Press release from Paul Tanaka, candidate for Sherrif:
(Gardena, CA)- In light of the 9th Federal Circuit Court of Appeals ruling regarding Concealed Carry Permits in San Diego County, former Undersheriff Paul Tanaka released the following statement:
“Los Angeles County is known as one of most difficult counties in California in which to obtain a license to carry a concealed weapon (CCW). Of the 10 million residents currently residing in Los Angeles County, only a few hundred individuals have been issued a CCW permit. I understand the need for caution when allowing civilian residents to legally carry firearms in public . . .
However, as a strong supporter of the Second Amendment I also believe in a person’s right to defend themselves, their families and their homes from possible threats; if it is done in a responsible manner.
As Sheriff, I will follow all applicable state and federal laws and court rulings as they pertain to the issuance of CCW permits. When elected Sheriff, I will ensure that every CCW request is evaluated on an objective and individual basis without favoritism.
If the applicant meets the legal requirements and conditions required under the law, I will ensure that the application is duly processed. In addition, should the request be denied, the department will issue a written statement to the applicant explaining why the application was denied.”
In accordance with the law, each citizen who applies for a Concealed Carry Weapons Permit in Los Angeles County for the purpose of self-defense will still undergo a county-sanctioned application process including background checks, department interviews, firearm qualifications, education training and a mental health evaluation.
“Allowing good and legally qualified citizens to possess a CCW Permit is a reasonable step for Los Angeles and the State of California,” said Mendocino County Sheriff Tom Allman. “Paul Tanaka understands the importance of empowering citizens to legally defend themselves but also knows that anyone requesting a CCW permit must complete all required training and background checks prior to issuance.”
“As the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals illustrated, the issuance of Concealed Carry Permits throughout California is not an issue of a privilege but of a right,” said Inyo County Sheriff William Lutze. “It is irresponsible of us to force residents to prove they are entitled to a right that was granted to them under the Constitution. I support Paul Tanaka and his efforts to abide by the laws and guidelines of the United States and California State Constitutions.”
[h/t Daniel Silverman]
As long as the El Paso area keeps Rep. Joe Picket in office OC in TX will never get out of committee. OC has died in the same committee in the last two sessions. We need to strongly urge Rep. Picket to let OC out of committee and onto the House floor for a vote.
It’s only a matter of time before simply wanting to own a gun will be classified as a mental disease thus everyone who wants to own a gun will be denied. This is why background checks should be struck down entirely. Yes, even for ex-cons. If I was in prison for whatever reason and I’m now out in public it makes no sense to deny me a gun because 1) if I can’t be trusted enough to have a weapon then I should still be in prison and 2) if I really want to hurt someone again I’ll find a way.
If an ex-felon is trustworthy enough to live in my community, then s/he is trustworthy enough to enjoy the rights accorded to all Americans (voting, speech, RKBA, freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures, etc).
If s/he isn’t can’t be trusted, then why the hell are they living amongst us?
He’s politicking by saying he understands the need for caution, but still he is saying he will follow the law and ensure that applications are duly processed. It’s certainly a start.
When you think about the political environment he’s running in, I find candidate Tanaka’s words refreshing. Keep in mind he lives in a liberal dream world where armed citizens lead to murder and mayhem.
His position wouldn’t fly in Montana, but in LA he’s probably too “right wing” on the Second Amendment to get elected.
Amazing how ignorance and self-righteousness go hand in hand with these people. He begins a sentence with “The reality is…” and then presents his opinion, devoid of any factual support. Typical.
“However, as a strong supporter of the Second Amendment I also believe in a person’s right to defend themselves, their families and their homes from possible threats; if it is done in a responsible manner. ”
This is when you know their position on vcivil rights is b.s.
Yut. That’s the line that struck me, as well.
And Senator Yee just wet his pants.
You assume that they weren’t already wet. The man is a habitual panty-wetter. Look at his voting record. He’s probably scared of his own shadow and would ban it if he had the votes.
Another one of those studies where they draft a conclusion and then back into the data :D. I love this garbage because the back into data doesn’t even lead to the conclusion they already arrived at. My personal favorite was the one that linked gun ownership to suicide and then left the BEAUTIFUL footnote of “We had no data to find each states level of gun ownership SO WE TIED THE SUICIDE LEVEL TO THE LEVEL OF GUN OWNERSHIP.” I swear to god they just do this crap so that liberal news sites can post “studies” saying they’re right. There could be pencil drawings of shetland ponies on the inside of the study and it wouldn’t matter.
I thought only FN rifles SCAR’d people.
Reality check:
Let’s say Mr. Tanaka is sincere and on the up-and-up. How long will it take the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s department to process all the people who want concealed carry licenses?
