Screen capture by Boch. Via YouTube.

The Wisconsin State Crime Lab has destroyed the rifle Kyle Rittenhouse used to defend his life against multiple attackers during Black Lives Matter “mostly peaceful” riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin in the Summer of 2020. Wisconsin officials put the gun into a mechanical crusher and destroyed it on February 25th.

The Crime Lab videotaped the destruction to clearly show that they indeed did carry it out as agreed to by Rittenhouse’s attorney, prosecutors, and the judge in the trial that found Mr. Rittenhouse not guilty.

Screen capture by Boch. Via YouTube.

In a matter of about three minutes, the gun was unboxed, identified, and dumped into the shredder.  They even destroyed the Sight-Mark optic and the Magpul PMag used by Rittenhouse.

Screen capture by Boch. Via YouTube.

Here’s the video:

Newsweek has the story.

The AR-15 rifle used by Kyle Rittenhouse to fatally shoot two protesters and injure a third in Kenosha, Wisconsin, has been destroyed by a state crime lab.

Kenosha County Judge Bruce Schroeder made the decision after Rittenhouse requested it be returned to him so he could destroy it himself. The Wisconsin State Crime Lab destroyed the rifle on February 25, WISN-TV reported Friday.

The rifle was a reminder of the controversial murder trial Rittenhouse faced late last year after the now 19-year-old used the AR-15 to fatally shoot Anthony Huber and Joseph Rosenbaum and to wound Gaige Grosskreutz at a “Black Lives Matter” protest in 2020. Though he was acquitted in November after the jury ruled he had acted in self-defense, protests broke out in Kenosha in opposition to the verdict.

A few months after his acquittal, his spokesman said Rittenhouse wanted the gun destroyed and thrown away so no one could use it for publicity or to “celebrate” what Rittenhouse did. Schroeder, Rittenhouse’s attorneys and Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger, agreed the state would destroy the weapon.

Screen capture by Boch. Via YouTube.

While the gun is gone, the venom and hatred of Rittenhouse remain among those who don’t support our right to self-defense or gun ownership.  In fact, their hatred remains as seething as ever.



  1. Finally the real culprit has been tried and executed. I was outraged they were going to give his gun back. When they said it would be turned over to be destroyed, I felt relief and consolation that at least the gun that took so many lives and did so much damage, would at least be captured and executed.

    • Waah, “I was outraged when they were going to give his gun back” waah.
      You know, that’s what is suppose to happen when a person is found not guilty, they, “surprise” get their property back, usually at the speed of molasses in January.

      Another thing, how do you know it isn’t a non functional replica and the real rifle is now in some person’s personal safe?

      IMO, it’s waste of a perfectly good rifle.
      I had hoped they would had returned the rifle, just to make people like you cry and stamp your feet and post on twatter hateful, violent reactions because your fee, fees got hurt.

    • Do you make it your goal to post the stupidest crap possible? Or, are you really that stupid?

      The goal in this destruction, was to prevent some arsewipe acquiring the weapon by some means, whether legal or otherwise, as a “collectible”, to commemorate it’s use. Kyle didn’t want his weapon to become “memorabilia” for either Nazi white supremacist trash, or the barely distinguishable leftist authoritarian Marxist trash.

      • Look at it like the Doritos commerical…They’ll Just Make More.

        Awhile back I destroyed a closed AR receiver because the takedown pin bores were drilled too high causing excessive receiver slop that was beyond AR15AccusShim limits. Also the manufacturer said the closed forgings were not available for warranty and wanted to replace with an open style. It was access cut to apply and remove polish on hammers and triggers. Nice tool to have around.

        • If you want to pour salt on anti-gun snails and their lunacy and not let their senseless insanity frustrate you simply go purchase an inexpensive AR15 Receiver whether you need it or not. And be sure to send a note to darcydodo and sir albert of nuttingham thanking them or their inspiration.

    • The gun had bad ju-ju spirits that had to be destroyed or it would infect the next user.


      • I take it you’ve never seen Child’s Play, AKA Chucky? The object was but a vessel for the evil spirit which isn’t easily destroyed.

    • The gun did nothing. No more than a hammer decides it is going to hit thumbs instead of the head of the nail.

