Wild West shootout gunfight gun fight

Presently, there are twenty-seven states that have passed Constitutional carry laws, allowing for their citizens to carry weapons either openly, or concealed, without permits or licensing requirements. Only Alabama requires a federal background check. These states have GOP controlled legislatures/governors apart from Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont. The incontrovertible fact is unfettered access to firearms, loose gun legislation, and the unwavering Republican support of the gun lobby will add to the death toll and make the job of public safety that much more difficult for law enforcement.

Police officers across the country agree that unlicensed concealed weapons make their jobs more difficult and will lead to an increase in accidental shootings. These are the people that see what people are capable of when they’re emboldened by a gun on their hip.

Additional proof of GOP abominable rhetoric in support of guns and violence, occurred at a far-right rally on June 10, 2023, in Georgia. Kari Lake, the failed Arizona gubernatorial candidate and election denier, said the quiet things out loud. She intimated support of an armed rebellion over Trump’s second indictment. “If you want to get to President Trump, you’re going to have to go through me, and you’re going to have to go through 75 million Americans just like me. And most of those individuals are card-carrying members of the NRA.” This is the incendiary and pernicious language that too many Republican use to rile up their base and encourage not only gun purchases, but violence aimed at their perceived enemies.

As this gun violence continues to rage throughout the country, many Republican controlled states continue to pass laws antithetical to curbing gun related deaths. States with Constitutional carry laws, except for Nebraska, have passed stand-your-ground laws. These laws state that an individual has no duty to retreat from the threat and may resort to deadly physical force and are not limited to your home or workplace. Such laws only serve to embolden a frontier style of justice and result in unnecessary deaths. Case in point is the 2012 George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin shooting and recent cases of overzealous use of firearms. In the case of Zimmerman and Kyle Ritenhouse the GOP and their supporters elevated these killers into celebrity status.

— RVL0442 in Guns: The American Epidemic


    • Well to start what are they bitching about re Albama being the only state to do federal checks? For buying guns or unpermitted carry or something else. Whatever that was supposed to communicate ended up as empty air so moving on to increased deaths…… Yup Vermont having such laws for 200 years sure made it a desolate wasteland and New Hampshire Maine Utah and others sure had crime surging at rates far higher than here in NY that saw a minimum of most violent crime rates doubling over the past 5 years (sarc in case you missed the puddle). What else, police bitching about legally armed citizens………..yeah cry me a river and find a safer line of work especially when I was happy when Afghans only had AK’s in the car at checkpoints. Rest is the obligatory blood in the streets, fedsurrection is relevant and republicans are heartless monsters tropes so looks like my first comment is vood to go.

      • Vermont’s existence will always disprove their fantasy logic. So they’ll just ignore it like they do all inconvenient facts. Vermont libs enacted a bunch of completely unnecessary restrictions in 2018 to help them cope with Trump winning. Backlash is a thing.

        • And both sides tend to forget it can be mutual I wish Vermont luck in their legal challenges they have a great starting point to launch a text and tradition assault on their restrictions from an early stage.

    • There are so many inaccuracies in the article it would take hours to refute them.

      So 2 observations

      If this is a problem the GOP is creating via legislation, why are the highest crime rates using guns in cities that have been run by Democrats for decades, and once you leave the area of Democrat control the rates drop through the floor? Yes, some of this has to do with being in a city WITH Democratic control.

      I doubt the author talked to any Law enforcement and I believe the author confused what they read about Police Chiefs with Police officers in this comment:

      “Police officers across the country agree that unlicensed concealed weapons make their jobs more difficult”

      I know I have heard Police chiefs say this, specifically in Democrat-run cities where they must play political games to rise to the Chief of Police. I have talked to hundreds of Officers, Deputies, and sheriffs ( Elected by the people) who have no issue with constitutional carry. It does not change their jobs at all or procedures. For their own safety, they have assumed for YEARS that everyone carries a gun because they know that criminals DO NOT FOLLOW THE LAW.

      Just because a rule exists, it does not mean it will be followed. This is an issue that the left chronically does not understand UNLESS it’s a rule that benefits them if broken.

    • Just another Democrat Henny Penny letting their imagination run wild. When Texas allowed campus carry, they said the streets would run red with blood. It never happened. The FBI said years ago, before they became woke Biden enforcers, that in areas where the majority are armed, crime was lower. I don’t care what police chiefs say, as they are the sycophants of the Mayor. I listen to most Sheriff’s though, as they are elected by the people, and usually tell you the truth. They want people to be armed, as they know it reduces crime. Criminals don’t want to get shot, so they go to cities and counties where gun rights are oppressed by government. Now, with so many criminal invaders entering our country, is the time to arm up and get training.

  1. ” Kid, why do you rob banks ? ”
    ” Cuz that’s where they keep the money .”

    ” Kid, why do you like no carry states ? ”
    ” Cuz that’s where the victims can’t shoot me . “

  2. The last sentence of this article told me all I need to know.
    The hypocrisy is still firmly in place.
    No mention by the author (AI ?) about all the death threats and calls to violence from the Left & Woke against conservatives, and patriotic citizens.

