Kenosha rittenhouse shooting self defense flying kick

Kyle Rittenhouse shot three men last week in Kenosha during the height of the rioting in that city. Now, his new legal team, headed up by John Pierce of Pierce Bainbridge, has released a three-page statement about Rittenhouse’s defensive actions that night. In it, the attorney lays waste to a number of rumors and innuendo about Rittenhouse and what he did that have been perpetuated by the mainstream and social media outlets.

Anyone who has spent time on social media has seen any number of the countless claims masquerading as fact. Everything from a shot in the back eliminates a self-defense claim to the claim that Rittenhouse illegally took a scary black rifle across the Illinois-Wisconsin border, looking for trouble.

Many of the people most critical of Rittenhouse’s use of force while defending himself claim that the prosecutor’s charges signal guilt. Apparently many of those folks haven’t heard the age-old legal expression that any prosecutor can indict a ham sandwich. Indeed, in this case given the plentiful evidence on video, it seems like this prosecution is an attempt to appease the mob, not to arrive at justice.

But given the Antifa and Black Lives Matter violence that had been tearing up Kenosha, who can blame the elected District Attorney Michael D. Graveley for filing charges? Mr. Graveley surely didn’t want that same mob descending on his house and endangering his family.

At this point, it looks like Rittenhouse’s attorney wants a jury trial to gain an acquittal. That would help his partner at the Fight Back Foundation, Lin Wood, to pursue defamation claims against not only mainstream media outlets who have defamed Rittenhouse, but also celebrities, politicians and perhaps the really big fish: the newly-flush Black Lives Matter organization.

Lin Wood, the attorney who has successfully represented Nicolas Sandmann, another teen who was widely disparaged and defamed by the mainstream media and leftist politicians and celebs.  Mr. Sandmann is already a very wealthy man from settling just a couple of the many pending lawsuits.  Someday a few years from now, Kyle Rittenhouse will likely also enjoy some settlements or judgements.

Read the release.  It’s all supported by the many videos that have been circulating since the shooting. Including this one (NSFW, GRAPHIC scenes).

From Scribd.

Pierce Bainbridge Statement… by

 Pierce Bainbridge Engaged to Represent 17-Year Old Kyle Rittenhouse Wrongfully Charged with Murder After Acting in Self-Defense in Kenosha, WI

~ Community Lifeguard Was Protecting Life and Community Because His State and Local Government Failed – Was Viciously Attacked by Mob and Fearing for his Life Exercised His God-given and Constitutional Right to Self-Defense ~

VERNON HILLS, ILLINOIS / August 28, 2020 / Pierce Bainbridge is honored to represent 17-year old Antioch, Illinois resident Kyle Rittenhouse, who has suddenly found himself at the center of a national firestorm and charged with murder after defending himself from a relentless, vicious and potentially deadly mob attack in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

On August 25th, 2020, Kenosha spiraled into chaos following the Jacob Blake shooting. The Kenosha Mayor and Wisconsin Governor failed to provide a basic degree of law and order to protect the citizens and community buildings in Kenosha. The city burned as mobs destroyed buildings and property, and looters stole whatever they wanted. Rioters defaced storefronts, the courthouse, and many other public and private locations across the city.

After Kyle finished his work that day as a community lifeguard in Kenosha, he wanted to help clean up some of the damage, so he and a friend went to the local public high school to remove graffiti by rioters. Later in the day, they received information about a call for help from a local business owner, whose downtown Kenosha auto dealership was largely destroyed by mob violence. The business owner needed help to protect what he had left of his life’s work, including two nearby mechanic’s shops. Kyle and a friend armed themselves with rifles due to the deadly violence gripping Kenosha and many other American cities, and headed to the business premises. The weapons were in Wisconsin and never crossed state lines.

Upon arrival, Kyle and others stood guard at the mechanic’s shop across from the auto dealership to  prevent further damage or destruction. Later that night, substantially after the city’s 8:00 p.m. curfew expired without consequence, the police finally started to attempt to disperse a group of rioters. In doing so, they maneuvered a mass of individuals down the street towards the auto shops. Kyle and others on the premises were verbally threatened and taunted multiple times as the rioters passed by, but Kyle never reacted. His intent was not to incite violence, but simply to deter property damage and use his training to provide first aid to injured community members.

After the crowd passed the premises and Kyle believed the threat of further destruction had passed, he  became increasingly concerned with the injured protestors and bystanders congregating at a nearby gas station with no immediate access to medical assistance or help from law enforcement. Kyle headed in that direction with a first aid kit. He sought out injured persons, rendered aid, and tried to guide people to others who could assist to the extent he could do so amid the chaos. By the final time Kyle returned to the gas station and confirmed there were no more injured individuals who needed assistance, police had advanced their formation and blocked what would have been his path back to the mechanic’s shop. Kyle then complied with the police instructions not to go back there. Kyle returned to the gas station until he learned of a need to help protect the second mechanic’s shop further down the street where property destruction was imminent with no police were nearby.

As Kyle proceeded towards the second mechanic’s shop, he was accosted by multiple rioters who recognized that he had been attempting to protect a business the mob wanted to destroy. This outraged the rioters and created a mob now determined to hurt Kyle. They began chasing him down. Kyle attempted to get away, but he could not do so quickly enough. Upon the sound of a gunshot behind him, Kyle turned and was immediately faced with an attacker lunging towards him and reaching for his rifle. He reacted instantaneously and justifiably with his weapon to protect himself, firing and striking the attacker.

Kyle stopped to ensure care for the wounded attacker but faced a growing mob gesturing towards him. He realized he needed to flee for his safety and his survival. Another attacker struck Kyle from behind as he fled down the street. Kyle turned as the mob pressed in on him and he fell to the ground. One attacker kicked Kyle on the ground while he was on the ground. Yet another bashed him over the head with a skateboard. Several rioters tried to disarm Kyle. In fear for his life and concerned the crowd would either continue to shoot at him or even use his own weapon against him, Kyle had no choice but to fire multiple rounds towards his immediate attackers, striking two, including one armed attacker. The rest of the mob began to disperse upon hearing the additional gunshots.

