Earlier this week we noted an op-ed published by a former Kimber executive, Ryan Busse, in opposition to a bill in the Montana legislature that would make Montana a constitutional carry state. Kimber has just issued the following statement regarding Busse’s opinion piece . . .
Kimber Mfg., Inc. has recently been made aware of opinion articles published respectively in the Sidney Herald (Sidney, Montana) entitled “Being Pro-Gun Also Means Being Pro-Responsibility” and in the Missoulian (Missoula, Montana) entitled “Being Pro-Gun Also Means Being Pro-Responsibility: We must oppose HB102”. The author of this article, Ryan Busse, is no longer an employee of Kimber and has not worked for Kimber since August of 2020. His statements and opinions expressed regarding the opposition of Montana House Bill 102 are not authorized by or attributable to Kimber.
“Kimber is a proud supporter of our Constitutional rights to keep and bear arms,” said Leslie Edelman, CEO and owner of Kimber. “We support organizations that defend these rights, and we are committed to providing the people of this great nation with the finest premium firearms available.”
To learn more about Kimber visit https://www.kimberamerica.com.
Key term appears to be “FORMER” executive.
I hope he enjoys retirement in New York City.
He wouldn’t have the same problem as you or me of paying the money and making the connections necessary to get a carry permit in New York City.
He could get a carry permit in Santa Clara County,, Commifornia too.
That Jared fella on Guns and Gadgets sure trashed them without doing his homework and u should’ve seen the comments of all the people that said they would never buy from Kimber again.. “as it should be” IF it was actually true. But he told all that the idiot was still the CEO of Kimber and now thousands have a very bad taste about them now for no reason other than the moron that didn’t do his homework before speaking, just wish more people like y’all would do actual investigating before speaking.
You also are forgetting that Kimber pistols are trash. As a professional in the gun industries, I’ve had more Kimber pistols come in for repair in my shop than any other brand 10 fold. Probably because the company is (or was) run by morons like this guy. I would NEVER trust my life to a Kimber. Will it work? Maybe- that’s not good enough for me.
GreenMachine, “As a professional in the gun industries” – lol dude, fuck off.
I hope not, lets not follow the idiots on the left down the “cancel culture” parade. Hopefully this guy was already retiring/resigning, whatever.
If an employee doesn’t like Constitutional Carry, good for him. Makes him out to be a Fudd as far as i’m concerned, but I think Fudds can be fudds and can make a living. I’ll listen to their fudd argument and either rethink my position, or continue thinking the guys a fudd.
I hope not, lets not follow the idiots on the left down the “cancel culture” parade. Hopefully this guy was already retiring/resigning, whatever.
How quaint and cuckish by allowing the Left to dictate the rules and not make them have to follow them themselves.
Not exactly, I dont want them to impose those “rules” as you call them on anyone.
Being evil is not an antidote for other people being evil. We’ve already got enough of that from the left, I’d like to not see more of it.
“Being evil is not an antidote for other people being evil. We’ve already got enough of that from the left, I’d like to not see more of it.”
A moral victory only shows up in the “L” column. Bragging rights are worthless in the Gulag.
You fight evil with greater evil. The difference is we use evil as a tool, and put it down when no longer necessary. The Left cannot do that. When you enemy tells you in no uncertain terms extermination is your destiny, believe them. If life as you know it is not worth being the worst in order to stay alive….well, there is nothing worth staying alive for, is there?
“You fight evil with greater evil. The difference is we use evil as a tool, and put it down when no longer necessary.”
If you have to resort to that, you’ve already lost the battle.
To criticize someone for something, then turn around and try to invoke the exact same methods against them is the epitome of hypocrisy, and only illustrates one’s extremely myopic value system.
“If you have to resort to that, you’ve already lost the battle.”
If you value honor over being alive, then you do not deserve to win the battle. First win the battle/war, then you can pontificate about morals. Dead people have no morals at all.
BTW, being honorable in the face of evil is how we let society arrive at its current state. Being honorable is why the Republicrats are the party of gentle losers. Better to be well thought of than to actually preserve the nation gifted to us.
I’m with Sam on this one, we have been too gentlemen-like for far too long!