    Straight from their playbook: vilify, separate, depersonalize & divide

    • Posing a threat to the overreach of government is rather the whole point of the Second Amendment.

      Shouldn’t be a surprise that every once in a while someone will mention this possibility in order to remind the politicians that there is a line in the sand.

      As for the Dems, they know they could not get away with shooting their political rival(s) and so choose to resort to character assassination and cancellation under color of authority believing that if they are at least PRETENDING to be within the law they won’t trigger the armed backlash.

      Time will tell.

    • The Democrats platform is Lies, Cheating, and Hypocrisy. This Henny Penny author invoked two of them in this article. Thank you Grace for bringing it to our attention.

  3. Frontier style justice? You mean like non-policing where people are given “room to destroy?”

    • Mostly peaceful dontchaknow🙄 I’m headed to NW Indiana today. Except for Gary it’s pretty peaceful but even then before so-called constitutional carry a bunch of black folks legally carried a gat. Going to Westforth Gunshop as it closes soon. Thanks to Chiraq suing them😧

  4. “Constitutional Carry and Stand Your Ground Laws Have Created an Atmosphere of Frontier Style Justice”

    No it hasn’t.

    Seriously, these people need to get some serious mental health help and get this hoplophobia treated.

  5. Another sneaky Gun Control loving democRat wants you to believe a History Confirmed agenda Rooted in Racism and Genocide is somehow an answer to the criminal misuse of firearms, bricks, bats, knives. fists, feet, matches, vehicles, etc. Well sneaky democRat take your Gun Control and go pound sand.

  6. I guess there will be many that disagree; George Z should’ve been found guilty of murder; but the Kyle verdict was correct. And the NRA does not make anyone Hero’s, the News shows put these people in the spotlight, and showcase them

    • “I guess there will be many that disagree; George Z should’ve been found guilty of murder …”

      How so? Please explain.

    • daniel…Had he lived…Do you think the perp who restrained and relentlessly beat on George Z’s head should be charged and convicted of attempted murder or perhaps murder? Please advise.

    • Take the news shows with a grain of salt. They spotlight who they choose without regard for reality.

      Far too many people hold the NRA on a pedestal. They are NOT to be worshiped any more than Washington politicians. When Pelosi says it was an insurrection, people believe it was just because she said it was. Regardless of reality. Everyone on the left got so upset with Trump for suggesting the Russians could find Hillary’s emails but completely forget that the email server she ran was illegal to begin with. People seem to just skip over the idea that the cops that crossed paths with George Floyd were not already there. Those cops were called out to that place for a reason. Floyd was a criminal. Rittenhouse did not start the conflict. He was there because it had been started. George Z was there for a reason. The NRA has many positives and negatives but they are not something that the Washington left can control and THAT is why Democrats hate them so much. They hate Trump for the same reason. Biden is protected by the left because he is very easy to control.

      We are being lied to and a growing number of people see it. But then a growing number refuse to see it too. The middle ground that so many campaigns focus on is shrinking.

    • So Zimmerman shoulda let Travon! continue to bash his head in?!? What a maroon🙄

      • “So Zimmerman shoulda let Travon! continue to bash his head in?”

        If Zimmerman had followed the directions of the 911 dispatcher and not continued to stalk the young black man there would’ve been no confrontation. Zimmerman initiated the confrontation, therefore he lost the claim of self-defense.

        Perhaps Zimmerman got a good look at the young man’s physique, and once his heart started beating faster and his naughty body parts became all engorged and tingly, he could not stop himself from following the young man.

        After all, watching the muscular young men in their tight, shiny spandex grunt thrust, and grab one another on the ballfield, and then watching the near naked buff big-time pro wrestlers in tiny bikini shorts clutching and thrusting against one another’s sweaty bodies, Zimmerman had had all he could stand and could not stop himself the next time he saw a strong young man striding down the sidewalk.

        • Sounds like you are attracted to kids, perv.

          Skittles boy could have avoided confrontation by staying home and studying for his AP Calculus quiz the next day instead of trying to father another child with some sloot.

          Or you know, not attacking the Hispanic gentleman that became whiter and whiter the more Cable News ran the story.

        • You clearly don’t understand the law around self-defense. A 911 dispatcher is not sworn law enforcement. Telling/asking him to get back in the car and not follow the prowler Martin is not an action that justified Martin’s physical assault on Zimmerman. Even if it was a provoking action, Martin escalated, which resets who the aggressor is. Zimmerman may have made a mistake, but that doesn’t justify his getting his brain bashed in between Martin’s hands and the concrete sidewalk. Hero? Not really. Guilty of murder? Certainly not.

        • “If Zimmerman had followed the directions of the 911 dispatcher and not continued to stalk the young black man there would’ve been no confrontation.”

          Liar49er knows this has been debunked, but, hey, Liar49er.

        • Between his constant lying and numerous references to male sexuality —

          is why he’ll always be Liar69er to me.

        • Zimmerman stalked and then accosted Trevon, Zimmerman was safe in his automobile but then he followed Trevon and initiated the confrontation.

