Lane: Whenever My Husband Leaves, I Feel a Need to Protect My Family

Armed Doesn't Mean Dangerous
Courtesy Christian K. Lee and Washington Post

The point of this project is to recondition myself, and others, toward the more positive view of Black people and guns: to promote a more balanced archive of images of African Americans with firearms by showing responsible gun owners — those who use the weapons for sport, hobby and protection. I hope these photos bring that important point into focus.

— Christian K. Lee in Armed Doesn’t Mean Dangerous

Click here to see all of the photos in the presentation. 


  1. I’ve never cared what your skin color is. If you’re a human being, you have a natural right to defend yourself. If you aggressively encroach on me and mine, I have a natural right to defend myself from you. Make your life decisions accordingly.

    • “I’ve never cared what your skin color is.”

      But the Washington post cares. As a matter of fact, the Left is obsessed with skin color. This presentation must have been designed for those racists.

      • “The point of this project is to recondition myself, and others, toward the more positive view of Black people and guns: to promote a more balanced archive of images of African Americans with firearms by showing responsible gun owners…”

        There are things that responsible gun owners do and things they don’t.

    • It’s nothing about skin color that matters. What matters is what is between one’s ears and in one’s heart….. Where skin color matters is in the Demorat Libturd’s Racist agenda to use skin color to divide and conquer America. Sadly, blacks are used by Demorats for their skin color……and blacks largely buy into the scam. Each individual builds their own brand powered by what is between their ears and in their heart. Disappointingly, by one’s own choice, skin color may be adopted as one’s brand identifier, as Nike adopts the Swoosh as their brand identifier. Blacks choose to be routinely highlighted on the evening news for negative reasons…with their brand identifier flying high. Quit being used and change the brand and identifier to be known for positive reasons. Quit allowing those with your brand identifier to highlight it for negative. Libturds realized there is far more power, control, and money in Government than there ever was in cotton…….and they can tax Productive Citizens to pay for the Government Plantation Dwellers’ shanty shacks, sow belly and collard greens, Obummer phones, and EBC free shit…..and the Libturds still get almost all the black vote. Sadly, blacks continue to vote themselves into the Government Plantation Dweller Free Shit Program. Blacks allow themselves to be their own worst enemy……next to Libturds. And, yes there are non-blacks that choose to be Libturds’ Useful Idiots as well.

      • TTAG Editor function failed to capture into above comment: MickeyDs doesn’t allow franchisees to fly their brand negatively. Why do blacks tolerate their brand identifier to be consistently highlighted negatively?? Birds of a feather flock together. Not interested in expending non-replenishable heartbeats on those choosing to fly their skid marked panties in plain sight to gag society. Again, it’s not skin color. It’s what is between one’s ears and in one’s heart. With 7+ Billion individuals in the world, I don’t have enough heartbeats for everyone, so I choose to invest them where and with whom I feel I use those heartbeats for the greatest ROI.

  2. That picture says quite alot. I have no doubt many people see things that way. I’m sure many women see thing that way. There are likely many black women see things that way.

    The whole thing becomes pointless when you are perfectly happy to allow people into your home with illegal drugs with the intent on using them. It all becomes pointless when your getting brainwashed by CNN and the Washington left to think that all white men are evil and want to kill you. It is all pretty pointless when you continue voting for the very people that WILL take that gun from you. There is no point at all when you become a willing participant in the BLM/Antifa movement. If you are a woman with a child and you stay with someone you know is doing illegal things then the whole thing becomes pointless as you and your child WILL eventually find yourself on the wrong side of the gun or of the cops.

    I personally could not care less what your skin color is (or your gender). The 2A applies to all Americans. But if your using the 2A as cover for destroying America then the whole thing is pointless.

      • “The point of this project is to recondition myself, and others, toward the more positive view of Black people and guns: to promote a more balanced archive of images of African Americans with firearms by showing responsible gun owners…”

        There are things that responsible gun owners do and things they don’t.

  3. Let’s not forget how the military wing of the democRat Party better known as the KKK was in charge of Gun Control that specifically targeted Blacks. Frankly it takes having your ducks in order to use a firearm in a defensive manner without risking going to jail or getting sued. That said…A race of people who were once slaves that today belong to the party of their slave masters and tormentors makes me question their judgement.

    All the drama over a few bad cops and when compared to the laundry list of race based atrocities attributed to the democRat Party the actions of those cops cannot compare. Obviously the drama does fly for history illiterates but for those in the know it’s a very sad sight and a colossal display of ignorance..

  4. My gorgeoua black wife agrees! Heck her sainted mom had a shiny(loaded) engraved. 38. BTW these “news flashes”are a bit bizarre to me…

    • “BTW these “news flashes”are a bit bizarre to me…”

      You’re not the intended target.

      It’s the Leftist sitting on the fence that post was targeting…

  5. You can’t end racism by pointing out race in everything. Equality as long as I’m still special isn’t going to work.

    • This.
      You can’t end racism by continually emphasizing color, even if the attempt is to do it under a positive light.
      Black people, Asian people, Latino people are all PEOPLE, everything else is mostly irrelevant.

  6. The more peace loving, law abiding gun owners there are the better. It doesn’t matter what color they are.

  7. Lane: Whenever My Husband Leaves, I Feel a Need to Protect My Family

    Forget race, which is a tangent in this story. The real question is, why does Ms. Lee feel no need to protect her family when her husband is around?

    • Because she knows her husband is more capable than her and that he is the first line of defense? Nothing wrong with that unless you subscribe to the leftist narrative that men and women are interchangeable drones and are equally capable in every endeavor and therefore it doesn’t matter who or what you marry.

      • doesky2 and dude, that’s exactly my point. I’m sick and tired of the “women are just as capable as men” bvllsh!t.

    • When there’s an unusual noise late at night, how many guys here have wives that hopped out of bed to go check it out? The men always check it out because there actually are differences between the two sexes.

      • When I jumped out of bed my wife followed, holding HER gun. An armed man backed by an armed woman is better than a man alone.

  8. Christian K. Lee – “Armed Doesn’t Mean Dangerous “
    False. Armed IS dangerous. Not necessarily directed AT or TO everyone. But if you’re armed—you should be considered dangerous…to tyrants and criminals.

  9. One thing that I noticed in that pictorial was that the BLACK WOMEN were mostly MARRIED which is atypical from the stats. Of the stated marital status stated in the story a full 84% were married whereas the current black marriage rate is something around 25%.

    Any discussion that involves guns, violence, and black people that doesn’t mention the topic of missing fathers is just Leftist Fake News narratives that is too woke to talk about the real issue.

    Even though I’m sick and tired of all the woke BS and false narratives that are dominate in todays Leftist culture I am still open to ideas on how things can be incentivized that the black community heals thyself and increase their marriage rates. Since the most logical solution involves religion I’m pretty damn confident that it will never be broached by the Democrat party.

    The last person who tried to bring up the black marriage rate was uber-liberal credentialed liberal Patrick Moynihan in 1965 and he got eviscerated by the Left. Probably one of the original examples of a politician getting cancelled.

    BTW todays white marriage rate is where the “in crisis” rate that was for blacks in 1965.

  10. ALL healthy, law-abiding American citizens should buy as many firearms and as much ammunition as they can safely store.

  11. Whenever my husband leaves my family breathes a sigh of relief.

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