From time to time through the course of history, good men need to do bad deeds in order to preserve freedom.
Or if you prefer, you can turn the cheek but once the other is struck there is nowhere to turn.
“I’m with Sam on this one,…”
That’sot good; it’s lonely, cold and damp over here. But I got great Irish whiskey, and a goodly supply of nitrogen gas to keep me feeling fine.
The article already stated he left Kimber in August.
He was a huge advocate for Obama and many proposed gun control policies even while he worked there 10+ years ago. He was very open about it. They always knew who they had at the head of their sales & marketing department.
“I hope not, lets not follow the idiots on the left down the “cancel culture” parade.”
Fuck that noise. They are the ones who went to war on crushing a civil right.
Alinsky rules apply – “Make the enemy live up to their own set of rules.”
If anything, we need to leverage the same free speech demands they made when they wanted to be heard…
By making them “live up to their own rules,” and using their tactics against them, you’re ostensibly validating their rules by default. Quit compromising our values and virtues and stoop to their stupidity.
Saul Alinsky was a collectivist, communist hack who loathed the very concepts of free will and liberty, and quoting him is basically adopting the spirit-crushing precepts of being a mere cog in a machine.
I say, as Evelyn Beatrice Hall said while channeling Voltaire, “I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to my death your right to say it.”
Liberty is just that, letting the people be ignorant, and believe or say stuff that you don’t agree with. After all, that’s why they’re called “rights” and not classified as “privileges.” If we start treating them as privileges, then that’s what they’ll become.
Even if this individual was still working for Kimber, it would not have been “cancel culture” to fire this individual for their opinion piece. An executive of a company is required to build a brand, not destroy it. For an executive to publicly state opinions that may be damaging to a brand is a violation of the trust emplaced upon them by the company.
Unfortunately, the Busstard lives in Kalispell, MT. It would be a blessing to MT if he lived in NYC.
I’m just curious why an ex executive who clearly does not share the same ideas as his former peers was ANY interest to the Missoulan… but then again, it’s a paper from Missoula…
I’m more curious to a couple things: Where in Kalispell? And his sons name and any evidence that supports him being “assaulted” during the “peaceful gathering” in Kalispell in spring 2020. I stayed on the outside of the whole thing, but was there and did scope things out early on, and if his son was at all part of any altercation, it’s because he instigated it.
Considering that Missoula is the Liberal heart of Montana…where better to offer an Op-Ed that “credibly” supports their fears and feelz about firearms. After all, Missoula did get slapped down a few years ago by Tim Fox (State Attorney General) when they tried to enact local firearm legislation that violated State law.
Agree with your supposition that Busse’s son probably let his alligator mouth overload his hummingbird ass to the wrong person…that is, if the alleged “assault” did, in fact, actually take place.
“I’m just curious why an ex executive who clearly does not share the same ideas as his former peers was ANY interest to the Missoulan…”
That’s a Leftist scum dream news story – It’s analogous to a country music star coming out against guns…
No Geoff, not seriously.
The guy might have taken a minute to check the stats on other states with Constitutional Carry. In my state we had a zero percent change in the number of shootings.
Its not about numbers, its about feelings. Busse thinks Montanans are low-bred, uneducated hicks who can’t handle personal responsibility. Says a lot more about him than about Montanans.
Not sufficient. Nobody actually talks like that. It is a declination without sincerity. It is press release pablum. Kimber is treating its customers and potential customers as if they are full-blown “woke” persons who revel in vague words and indistinct communication.
My money, my demand Kimber fish, or cut bait. Spend your money where you like.
Amen Sam. Nothing but a lot of hot air and bullshit, just like Kimber. I’ll continue never supporting them in any capacity.
Why is this Kimbers responsibility ? The guy who wrote the op-Ed doesn’t work for them anymore.
“Why is this Kimbers responsibility ? The guy who wrote the op-Ed doesn’t work for them anymore?”
It is called “public perception”. A brand naturally wants to protect itself from adverse publicity. Former high ranking corporate officials speak with “authority” as in insider. No one with the sense of an onion believes a senior corporate official held opinions/values at odds with the company while employed. Kimber’s lawyer weasel “statement” dodged the simple point: “we do/do not agree with the opinion”. Kimber tacitly agreed with the former senior official.