    • It must keep you up at night knowing there are 30,000,000 more AR’s just like that one out there. That’s one for every 11 people in the USA, in case you can’t math.

      Oh – you didn’t know that?

      Sleep well.

  2. As I understand it RITTENHOUSE was being underage at the time carrying carrying a RIFLE Unlawfully supplied to him, also unlawfully, by a third person UNLAWFULLY by because he was underage. HE was under NO ARMED threat and I have absolutely no doubt at all that if he had been BLACK he would have been found guilty of at least culpible MANSLAUGHTER .

    I do not know how these things are handles in the USA but I would have thought that such a serious accusation would have been tried by JURY.

    That being so surely it is the responsibility of a JURY to pronounce verdict NOT the responsibility of JUDGE or ATTORNEY.

    The judge is there merley to administer the law, pronounce sentence within the confines of the law and to prevent any miscarriage of justice.

    I cannot see the point of destroying the bloody rifle when it’s so easy to just go down the store and get a new one! You cannot punish an inanimate object . Or can you in the USA.

    • You can be as wrong as you want, but according to the law, he was not guilty of any of the things you said.
      The only crimes committed that night were committed by the people that forced Kyle to shoot them, in accordance with the law. Just because a threat is unarmed does not mean it is not lethal, and courts have in fact ruled hands and feet to be deadly weapons, which justify lethal response for self defense.

    • “I do not know how these things are handles in the USA but I would have thought that such a serious accusation would have been tried by JURY.”

      It was “tried” by jury. They decided Rittenhouse was not guilty and it was self defense.

      Ritten house was not in illegal posession, court ruled he was not underage for posession of the rifle.

      The rifle was not illegally procured for him although was procured for him as a gift when he reached age 18. Couth also ruled that in the Black case.

      • I still find it incredulous that there are people out there woefully ignorant of the facts and the fact that this politically driven dog and pony show was televised for the world to see the evidence backed up Kyle and the fact the videos of the trial are still available to watch.

        • You can’t outlaw stupid or hold it’s head under water. If either where allowed, we wouldn’t had this pair of fraudsters as POTUS and Hooker.

      • “The rifle was not illegally procured for him although was procured for him as a gift when he reached age 18. Couth also ruled that in the Black case.“

        “a gift when he reached age 18“

        The rifle was purchased with Kyle’s money, and black transferred possession of the rifle to Kyle while Kyle was still 17.

        The “gift at 18” story is just bullshit.

        • Except it’s a matter of official record now that the court didn’t agree with your wingnuttery.

          Continue doing what you do best: lying and bullshitting.

    • Please, Albert – don’t even TRY to pretend you understand anything about gun laws in the US.

      Juveniles anywhere in the US are permitted to carry weapons, and such carrying is most often seen at ranges, and during hunting season. Long guns are commonly seen in the possession of kids as young as 6 years old. If they can pick it up, support it, and aim it with any accuracy at all, parents hover over them, and encourage them to get familiar with the weapon. Believe me, it is very ‘hands on’ for the parents at such early ages, but the child learns to not fear the weapon.

      The law in no way, shape, or form, prohibited Kyle from possessing and carrying that weapon on the night in question. THAT is why the charges were dismissed.

    • Albert – how does a Brit manage to mangle the English language so badly? Are you a Brit who was educated in the hinterlands of Zimbabwe, or Rhodesia?

    • Breakdown time!

      As I understand it RITTENHOUSE was being underage at the time carrying carrying a RIFLE Unlawfully supplied to him, also unlawfully, by a third person UNLAWFULLY by because he was underage.

      It was not unlawful for Rittenhouse to possess the weapon. The law regarding his possession was vague and not clear and the judge threw it out. The parties that supplied him the firearm, were trying to abide by the law, as the firearm was never fully given to him, but kept in wisconsin at the buyers residence, and NOT Illinois. Now – lets move a little bit past the legalities.

