Home » Blogs » Kingston Armory M1 Garand and M14 “10/22” Rifles

Kingston Armory M1 Garand and M14 “10/22” Rifles

Joe Grine - comments No comments


Courtesy Joe Grine

Kingston Armory, of Liberty, New York, manufacturers .22LR caliber semi-automatic rifles specifically developed and designed to replicate the M1 Garand and M14. Kingston manufactures their receivers, which closely resemble Ruger 10/22 actions, from 4140 steel. When combined with Ruger 10-round rotary magazines and full size Boyd’s walnut stocks, these little rifles do a pretty good job of impersonating the real deal. The weight of the KA .22 clone is less than a real M-1 Garand, but is still quite substantial. I shouldered the M-1 Garand version and I must say that it felt like I was holding its .30-06 big brother . . .

Here’s the “M-14″version:

Courtesy Joe Grine

In the photo below, you can see the 10/22 style receiver and the 10-round rotary magazine on the M-1 Garand:


Close-up of the left side of the receiver:

Courtesy Joe Grine

0 thoughts on “Kingston Armory M1 Garand and M14 “10/22” Rifles”

  1. These should be the new Appleseed Liberty Rifles. Hope they shoot as good as they look and just because they have a 10/22 action that does not guarantee they will shoot well.

    Any idea on price?

      • Model 99-M1. Not nearly as nice-looking as these Kingston rifles. Marlin didn’t try very hard to make them look like the M1 Carbine, which I think was the idea. They pretty much just shortened the mag tube and altered the stock a bit from the standard Model 99.

        • Oh, and then there was the 989-M2, which switched to a detachable box mag, but retained the “not quite there” looks of the 99-M1.

    • Dang, I hate when I hit the post button before I am done.

      Of course the action is all wrong for that. The M1A looks like it could hide one of the BX25 style mags.

      • There’s a mantra running through my head over and over and over….

        “En bloc clip, en bloc clip, en bloc clip….”


        It would be
        I’m waaayyy down. That sh*t would be infectious as f*ck.

  2. Neat and all, but I’ve just never been that into these .22 clones. I’d rather see someone trying to make new production Garands and Carbines. Those babies aren’t exactly being made anymore… At least not in original configuration.

    • Right?

      Like I need another rifle in some exotic, expensive and difficult to find caliber.

      Chamber it in something easier to find, like 25-20, and then we’ll talk.

    • It’s “Inland” in name only. It’s a new company (started in 2012 or 2013, I think) using an old name. From what I’ve read, the new Carbines are pretty well-made, but I haven’t seen any full shooting reviews, just “first impression” kinds of things.

      I’m not a huge fan of companies piggybacking on historic names like this, but it doesn’t necessarily mean they won’t produce quality guns. Henry did the same thing with their name, but they still make great rifles.

  3. Initial reaction – very very cool, but…

    The upper hand guard doesn’t appear to be well thought-out. The left side of the part has a squared corner instead of matching the slope of the stock (making it look like it was an after-thought instead of being made for the rifle), and the right side looks like someone accidentally knocked the corner off.

    Will the receiver accept a scope mount? My eyes are old and iron sights are my nemesis.

    I’d really like to see someone do a 5.56 version of the garand…

    • My 1944 M1 with GI post war stock has the same right side corner on cover. It is correct. It just looks like a defect/chip.

    • The receiver is a 10/22. While the top is not pictures above I assume you have the original scope rail screw holes on top that would allow a rail and scope to be mounted.

      A 5.56 would have to be a brand new gun. See a Mini-14 as close as you get.

  4. my friend was looking for MN DoR M1 yesterday and saw a website that has lots of sample forms . If you need MN DoR M1 as well , here’s a https://goo.gl/xiaZFD

  5. I own one, nothing good to say about it. Fact is, it has major issues. Until real owners start posting positive reviews I would avoid buying one.

  6. I got one a couple of weeks ago, and I’m enjoying it immensely. Actual weight is 9 3/4 lbs., a quarter pound more than the original .30 caliber version. Trigger pull is 2 lbs., and you can print nickel-sized 10-round groups at 25 yards all day. Granted, at $699, it’s not for everyone…neither is a $100k Ferrari.

  7. Unfortunately, this company couldn’t keep up and is no more.

    I got one of the first 400 M1 Garand versions made, and it took me 2 years to get it right. Some had no issues out the door.

    At first, I spoke to someone at Kingston, who said they had a bad assembler. My set screws on the front sight piece all came loose- noticed as the sight rotated to the side.

    I could list the problems, but the reality is that any product has some as they first tool up. Unfortunately, this company didn’t get through that teething stage.

    On the good side: it is VERY accurate and the heft makes it have no kick at all.

    I don’t recommend it for standing/kneeling position firing unless you are not a light-weight. The heft makes it a natural for bench shooting.

    I am not saying it isn’t possible to do well shouldering it. I am saying I’d rather pop my Marlin 39A up to the shoulder if standing and I want to burn up 100 rounds that day.

    Fun pieces- and nice write up!


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