Kyle got up and continued down the street in the direction of police with his hands in the air. He attempted to contact multiple police officers, but they were more concerned with the wounded attackers. The police did not take Kyle into custody at that time, but instead they indicated he should keep moving. He fully cooperated, both then and later that night when he turned himself in to the police in his hometown, Antioch, Illinois.

Kyle did nothing wrong. He exercised his God-given, Constitutional, common law and statutory law right to self-defense.

However, in a reactionary rush to appease the divisive, destructive forces currently roiling this country,  prosecutors in Kenosha did not engage in any meaningful analysis of the facts, or any in-depth review of available video footage (some of which shows that a critical state’s witness was not even at the area where the shots were fired); this was not a serious investigation. Rather, after learning Kyle may have had conservative political viewpoints, they immediately saw him as a convenient target who they could use as a scapegoat to distract from the Jacob Blake shooting and the government’s abject failure to ensure basic law and order to citizens. Within 24-36 hours, he was charged with multiple homicide counts.

Kyle now has the best legal representation in the country. With help from Nicholas Sandmann attorney L. Lin Wood, Pierce Bainbridge and multiple top-tier criminal defense lawyers in Wisconsin immediately offered representation to Kyle.

Today, his legal team was successful in working with the public defender to obtain a several-week continuance of his extradition hearing to September 25th. This at least partially slows down the rush to  judgment by a government and media that is determined to assassinate his character and destroy his life.

Kyle, his family, the team at Pierce Bainbridge and his other lawyers intend to fight these charges every step of the way, take the case to trial and win an acquittal on the grounds of self-defense before a jury of his peers.

The legal fees and other costs of Kyle’s defense will be provided through donations to #FightBack Foundation Inc., a Texas 501(c)(4) foundation created by John Pierce and Lin Wood to protect law-abiding American citizens whose rights are being trampled on by state and local governments that are more concerned with appeasing mobs than protecting those rights.

Pierce Bainbridge founder John Pierce praised Kyle’s strength and resilience. “A 17-year old child should not have to take up arms in America to protect life and property. That is the job of state and local governments. However, those governments have failed, and law-abiding citizens have no choice but to  protect their own communities as their forefathers did at Lexington and Concord in 1775. Kyle is not a racist or a white supremacist. He is a brave, patriotic, compassionate law-abiding American who loves his country and his community. He did nothing wrong. He defended himself, which is a fundamental right of all Americans given by God and protected by law. He is now in the crosshairs of institutional forces that are much more powerful than him. But he will stand up to them and fight not only for himself, but for all Americans and their beloved Constitution. We will never leave his side until he is victorious in that fight.”

Further updates will be provided as the investigation and legal proceedings unfold.

There is also a good post at with all manner of background on Rittenhouse and the incident.



  1. Hope it doesn’t take years to untangle all this. It would be quite interesting to be in the court gallery for this trial.

    • “Hope it doesn’t take years to untangle all this.”

      Years? It only takes me 5, maybe 10 minuets, tops, to polish off a yummy ham sandwich.

      {Burp}… 😉

      (In all seriousness, I agree. Being a normal 17 year-old and in a cage for probably 18-24 months if not longer is really gonna suck for Kyle.)

      “It would be quite interesting to be in the court gallery for this trial.”

      I hope it gets the full ‘Court TV’ treatment, unless America has melted down by then…

      • LOL in a cage for 18 to 24 months

        at best IMO all he was guilty of was littering and not recycling his brass

        • “LOL in a cage for 18 to 24 months”

          I don’t think Kyle finds that prospect amusing in the least…

        • You know they’ll do it to him if they can. And the criminal Left has already put out calls for its incarcerated followers to “take care” of the kid if they see him inside…

        • Beating the rap and taking the ride is two different things..sometimes you take the ride and the rap.

          In this case, Kyle is probably going to take the ride.

          1st Degree is probably a no bail charge, depends on State. He stays in jail until trial, either in solitary or protective custody, not gen pop because of age. That’s at least 9-12 months waiting on a trial date and it can be dragged out.

          For the DA it’s a win either way. “Look at me! I prosecuted that white kid!” even if the Kyle walks free.

        • The overwhelming evidence now available all over the Interwebs will make the issue a bit clearer for the D.A. When the McCloskey’s were railroaded by a Leftist D.A. seeking personal gain in Missouri, as least the state’s Governor and Attorney General both stated they would do whatever they could in their power to reverse the wrong, including a full pardon.

          Wisconsin, unfortunately, has a Dem for a Governor, so I can’t be quite sure what will happen. In any case, no jury will convict, and any judge who approved “no bail” incarceration will catch hell from all corners.

        • “Beating the rap and taking the ride is two different things..sometimes you take the ride and the rap.

          In this case, Kyle is probably going to take the ride.”

          True on the criminal side. However, I have noticed the law firm that represented Nick Sandman of Covington kids fame is involved. Those lawyers are practically salivating through the screens thinking of the nice, juicy out of court settlements from all the defamation happening(“white supremacist”, “terrorist”, etc.”)

    • I’m sure it will.

      At this point, it looks like Rittenhouse’s attorney wants a jury trial to gain an acquittal. That would help his partner at the Fight Back Foundation, Lin Wood, to pursue defamation claims against not only mainstream media outlets who have defamed Rittenhouse, but also celebrities, politicians and perhaps the really big fish: the newly-flush Black Lives Matter organization.

      Good. Hopefully they “Sandmann” them for 80 mil. Tired of media telling lies and screaming 1st amendment while they do so.

    • He has the right to a speedy trial under the 6th Amendment. Usually that means he has to be arraigned (“how does the defendant plea? / “Not guilty your honor.”) within 24 hours of being booked, have a preliminary hearing and/or motion to suppress hearing within 10 days, and a jury trial within 30 days of the arraignment.