          “You cannot rely on self-defense if you are the initial aggressor. If you start the fight, you can be held liable for any personal injury you cause, even if you don’t throw the first punch“


        • “Zimmerman stalked and then accosted Trevon, Zimmerman was safe in his automobile but then he followed Trevon and initiated the confrontation.”

          Liar69er, you’re lying. Again. Here’s the truth:

          The following facts are clear from the transcript of the call that George Zimmerman made reporting a suspicious person.

          George Zimmerman was never told to stay in his car.
          George Zimmerman was never told to return to his car.
          George Zimmerman was not ordered to not follow Trayvon Martin. He was only told he did not need to do it, a suggestion made to protect the police department from future liability as well as common sense to protect the safety of George Zimmerman.
          George Zimmerman answered the dispatcher’s suggestion by saying ok and from the recording of the call it is clear that he stopped following him.
          George Zimmerman told the dispatcher at 2:35 that “he ran” suggesting that he had lost sight of Martin and at 3:40 he expressed fear about saying his address out loud because he had lost sight of Martin. It would have been impossible for Zimmerman to have followed Martin if he did not know where he was.
          — American Thinker

        • “Zimmerman stalked and then accosted (Martin)”

          No evidence of this was presented at the trial.

          From both the testimony of Rachel Jeantel and the information given to police by George Zimmerman, Trayvon initiated the ensuing exchange of words. There are various versions of what precisely was said and it is likely that neither Jeantel nor Zimmerman remembers the exact words, but it is clear that Martin was the first to speak. — Jonathan Cohen, American Thinker, 08/31/2013

          Liar69er, do you have any more lies that we can call you out on?

        • And the “laying on of hands” begun by Martin was a swift and hard punch to Zimmerman’s face that broke his nose. His injuries were clearly documented by police photogs that night.

        • MINOR MIner49er, You have lost your mind, assuming you ever had one. So far out of your mind you should be considered dangerous.

        • From the actual 911 transcript:

          “Zimmerman: No, you go in, straight through the entrance, and then you make a left– you go straight in, don’t turn, and make a left. Shit, he’s running.

          Dispatcher: He’s running? Which way is he running?

          Zimmerman: Down towards the other entrance to the neighborhood.

          Dispatcher: Which entrance is that that he’s heading towards?

          Zimmerman: The back entrance… Fucking punks. These assholes, they always get away…

          Dispatcher: Are you following him?

          Zimmerman: Yeah.

          Dispatcher: Okay, we don’t need you to do that.

          Zimmerman: Okay.

          Dispatcher: Alright, sir, what is your name?

          Zimmerman: George. He ran.

          Dispatcher: All right, George. What’s your last name?

          Zimmerman: Zimmerman.“

          Questioning of Trevon’s girlfriend by prosecutor. Trevon was on the phone with his girlfriend for the entire episode, which means he was not stalking George Zimmerman.

          “PROSECUTOR: And what if, if anything, did Mr. Martin say?

          JEANTEL: He said no, he`s almost right by his daddy fiancee`s house…And then he said, “That N-word is still following me now.” I asked him how the man looked like. He just told me the man looked “creepy. Creepy, white” — excuse my language — “cracker. Creepy ass cracker. Now the creepy ass cracker is following me.” And then I just told him to run. And he said “No”

          PROSECUTOR: You told him to run?

          JEANTEL: Yes….He said, “Why are you following me for?” Then I heard a hard-breathing man come and say, “What are you doing around here?” Then I started saying, “Trayvon, Trayvon, what`s going on?” Then I heard a bump. Then I started hearing wet grass sounds. I start hearing a little bit of Trayvon saying, “Get off, get off.”

          PROSECUTOR: Then what did you hear?

          JEANTEL: Then suddenly the phone hung up.”

          Yes, the creepy white dude followed Trevon in his car, then on foot when he lost sight of Trevon.

          Once Zimmerman reacquired his target, he chased Trevon down and physically assaulted him, leading Trevon to yell “get off, get off!”:

          JEANTEL: Yes….He said, “Why are you following me for?” Then I heard a hard-breathing man come and say, “What are you doing around here?” Then I started saying, “Trayvon, Trayvon, what`s going on?” Then I heard a bump. Then I started hearing wet grass sounds. I start hearing a little bit of Trayvon saying, “Get off, get off.”


          Believe what you will, the facts and testimony are publicly available:


        • No, Liar69er, as I suspected, you continue to lie even after you’ve been proven a liar.

          The jury decided that Zimmerman was not guilty of what had been accused.

          Don’t you respect our legal system and the decision of a jury of one’s peers? Apparently not if the decision runs counter to your lying fantasies of what happened.

          Martin started the confrontation, Martin assaulted Zimmerman — he FAFO. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

        • MINOR Miner49er, If in one hand and we know what is in the other?
          First a 911 operator has no legal authority to order anyone to do anything. It seems by your own transcript that the 911 operator telling Martin to run was like waving a red flag in front of a bull? If anything, it made Martin look like he was a criminal.
          Second, it is NOT “stalking” when a citizen reports suspicious behavior of a person to 911.
          Third, the confrontation did NOT occur until your buddy, Martin confronted Zimmerman and began to beat him. I guess you “think” this is “justified”? On what planet?