      Do you think the gun laws in ukraine are being followed right now? No they aren’t. At all. And why? Because there is total chaos there, no law enforcement at all, and armed foreign invaders. Now, In kenosha, a giant mob of people from other states came to burn the city down and punish the people owning businesses, for what some cops did to a guy who couldn’t follow basic instructions and returned to his vehicle and presented himself as a threat. This mob of rioters, were dangerous, destructive, and illegal. Yet the cops were overrun. In the US of A, when a giant gargantuan mob of people overrun a city to destroy it, they are called “protesters” exercising their first amendment rights. If it wasn’t a mob of people, but just one guy, he would have been tackled and arrested by the cops. So let’s get that clear right away. 2020 proved that if you your mob is big enough, the law doesn’t matter, unless you are doing the exact same thing at the capitol in DC and are of a different opinion. Then it’s a big deal, and the FBI are going to invest countless hours and tax payer dollars to review thousands of hours of facebook videos to track you down. So there was total chaos in Kenosha, and nobody was following the laws. So a teenage boy, took it upon himself to clean graffiti from buildings and to stand guard against arson with a fire extinguisher. Now why would you think he needs a rifle for that? Obviously, because the mob will attack him when he extinguishes fires, and open carrying a rifle is a deterrent, to the non-crazy and rational.

      HE was under NO ARMED threat…

      A few things. He doesn’t have to be under armed threat. And he shouldn’t have to be under armed threat. A mob of a hundred people trying to beat you with their fists should be reason enough. We already know these people were violent, partaking in arson, and destruction of property. We know they had blunt weapons, fire, and intent. We also know that he was to some degree under armed threat with Mr. Bicep vaporized. Mr. vaporized Bicep pulled a glock handgun on him, when he defended himself while trying to evade the mob. To the left, they call this “mass shooting.” To the right, we call this self defense, and the jury saw it – OUR WAY. Because he was running away from these people while shouting “friendly friendly friendly” to indicate he was not a threat to them. But that wasn’t good enough for these rioters. They wanted him to give them a reason, so they could disarm him, and beat him to a pulp, which is what these people do. Just watch the countless videos of people like these harassing people, shoving them, and pushing them around, in an attempt to get a rise out of their victim, so they feel justified in hurting them. NO. Luckily the jury saw through that nonsense.

      …and I have absolutely no doubt at all that if he had been BLACK he would have been found guilty of at least culpible MANSLAUGHTER.

      That’s speculation, and an insult, to us. F*** you. You can take your white privilege critical race theory, systemic racism crap, and **** yourself with it, you POS. I don’t care if Rittenhouse was black, brown, asian, mexican, white, or a purple alien. If a mob is chasing you and trying to hurt you, you should be able to shoot them to death, period. Period.

      I do not know how these things are handles in the USA but I would have thought that such a serious accusation would have been tried by JURY.

      It was. And he was acquitted on ALL counts.

      That being so surely it is the responsibility of a JURY to pronounce verdict NOT the responsibility of JUDGE or ATTORNEY.

      The jury did provide a verdict, and it was an acquittal on all counts.

      The judge is there merley to administer the law, pronounce sentence within the confines of the law and to prevent any miscarriage of justice.

      And he did that.

      I cannot see the point of destroying the bloody rifle when it’s so easy to just go down the store and get a new one! You cannot punish an inanimate object . Or can you in the USA.

      Finally. The one rational thing you said. No you can’t punish an inanimate object. But the left (and you are on the left, and from a left leaning country, with left lean ideals, and left leaning ideology), put on a show, to destroy the rifle, in this execution style manner, formally, and videoed it, to further the idea, that guns are bad. If the gun was destroyed, then it must have been bad, is their message. And I’m not surprised by it at all.

    • You do realize Rittenhouse was struck with the skateboard. and shortly after another idiot stuck an illegally possessed handgun in his face and pulled the trigger. Only thing that prevented Rittenhouse from being shot and possibly killed was a misfire from crap ammo.
      Next is Rittenhouse was of age to possess a rifle. Wisc. allows anyone over the age of 16 to possess and carry a long gun. Lastly, The kid was there to help a family member protect their business. He was not there to riot or destroy property or loot businesses. As were those who attacked him.

    • Albert- you do not understand US gun laws. Americans do not understand why the Brits still suck off the royal family. Maybe Americans are to blame because our great great grandfather shot your great great grandfather in the face during the American revolution and you Brit’s had to learn to fight from the French from that point on………so sorry……..not really

    • “Soon he will be able to afford anything he wants.”