Let’s throw out some estimates, shall we? Nationally, something like 3% of the population legally carries handguns in public. Thus about 300,000 Los Angeles County residents will want concealed carry licenses. Further, let’s assume that Los Angeles County Sheriff processes concealed carry license applications 250 days per year. If all of those people applied immediately, the County would have to process 1,200 applications per day to handle everyone in one year. Even if we allowed the county 5 years to process all applications, they would still have to process 240 applications per day.
I cannot begin to imagine that the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s office can process 240 concealed carry license applications per day, every day. Remember, each license requires a background check, finger printing, personal interview, and mental health exam. Unless the Sheriff hires dozens of staff to process these applications, it could easily be a decade or longer before everyone who wants a concealed carry license in Los Angeles County actually gets one.
This is why our rights must never be contingent upon applications and government approval. Poor staffing resources alone can result in a de facto ban. And any bets whether applicants can move to the front of the line (thus avoiding a 10 year wait) after a campaign donation?
I think I smell another lawsuit coming …
There are fundamental problem with the studies that show guns in the house are dangerous (a flaw that I think was intentional).
Most of the studies do not differentiate between homes in which there are felons and ongoing criminal activity and homes in which there are the rest of us. Think the atmosphere of a crack house and my home in suburbia are the same? Think it might be worthwhile to control for that in an objective study?
They also like to “stretch” the definition of children. Think about what the data looks like if you compare the firearm injury rate if you define “child” up to age 16 or you stretch it to 20 and then don’t control for environment.
Well, don’t imagine, play with the numbers yourself. CDC has a website, WISQARS, which lets you examine their data almost any way you want (
Useful when you are discussing “issues” with friends. Often good for a “Wow” or two.
The fundamental flaw is the statistics he quote are just plain made up lies.. Once you remove these, the basis for his arguments is removed.
So, owners just have to declare they have complied with the demands of the letter?
Or is the state going to conduct house-to-house searches?
Should we bring in some Ukrainians to help us learn how to deal with tyrants?
Actually, they should respond with a 5th Amendment refusal notice …
Doesn’t sound inflammatory… though the proof is in the implementation.
“It is irresponsible of us to force residents to prove they are entitled to a right that was granted to them under the Constitution.”
1) The Constitution does not “grant” rights, you are born with them.
2) You are STILL forcing residents to “prove they are entitled to a right”. You have only ceased to dismiss the claimed right out of hand.
3) Shall not be infringed, still means shall not be infringed.
I was actually thinking about starting a business to provide secure out-of-state storage for CT gun owners until this nonsense goes away.
Interesting idea. Set up a gunvault business in Vermont where ppl from New York and Connecticut pay you to store their firearms.
Someone should coordinate a maritime event, coinciding with the Blessing of the Fleet in Southport or Stonington (usually in June or July) and call it the “Great Long Island Sound Boating Disaster Flotilla” and go out and dump [empty?] cardboard boxes (biodegradable and recycled, of course) …
I suspect the fishermen have no more love for the government than do we…
You mean a left leaning journalist in LA wants me to give up my guns, be still my beating heart.
First time in my life I can think of a situation where I have to have a mental health exam prior to going to a government office to get a service
He won’t get elected. Rank and file hate him. He’s also one of those closet anti-gun types. Blocked a Patrol Rifle Program for Deputies…etc. List goes on.
Prediction: Guns will be confiscated, gun owners will be beaten and thrown in prison, pets will be shot to death, families will be threatened and not 1 round will be fired by our side in anger against the tyrants. Why do I say this you ask?? People are too worried about house payments, soccer games and Dancing with the Stars. Our priories do not include dying for freedom and liberty on our own soil.
Pickett is the problem in Texas. I think even Perry would have signed it if it had made it through last time. I wrote a letter to my senator (Hancock) to make sure he wasn’t chosen again, but to no avail.
On another note the OC group has been in Keller and Downtown Dallas lately and has had good (relative) press on it. Lots of horn honking and thumbs up in the area. No police issues that I saw either.
Write a letter to Lt. Eric Cooke and demand that he resign immediately and turn himself into proper authorities for treason, File a warrant for his arrest and the arrest of any or all supervisors who gave him such an order to confiscate.
Furthermore, the Special Licensing & Firearms Unit is to be dismantled asap because this unit has no purpose under the Constitution of the United States.
Give them 48 hours to comply.
Remind that Lt. Eric Cooke is an American and he is threatening to take property from other Americans unjustly and without due process.
Remind them this is a right and is protected and that he took an oath to protect that right.
Remind him that he is malfunctioning as a police officer and a citizen of the United States and that he needs to turn to his superiors and bring them to justice.