      • Remember the prosecutor in the Rittenhouse trial? “Everybody takes a beating sometimes.” So, yes. You are supposed to let them bash your head in, especially if they support Democrats and you don’t.

    • George Z should’ve been found guilty of murder?

      No, being dumb in a no dumb zone, yes, but murder? no. Dumbass put himself in a bad place but once “Treyvon” decided he was “gonna fuck up this white boy” (per his conversation with his girlfriend) it was ALL self-defense…

      • I wonder why people even bother to argue with this lemon tart miner. He’s a fraud and everyone on this site knows it including himself. The fruitbat just likes getting beat up.

        • I vacillate between trying to ignore his drivel and feeling a responsibility to set the record straight by disproving his lies.

          If he likes getting beat up rhetorically, I’m happy to do my part.

          Occasionally you’ll see him become frustrated and start lashing out by posting stand-alone ad hominems and insults — that’s when you know that the truth has gotten to him.

        • “posting stand-alone ad hominems and insults”

          Your denial of reality is fascinating, the record clearly shows that you folks are the ones who employ the juvenile insults and attacks, while failing to provide sources or citations to support your claims.

          For instance, I have never called any of you a liar, even though much of what you post is demonstrably false.

          For instance, I have never called any of you a liar, even though much of what you post is demonstrably false.

          On the other hand, virtually every reply you post includes a claim I am a liar.

        • “For instance, I have never called any of you a liar, even though much of what you post is demonstrably false.”

          Then demonstrate it. Oh, sorry — you can’t, because you’re a liar.

          “On the other hand, virtually every reply you post includes a claim I am a liar.”

          Perhaps because in virtually every post, you lie? Well, forgive the hell out of me for being brutally honest. I calls ’em as I sees ’em. And I ain’t the Lone Ranger.

          Tell us again who bought the rifle used by Kyle Rittenhouse.

        • “Tell us again who bought the rifle used by Kyle Rittenhouse“

          OK, that one is easy, the facts of history have not changed:

          “Rittenhouse, who at 17 was too young to buy a rifle, had an adult friend purchase the AR-15 for him using stimulus money he got through an Illinois unemployment program when he was furloughed due to the pandemic.

          “I got my $1,200 from the coronavirus Illinois unemployment because I was on furlough from YMCA,” he said. “And I got my first unemployment check, so I was like, ‘Oh, I’ll use this to buy it.’ ”

          Family friend Dominick Black bought the gun for Rittenhouse in the spring of 2020, the Post reported, citing Rittenhouse and statements Black gave police. Wisconsin law permits minors to shoot target practice with adult supervision but prohibits them from owning the firearm or carrying it in public.

          Documents obtained by the Post show Black told police that Rittenhouse kept the gun at the Kenosha home of Black’s stepfather, Scott Dickhart, who declined to comment to the Post.”


        • *“Tell us again who bought the rifle used by Kyle Rittenhouse“*

          “OK, that one is easy, the facts of history have not changed:”

          But you cried foul and accused me of rewriting history when I told asshole dacian that Rittenhouse didn’t buy the rifle:

          dacian — “Rittenhouse should have got at least 20 years in prison. For a straw man purchase and of course for provoking a deadly confrontation.”

          Man — “He didn’t buy the gun, asshole“

          Liar — “Really? Conservatives are always trying to rewrite history to support their delusional narrative, hilarious.”

        • Rittenhouse admitted he provided the money, Rittenhouse directed Black to purchase a firearm and hold it for him until he could pick it up.

          You can play word games, but the facts are clear.

          Rittenhouse and Black engaged in a strawman purchase of the AR 15, and both admitted the strawman transaction was because Rittenhouse was too young to walk into the store and purchase it himself.

          This is one way prohibited persons obtain access to firearms, a felon or insane person gives a friend money and instructs him what weapon to purchase, then the felon or insane person picks it up later from their friend.

          This is why strawman purchases are illegal, and many Americans have been prosecuted for this very offense.

          Simple question:

          Do you think it should be legal for a gang mama with a clean record to buy firearms for her felon gangster boyfriends?

          “CHARLESTON, W. Va. (AP) – A West Virginia woman who admitted providing a firearm to a felon in the shooting death of a sheriff’s deputy and the wounding of another has been sentenced to two years in prison.
          Melanie Clodfelter, 41, of Summersville, was sentenced Wednesday in federal court.
          She pleaded guilty last year to lying on a certification form that she was the buyer when she knew she was purchasing the semi-automatic rifle for Richie Holcomb.“

        • “Rittenhouse admitted he provided the money, Rittenhouse directed Black to purchase a firearm and hold it for him until he could pick it up.”

          Who bought the gun? You can play word games, but the facts are clear — it wasn’t Rittenhouse.

          “This is why strawman purchases are illegal, and many Americans have been prosecuted for this very offense.”