      More often than not the defense will waive the right to a speedy trial so they can analyze the prosecution strategy and prepare a solid coherent defnese. But, every once in a while the defense will press for a speedy trial, if the prosecution has a garbage case. In this case, it looks like the defense is buying for time and playing the political game to out maneuver the prosecutors and make them look like the incompetent and vicious hacks that they are.

      *I’m not a lawyer, and if I’m wrong about any of this, I apologize and please feel free to correct me…. I must warn you, though, that I did sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night, so you better chose your words carefully, if you come after me.

  2. “Apparently many of those folks haven’t heard the age-old legal expression that any prosecutor can indict a ham sandwich.”

    That ham sandwich was laying on that plate just asking to be eaten, with all that tasty thinly-sliced ‘Boar’s Head’ ham, crisp lettuce, and a light smear of spicy brown mustard.

    Every one of those ham sandwiches out there is just asking for it! 🙂

    • Make mine with pastrami, swiss and sauerkraut on rye with Thousand Island dressing… Celebrate diversity!

  3. Nobody says is he out on bail or sitting in jail? I hope he isn’t sitting in jail, this could drag on for months. If he is sitting in jail I hope the jailors give him an extra mattress and two blankets.

    • Last I heard he is in there for awhile. They schedule September to get his lawyers together. I don’t think they will let him out because he shot 3 people and there is video weeks prior of him attacking a girl.

        • I don’t think they will let him out because he shot 3 people and there is video weeks prior of him attacking a girl.

          Except there are zero charges on him for the “girl fight” that he partook in. So that is a moot point. The Judge isn’t going to withhold his bail on the basis of some scuffle, who knows how long ago, between a bunch of kids. So what does this girl fight have to do with the Kenosha incident? Nothing at all. You are here just to discredit him by offering such statements. Which is what you do here, typically. You must be a Socialist Antifa John Browning gun club member, constantly aligning yourself with socialist scum.

          Further, they are holding him for another four weeks in Illinois, at the request of his own lawyers.

          Lastly, Rittenhouse isn’t a hero for the chaotic free for all girl fight. He is a hero for competently defending himself against agitated immoral burn/loot/murder members and Antifa members trying to destroy and loot Kenosha, who thought they could do whatever they wanted, unabated, because of political correctness. In your words, the Antifa, burn/loot/murder eventually “got the wrong one.”

        • At least one girl present was attacking some boys, apparently thinking she couldn’t be hit herself. And about those black and brown folk who think hitting girls is bad — excuse me? The ones constantly under arrest for domestic disturbances?

        • @anonymous

          You haven’t been reading my posts. I was the first one to explain why it was self defense and why it’s malicious prosecution. No one else said it was malicious prosecution.

          The reason why the video is relevant is because Kyle was willing to jump a defenseless girl and ran when males jumped him for doing so. This is similar to the shooting in as much as Kyle was cool with engaging and sticking around when Rosenbaum attacked him, but not when the mob came around. It also shows how Kyle is willing to commit violence of any degree. Weeks after the beating of the girl and his social media posts he shot 3 people. The government will argue it’s a pattern of violence and he already killed two people. They will probably also mention he is a high school drop out, so he doesn’t need to be out in public.

          He’s lucky the judge didn’t want to send him to Wisconsin. In the next few weeks the charges could be dropped.

        • “Punching a girl is an attack. At least black and brown people think that way. Apparently, white people think hitting a girl is okay.”

          Seriously? This is the 21st Century. There are some violent, entitled women and girls out there. Yes, sometimes punching a girl is okay.

          As far the the video you provided goes: Kyle did not start that fight. Probably he should not have been involved. It looks a bunch of immature, high school, mutual fighting to me.

        • Yeah maybe he should be suspended from school for a week.

          Or if we really want to keep the “school to prison pipeline” going (aren’t liberals always saying we have to stop criminalizing stupid kid stuff?) he can be charged as a juvie and end up with a stern talking to and 12 hours of community service.

          It has nothing to do with the current big boy charges.

        • Girl swings first and you call it an attack… my reply stands. Self defense there too. Asshole.

        • You just know that asshat ‘Mr. Fleas’ beats his poor wife on the regular. What a fuckin choad!

        • You haven’t been reading my posts. I was the first one to explain why it was self defense and why it’s malicious prosecution. No one else said it was malicious prosecution.

          We all know it’s malicious prosecution.

          The reason why the video is relevant is because Kyle was willing to jump a defenseless girl and ran when males jumped him for doing so.

          He actually didn’t run. He tackled the black guy trying to beat him, then was kicked to the ground and “BLM’ed.” Then the guys that beat him were the ones that ran away. You should watch the video again. Through I don’t entirely disagree with their motives to offensively defend the girl. In the end, it was their actions that broke up the attack on her.

          And he didn’t “jump” a girl. We don’t know what happened or what was said. There was a fight, and Rittenhouse was punching a girl. That’s about all we know. We have no idea what was said, or even what the fight was over.

          This is similar to the shooting in as much as Kyle was cool with engaging and sticking around when Rosenbaum attacked him, but not when the mob came around.

          You mean when Kyle was checking the guy out he shot and making a call (likely to 911?) I would say it is not similar at all. My expectation is anyone, (not just Kyle), would run from a giant mob in fear of being BLM’ed.

          It also shows how Kyle is willing to commit violence of any degree.

          Uh no. Getting into a fight with a girl does NOT show how a person is willing to commit violence of any degree. Absolutely not. It shows he’ll get into a fight with a girl. It shows that. Had you said that I would have agreed with you. Any degree? Absolutely not.

          Weeks after the beating of the girl and his social media posts he shot 3 people.


          The government will argue it’s a pattern of violence and he already killed two people.

          School kids fighting – one time. That’s the “evidence?” Not much of a pattern, sorry.

          They will probably also mention he is a high school drop out, so he doesn’t need to be out in public.

          Well I don’t need to be drinking this coca cola either. It doesn’t matter what he “needs” to be doing. Further, “high school dropout” or kid being homeschooled? Or online education? I doubt “high school dropout” was his end goal – so good luck with that.

          He’s lucky the judge didn’t want to send him to Wisconsin. In the next few weeks the charges could be dropped.