Sam, you asked for a statement from Kimber and you got a statement from Kimber.
Now you bitch because you don’t like the way it was worded.
Starting to sound like Enuf,
What did you expect them to say, I told you how that would be. I guarantee their lawyers helped write that.
You think the CEO is going to come out and call him a cock sucker? No, you’re going to get the typical business response. “We do not support or endorse this individual and we are here to provide great products to our customers.”
Again, they want to stay out of the pissing match, it isn’t worth it to them to get into an argument with an ex employee badmouthing them.
In 2 weeks everyone will forget whats his name from Montana that said the thing.
“You think the CEO is going to come out and call him a cock sucker?”
I think if they don’t issue an unequivocal statement of disavowal they should be shunned by the 2A community (vastly different from the “pro-gun” community).
Now, let’s address every other maker of firearms, ammunition and pieces parts: if they remain silent when contentious 2A issues are hot topics of the day, I will consider that if they are not ardent defenders of 2A, at least they are doing no harm by statements/actions that support further current, or future restrictions. If, however, a senior leader, or former senior leader issues a public statement that damages the effort to restore the Second Amendment, then I will demand a disavowal “statement”, or avoid buying their products. My money, my rules.
Note: I never demanded “a statement” from Kimber, but a specific type of statement…one that rejects the opinion published. Issuing “a statement” does not satisfy my demand, therefore I exercise my right not to do business with a firearm manufacturer that hides behind (expected) lawyer weasel-wording.
Not quite following the question. Had orange juice this morning instead of a proper Screwdriver.
Well, once again, Sam the Sham, you have ignored Samuel Langhorne Clemens’ injunction to keep your mouth shut, and let people think you a fool, rather than open it, and remove all doubt. I, too, found Kimber’s statement “weak sauce”, but . . . this twerp was a vocal Obama supporter, and “gun control” supporter, WHILE he was employed by Kimber. Why they didn’t fire his @$$ is a question best put to the Kimber management.
“Kimber is a proud supporter of our Constitutional rights to keep and bear arms,” That’s nice but I didn’t see any ware that you support HB102. “His statements and opinions expressed regarding the opposition of Montana House Bill 102 are not authorized by or attributable to Kimber.” dose not mean you disagree with that stance… Come out publicly in support for HB102, or oppose it. weather you wanted it or not, you got dragged into the middle of this, now unequivocally declare a side.
“now unequivocally declare a side.”
Just thought I drop this in as a drive-by: “Who stands for nothing, will fall for anything”.
I do see Sams point that if your entire business is built off this nations 2nd amendment then you would think you would see more manufactures really fighting hard to keep it.
But at the same time I also see why they don’t go looking for every fight.
While we’re quoting, “pick your battles”
Rushing into every fight eventually gets you caught with your pants down.
“Rushing into every fight eventually gets you caught with your pants down.”
The Left attacks all along the line, everyday. They have no fear of being “caught” with their pants down. If we cannot strike a definitive, indisputable, disabling blow that collapses the Left, we must defend and attack all along the line, also.
NRA used that “pick you battles” for far too long. Indeed, many of the battles they took on did not result in any victory at all, merely making things less worse. We should always identify those corporate entities who do harm to the Second Amendment community, identify and de-fund. Those aren’t really battles.
Just pointing out; Kimber Arms is currently moving out of New York to Alabama. Having spent time around Troy, AL, I can assure you they are not moving there for the scenery. I believe Kimber Arms is one of the good guys, regardless of the assclown they once hired.
Aaaahhh yes. Very familiar with Troy, AL. And many other rural towns. One year of high school in Birmingham, one year of college in Jacksonville. In college, I ended up being a translator between the nine foreign exchange students from Rahway, NJ, and students from Alabama and other southern states. (Brother and I were military brats, so we developed flat accents; Dad was from Worcester, MA.)
Also, remember this one:
“Most people are disinclined to stand up for their rights, because in doing so, they fear they may lose their seat at the table.”
“Most people are disinclined to stand up for their rights, because in doing so, they fear they may lose their seat at the table.”
True, dat !!