          Yet the judge dismissed the charge against Black. What was his legal reasoning for doing so?

        • MINOR Miner49er, Psst! Rittenhouse was and is not a felon. Have a good day.

  7. Have you read every slanted anti-gun screed, every lame excuse, every disproven thesis, every hare-brained idea for curing the “problem?”

    If not and you need a quick refresher, go to the original article on the Kos — I believe that the writer has managed to collect and disgorge every lefty talking point on the subject.

    • It’s the Koz, preaching to the choir, yet again…

  8. It’s the media which turned Zimmerman and Ritenhouse into celebrities. Would someone please update meas to a mass shooting where a pro-gun Republican murdered multiple anti-gun Democrats?

      • Rittenhouse was defending himself against an unlawful assault from a criminal using a skateboard as a deadly weapon. NO … Rittenhouse is NOT a mass killer.

        Zimmerman defended himself also. A punk injected violence in to the situation and it cost him permanently. Such fatality was no big loss to society under those circumstances.

      • LarryinTX, Not hardly. Your buddies attacked Rittenhouse. He acted in SELF DEFENSE. I am sure you are somewhat aware of the concept?

  9. These are strange times we live in, I carry a firearm for the last 52 years, 10 of those illegally, once I secured a permit to legally carry, I felt no more emboldened that before, and now that I am an old fart, an play the part of victim truly well, I have turned back 3 miles away from home to drive back and get my gun because I noticed my holster was empty, I deal in a business where I carry decent amounts of cash most every day of the week, and my guns laser has saved my life in three occasions, and the police that have arrived on scene have had nothing but praise on how I handled the situation, except for one, he actually told me to think twice about my actions, and if would have been him, he would have shot the assailant. I can’t comment on the emotional effect aspect of my encounters because fortunately just pointing the guns laser into the 3 would be assailants face and a little rough talk defused the situation until the police showed up, but it’s my belief that my gun behaved very well and did not fire without my permission, so let’s grow up and stop blaming guns for gun violence, and blame the real culprits, the morons wielding them.

  10. Hollywood, violent media and RAP/HIP HOP are the main catalyst to the violent society of today…Concealed and open carry is the cure..

  11. Meanwhile in Washington state, the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs report showing a 96 percent increase in homicides since 2019, Great job Democrats.

    • Yuppers! This shows us that the only things Democrats care about are self-perpetuation and enrichment. They do not care for the public… period.

  12. If refusing to be a helpless victim of murder is ‘Frontier Style Justice’ then sign me up.

    • Does bring up a good question, what exactly does “frontier style justice” actually mean? Betcha the above dimbulb could not even begin to give a rational desctiption.

      • LarryinTX, according to you Leftist control freaks, anytime a person acts in self defense, it is “frontier style justice”, correct?

    • I can’t go a single day without hearing about multiple shootings in the news. But then that’s the way it’s been for as long as I can remember.

    • The flood was diverted int gun control utopias through use of a white supremacist ritual known as infrastructure maintenance.

  13. If what the article portends to be true, were, there would be a lot more homicides than there are. The fact is that when the criminals know there is a possibility or a probability that a good guy is armed, they are going to go elsewhere. It’s just good common sense. But with our Leftist control freaks, common sense is not common.

  14. Tired of these babies always crying about freedom.

    The criminal element mainly comes from their ranks and we have a right to defend family and ourselves from these predators.

    They want us to die or surrender instead. Shame on them

  15. The reader should keep in mind that this is written by a New York cop. That really should tell you everything you need to know.

    In this place it is the criminals that are the only ones that generally have guns because very few people over there are allowed to. So it just makes sense that this cop sees nothing but carnage. That’s on top of the fact that such a small number of the people that live there actually have a respect for human life. They all live under the tyranny of leftist power (that they keep voting for).

  16. GOOD! This is what we need is accountability, maybe the wack jobs running around out there will think twice about doing bad things. There is a lack of discipline in every aspect of life now, that is why there is chaos everywhere.

  17. Frontier justice, yep by golly thats one reason my EDC went from a 1911 to an 1873SA.
    1854 if you called somebody a Son of a Bitch you might just get shot, it was s much more polite society back then.
    Frontier justice, well less people were gunned down then, then now also.
    Frontier justice, if you stole someone’s horse and got caught you got hanged, now if you steal someone’s car you get no bail bond and promise to appear .
    Frontier justice, when our elected officials fucked up to much they got road out on a rail instead of rewarded with chocolate chip ice cream and a date with a nine year old girl.

  18. It takes a special kind of @$$hole to “support” his argument with documented facts that show the opposite of his desired conclusion.

    • These are the same people bragging about Bidenomics. Getting a senile puppet into office after pushing the Russia Hoaxes really emboldened them. They know their audience: low IQ/ignorant/evil.

      • Yes indeed. The OPS (Other People’s Stuff) Party can count on a suspension of critical reasoning, even from its few members who might actually be capable thereof.

  19. Although this is bulls#@t, I don’t know about you guys, but I think we could use a bunch of frontier justice right now!