          Probably will be! And rightly so.

        • even if it was, as the car passed the girl swung. Another case for self defense, whoever it was. But how hilarious for Chief to add one more failed narrative to his 10,000 page book. Keep piling em up loser.

      • friendly reminder to Chief dipshit that the chuckle fuck who shot some guy dead in Portland on video has not been arrested nor charged yet. Video evidence apparently means fuck-all if you have the correct opinions (such as ones which properly align with the DA)

        • Well anyway I hope the jailors are nice to him, and give him an extra mattress and a blanket, and maybe even an extra cup of watered down koolaid And a couple extra wash cloths and towels and don’t bitch when he hangs the wash cloths on the lights to get a decent night’s sleep. They even bitch when you crawl under the bunk to get away from the constant lighting.

        • I looked into that Portland shooting a little. I posted my findings in another TAG article but it seems to have been deleted. I even linked sources so it wouldn’t get deleted. I don’t see the post anymore. If it was deleted, is it because the evidence is not the right “opinion?”

          The Portland shooting was not a clear cut murder. It could be argued as self defense. However, it has to go to court due to the fact Jay Bishop used mace against the Antifa member.

          Chandler and Jay were assaulting people all day and they were assaulting the Antifa shooter when he got shot. You can here them on audio from one of the videos, sounded like Chandler may have told Jay to mace the Antifa guy and they were taunting the Antifa guy as they walked up to him. The Antifa guy dared Jay to pull out a weapon (because he was following Patriot Prayer guys all day trying to get an opportunity to shoot them). Jay reached into his holster, pulled out mace and used it on the Antifa guy illegally. Chandler said he didn’t notice the man was armed and he made it sound like they didn’t approach the guy and spray him with mace. Chandler also didn’t mention he chased the guy a little after the shooting and that he told Jay to mace him.

          I think Chandler got his buddy killed and he is trying to cover it up.

          I will look into it some more to verify things. At this time it appears Jay was not innocently minding his business and was shot in the back in a political assassination. But other people see what they want to see even though there is video and audio evidence and they have watched that proof. The right is behaving just like the left did with Kyle’s shooting.

          I will spend more time on this shooting because I have been following Patriot Prayer since 2016. I will try to find out what happened.

      • That’s what you’re going with?
        A kid punching another kid, to stop them from choking a third kid?

        How about the Antifa “victims”?
        Convicted of aggravated rape of a child, 12.5 years in prison.
        Violating parole, 2.5 years.

        Domestic assault, I forget the sentence but he plead to a class H felony to get a Class G felony dropped.

        Plead to misdemeanor burglary to get felony burglary charges dropped, and I believe this one had pending assault charges against him from this summer.

    • That might be the best compilation and annotation I’ve seen, especially of the lead-up and the first incident. Shows how quickly and completely things can go sideways once the mob decides you’re a target.

      • Yup. Noteworthy how heavy and low they are swinging with the disinformation campaign. Even here. The usual suspects on location, as always.

        Makes one wonder just who is funding these giant walls of text, posted multiple times a day?

        • it would appear the whole case hinges on what happened in that first shooting

          Not necessarily, and not entirely.

          The charge related to the first shooting hinges on what happens in that first shooting. But after that, even if Rittenhouse were the initial aggressor or otherwise did not use justifiable deadly force, he withdrew from the conflict. At that point, that conflict was ended, and what happened after that was a new conflict, the assessment of which does not necessarily depend on what happened in the first conflict.

          (This is how use of force in self-defense statutes work in most states of which I’m aware – at least with respect to the view that the people chasing Rittenhouse, and using otherwise unlawful force against him, were somehow acting in self-defense.)

  4. “But given the Antifa and Black Lives Matter violence that had been tearing up Kenosha, who can blame the elected District Attorney Michael D. Graveley for filing charges?”

    I can blame him. If a DA decides to file charges against an innocent person to appease a lawless mob, he should find a new line of work. If appeasing the mob was truly his motivation, then he has violated quite a few tenets of his position and has demonstrated he is unfit for the position. Even if he wasn’t appeasing the mob, filing these charges without a proper investigation into the incident demonstrates he is unfit for the position. Kyle’s case has gotten national attention and brought in a top-notch pro-bono legal team. How many people has DA Graveley pressed charges against where their cases didn’t receive national attention and the defendant suffered financial hardship having to defend themselves against publicly funded prosecution with their own money?

      • He’s just a political correctness hack. He’s not about doing what is right. He is about doing what furthers his career, and is the politically safe bet.

        • “…How many people has DA Graveley pressed charges against..”

          As I said, a win for the DA. Now people know his name. He’s been called out by some big guns.

      • the prosecutor chose expediency….and appeasement….these are preliminary charges…things could change…..

    • They’ve admitted it from the beginning. Even some of the BLM activists have stated that not only is it okay, but these businesses deserve to be looted due to oppression from white supremacy. This chick(?) (transgender; twitter Vicky_ACAB) just confirmed it, and NPR is promoting it like this is normal. I’ve talked to several people about this, including a few from this site that refuse to believe anyone associated with BLM is down with the riots.

      From the interview:
      Importantly, I think especially when it’s in the context of a Black uprising like the one we’re living through now, it also attacks the history of whiteness and white supremacy. The very basis of property in the U.S. is derived through whiteness and through Black oppression, through the history of slavery and settler domination of the country. Looting strikes at the heart of property, of whiteness and of the police. It gets to the very root of the way those three things are interconnected. And also it provides people with an imaginative sense of freedom and pleasure and helps them imagine a world that could be.

      • “The very basis of property in the U.S. is derived through whiteness and through Black oppression, through the history of slavery and settler domination of the country.”

        Very insightful, and on point.

        This dynamic is inevitable after 250 years of government sponsored slavery, resentments build up.

        As long as minorities believe even slow progress is being made, they will stay peaceful and work within the process.

        But if it appears white society is attempting to take back the rights they’ve earned, tactics such as voter suppression or increased use of excessive force by police, then they will act out.