If People do not let you in their house, will you force your way in? If you do, and they do not cooperate and shots are fired, Is this worth life liberty and pursuit of happiness?
These are Law Abiding Citizens and You are about to Provoke them to Violence without justification.
Think this thru and read this letter twice.
What would happen if folks formed their own citizens militia and arrested the evil doer’s for treasonable offenses. That’s what they are worried about.
Funny, I used to miss living in Connecticut, but it’s amazing how little the fresh air, beautiful countryside and charming, small-town folksiness really amount to when stacked against my inalienable rights.
Sorry, CT, but you picked the clowns behind this legislation, and I doubt that I’m alone in saying I’ll never spend any of my money there again unless you wake up and get rid of them.
I have only one word to say about GZs arsenal…amateur.
Martelle is the typical baby boomer American “progressive,” someone who has already reached a conclusion before asking any questions, never mind receiving answers.
These people have the intellectual heft of a piece of balsa wood.
Here is what I learned;
If you fire your firearm repeatedly and forego cleaning over an extended period of time it will take a kick-ash Tactical Cleaning Kit In A Green Plastic Box to clean it.
WHEN he’s elected Sheriff!!?
I think he means IF he’s elected sheriff. I mean elections still serve a function even in LA county. Right? . . . Guys?
There’s a whole lot of people who think people who are for the Second Amendment just want to intimidate and kill them, and that the whole “Second Amendment thing” is just a smokescreen to put them in their place. They vote in mass and support the “tyrants” that take your weapons, because they are afraid that you have bad intentions for them. Those feelings are a big reason a very unpopular Obama won a second term. If those people are wrong about your intentions, there are not very many people telling them so.
Nowadays, anyone with an IQ over 100 is a minority.
You’re asking if rich, white, liberal, elitist are racist…
That’s a joke, right?
Aside from the supposed inability of people to fight the current government and military, I always get a kick out of the other argument people use in regards to the possibility of tyrannical government. So many antis seem completely unaware of the possibility, because we have a constitution. Their position on the issue basically boils down to, “We have a constitution. However, it’s fine to piss all over it because our government will never become tyrannical, because we have a constitution that they abide by.”
Sure, they can do what they want. But I should be allowed to refuse to do business with them because I think they’re weird and gross.
That’s a two way street that most Americans have forgotten about, I think.
Yeah, yeah about the Dec of Indy and the Constitution, I’m all in, but back to that furry thing.
That blue fox I hope, had his GoPro on a tripod when he was doing his behind the back, under the knee, etc, negligent firearms handling. I am sure he was sweeping his own body as well as the camera location with his vision impaired suit and oversized fingers in the trigger guard.
I can tell you who inadvertently carries a gun. Every cop and other government official who tries to get through airport security and gets stopped. They usually say they didn’t mean to and they forgot the gun was with them or their bag.
I think the 2014 PAFCON is in Indianapolis this year around the 26th of April.
I’ll take “What’s a cross between a Smurf and a Chupacabra” for $1000, Alex.
6.5 grendel has been around for much longer and isn’t totally worthless like .300 blackout.
The 6.5 Grendel provides performance much closer to 6.5x55mm Swedish Mauser cartridges. While the Grendel sacrifices a few hundred ft.lbs. of energy and (with some bullet weights) a bit of velocity, it does allow for fairly high sectional-density bullets. I’d find this caliber preferable to one optimized for suppressors rather than effectiveness and accuracy. There is no reason, though, that both alternatives can’t survive in the market.
Front sight training? Really?
Initially I thought, well there was no reason to attack after the moose retreated, but then I thought (as I’m sure this guy did), hell he already came after a guy on a running snowmobile, what’s to stop him from attack again or attacking someone else. Good shoot. Hope he got to keep the meat.
troll mode: I’d take a mini 14
She’s back at it again, only this time she’s shocked that people use facebook to conduct private gun transactions.
My mother always said you can tell people off nicely. What a great example!
In my 35 years of hand gunning Sig is king, not all Sigs though, their1911, 220, 2022, 229, 226 are impeachable (generally speaking, 99.9%) Don’t forget they are made by imperfect humans. I have had out of thousands upon thousands of rounds, between all the afore mentioned 2 failure to feed in the 2022, and that probably was because of the ammo. My 2022 had 9k+ rounds through it be for I sold it to someone else for more than what I paid for it. With these kind of high quality firearms you do get what you pay for! Am I a Sigite no I just know quality and value when I see it! I have 4 Glocks, Remingtons, Smiths, Kimbers of varying flavors, but the Sigs rise above the rest for reliability, and resale-ability.
Well, so much for the 1911 being a beautiful gun… It’s like a bad face lift on an attractive woman.