  20. So constitutional carry is what is causing harm but by way of example all the author can come up with is two justified defensive shootings: One that happened in a state that doesn’t have constitutional carry and one that happened 11 years ago in a state that did not have it at the time. Genius, this one is.

    • Look at the expression of unbridled joy on that man’s face.

      Did we all look like that the first time that we fired a weapon?

      • You don’t still? Try something new and utterly stupid/impractical/silly to consider.

        • Nah, I’m all serious-faced and tacticool-looking when I’m at the range these days.

          But, at their request, I’ve taken Japanese friends to the range a few times. They always come out grinning like Cheshire cats.

        • “But, at their request, I’ve taken Japanese friends to the range a few times. They always come out grinning like Cheshire cats.”

          Yup, done the same with Japanese clients and associated Japanese attorneys. They *always* love it (and want to take the target).

          Wanna *really* see people grin? Watch after they do a mag dump with something with a giggle switch . . . .

        • Taticool you say……. 37/39 mm underslung flair launchers or get the dd stamp for 40. Enjoy the bloopers.

        • “37/39 mm underslung flair launcher“

          “37, 39, whatever it takes… “

          “flair launcher” sounds like something you would use in a drag show…

          Thanks for the humor!

        • Always with the queer shit there minor well enjoy the autocorrect error I guess.

  21. My reaction is so what? The real increase in deaths where the weapon used was a firearm is concentrated in Democrat controlled cities and is perpetrated by criminal gangs aided by Soros funded District Attorneys.

    Even if you could tie increased freedom to a statically significant increase in deaths, that will never justify an increase in statist control of freedom these communist inspired useful idiots call for. My freedom does not depend upon his belief in social utility and social justice.

    All of the above boils down to he can kiss my a$$!

  22. Why does TTAG continually print this bimbo’s garbage? We all know she’s anti-firearm rights and pro-civilian disarmament, what else do we need to know? If this trash continues I shall cease reading your material.

    • As a regular TTAG reader, I have never seen this author’s work before.

      If you mean Grace Stevens, she just happens to run the column that reprints relevant articles from other publications for “know your enemy” purposes. Her original works are never “anti-gun rights”.

    • unome
      I know this isn’t proper etiquette but I
      Triple Dog Dare you to call Grace a bimbo to her face.
      please post before and after pics

      • Tired – that would likely be a good pay per view event 😉
        That unome cat isn’t the first person to make the mistake of ‘thinking’ that Grace is the one that wrote the drivel…………….

        • Gomez. I’ve seen that before to some people read but don’t comprehend what their reading

  23. (1) The incontrovertible fact is unfettered access to firearms…

    ?… Actually, ACCESS to firearms has NOT changed… A federal background check is still required when purchasing a firearm from an FFL (some states make exceptions for CCP holders) AND in most states, there is a required waiting period for gun purchasers who do not have a concealed carry permit… More BS fake news from another TOLLERANT Left Wing Progressive…

    (2) “Police officers across the country agree that unlicensed concealed weapons make their jobs more difficult”

    Been my experience that even WITH a concealed weapons permit the cop still had to call in the info to check for DL status, wants and warrants, valid permits, valid tag and registration, valid (current) insurance, etc… Anyway, guess he didn’t talk to FL sheriffs, ask Grady how he feels about even MORE legal gun owners carrying concealed weapons…

  24. Basically stand your ground means if threatened, you have no obligation to retreat. But, if you choose to use deadly force, there had better be reasonable evidence it was needed. No matter how badly the disarmament crowd would love the shootouts in the town square at high noon over minor insults etc. it isn’t happening. At least not out here in the less civilized parts of the country where us right wing hillbillies and red necks live. Seems the overwhelming majority of mindless violence and shootings come from the oh so civilized wonderful democrat/progressive/socialist controlled cities. Could it be those same lax gun laws promote more polite behavior?

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  26. no
    frontier justice is whats coming
    youll know it when it gets here
    there will be no mistaking it
    look for it to actually start happening
    in the blue cities and blue states first
    as those are the societies
    that are collapsing the fastest

  27. Thanks to decades of liberal policy, enabling and seeding broken families, crime, drugs, and the very source of rampant criminal activity and violence, our streets have, indeed, become frontier-like, and lawful citizens have to be able to fight back. Who in their right mind would have a problem with “stand your ground” laws? Thugs have no conscience, and they have become super-predators (one of the few true statements ever made by Hillary Clinton). The Left would leave us helpless prey to this criminal trash. Remember, when you only have seconds, the police are minutes away. They simply cannot personally protect every citizen on a constant basis, it’s up to us to protect ourselves. I would much rather see criminal thugs dying than good citizens, and “stand your ground” provides all of us the opportunity to defend ourselves, our families, and our interests. Anyone who would have a problem with that betrays their own spite for law and order, and their complete lack of concern for the people who follow our laws.

  28. Strong is the gaslighting here.

    Starting with the end, Zimmerman and Rittenhouse were both correctly acquitted. Those were absolutely legit self-defense actions.

    Moving up the article, how is the fact “incontrovertible” when it hasn’t happened yet, now or in the past? The real wild west wasn’t the wild west that Liberals claim it was.