        A riot is the language of the oppressed.

        And you don’t judge an entire society by the actions of the lowest member, no more than child molester republican speaker of the house Dennis Hastert defines every Republican as a serial child molester.

        • “If it appears…” What it appears to be and what it is are two very different things. The popular appearance is a lie, and you know it.

          Currently, as long as you’re judging white people, it seems that you can and must judge by the lowest member; that’s why we’re *all* racisty racists or something, no matter what we’ve done or haven’t done, and BIPOC are all beautiful rainbow people.

    • So much f’ing stupidity in that article, it hurts. I’ve heard it from many different “liberal” types.

      They think looting is fun and liberating to those who participate in it — and it might be — but they wouldn’t really know. They live cushy, well-fed, well-paid lives far away from the violence they’re romanticizing. They think there are no victims because insurance exists.

      Yet the people whose livelihoods are ruined can’t just magically get it all back with the wave of a magical insurance wand; and even when the “activists” recognize that fact, they whitewash it with the rationalization that participating in capitalism is bad, so they had it coming. Never mind that capitalism is the ONLY reason why even the poorest of us has a decent place to live and too much food to eat (ever noticed how many fat poor people there are?).

      And then these radical collectivists magically forget that insurance is a *collective* cost. When they burn buildings and loot businesses, everyone pays the cost. But whatever, they think it’s a cost we all deserve to pay.

      And on top of it all, they seem to expect everyone else to believe that when they’re in charge, everything will somehow be unicorns and rainbows, a land of peace and plenty where the beer flows like wine. No, that’s not how it works. If you hand society over to people who think looting is an acceptable way of life, you’d better be ready to get looted over and over, for your own good and the glorification of their in-group of People Who Are Better Than You, until there’s nothing left to take. They improve wealth equality by destroying wealth itself; eventually almost everyone partakes equally in the misery.

      But a whole legion of brainwashed followers somehow think that all of this is going to turn out just peachy and there will be no more inequality or injustice when the all the angry takers get their way. When I say progressivism is a progressive disease and call people progtards, this is why.

      • I have been saying it from the very beginning. I want rioters shot dead in the streets. And you can “leave the bodies on full view of the camera’s for three days”.
        Oh wow, I just had a “Forbin Project” flashback!

        • “Oh wow, I just had a “Forbin Project” flashback!”

          I think the “leave the bodies in the street for three days” for the world to see the result has a much older origin than the novel, “Colossus”.

      • devaluing property….disarming the populace…neutering the police…all part of a greater plan…people need to understand what actually is going on here…all of this is fundamental to remaking society to fit their concept of what they think it should be…it’s a war, folks…

  5. I agree with the “appease the mob” statement. I’ve been saying for days that it appears to me that the DA chose murder one in the hopes that it will cool the mob down and Rittenhouse will eventually beat the charge.

    • That’s called malicious prosecution. The DA, police chief and sheriff should be arrested and sued.

  6. There was a great drone video showing what happened during the first shooting, but Youtube removed the video evidence so people can’t see it. They need to be sued.

  7. One of the cleanest cases of self- defense ever. Hopefully the charges will be dismissed without a trial.

  8. …Nicolas Sandmann, another teen who was widely disparaged and defamed by the mainstream media and leftist politicians and celebs.

    Please let’s not forget Sandmann was attacked by many establishment “conservative” media figures, too (e.g., National Review and Ben Shapiro).

    • They turned on a dime when the truth came out. The ones sued decided they weren’t going to correct the record…

  9. Soooo “Burn the city” is clearly heard on the video of the “peaceful protesters”
    Kudos on keeping a calm head, Kyle.

  10. Either he needs a new attorney or he’s going straight to prison.

    “This outraged the rioters and created a mob now determined to hurt Kyle. They began chasing him down. Kyle attempted to get away, but he could not do so quickly enough. Upon the sound of a gunshot behind him, Kyle turned and was immediately faced with an attacker lunging towards him and reaching for his rifle. He reacted instantaneously and justifiably with his weapon to protect himself, firing and striking the attacker.”

    So what happened to the Molotov cocktail y’all were going on about?

    He does not allege any assault or even physical contact with any human before he kills someone.

    He was frightened by the gunshot, and turned around and sees someone ‘lunging’ for his rifle.

    Uh huh…

    And you notice, this statement makes no mention of how he got to Wisconsin, where he obtained the weapon or who his accomplices were. If his actions were above board, he would’ve stated all the facts clearly rather than intentionally omitting material information.

    And here’s what others are saying:

    “Should Wendy Rittenhouse be arrested for driving her son 20 miles with his AR-15? Reports state that she literallly drove him 20 miles to Wisconsin and illegally armed him with weapons that he was not old enough to own or carry in his home state of Illinois or in Wisconsin.”

    • Did you even read the article and the release? Or are you still at a “see dog run” level of reading comprehension?

    • 17 years of age is old enough to be a part of the militia and military, thereby carry a long gun. If the group protecting businesses are refusing to be called a militia, which they said they don’t want to be referred to as militia on camera at one point, they lose legal protections afforded to the militia. So Kyle either was part of a militia or he was violating a misdemeanor law that plays no part in felony murder, hence why he was not charged with felony murder.

      Kyle was at the very least guilty of carrying a gun a few months too early. The person that gave him the gun could be charged with a felony because Kyle used the gun to shoot someone, even if he shot himself the person that gave him the gun can be charged with a felony. That doesn’t mean Kyle can be charged with a felony and he can’t be charged as an adult because the law is about minors, so it would be a major contradiction if he was charged as an adult.

      20 miles is not far away. I moved between homes that were about 13-14 miles apart on a weekly basis. Only takes about 15 minutes driving. When I was in Nevada we drove much further to go to the mall and other big stores because there was nothing in town. 20 miles is not some crazy far distance in a country where private transport is the main means of travel.

      Crossing state lines with a firearm is not illegal as the very ignorant have claimed. This is the United States of America and there is a law saying the people have a right to those arms and a right to carry them. That gun was not illegal in the state of Wisconsin nor was the magazine. They didn’t cross over to Mexico or Canada.