      Oh, hell, yeah!

      By the time he settles all of the libel and/or slander lawsuits, he won’t have to work another day in his life, if he chooses to. But that will take a few years, most likely. He’s getting some good advise from the student on a field trip to DC who got smeared by the press and got a *serious* payout from his lawsuits…

  3. The firearm was someone else’s property, it should have been returned to him, even if it would have meet the same fate. Basically government sponsored property theft All I see is four bureaucrat flunkies mindlessly following orders.

    • It was scheduled to be returned to him, Kyle wanted it to be destroyed, and they had the metal shredder. So, no harm, no foul, as I see it…

  4. Why is everything I post ” awaiting moderation” and then never shows up. Is this Fakebook 2.0?

    • It’s not just you, it does it to me, as well, on occasion…

    • Look at your avatar. The facial recognition thinks you look just like Juicy Mullet, the guy found guilty of hate crimes. Your comments will always be moderated.

  5. I guess the Sightmark red dot was Self-defense proven…. said no one ever but someone will now.

    • Debbie W.
      I have a Sight Mark Citadel 5×30 54 that is excellent. Are the red dots crap? Don’t have one so don’t know.

      • Debbie ain’t booger(I think?). I have a Sightmark 3x magnifier. Quite solid with a lifetime guarantee. I’d get a Sightmark LPVO too. Pretty great reviews on YouTube. Equal to vortex(and maybe made in the same factory)…

        • I have a Vortex UH1 red dot on my AR15. I love it! And I started to write to Debbie and brain farted. Oops.

      • Not surprising. I’ve worked with a lot of shredders, chippers, and grinders. You would be surprised at the things that DO survive a trip through the blades. A spring, being compressible, should make the trip intact more often than it doesn’t. Drop a sheet of paper into one of them, and 3 times in ten, the paper will slide through with the print still legible.

  6. Too bad that shredder wasn’t bigger, as it could have been used to properly dispose of the “Mostly Peaceful” tools that the government tyrants used to burn cities, destroy businesses and murder people to achieve their political ends.

    This is exactly how the DemoRats used the Klu Klux Klan, the party’s former military arm, to crush their enemies and keep ordinary people from exercising their rights. When they wanted the violence to occur, they gave the Klan a “Permission Slip” to riot and murder. The DemoRat authorities either looked away or were active participants in the crimes that were committed.

    All of these people, especially the leaders and those that financed these violent, organized riots, need to be brought to justice and their fortunes used to repay the millions if not billions in damages.. Not holding my breath.

    • It performed it’s duty as well as machine could have. RIP

      I dont recall hearing was an M&P. Might have to go buy on from Smith.

      • I’m seriously considering building an exact replica of that rifle, right down to the white-painted evidentiary markings.

        That would be an awesome wall-hanger, hanging right under a photo of Gaige’s vaporizing bicep.

  7. They sure taught that gun a lesson. I think Kyle wanted the gun destroyed. He probably
    Just wants the whole thing to go away. I wonder what they will do with the pieces?

    • Plant them after danger of frost has passed at least 12 inches apart, and water with 50/50 mix Kroil and Hoppe’s #9. Full sun.

      • In event of a late/unexpected freeze, tent them with a 5.11 Lima backpack/duffel. Always in a color/pattern that blends with the surroundings.

        Be sure to put a few drops of low viscosity lube on each planting before covering.

  8. Editorial comment:

    “While the gun is gone, the venom and hatred of Rittenhouse by many who don’t support our right to self-defense or gun ownership remains as seething as ever.”

    “hatred of Rittenhouse” can be misconstrued to mean that Rittenhouse hates someone or something. “hatred towards Rittenhouse” might be a better phrase here? I’m mindful that anti-gunners will seize on anything to paint Rittenhouse and gun owners as hateful people.

  9. So Rittenhouse wanted it destroyed so it couldn’t be used as a talisman or tulpa of sorts in symbolic support of some movement or cause.

    I see the state has no issue with making a spectacle of its destruction for their own cause.

