Screenshot of Gov. Tim Walz struggling loading his Beretta A400 semi-auto shotgun.

When you’re an anti-gun presidential candidate from a party with a platform that is dead set on banning guns, what better way to attempt to sway undecided gun owners than sending your running mate on a pheasant hunt?

That’s just what Vice President Kamala Harris did, as Tim Walz headed home to chase some Minnesota ringnecks on opening day. However, Walz’s escapades in the field seems to have brought more ridicule than support.

According to a Fox News report, Walz invited the press along to get some coverage, but blew the video op by bumbling and fumbling while trying to load his Berretta semi-auto shotgun. The bungled loading video had some on social media questioning whether he’d ever even been pheasant hunting before.

Conservative commentator and avid shooter John Cardillo was one who said Walz’s performance looked like it was the first time he ever loaded a shotgun

“Tim Walz claims that he’s a lifelong bird hunter, but this clearly proves he has no idea how to load or charge a semi-automatic shotgun,” Cardillo said. “I shoot A LOT of sporting clays with both semi-autos but mostly over-unders. He’s a first timer right here.”

Singer John Rich was perhaps the hardest on Walz, making a hilarious social media post highlighting the wannabe vice president’s weakness.

“Tim Walz claimed he carried ‘weapons of war in combat’ but he can’t load a shotgun?” Rich posted. “This guy is beyond weak. My little sister could beat him up. Ya gotta watch this.”

Of course, ridicule was not what the Harris campaign was looking for when Walz invited the media along for his hunt. Harris specifically chose Walz as her running mate because he was supposedly a combat veteran and hunter, hoping to pull some of the right-leaning undecided vote, especially in the critical so-called “Rust Belt” states.

Walz’s combat veteran status was later proven to be stolen valor, as records showed he never served in combat. Now, his hunting and gun owner credentials are being questioned after the Minnesota pheasant hunting debacle.

After watching the video, conservative commentator Jason Robertson posted that maybe it was better that Walz never was in a war zone after all.

“After Watching Tim Walz trying to handle a shotgun, I officially retract any criticism from him avoiding combat zones,” Robertson said. “He is a HERO. He is so bad with a weapon that he saved American Lives skipping the War Zone.”

Walz can pose as a veteran, a pheasant hunter or whatever he wants and he still can’t cover up his lousy record on guns and gun ownership. And just because he went pheasant hunting doesn’t make the Harris/Walz ticket any more pro-gun than their past combined records prove.


  1. I’ve seen someone at 5 stand /every single week/ have a problem with their auto-loading shotguns.

    > My little sister could beat him up.

    What a disturbing way to reveal what’s really behind this. 🙁

    You folks are fundamentally broken in mind and spirit, and should be ashamed.

    • They aren’t calling out a news crew to show off their gun handling either. I’d have at least practiced a bit before I went out if I were him. Preferably something cool like doing half a quad load then putting the last round in.

      Then you have a pic of him under the hood of a car, holding an air filter. Dude probably has a manicure, no way he’s getting his hands greasy putting that in.

    • WTF is a 5-stand?

      Dude looks just plain dangerous. Him and Dick Cheney should go hunting together with Alec Baldwin and that Pink-haired armorer. Bring tourniquets.

    • Studies show some 29% of Democrats are on some kind of anti-anxiety, anti-depression or anti-psychotic medication. When Trump got elected mental health care providers saw a huge increase in patients. Most were depressed because Trump was president. Under the Biden adm more Americans are experiencing high levels of anxiety and stress from financial issues caused by Biden policies. Looking at videos of a Trump rally they seem fine in mind and spirit. I read a Harris townhall audience was set up with pro-Harris supporters that were supposed to be undecided Hispanic voters. It was a set up. Trump had over 100,000 attendees at the second Butler PA rally. They have nothing to be ashamed of.

  2. If this was intended to sway POTG, then they failed miserably. This is evidence that Harris/Walz know little to nothing about POTG or guns. The bad decision to have Walz attend resulted in an equally bad performance.

  3. No, the democratic party did not chose Walz because of his gun thing. They chose Walz because he is the fascist the party wanted.
    And 🍾YAY🎆 Kamala and Tim are goning to win and there is nothing a Trump voter can do about it.
    Good times ahead.

