As the LA Times’ George Skelton marvels, “You’ve got to wonder what goes through a candidate’s head when his first TV ad contains an indisputable, major falsehood.” You might respond that it’s par for the course and an indicator that the candidate is perfectly suited for major state or national office, but that would be terribly cynical.
In this case, it’s California’s leading gubernatorial candidate that has Skelton shaking his head.
Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, front-runner in the race to succeed termed-out Gov. Jerry Brown, ran a TV ad claiming he was “the first to take on the National Rifle Association and win.”
Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, front-runner in the race to succeed termed-out Gov. Jerry Brown, ran a TV ad claiming he was “the first to take on the National Rifle Association and win.”
Hardly.This is the relevant ad text, read by a pleasant-sounding female narrator: “The L.A. Times called Gavin Newsom ‘Ahead of the pack, from gay marriage to gun control.’ The first mayor to recognize marriage equality. The first to provide healthcare to every resident. The first to take on the National Rifle Association and win. The one candidate with the record of bold leadership and bold results. …” Etc.
The Times did publish a column by Cathleen Decker about Newsom under an “ahead of the pack” headline in December 2015. But the article didn’t say he was the first to take on the NRA and win.
Hair-splitting and nit-picking. It’s true, Newsom is merely one of the latest in a long line of left coast office-holders that have made their political bones by appealing to their ultra-liberal constituents’ gun-grabbing instincts. But in a state that prides itself on the race they’ve been running toward a civilian gun ownership-free future, as another ardent anti-gun candidate once wondered, what difference, at this point, does it make?
Skelton rightly points out that the California rogues’ gallery of civilian disarmament advocates starts and ends with Newsom’s fellow San Franciscan, Diane Feinstein. After which the torch has been taken up by such esteemed public servants as George Deukmejian, Gray Davis, Antonio Villaraigosa and Kevin De Leon. There’s really no shortage of names from which to choose.
Somehow, though, Second Amendment restriction all-star Leland Yee failed to get a mention. That’s surprising because he pushed for the state’s ban on .50 cal rifles, a handgun ban, magazine capacity limits, a ban on bullet buttons and even wanted to register 3D printers.
But Skelton’s probably forgotten all about Yee because he’s currently spending his days here in Texas at FMC Fort Worth. You know, out of sight, out of mind.
This column would not have been written if the Newsom camp had just admitted “we screwed up” and dropped the ad. But the ad kept running and the candidate’s spokesman, Nathan Click, tried to justify the spot.
What the ad intended to say, Click told me, was that Newsom is “the first to take the NRA to the ballot box and win.” But that’s not what the ad says.
“When you’re trying to convey something in 30 seconds,” he replied, “you’re limited by the format.”
Not an excuse.
Fair enough. It’s good to see one of the state’s premier publications holding its candidates for office accountable. While The Times agrees with every single gun-grabbing instinct and position Newsom’s ever espoused, we can’t have him running around, falsely claiming credit for California’s abysmal Second Amendment record, no matter how hard he’s worked to earn it.
“[Newsome’s] first TV ad contains an indisputable, major falsehood.”
What’s with this “falsehood” Scheisse? It’s a lie. A LIE. A lie by a lying liar.
“Falsehood” is a term reserved for politicians, for others lying, deceitful, duplicitious and perjury are used.
1: And untrue statement: LIE
2: Absence of truth or accuracy
3: The practice of lying: MENDACITY
What’s with this “Scheisse” bull? It’s shit. A SHIT. A crap by a crappy crapper
HARD to believe this twink was married to Kimberly Guilfoyle…oh he’ll probably win. Commiefornia screwed even more.
This column would not have been written if the Newsom camp had just admitted “we screwed up” and dropped the ad. But the ad kept running and the candidate’s spokesman, Nathan Click, tried to justify the spot.
Weird echo in here today.
The liberal socialist democrats have a lot of tax dollars to throw out to keep them and their illegal aliens in power in the people’s republik of Kalifornia. Have to throw it some where. I see the same ads continually anti Trump and anti American.
