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Latest FBI Crime Stats Don’t Support Gun Control

Robert Farago - comments No comments

The latest FBI crime statistics are out. The usual suspects are poring over the data, looking for justification for their anti-gun agenda. The resulting spin is nothing less than dizzying. For example, the chart above — created by our good friends at The Trace — shows that the criminal use of rifles has declined both generally and as a percentage of the types of firearms used in crimes. Now you and I would look at that and conclude . . .

that the data doesn’t support gun control advocates’ ongoing campaign to ban “assault rifles” (setting aside the irrelevance of any data given Americans’ Second Amendment protections). The Trace has a different take . . .

It’s not surprising that handgun homicides account for most of the elevation in the national murder rates over the past two years. Following a sea change in the legal gun market, as gun companies cater to those who buy weapons to defend themselves from other people, the supply of handguns to the black market has also expanded.

Once again, criminals use handguns because they’re easy to conceal. Full stop. Anything suggesting anything else is either delusional, willfully ignorant or anti-gun rights agenda-driven.

Speaking of “assault rifle” regulation, there’s one in place in California. In fact, the Golden State has more and more unconstitutional gun control laws than any other state. So how’s that working out for them?

FBI: Violent crime up in California and US for 2nd straight year the headline at sfgate.com proclaims, careful to add “and the US” to ameliorate the failure of the state’s law enforcement and gun control regime.

Talk about spin; the news org doesn’t reveal the actual rise (4.1 percent) until the twelfth paragraph. And before that, yup, you guessed it, there’s a shot at President Trump.

But the recent jumps, while prompting concern and a search for causes, do not reflect a picture of spiraling lawlessness suggested by some observers, criminologists said. President Trump earlier this year falsely claimed the U.S. murder rate had surged to its highest level in nearly 50 years.

Violent crime and property crime rates, instead, were uneven across the Bay Area and the country, with some local jurisdictions reporting falling numbers year-to-year, and nearly all of them seeing crime rates that are well off the historical highs of decades ago.

Here’s the only bit where “reporter” Evan Sernoffsky focuses on the surge in violent crime.

In the region’s largest city, San Jose, violent crime went up 13 percent from 2015 to 2016 and homicides rose from 30 to 47. San Jose, though, remains relatively safe among big cities.

Fail. Epic fail. Epic gun control fail. Violent crime is up in every major city with “strict” (i.e. unconstitutional) gun control. Check out this lipstick on a pig headline: FBI: Violent crime up in Seattle and Washington in 2016, but murders specifically down. Or this: How some local law enforcement agencies are making headway in reducing violent crimes.

Violent crime is up. As usual, cities with gangs and gun control are spearheading the rise. Gun rights restoration alone may not solve the problem, but it’s clear that gun control is not the solution. As if you didn’t know.

0 thoughts on “Latest FBI Crime Stats Don’t Support Gun Control”

  1. Naked and drunk because that’s how it’s going to happen IRL. (That’s a joke for those that don’t understand humor).

    I focus on fundamentals. Maybe one day I’ll graduate to operating operationally like an operator.

  2. let me know when nhl players start acting ungrateful for their millions.

    other countries have expressed their feelings towards a returning unvictorious home team rather brutally.

  3. They have the right to protest in any non violent way they wish. I have the right to no longer support them or their team with my viewer ship or through the purchase of merchandise. I have been a supporter of my favorite team since their inception in the 60’s. I sent the ownership an E mail last night informing them that I could not would not offer my support of their franchise until they demanded their employees again stand and respect the flag of our nation during the National Anthem. There are many who will say they don’t have the authority to do this. That is where you are wrong. You do not have the right to speak or act as you please while in the workplace and your employer can discipline you up to and including termination. Don’t believe me. Look at your employee rule book. There are many things you are not allowed to say,wear,do all of which are guaranteed under the First Amendment. Yet if you do them your employer does have the right to discipline you. Still don’t believe me contact the EEOC they will set you straight.

  4. Crime is up, we plebs need “common sense gun safety measures” for our own good; crime is down and its “what do you need a gun for?”

    My other favorite dichotomy: “guns are horrifying, death machines…but you serfs couldn’t possibly use one to effectively defend yourself…you racist”

  5. I think its fake news. When I lived in Az. You need a hunting license to shoot in the desert period. Fish and game let me know it. I did get away.

  6. So now instead of having the auto play video be before the jump so that you can avoid clicking you have it directly after the jump so that it is unexpected. Fucking ridiculous

  7. Sigh……… President Carly Fiorina. Business mind, pro gun, & no drama. But, no….. Folks backed the Trump Train instead. Enjoy the results. A short term deal with the Devil to win the White House. Long term? The GOP is destroyed.


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