Sam makes a great point. Looking at that statement I see nowhere do they repudiate this guy’s statement. It isn’t as if he was some low ranking machinist or some middle management goof. I quit buying their products many years ago because I felt the company attitude wasn’t what it should be, and this just reinforced my opinion.
Dont ever assume because someone works in the industry, theyre pro 2A or gun ownership. Those fools usually have the mind set that only people like “them” should benefit from the second because they’re so much smarter than other folks!
When they say “responsibility,” they mean “subservience.”
August 2020 wasn’t that long ago and one doesn’t change their stance on 2A rights that fast. He wasn’t pro-gun to begin with.
“He wasn’t pro-gun to begin with.”
While we love to trash the opposition for playing with words, we need to look homeward: there is a vast difference between being “pro gun”, and being a staunch defender of the Second Amendment. A “pro gun” person has latitude to say, “I believe in the Second Amendment, but…”. A staunch defender of the Second Amendment tolerates zero restrictions on gun ownership (even if “zero” comes with serious risks)..
Correct Sam,
It is also hard to fill an entire company with firm 2A supporters, even harder to get top leaders all to share the same values.
This guy could very well have also played Kimber and acted like he cared so he could keep his high salary job, once that was off the hook the real feelings could come out.
You need to grasp the big picture though, if he was moving the company in the direction they wished to go, then the company as a whole wins, if his attitude was impacting the company, then he goes.
Keep in mind, they never told us WHY he doesn’t work there anymore, perhaps they found out how he really felt, maybe he stole money, maybe he quit for a better gig…. you don’t know.
“Keep in mind, they never told us WHY he doesn’t work there anymore, perhaps they found out how he really felt, maybe he stole money, maybe he quit for a better gig…. you don’t know.”
We don’t know. Neither do we know whether Kimber corporate officers object to 2A restrictions, which is the whole point here. Whatever the facts, the impression created by Kimber makes all the difference. How hard would it have been to instruct the corporate, or outside, counsel to firmly proclaim: “Kimber management and leadership do not share any of the thoughts or opinions expressed by….”? Or, “Kimber management and leadership oppose the thoughts and opinions expressed by…, entirely.”? Or, “Kimber management and leadership oppose the proposed legislation mentioned in the opinion piece written by….”? Or even, “Kimber management and leadership never take an official stance on any legislation, regardless of topic”?
Anytime you use the word “but”, you negate everything that came before it. For example “I’m not racist, but here’s a list of reasons why being that skin color is bad.”
The exact same is true for being pro gun. “We should ban semi auto rifles that look scary. A 15 day waiting period is good. We should have to register guns. People should have to pay the state money for a permit to carry. If you can’t kill a deer or defend yourself in under ten shots, you need training. We should force people to pay a murder tax if they own a gun. Buying ammo online should be illegal. Of course I’m pro gun, I said so before I started listing the rights we should take away.”
“Of course I’m pro gun, I said so before I started listing
the rights we should take away.common sense gun controls.”I doubt Busse was hired by Kimber to be “pro gun”. He was more likely hired to help Kimber make money for its owners. I doubt he would’ve written his editorial were he still working at Kimber and if he had he likely would’ve been shown the door.
It strikes me that so many people around here think there needs to be some sort of loyalty oath to be sworn by any and everyone somehow remotely involved in our cause’s industry. I can imagine a number of fitters, machinists and the like who actually have little interest in 2A. It’s a job for them, little more, and a person who isn’t deeply involved in 2A may still be very good at producing excellent products we choose to buy or even protect. The difference, and when we need to be concerned, is when someone claims to represent the opinion/viewpoint of the company for which they work. Busse may have tried to trot out Kimber creds but the company isn’t owning him. As such, Kimber would be wise to publish rebuttals of Busse’s connection with them in the Missoula and Sydney papers.
He strikes me as greedy and having made his money okay with the destruction of the industry that made him his fortune or ignorant of the slippery slope that would lead to the reappeal of the plcaa and the driving of his company out of business.
I wonder if Ryan Busse is also going to oppose Utah Permitless Carry? Utah Senate just passed yesterday 54-19
Suck Ryan Busse 16 states down and 34 to go….
you can suck him, but leave me outta that nonsense!!!
You put it succinctly.