    This is gun control tripe based on the already debunked arguments that haven’t changed in the last decade.

    • “Incontrovertible” means the gun control lobby has repeated it so many times that they accept it as true despite evidence to the contrary. Mentions ME, NH, and VT as permitless carry states, all 3 perennially among the states with lowest violent crime rates.

  29. “Law Enforcement says it will make their job harder and lead to more shootings.”

    This from the group that averages around 1500 Negligent Discharges a year (that are reported).

    Tell me again Who needs Training?

  30. I live in Kansas; home of Dodge City and Boot Hill. Where Lawrence was burned to the ground by William Quantrill’s raiders. Jesse James used to pop back and forth from Kearny and St. Joseph MO. Kansas – a Constitutional Carry State for over 8-years . . . . . .
    NOT ONCE have I seen two yokels face off in the middle of ANY street, sidewalk or mall parking lot after a fender bender for a quick draw.
    NOT ONCE have I even seen ANYONE with a drop holster sauntering down the parking lot on their way into a Wal-Mart or Home Depot.
    What Concealed Carry, Open Carry and Constitutional Carry laws DO is deter crime. HOW, you ask? Because thieves and criminals are COWARDS and they don’t want to get shot, they didn’t get up this AM thinking; “Warf was right, today IS a good day to die”. They want a quick score, easy target to get free (to them) cash and phones/property they can pawn for…….. wait for it……….. MORE FREE (to them) CASH. If a criminal even THINKS he could get hurt, they’ll move on to the next pedestrian wearing a Rainbow T-Shirt w/ I Love Joe on it for their next meal.
    Whomever the author of this story is; they are CLEARLY touched by Moms Demand Action and the whacked-out DNC/Leftists brainwashing you into thinking this is what’s going on.

  31. Zimmerman should have got at least a year in jail

    Rittenhouse should have got at least 20 years in prison. For a straw man purchase and of course for provoking a deadly confrontation. A Liberal Judge would have thrown the book at Rittenhouse.

    • “Zimmerman should have got at least a year in jail”

      Wrong, asshole. The jury said that he was acting in self-defense.

      “Rittenhouse should have got at least 20 years in prison. For a straw man purchase and of course for provoking a deadly confrontation.”

      He didn’t buy the gun, asshole. And again, the jury decided that Rittenhouse acted in self-defense when he was attacked.

      “A Liberal Judge would have thrown the book at Rittenhouse.”

      That’s why we have jury trials — a “liberal judge” shouldn’t be deciding any cases.

      • “He didn’t buy the gun, asshole“

        Really? Conservatives are always trying to rewrite history to support their delusional narrative, hilarious.

        “Kyle Rittenhouse says he used coronavirus stimulus check to buy AR-15 used in fatal shooting
        “No, I don’t regret it,” Rittenhouse told The Washington Post about buying the gun. “I feel like I had to protect myself.”

        “I got my $1,200 from the coronavirus Illinois unemployment because I was on furlough from YMCA, and I got my first unemployment check, so I was like, ‘Oh, I’ll use this to buy it,'” Rittenhouse said in his first jailhouse interview.

        He wasn’t old enough to purchase the weapon himself. Authorities allege that he had a friend in Kenosha buy the AR-15 and hold it for him in Wisconsin.“


        • *“He didn’t buy the gun, asshole“*

          “Really? Conservatives are always trying to rewrite history to support their delusional narrative, hilarious.”

          And you lied, Liar69er — again. It’s even part of the NBC story you filched and is in your post:

          He wasn’t old enough to purchase the weapon himself. Authorities allege that he had a friend in Kenosha buy the AR-15 and hold it for him in Wisconsin.

          Oh, and Liar69er — in court, who was prosecuted for buying the weapon? Asshole dacian says that Rittenhouse should have been charged with a straw purchase — but how does one commit a straw purchase when buying a weapon for himself?

          Before you lie again, I’ll tell you:
          “Rittenhouse and his friend, Dominick Black, testified that Black, who was 18 at the time, used Rittenhouse’s money to purchase the weapon at a Wisconsin hardware store in May 2020.”

        • MINOR Miner49er, So what? It doesn’t matter that Rittenhouse had an AR-15. An AR-15 is NOT an “assault rifle” and is a perfectly legal semi-automatic firearm. And last I heard, self-defense is a LEGITIMATE defense when you are attacked by one of your criminal friends.

        • “He wasn’t old enough to purchase the weapon himself“

          Rittenhouse himself stated that he provided the money for the gun and had his friend purchase it, the very definition of a strawman purchase.

          You can play word games, but the facts are clear.


          While I respect the jury’s decision, as an American I have the right to disagree with their decision and publicly state my disagreement.

          Tell me, do you disagree with the jury’s decision that O.J. Simpson did not murder his wife?

          Do you disagree with the multiple juries who have found the leadership of the oathkeepers guilty of seditious conspiracy, and sentenced them to decades in federal prison?

          When Donald Trump is convicted of multiple federal crimes against America, will you disagree with the jury’s decision then?

