How many “high capacity” AR-15 ammunition magazines are there in the United States of America? One million? Ten million? More? What are the odds that a federal law could eliminate a psycho-killer’s access to a 30-round AR-15 ammunition magazine? More to the point, how can MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell blame Republicans (and “Blue Dog” Democrats) for the death of a little girl shot by a homicidal maniac? Simple. Mr. O’Donnell lives in a world where personal responsibility doesn’t exist. Where the government is responsible for everything from pre-natal care to housing to education to the number of bullets fired by a spree killer into a crowd of innocent bystanders. Mr. O’Donnell’s rationale for a “high capacity” mag ban bill is in perfect synch with this world view. He wants to limit/eliminate the average Americans’ ability to protect themselves to protect them. Like I said, nuts.
With that logic we should just ban NASCAR! I mean, this celebration of autos and speed is an egregious insult to the families of the 9600 people [1] who have died in auto related crashes this year already!
Have some respect!
Liberal, nuts, same thing.
I bet all five people in MSNBC’s audience think his ideas are totally righteous man!
“Pieces of excrement…” Hardly. Manure at least has uses.
I am not a NASCAR fan. I much prefer rally, gt, and drag racing. But F*** this dude, why the heck does he think he can decide what other people get to watch. This saying has been popping in to my head constantly for the past couple months now: “Your rights end at my nose.” Don’t remember where I heard it from, probably kindergarten. Their right to demand anything regarding me ends at my person, and I will fight them for that right.
The notion that the Giffords shooter was jumped when he stopped to reload is another one of those “truths” that upon inspection doesn’t hold up. According to the LA Times, the shooter actually did reload. It was when his gun jammed after reloading that he was jumped.
No more details about the survey, like the total respondents?
A lot of the surveys the pollers published seem to ask just a few hundred people. Is that enough to have confidence in, if that was the case here?
As long as it’s really random, a few hundred is fine.
The first line of the last paragraph states, “One thousand Americans 18 years old and older were surveyed …”
One thousand people is not a very large sample. I am absolutely certain that you could get on the order of 5% to 10% variation in results between any given sample of 1000 people. So, in my opinion, this survey doesn’t really allow anyone to say that public approval of hunting is at a high (whether short term or long term). That’s my two cents.
When it’s reasonable to go from 30 rounds to 10 it will be reasonable to go to 5 rounds when the 10 rounders don’t work. After that? like DRE said “there aint nothin after that”, Randy
When faced with a compelling argument, you attack. The man is insane. Others you call troll.
What he said about Loughner is exactly right and it’s one of the best arguments for prohibiting larger-capacity magazines. Lanza is another one. Holmes too.
Some of us have been saying this all along.
Think rationally. Ten bullets and reloading doesn’t save a life if he then goes on to continue shooting. As other shooters can use 10 capacity magazines as illustrated and…people still die. Hi Point 10 round mags shoot the same bullets that are used in a Glock 17. The number of the round does not change death whether it is the 12th round from the first mag or the 2nd round from the 2nd magazine or whatever round from whatever mag in whatever shooting mayhem ensues.
Think about that. Other shooters have used 10 round magazines to the same effect of people being shot and killed. The only thing a shooter needs is time and a victim rich area. If you want to stand there and be shot instead of shoot back this is all well and good but…a nation that thinks like that is a nation full of waiting victims. Let’s prevent that shall we?
Mikeb30200- Just an observation but I get the feeling you don’t go out shooting much. Because if you did you would understand the problem with this line of thinking and how it doesn’t work in the real world.
Actually, T-DOG, I’ve had some experience with guns. Why don’t you say what you mean and drop the silly attempts to pigeon-hole me based on my comments.
Click your heels and all the bad things will go away.
Apparently Murphy is still being breast fed. Latch on to that tit and hug your woobie Murphy. Leave the big people alone.
America’s Gun?
The one used to preserve her:
The AR-15
When and if the time comes to resist tyranny with civilian arms, the gun that will be used most will be the ubiquitous AR-15 chambered in .223 with a full-capacity magazine.
What the man says is exactly right. The gun business is like any other business. The bottom line is king and immoral laws, or the lack thereof, which increase the bottom line are always desireable.
Here’s some additional advice, as I’ve been through this in my home state of Connecticut – throw out the NRA ratings. Assume all of them are “F’s” until they tell you otherwise. If you receive the standard, “I respect the 2nd Amendment, but we must also remember those victims…”. Translation: “I’m voting for any and all gun control measures”. Don’t be fooled. Both my State Senator and Representative from my district carried “A” ratings from the NRA. They also both voted for that draconian gun control bill. No politician is safe from the Obama/Biden sphere of influence.
Do you have a compelling Pro-2A spokesperson. Someone that saved their kids lives with a DGU and can say “If it wasn’t for my Bushmaster, me and my child would be dead”. You seem to have good responses for the logical arguments but it probably wouldn’t be a bad idea to be able to counter their emotional arguments too.
AR-15s are Mustangs. 870s & 500s are tuner cars (cheap and a plethora of cheap add ons are available). AUGs, SCARs, etc are Corvettes. Blaser, BRNO, and J.P. Sauer are Porsches. Purdey and Holland & Holland are Ferraris.
I’ve said it before & I’ll say it again: The means of achieving liberals’ ends is irrelevant; all that matters is achieving those ends. Lying, cheating, obfuscating, exaggerating, misrepresenting, destroying the opposition – all are perfectly acceptable toward achieving the liberals’ end goal of decimating the 2nd Amendment.
Nick, you have to get in on one of the ones they do with EVERYTHING they make. They’ve used our ranges a couple of times to do those. Nothing like getting trigger time on the full layout of pistols, shotguns, rifles AND crew served machine guns all in one day!
I just love the P90. I so want one of those…
If she puts up with him. Than she made her bed let her lye in it.
My senators are John Cornyn and Ted Cruz. I can count on them to vote against this crap. I gave money to both Toomey and Ayotte. I won’t make that mistake again.
Obama was right about the AG. Just sayin’
When I first saw the photo at Awkward Family Photos, all I could think was “Twyla Git Yer Gun,” and “Hakuna matata, M—- F—-!”
My partner came up with Assault Steppin, and Feelin’ Plucky?
More family portraits with firearms.
The shot placement “myth” is the brother of the one-shot-drop myth. This guy is right about alot but expecting average people, even average soldiers and cops (w/ “average” training), to instantly and consitantly stop an attacker w/ one shot (even from a long gun) is bull feces. Under duress most people cannot, even w/ training, consitantly hit a moving target the size of an apple at 10 meters – let alone 25. Guns, even long guns, are not magic wands and there is a very good chance that a BD will battle on after being hit. If spec ops guys have this problem you can bet the average joe will.
At least they HIT the perp. He would still be running loose if the PD from Bloombergistan would have shot AT him.