      There is an argument to be made if Kyle was carrying the gun legally because he was in the militia and because he was being supervised by adults at the time. He did have a chaperone.×513.jpg

      There was no molotov. Trump supporters keep making up such fake news about BLM. Antifa has rules against the use of molotovs and they stick by that strongly. If anyone is to use an actual molotov it would be BLM but that isn’t their motive and Antifa tend to be the ones that get BLM to riot and loot. Trump supporters are saying it was a molotov because that would excuse Kyle under self defense for shooting Rosenbaum, which means all the other shootings were justified without a doubt. Unfortunately, these lies hurt Kyle a lot.

      Kyle has the right to shoot someone attempting to remove him of his weapon. No honest person would say it’s okay to allow a criminal to steal an AR from someone carrying it. What if a criminal stole that AR and shot up a school? You know the gun owner would be blamed for allowing the criminal to take his AR and kill children with it. Unlike the McMichaels, Kyle was the one being chased. Like Ahmaud Arbery, Kyle had the right to shoot the people attempting to commit a felony on his person, strong-arm robbery in Kyle’s case.

      Robbery under the 943.32 of the Wisconsin criminal law generally falls into one or two possible categories: armed robbery and unarmed robbery. Often called strong armed robbery, unarmed robbery in Wisconsin is a Class E felony, punishable by up to 15 years prison and up to a $50,000 fine. Armed robbery is a Class C felony, punishable by up to 40 years prison and up to a $100,000 fine.

      • Trump supporters keep making up such fake news about BLM.

        That could be true. But some things they are saying are true about “Burn, Loot, and Murder (BLM).”

        • I already explained how things went down the first day of protests for George Floyd. I went into detail how it was all staged by people outside of black lives matter protesters. I showed evidence of how the rioting and looting was instigated and caused by Antifa and other groups who do not care for BLM.

          Black people are once again being used as an scapegoat and tricked into doing things against their interest.

          All the people doing the major things Trump supporters are complaining about have been white or at least they started the situations that tricked black people into doing very dumb stuff. The shooting of Patriot Prayer was not done by a black man from BLM, it was done by a white man from Antifa. I haven’t really seen a black person in Antifa, at least not a black male, I’m sure you can find a few black females.

          BLM protesters have been pointing out Antifa are the ones doing all the rioting that brings on looting. Even during the attack on Kyle black people were pointing out Antifa trying to set fire to the business, them having guns and them attacking Kyle. Notice how most of the BLM protesters ran when the shooting happened but the Antifa went in for the kill?

        • And yet black people keep on doing it, against their own interests and the interests of everyone who wants to live in a functional society.

          The people at the top of BLM absolutely do condone all of the BurnLootMurdering, and the lily white antifa nutjobs are their plausibly deniable footsoldiers marching in lockstep toward an imagined Marxist utopia. And the antifa, in return, use the BLM dupes as a gigantic meat shield for their violent action.

          Meanwhile, most of the BLM protesters, and none of the rioters, are either smart enough or aware enough to recognize that they’re all playing bit parts in a historical travesty that cannot end well. They wouldn’t recognize a functional civil society if it slapped them upside the head…and it has, multiple times now. Kyle Rittenhouse, through no intention of his own, supplied one of those slaps to the face a few days ago.

          I can’t be the only one that’s fresh out of both patience and tolerance at this point.

      • Kyle was at the very least guilty of carrying a gun a few months too early.

        Wrong. It was 100% lawful for him to possess a rifle as a 17-year-old, provided that it was not an SBR and that he was not hunting without a permit.

        • When I read the law it said he is guilty of the crime if he shoots someone. He shot 3 people. Carrying a gun and shooting people are different things.

          I have to go read it again to really recall the nuances. But it is a crime if the minor uses the gun to shoot someone, including themselves

          • Yes, shooting people is generally unlawful.

            Justifiable use of deadly force in self-defense is merely an affirmative defense against an otherwise unlawful act.

        • @Chip Bennett

          I was talking about the law he was charged with. I thought I read the law stating it’s okay for him to carry the gun but he would be charged with the crime (as he is now charged) if he shots a human and the person that gave him the gun will be charged with a felony if he does. Meaning he would be okay legally to be 17 and carrying up until he uses the gun against a person, I don’t remember the law saying self defense was an exemption.

          I don’t think the law is a good one. Seems very easy to defeat in court, but might require a constitutional challenge.

      • “Kyle was at the very least guilty of carrying a gun a few months too early. ”

        As Chip says, that’s not necessarily so. The statute in question is messy but when you read the exception to the exception, it looks like a 17 year old is fine and clear as long as it’s a regular (not SBR) rifle.

        I would say that only an overly charitable interpretation would allow for him to even be charged with the crime.

        But it’s pretty clear they threw whatever they could against the wall and the prosecutor didn’t even bother reading the law. That may sound surprising but… it’s not.

      • wow, so glad that ANTIFA doesn’t use molotovs. Thank God they set all those fires manually. Or I suppose that the burned out businesses are a mere happenstance that seems to occur at the same time as all these demonstrations by BLM and ANTIFA. Also amazing that what is apparently a non-entity/non-organization, as so claimed by the left, has nationwide by-laws that apparently all chapters of this totally not organized group follow at all times. Quite the rule followers for anarchists.

        • the BLM movement has been hi-jacked…and absorbed…[and used].. by those harboring a much broader agenda…

      • “If the group protecting businesses are refusing to be called a militia, which they said they don’t want to be referred to as militia on camera at one point, they lose legal protections afforded to the militia.”

        10 U.S. Code § 246 begs to differ.

        “The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States…”

        The thing a lot of people don’t seem to get about the Militia Code is that it’s designed so that people can be called up into such service, that is; they can be drafted into the Militia if it’s necessary. Those too young or too old for “draft” status can volunteer and be taken on a case by case basis.

        If you’re a male, 17-45 then legally speaking you are the militia regardless of if you want to be or not.