        • “Rittenhouse himself stated that he provided the money for the gun and had his friend purchase it, the very definition of a strawman purchase.

          “You can play word games, but the facts are clear.”

          Dacian stated that Rittenhouse purchased the rifle. When I pointed out that was a lie, you stated that I “rewrite history to support (my) delusional narrative.” Then you posted an NBC article proving that Rittenhouse didn’t buy the rifle, which undercut your own statement, Liar69er.

          The fact is that Rittenhouse didn’t purchase the rifle. The fact is that the strawman purchase charge against Dominick Black was thrown out by the judge. The fact is that nothing here was illegal as decided in a court of law.

          “While I respect the jury’s decision, as an American I have the right to disagree with their decision and publicly state my disagreement.”

          How is that “respect(ing) the jury’s decision?” You think that your rewriting of history to support your delusional narrative is a more accurate analysis of the weeks of testimony and evidence that the jury used to arrive at their unanimous verdict?

          Who’s playing word games now, Liar69er?

        • MINOR Miner49er, As to the J6 defendants already found guilty, while I might not like the verdicts, I have no choice but to accept them. However, as you should know, the matters are subject to appeal. As to Donald Trump, I have serious doubts that the case will ever go to trial in either of those two matters pending.

        • Really fun(?) argument completely missing the point that all the straw purchasing crap is OBVIOUSLY unconstitutional, so who gives a shit about it? ALL federal laws pertaining to firearms are in direct violation of 2A, and I would argue all state laws as well.

    • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD. For your edification, self defense is a VALID defense against a “murder” charge. But then it was your criminal buds who were killed committing violent acts.

  32. Hang on a second, The Hadfield’s and McCoy’s are blasting it out again and it’s too dag-blasted noisy to read this article. Somebody get the marshal!

    • Seems your imagination has escaped from reality again, might want to have it checked before you get hurt.

  33. I live in Arizona, a constitutional carry state. There are no shootouts in the streets.
    Travel to California, a nonconstitutional state against 2nd Amendment and there are shootouts that are gang related.

    • “I live in Arizona, a constitutional carry state. There are no shootouts in the streets“

      Here’s some reporting you may have missed

      “Despite its natural beauty, Arizona ranks as the tenth most perilous state based on the latest data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), with a rate of 484.8 violent crimes per 100,000 individuals. In terms of property crimes, it holds the 15th rank nationwide.“

      “PHOENIX – Police say two suspects have been arrested after a man was killed and another was hurt after being shot while driving in Phoenix on New Year’s Day.“

      “TUCSON, Ariz. (KOLD News 13) – Nine arrests have been made following the eleven warrants that were served Thursday, Feb. 3, by the FBI’s Southern Arizona Violent Crime and Gang Task Force.

      The FBI helped Tucson police investigate this group for nearly two years and they say the arrests were a crippling blow to the organization.”

      “PHOENIX – A pair of gang members are facing lengthy prison terms following their convictions yesterday on multiple felony counts related to a shooting that occurred outside a Tempe nightclub in March, 2012“

      • MINOR Miner49er. In spite of your protestations, the three notes of violence in Phoenix and Tucson, do not note IF the guns in the possession were legal?
        Why am I surprised you don’t take that into account? From what you posted, I would have to say that the guns were not legally possessed by the shooters. You do see the words “gang members”?
        Again, MINOR, we do not have a gun problem, we do have a PEOPLE PROBLEM.

  34. Uh huh…Constitutional Carry and Stand Your Ground laws are the reason inner city thugs are killing each other, and innocent victims.

    This article is nothing but the babbling of a reflexively anti-gun rights extremist.

  35. The last shootout in the street I saw, about 4 months ago, 2 Very tanned yoots both shot at another very tan yoot who returned the favor.
    They all missed and ran in different directions.
    Didn’t hang around to see if the popo ever came but I doubt it. Cleveland Ohio

  36. I’m embarrassed that I copied and saved the entire article.

    11, 881 words!

    From what I read as I reformatted it, it contained the usual lies, misstatements, half-truths, buzz words, and shite.

    I’m reminded of what my Dad told me about pulp fiction novels. The writers got paid by the word, not for excellence.

  37. Then let them live elsewhere. We can always re-introduce PUBLIC EXECUTIONS to return more excitement, entertainment, and REAL JUSTICE the USA once enjoyed during the real frontier days.

  38. This article is weak – so weak as to have no credibility. And if the best example you can come up with is George Zimmerman, only a decade ago, you are solving a non-problem.

    Next time you write, you ought to start by using some facts, not some talking points.


  40. Cant help but to add a few others;

    1. If you don’t know what a LOAN is then obviously you shouldn’t have gone to college to begin with.

    2. There is no man-made climate change; NOPE … NONE. Plants earth has endured extreme heat and cold seasons since it was first created. I’m not giving up my money so some paranoid, fraudulent, and tyrannical idiot can prove me right.

    3. Epstein did not kill himself.

    BONUS: Pedophile Joe CONRPOP Biden and his sore back, deepthroated, dirty-knee HO did NOT win the election.

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