Hasn’t the governor vetoed it twice before? Different governor now…maybe it’ll go through this time.
This time will be different.. Both Montana and Utah have republican governors and they said they will sign it…
Schweitzer (D) first vetoed it once and Bullock (D) vetoed it twice afterwards both times it made it to his desk in their iterations.
I hope he retires to California. Not Kentucky or Texas. California deservers him.
Hey! We’ve got enough problems here without adding anything more to them, thank you very much!
One would hope Kimber would disassociate with any employee,current or former of the Leftist civilian disarmament persuasion,pushing a un Constitutional agenda.
Read the article… They did
maybe he don’t be wanting to read dat articleosity….
He wasn’t exactly quiet about his support for Democrats and their gun control schemes during the entire time he worked for Kimber and they did nothing about ti.
Not sure where you got your info- enlighten us.
Still, for one to express an opinion while not representing such as the policy of your employer should get one canned in the US?
I’m not saying that during our current cancel culture era this doesn’t happen in the left-run social and MS media but I’ll be damned if I’ll support something so anti-American at the most fundamental level just because someone else “gets away with it”. Such only speeds up the anarchy so many around here claim to abhor.
Provide a source for that claim, please.
Throwing around your creds only to have the institution responsible for your creds disavow the shit you’re throwing.
I suspect (and have publicly stated this) that Mr. Busse likely embellished his role in Kimber’s rise over the last 25 years. Either way, he certainly threw his former employer under the busse and then ran them over. Repeatedly.
Undoing the damage done by busse will take a lot more PR on Kimber’s part. Perhaps Kimber should polygraph employees to prevent nitwits like busse from gumming up the works again.
awesome response Kimber!!!
Either I missed it, or I didn’t see where Kimberery supported the bill, they just said this guy wasn’t an employee anymore. Yes they did say they supported gun rights, but I did not see that they came out in support of the Bill?? Did I miss it??
“…but I did not see that they came out in support of the Bill?? Did I miss it??”
Lack of evidence is evidence.
From the above article:
“Kimber is a proud supporter of our Constitutional rights to keep and bear arms,” said Leslie Edelman, CEO and owner of Kimber. “We support organizations that defend these rights…”
“Kimber is a proud supporter of our Constitutional rights to keep and bear arms,” said Leslie Edelman, CEO and owner of Kimber. “We support organizations that defend these rights…”
Yep, ambiguous, vague, opaque, non-committal, evasive, disingenuous.
Bull. “Our Constitutional rights” include the words “shall not be infringed”. Not a bit opaque or difficult to understand, and with no space for a “but”. That statement says it all, is all the support I need, the fact is that such a bill should not even be necessary, it simply approximates a weak sauce version of 2A.
“…the fact is that such a bill should not even be necessary, it simply approximates a weak sauce version of 2A.”
Yep. Mere legislation that can be overturned by more mere legislation.
Kimber is overpriced Fudd trash.
I mean, is it though?
No. They’re pretty good guns for a pretty good price.
I’ve had a couple for around 15 years, no complaints other than the one I keep in the car seems to have changed color. And they are not that expensive.
We always find out what these supposedly “pro 2A leaders” think once they leave.
Funny, that.
Not sticking up for Busse at all, but I doubt he ever considered himself a “2A leader”. He may have been some sort of company executive, perhaps IT, Sales, HR, who knows? It was a job for him, probably a retirement program, who knows what else…
I’d bet there are people working for Les Baer who don’t consider themselves 2A leaders. Of course, they’d be smart to keep their opinions to themselves, too.
Is there another statement where they actually state that they support the bill?
“Is there another statement where they actually state that they support the bill?”
Yes, it is called “silence”. Kimber stated their position….the opinion piece was not authorized by Kimber. The company is trying to thread the needle, and have it every which way.
OK, Sam, I’ve busted your chops several times (because you said stupid things), but I have to give you props for this – Busse was an anti-2A tw** when he was AT Kimber, but Kimber’s response wasn’t even upright enough to qualify as “flaccid”. Either they support the 2A, or they don’t and they (as you said) tried to walk the tightrope between being “for the 2A” and “reasonable” (in the manner of Everytown, for example).