        Now, you can say you’re not part of “a militia” and that’s a different thing but the militia? He doesn’t actually get a legal choice in that matter because Congress and the President made it for him, and reaffirmed that decision repeatedly.

        • “ ..who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States…”

          I just love that part, every asylum seeking immigrant is a member of the militia of the United States of America and authorized to carry arms under the Second Amendment militia provisions.

          Hip hip hooray! Let freedom ring!

    • LOL!

      “Accomplices.” There are no accomplices. There isn’t even a crime. Hilarious word choice. You should host a comedy show!

    • This is a stretch, even for you, Miner.

      So what happened to the Molotov cocktail y’all were going on about?

      “Y’all” aren’t charged with murder. Has Rittenhouse ever claimed anything about that alleged Molotov cocktail? (And if he has, don’t you think it is possible that a mere press release doesn’t disclose every, single bit of evidence and testimony available to the defense?)

      He does not allege any assault or even physical contact with any human before he kills someone.

      Such allegation is not statutorily required in order to claim justifiable use of deadly force in self defense.

      He was frightened by the gunshot, and turned around and sees someone ‘lunging’ for his rifle.

      This assertion is more than enough both to justify the use of deadly force in self-defense, and to inject self-defense as an affirmative defense against his prosecution.

      And you notice, this statement makes no mention of how he got to Wisconsin…

      Not relevant to the charges against him, or to his defense against those charges.

      …where he obtained the weapon…

      Not relevant to the charges against him, or to his defense against those charges.

      …or who his accomplices were.

      Not relevant to the charges against him, or to his defense against those charges.

      Also: accomplices? Accomplices implies that they participated in a crime. Do you want to go on record asserting that they have committed a crime? I’m sure Lin Wood would love to hear about it, if so.

      If his actions were above board, he would’ve stated all the facts clearly rather than intentionally omitting material information.

      Utter nonsense. He has been (wrongly) charged with murder. It is his right, his prerogative – nay, his imperative – to disclose only what information he deems most helpful to his cause. Do you even Fifth Amendment?

      And here’s what others are saying:

      I really couldn’t care less who “others” are or what they are saying. But I’ll play along.

      “Should Wendy Rittenhouse be arrested for driving her son 20 miles with his AR-15?

      Is there any evidence that she did so? Further, is there any evidence that doing so is a crime?

      Reports state that she literallly drove him 20 miles to Wisconsin…

      Something that is literally not a crime…

      …and illegally armed him with weapons…

      Evidence to support this allegation?

      …that he was not old enough to own or carry in his home state of Illinois or in Wisconsin.”

      False. It was 100% legal for him to possess a rifle as a 17 year old in Wisconsin, provided that it was not an SBR, and that he was not hunting without a permit.

      • Chip, thanks for your recent reply, all good points that will probably be explored at trial.

        “He was frightened by the gunshot, and turned around and sees someone ‘lunging’ for his rifle.“

        “This assertion is more than enough both to justify the use of deadly force in self-defense“

        I think the point could be made that he was unreasonably frightened because he was a juvenile and not intellectually or emotionally capable of grasping the true nature of the situation.
        His very immaturity is the reason we have a statute requiring 18 as the cut off for carrying the sort of weapon he was armed with.

        The law clearly recognizes that a 17-year-old is not capable of making mature and reasonable decisions, as we see in this situation.

        Really, the murder rap should be hung on whoever provided the weapon, as well as the parents who neglected their duty of reasonable care in providing a safe environment for their child.

        • I think the point could be made that he was unreasonably frightened because he was a juvenile and not intellectually or emotionally capable of grasping the true nature of the situation.
          His very immaturity is the reason we have a statute requiring 18 as the cut off for carrying the sort of weapon he was armed with.

          948.60(3)(c) says otherwise. The statute creating the offense of minor in possession of a dangerous weapon does not apply to long guns, provided that the long gun is not an SBR/SBS, that the possessor is not in violation of statutes regulating hunting by those under 16, and that the possessor is not hunting without a permit.

          The law clearly recognizes that a 17-year-old is not capable of making mature and reasonable decisions, as we see in this situation.

          And yet, the law clearly recognizes that it is not unlawful for a 17-year-old to possess a long gun in Wisconsin, provided that it is not an SBR/SBS and is not used for hunting without a permit.

          By the way, the lawyer confirms That Rittenhouse was, indeed, involved in putting out fires started by the arsonists. This is additional information not included in the press release, clearly indicating that the defense has other information available to them, that was not disclosed in that press release.

    • ROFL

      Oh, wait…you were serious, Miner?

      “Here’s what others have to say…” You must’ve thought you were running one of those “Twitter Reacts” segments that local TV news uses to make themselves seem hip to old people.

    • Miner49er states: “And you notice, this statement makes no mention of how he got to Wisconsin, where he obtained the weapon or who his accomplices were. If his actions were above board, he would’ve stated all the facts clearly rather than intentionally omitting material information.”

      The Pierce Bainbridge statement: “After Kyle finished his work that day as a community lifeguard in Kenosha, he wanted to help clean up some of the damage, so he and a friend went to the local public high school to remove graffiti by rioters. Later in the day, they received information about a call for help from a local business owner, whose downtown Kenosha auto dealership was largely destroyed by mob violence. The business owner needed help to protect what he had left of his life’s work, including two nearby mechanic’s shops. Kyle and a friend armed themselves with rifles due to the deadly violence gripping Kenosha and many other American cities, and headed to the business premises. The weapons were in Wisconsin and never crossed state lines.”

      This is an initial public statement by an attorney- not a pre-trial discovery procedure. He went to his regular job in Kenosha. He went to clean graffiti. He responded to a request for help from a local business owner. He was using a locally sourced weapon to defend himself.

      There is nothing in that statement that gave me the slightest hint of being less than “above board”, of attempting to be unclear, or “…intentionally omitting material information”. It could be argued that your perspective required a fair amount of convoluted logic to conceive.