The only thing worse than a Democrat politician, is the people who vote for them. The part I don’t understand is why anyone would ever expect honesty from a Democrat running for governor of California. The truth ain’t in ’em.
I made an AsSalt rifle out of an AK and an AR, I call it AKAR
An AsSalt AKbAR?
So did faxon arms. They called it an arak.
I like it when a link goes somewhere I can jump in the comments and troll the Bigots who read that site!
Playing here with you guys is fun and all… but we’re never going to convert anyone reading TTAG… they’re already in our camp.
For a little humor to brighten your day, here’s proof God has a tremendous sense of humor in Hawaii :
Gavin Newsom is a JackAss and he has not integrity what so ever. Back in 2007 he had a sexual relationship with Ruby Rippey-Tourk, the wife of Alex Tourk. Alex Tourk was his best friend and campaign manager at the time when he was Mayor of San Fransisco.
If Newsom was having an affair with a single woman, that would be one thing, but to go behind a trusted aide’s back and have an affair with that person’s spouse which was his best friend that certainly makes him a JackAss.
Newsom also authored Prop 63 which banned online ammunition sales and in 2019 will require you to have a Special ID that cost $50.00 and pay a $2.00 per transaction.
He is liberal nut job plain and simple….
Maybe Alex is into that sort of thing. These are Cali Democrats we’re talking about here.
Actually, no, Alex was most definitely not into that sort of thing.
““the first to take the NRA to the ballot box and win.”
also makes no sense and is surely false when put up against the decades of gun-grabbers in CA
“You’ve got to wonder what goes through a candidate’s head when his first TV ad contains an indisputable, major falsehood.”
He’s a Democrat running for statewide office in California. What’s going through his head is, “I can say anything I want and still win.”
Its not that simple. California politics is split in to two camps (its not Dem and Rep): Nothern California and Southern California (and they are all Dems)….. Gavin newsom, Jerry Brown, Kamala Harris, Dianne Feinstein, and Nancy Pelosi are all Nor Cal. So Cal has nobody you’ve heard of other than Bercera, but hes at state level. So Cal is hostile to NorCal because it dominates California Democrat politics and by extension funnels more tax money to norcal Democrat interests. Norcal also controls most of the water and will shut down the pipelines citing some endangered species or environmental thing, if the SoCal Dems get out of line… its bad Dem politics to argue practical reasons over Gia Mother Earth, so they usually shut up and do what their northern masters command….. this newspaper article is just socal lashing out against norcal.
The NRA was AWOL in the fight against the Gunmageddon bills, and later Prop 63. He’s claiming victory over an opponent he never faced.
I thought California was going to secede from the Union.
They are going to secede, aren’t they?
No… what they want is a splitting up of the state. Jefferson in the far north, NorCal around SF and Sacramento, and SocCal all have different voting interests. Its all dominated by NorCal and they are sick of kissing NorCal’s ring to get anything done. NorCal (Newsom, Pelosi, Feinstein, Brown, Harris, don’t want to give up that power….. secession would internally split the states with all three ultimately returning to the U.S., because they all too weak individually to exist as countries.
Perhaps Gavin has forgotten Doe v. San Francisco, the lease provision in public housing prohibiting possession of legal firearms in public housing where San Francisco had to pay NRA/CRPA attorneys fees when NRA/CRPA won.
Gavin claims his animosity comes from a terrifying incident a a youth, and that he will do everything in his power to ban as many of them as he can. I anticipate that if we don’t see it this session, he will propose a complete ban on ALL semiautomatic rifles. If he s slick enough to get that passed, he will go for semiauto handguns too. Is an elimination of CCWs far behind, and if not a ban, at least the same “extreme good cause required for a permit LA and SF (essentially the same scrutiny as the now overturned D.C ban) resulting in a virtual no issue state, no matter which way the rest of the country is going.
This guy oozes more oil and grease than a used car salesman. ANd if he wins, California gun owners will be first to be burned at the stake.
The only thing to remember about Gavin – this self promoting pretty boy, is that he fucked his best friend’s wife. California, not surprisingly, is completely okay with that.
Hey Gavin whats it like being a dick and having the world know it?
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