I used to own a Kimber; liked it a lot. I’ve since found better 1911s for less money, but I still think they are a quality company. I probably would have purchased another Kimber, if I’d seen one I really liked, until they pulled this nonsense. LOTS of other 1911 manufacturers that provide equal-or-better quality.
I’m shocked… Are ALL gun manufacturers actually pro-2A as well?…
lol busse… told you. Aint welcome here.
And I’ve never owned a Kimber before, but I will.
A good start for Kimber. But they and the NSSF must disavow this turd. Revoke any awards or nominations that they gave him. I hope they are looking into his contract, and if he violated any terms by hurting Kimber. That smackjob must never work for the gun industry ever again.
Let him work for DICK’S. Because he is one.
“Being Pro-Gun Also Means Being Pro-Responsibility….”
Right up to that point he was spot on target. Take a safety class if you’ve never had one. Know your carry gun very well by target shooting with it, by field stripping and cleaning it. Be well practiced in trigger finger discipline, muzzle discipline (watch where you point that thing), teach your kids from a young age (Eddie Eagle Rules!), carry in a proper holster that will not drop your gun. Have a place to lock your gun up when you need to (hey it happens, especially if own more than ten of them).
If your state requires a permit, well, that sucks, but get one. Don’t break the law, or it will turn on you even if you do nothing wrong.
Constitutional Carry is great, my state has it. I got the permit anyway, has saved me money on fees to run the background check buying more guns. Also, dealers like it when you show them that card and they know their paperwork load is going to be quicker. And I don’t have to worry about walking into a restaurant that serves alcohol, I just carry concealed.
So all quite responsible.
Of course the most responsible thing is simply carrying the gun in the first place.
“we are committed to providing the people of this great nation with the finest premium firearms available.”
That’s not very confidence inspiring when they make some of the worst value 1911s for the money.
“That’s not very confidence inspiring when they make some of the worst value 1911s for the money.”
Can’t comment much on quality of Kimber firearms (beyond what I have heard), but I do know more Kimbers show up on the secondary market than do firearms by Armscor/Rock Island.
Manufacturer’s are in Limbo right now, and have been. The attacks on the PLCAA are ramping up, with the Peepad/Kneepad Administration now in power, I believe it’s going to get worse.
So, like many others, I was initially offended by Kimber’s reply, and then I thought about it. Their reply came from legal counsel, not the meat and potatoes core of Kimber. In that light, the response makes sense legally. Kimber throws their support behind the people who will vote yay or nay, rather than coming out strongly Yay or Nay. The problem is, that while that strategy appeals to the No Fat Latte Swilling Mysanthropes in our society, it is a “Line that shouldn’t be crossed” for Constitutionalists, who are the biggest section of gun owners.
Kimber won’t see any of my business, as they are added to the list of manufacturers that don’t stand 100% behind the 2nd Amendment (like Springfield and some others, fortunately they’re few).
We either hang together, or we will most assuredly hang separately. That maxim holds true for Arms Makers as well.
As for Rouse, I hear Dick’s Sporting Goods needs a new Head Dick.
And for some reason, you believe a Dick Head would qualify?
Kyle says:
“Lets not follow the idiots on the left down the “cancel culture” parade.”
W R O N G ! ! !
For every conservative cancelled, we need to cancel 5 liberals.
For every conservative doxxed, we need to dox 5 liberals.
For every conservative fired, we need to fire 5 liberals.
For every conservative injured, etc..
If you just resign yourself to accept them injuring you, WE ARE DONE.
The Patriots at Lexington and Concord did NOT allow the British to take their arms and ammo.
Instead, they fired the shot heard around the world, and made the rest of us free.
This guy gets it.
I had some old timers run and hide from our group because they felt this was the wrong way. Good riddance, RINOS and traitors.
Stand your ground, the enemy will not play fair. Why are we?
I found this very interesting while in search of a further understanding to Ryan Busse’s article, and his separation from Kimber.
Under ‘Committee’ please see “Conservation and Outdoor Group Leaders”
It seems to include names of fellow shithooks I’ve recognized previously. Do take special notice of this organization’s mission to “restore and conserve 30% of America’s lands and waters by 2030” (conserve = government own, control & regulate)
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