      • absolutely no mention of malicious intent…and that’s important…but that comment he made earlier…on camera…that “We don’t do non-lethal”…could come back to hurt him…

        • Do you have a link for that? I’ve heard that repeated and that it was on camera but no video appears to exist of him ever saying that.

    • It’s interesting that Rittenhouse shot a pedophile, serial abuser and sexual predator, and a felon in possession of a firearm. What are the odds of that in a normal population? This leads me to conclude that Anifa/BLM attracts criminals and sociopaths as all Fascist movements do, at least in their paramilitary wings.

      So what’s the over/under on arrests for Miner?

      What do you think they are for? Domestic abuse? sexual assault? Paedophilia? Or just ordinary criminality?

    • Or attempted murder.
      Raising your hands as a trojan horse move, closing the distance, and drawing a firearm – whether in legal possession or not – should be more than sufficient for attempted murder. Even if Kyle is eventually found guilty of murder (unlikely), guy #3 does not have the authority to be summary judge, juror, and executioner (vigilante justice).

      • that’s where their criminal past comes into play…and clouds their intent..just what were they going to do had they disarmed him?

    • He won’t as long as the DA is seeking malicious prosecution of Kyle because Paramedic guy is a “victim” and a witness of the killing of the skateboard guy.

    • “Has the One-Armed Bandit been charged yet for being a felon in possession of a firearm?”

      Nice one.

  11. I’ve never before wanted to root on lawyers to win big in defamation. Kyle, I hope you are set for life.

  12. He acted in self defense, charges should have never been filed,Charges Dismissed.
    Next case the petty tyrant that charged him.

  13. They forgot to mention he put out a dumpster fire (which seriously pissed off the “mostly peaceful protestors), and they threw something at him as he was being chased before the pedo was shot.

  14. “At this point, it looks like Rittenhouse’s attorney wants a jury trial to gain an acquittal. That would help his partner at the Fight Back Foundation, Lin Wood, to pursue defamation claims…”

    How would that help anymore than a bench trial or dismissal? If anything, a dismissal would be the best option. A finding of ‘not guilty’ at trial does not imply a finding of innocent. The standard for conviction is very high. A dismissal would show the case to be far weaker than if it gets to jury.

    Remember, OJ was acquitted. Not only was he unable to successfully pursue any claims of defamation but he was sued into oblivion for committing those VERY SAME murders via civil court.

  15. “Mr. Sandmann is already a very wealthy man”

    Do we actually know how much Sandmann received? Not demanded, but actually received. I believe that the settlement(s) were confidential.

    • “So far, $277,000 has been raised!”

      I wonder if that can be considered some sort of murder insurance?

      • No, it’s citizens paying for the defense of someone who had to use their firearm in the defense of their own life and were being unfairly maligned by the local prosecutor to appease the left-wing-fascist mobs that oppose people defending themselves against mob rule. I assume you’re against this?

        • I think it’s people who think ‘if it can happen to him, with twenty cameras documenting a totally non-aggressive self defense, it can happen to anybody’.

  16. When people sit on their butts and don’t vote or get their panties in a wad over tweets and vote for someone with no chance of winning is what gets crooked posecuters, judges, etc. appointed or elected.
    By all accounts the case is self defense and the murder charge is as ridiculous as it sounds. If attorneys of this caliber thought the kid was guilty they would not be volunteering their services.

    TRUMP/PENCE 2020.

  17. But given the Antifa and Black Lives Matter violence that had been tearing up Kenosha, who can blame the elected District Attorney Michael D. Graveley for filing charges?

    Who can blame him?
    Anybody who reads the complaint put out by the DA’s office, which reads like it was put out by the defense, listing all the reasons why Kyle’s actions were NOT criminal.

    1. Somebody attacked him, he ran away.
    2. Somebody caught him, hit him, and tried to take his gun.
    3. He shot Somebody.

    The rest of the document reads the same way, laying out step by step a textbook use of minimum necessary force, then going on to conclude that Kyle committed first degree premeditated homicide in getting attacked and running away from his attackers before shooting them as a last resort.

    • Unfortunately there’s a whole area of legal philosophy dedicated to this kind of thing. Lots of lawyers fall into the “hyper zeal” category, doing unethical things because the law allows them and those things provide some sort of advantage to the lawyer doing them.

      Major legal philosophers have argued for and against such behavior. The meat of the argument essentially comes down to “If the other lawyer might outfox you with an unethical move, what do you do? Unethical behavior on your part is unethical but unethical behavior on the opposing side may screw your client out of his/her legal rights”

      Time Dare – Mere-Zeal, Hyper-Zeal and the Ethical Obligations of Lawyers:

    • I’m not saying Rosenbaum was trying to kill him. He might have been going for the kill, he might have been going for serious bodily injury. Either one merits a deadly force response.

      But Huber, Grosskreutz, the guy with the ball bat, and the five Antifas all clad in black who ran away were going to kill him.

      And I should add the obvious fact that Rosenbaum, Huber, Grosskreutz, and the bearded guy in the camo pants who fired the first shot were all working in concert with malice aforethought to hospitalize or kill Rittenhouse, probably because he looked baby-faced and soft.

    • “When you see us out there waving ‘thin blue line’ flags and menacing the public with semiautomatic rifles, please know that the majority of us are just peacefully expressing our support for a system in which police officers are allowed to kill with impunity,” said Blue Lives Matter activist Gordon Hamblett, explaining that the movement did not stand for lethal vigilante violence, but rather for lethal state-supported violence carried out in the name of keeping people safe.”

      Wisdom, cloaked as satire…

      • Ha!

        The Onion had no wisdom, even in its heyday (that was never the goal), and hasn’t been cloaked in anything but party-line crap for several years now. Most of the Onion’s pabulum doesn’t even qualify as satire anymore; if you had a mainstream news anchor read that paragraph, nobody would know the difference.

  18. This Kyle is a coward. I hear the organization Jailhouse Lawyers Speak, people inside the prisons are waiting on Kyle convictions. Once inside he will be somebody sock cleaner or boxed up. Clearly JLS intends to make an example of this coward for other militias that may attack at protests. I agree with them

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