    It doesn’t matter if you believe in voodoo nonsense like astrology, magic symbols and numerology. Just know that the folks in charge of you do. A special flavor of paranoid insanity comes to people in and people wanting positions of authority, power and wealth and it almost always comes laden with heavy hippie, voodoo, mystical nonsense.

    • They tossed the pantyfa crowd a bone here. “See, we destroyed the weapon, nothing to see here, move along now, you have a safe space to run to.” That is all the satisfaction the pantywaist pantyfa crowd will get.

      • What’d that S&W Sport II ever do to you? Or a freaking red dot? I suppose I “get” why but don’t agree with destroying his buddies property. I love how anyone can call it a BlackLootersMurder “protest”…duh.

  10. The pictures and video was nothing but a posturing bullshit piece intended to attract attention and impress the non-rational f’n “woke’ass” elements of society!

    • Kinda failed at “eco-wokeness” ; responsible recycling would have dictated separating the plastic and dissimilar metals from one another… think of Our Mother !

  11. Is there a go fund me to get Kyle a new bang-stick?

    Bet it would collect enough to purchase him a Class III “mother may I” and a giggle switch rifle in under a week.

    • His lawsuits will eventually make him a very wealthy man…

      • Agree.
        Would like to see a go fund me because it would show the widespread support there is for a Constitutionally protected activity.
        That and, the 🐒🤡 loser trolls would undoubtedly fling poo on TTAG over it. 🤣

    • I believe the whole incident traumatized KR, I doubt he wants anything to do with bang sticks, that just my assumption however.

  12. 2 SS/antifa perverts killed and 1 crippled. That rifle and the young man behind it served America well.

  13. The state destroyed Rittenhouse’s rifle with his blessings. OK. Will Wisc. also shred the SUV used to run over the kids and grannies at the parade? Just wondering.

    • Yes.
      As a formal Sturm und Drang that is released for public consumption.
      Just as this firearm destruction vid was. Good for the goose……
      The destruction vid release is nothing more than pro-progtard propaganda.

      Gimme a break man, I’m the hair sniffer in chief, and remember, if you don’t like this vid, you ain’t black!

      What’s not to understand about schbadapopoolafapressure man.

    • Shred the car just as long as a vital part is included. The nut behind the steering wheel.

  14. I understand Kyle Rittenhouse’s sentiments and reasoning. He wasn’t and isn’t a champion of the Second Amendment not is he a hard core “gun but” like most of us. He was a young kid who stepped up to fill the breech after the State of
    Wisconsin abdicated its responsibilities.

    However; this rifle is just as innocent as Kyle. It should not have been neccessarry for it to be destroyed to prevent it from becoming a symbol for either gun control or gun rights.

    Rest In Peace.

    • “this rifle is just as innocent as Kyle”

      Agree, but even excluding political BS the actual legal ownership of the rifle seems questionable enough that it’s probably best to shred it and be done. S&W probably made a dozen more while the chipper was running on this one.

    • Said this up top, I have a Sight Mark Citadel 5×30 54 that is excellent. Something I should know?

  15. Kind of a shame, but at least Kyle won’t be tempted to go the self-destructive Zimmerman route of trying to auction it off.

  16. I wonder what they did with Gaige Grosskreutz’s bicep. Did they give it a decent burial, or was it tossed into the crusher?

    And what about the two pantyfools who got what they deserved. Were they provided with nice tombstones, or were they simply buried with their heads sticking out?

  17. Rittenhouse wanted it destroyed. Now it is. I can respect his decision and see nothing further that needs to be said.


  19. ….pointless gesture that changes nothing….self-defense won in the end…a concept that infuriates the left….

  20. I don’t hate Rittenhouse but I do not idolize him either. He was just an immature, ignorant, foolish law-breaking teenager trying to live out his fantasy. He was attacked, his life was threatened and he defended himself. But that’s not heroics, just a normal survival response.

    Now he is so traumatized he cannot handle having a weapon. That’s too bad, and also his own fault. Dumb kid should have stayed home with his mother.

  21. Do they make a shredder big enough for rioters and looters? Or should they first be cut into manageable sizes?

    I’m up for either, but tossing them in whole sounds more satisfying to me.

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