  4. > Dude probably has a manicure

    Again, more obvious misogyny.

    These sort of statements reveal your true character, which is /lacking/.

    You folks are fundamentally bad, broken people. 😛

    • Misogyny? Like when you guys say a male can declare himself a female, complete with unchanged genitalia, and then beat up women in ‘women’s sports’?

      • Talking about a fundamentally broken person…a dude that pretends he is a woman. Not that I really care personally what folks do in their personal lives but the pendulum is going to shift hard the other way soon just like it did 90 or so years ago the last time this degree of decadence sprang up.

        Just sayin’

        I hope those confused people haven’t altered themselves so much that they won’t be able to subsequently pass in normal society again when the world becomes a very dangerous place for them to exist in. Many have made some mortal enemies in the mean time. FAFO

    • How is that misogyny? There was a trend at a time for the metrosexual. A man who would get manicures on a regular basis.

  5. > Walz because he is the fascist the party wanted.

    Sorry, Walz is a fascist?


    What is the argument you’re making here? In what way is Walz a “fascist”?

    • jsled could show walz how to load a tampon. On the other hand a girl can show walz how to load a shotgun…
      h ttps://

    • In the same way you are. The left was bought out by corporate billionaires years ago. The left really doesn’t exist anymore. gates, zuckerberg, soros and others replaced it with big money statists.

      Social-lism and commu-nism cannot exist with billionaires at the helm.

    • RE: “What is the argument you’re making here? In what way is Walz a “fascist”?

      In the way the third reich banned guns and left Jews and misfits defenseless. Now nitwit connect the h and you put this in your dope pipe and smoke it…

      h ttp://

    • Funny thing about posts like yours…. You come to websites with people you disagree with politically and feel the need to share your visceral hatred for them, yet I find a broken person someone who takes the time to do such things and finds joy in it. Folks like you see nothing wrong with despising half your fellow countrymen, disowning family members due to political differences, all the while strutting around with this sense of superiority. That seems broken to me but what do I know?

  6. Walz is going for the P.E.T.A. vote?, the vegan vote?. Reminds me of former “I go hunting & fishing” gov Terry McAuliffe. Terry was to deliver Virginia to Hilda-beast in 2016. In 2014 Barry S. took out former Va. gov Bob McDonnell from a presidential run (Barry used law-fare to convict McDonnell to a two year prison sentence). Glad the plan failed, SCOTUS overturned the conviction and Hilda-beast is still drinking box wine & waking up laying in her own vomit.

  7. I really can’t tell if he is trying to loar or unload that shotty. Either way no gun person would want to be anywhere around him as he fumbles the weapon like that. His trigger finger gripping the front of the trigger guard scares me. bad bad bad habit. 4 rules and all you never want to be pulling in that direction either inside or outside the guard. One of these days he’s gonna forget/misposition what side of the guard his finger is on and then it’ll be an Alec Baldwin moment

  8. You know, it shenanigans like this that lend credibility to the assertion that the fix is already in place. These things are performed just to rub it in our faces. Nobody this inept could ever win the White House. It’s ludicrous to even consider. Yet, they just may. And it will be because of a few select jurisdictions, and it will happen after midnight, and it will be just enough to tip the Electoral College map towards blue. Déjà vu all over again.

  9. I’m not a hunter. But I know very well how to load and unload my 590 shotgun. Which I got for it’s bayonet lug.

    It was very surprising to me, to learn just how many hunters are anti-civil rights. They really to think the 2A is only about hunting. And they mostly do control the NRA.

    Which explains why the NRA is against open carry. Against the bumpstock. And against anything that expands 2A civil rights. Because hunters in general don’t support civil rights.

    Yes. That’s right I said it.

    This country is divided in many different ways. And the so called “gun community” is very much divided.

  10. Oh why oh why couldn’t Waltz have had a negligent discharge. It would have been hilarious if he’d shot one of the reporters or better yet, himself. A load of light birdshot to the groin would be all the more amusing because Waltz would have to explain that he’d survived only because he had no genitals.


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