gypsum flats do terrible things to people who might once have been attractive. Good ole hill country sweetwater will fix you ugly turds up!

  5. Besides being a babe and having incredible skills on a horse, Kenda has real shooting ability.

    Start at the 2 minute mark and watch those last runs and pay attention to: how fast she puts away gun #1 and draws and fires gun #2, how quickly she is able to rapid fire a single action one-handed, and how quick and accurate she is acquiring targets moving back and forth across her body while sitting on a horse at a dead run.

    I’d say the woman can shoot.

  6. And Texas will be glad to have him. Not everyone has been blessed to be born here, but we’ll gladly welcome any gun-totin’ god-fearin’ American with open arms! Welcome to Friendship, RF.

  7. It’s not really hard per se, it’s just hard to do it quickly. It is extremely fun, if you get the chance to try it, don’t pass it up.

  8. Welcome to Texas, Robert!
    We’ll know you’re starting to become integrated to Texas culture when you know how to use “y’all” and “all y’all” properly, and do so without thinking about it in a TTAG post.

  9. Hey RF !
    As they say on the Price is Right, “ROBERT – COME ON DOWN !”

    We could really use another gun totin’ landsman down here.

    Cost of living here is much lower than your used to, and you could sell your overpriced CT home and buy a mansion here for the same price; or you can do as Atty General Abbott suggests, buy an average house, and still have lots of money left for more shootin’ irons and ammo.

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