LGBT Groups: Oregon Measure 114 Drinks Deeply From the Tainted Well of Discrimination


From Operation Blazing Sword-Pink Pistols . . .

It is the position of Operation Blazing Sword – Pink Pistols that the recently-passed Oregon Ballot Measure 114 imposes a burdensome “permit to purchase” scheme upon all citizens, including marginalized and at-risk groups such as queer people. Much like North Carolina’s Pistol Purchase Permit, a Jim Crow-era law which uses subjective criteria to deny black people the ability to own a handgun for protection, Measure 114 fails to clearly define what does and does not disqualify applicants. Moreover, Measure 114 applies to all firearms, not just handguns, and so in this manner it drinks deeper from the tainted well of discrimination and gives local police the unprecedented ability to deny the Right to Keep and Bear Arms to anyone they choose for any reason.

For example, a queer person seeking to purchase a firearm for the first time could be denied a permit by citing an “increased risk of suicide” for gender and sexual minorities. Similarly, someone who exercises their First Amendment rights to assemble and protest could be deemed “a threat to the community” and denied their Second Amendment rights. Meanwhile, members of highly polarized groups whose politics are seen as favorable by local governments could receive a pass for their behavior, ultimately creating more unrest rather than the intended assurance.

Operation Blazing Sword – Pink Pistols believes that gun rights are queer rights because lawfully owned and lawfully carried firearms defend queer lives, and that self-defense is a human right. Therefore, any measure which inhibits, delays, or prevents the ability of queer people to defend themselves is inherently homophobic and transphobic, and violates both civil and human rights.

In summation, Measure 114 is a profoundly discriminatory law that ultimately will not pass muster with the courts, especially in light of the recent NYSRPA v. Bruen ruling. To that end, Operation Blazing Sword – Pink Pistols is pleased to announce that it will be filing an Amicus Curiae brief on behalf of the plaintiffs suing to overturn this law in the Eyre v. Rosenblum suit.


    • The Right of The “People” Second Amendment has always been for you-too until Gun Control stepped in. After all History Confirms Gun Control has always walked hand in hand with discrimination, etc.

      114 passed because the majority of voters were Gun Control History illiterates. To vote for anything Gun Control equates to voting for slave shacks, nooses, whips, concentration camps, gas chambers, swastikas, etc. How many Oregon voters witnessed a smidgen of the aforementioned in any 114 opposing Ad? ZERO.

      114 is what happens when Gun Owners fail to define Gun Control by its History of Rot. Until that happens the dog is just chasing its tail.

      • Days after it passed some in local media started interviewing some Oregonians, asking whether they voted yes or no, on 114, when they said YES, they read what was being said about 114..

        So far the majority who voted “YES” were saying and continue to say they didn’t vote for what the Oregon AG is now pushing!!!

        Making up rules as she goes along!!!!

        Glad we got atlleast one state judge willing to stand up for the OREGON CONSTITUTION!!!

        Just can’t figure out why there were not more lawsuits filed in more counties!!!

        As of now 114 has been halted!!!

        • “As of now 114 has been halted!!!”

          Has there been a resolution to the split between federal and state courts?

      • Forgot to mention that one group ran ads, was aired the day before election day, showing the group didn’t know OREGON was a mail in ballot state!!!

        Waiting for the day before election in Oregon will not swing the election!!!

    • Booger, probably the most intelligent thing I’ve heard said with a rainbow flag in the background.

    • No it’s not. They use it to protect drag queen grooming events. Antifa are all pedo felons like the ones that attacked rittenhouse. Take the guns from them they’re mentally ill.

      • Try this one:
        “The 2nd Amendment isn’t for straight, white men. They use it to protect white supremacist events. Conservatives are all neo-Nazi felons like those who attack synagogues. Take the guns from them they’re mentally ill.”
        Don’t like that? Don’t turn it around one those you disagree with. One small subsection of a community isn’t necessarily representative of the whole group. Maybe you should change your name to 2AisSubjectToMyPersonalCriteria.

    • .40 cal,

      Hear! Hear!

      Gays, lesbians, trannies, call-them-whatever have EXACTLY the same RKBA as I do. I have no problem with Leftist/fascist idiots, like MinorLiar or dacian the demented exercising their RKBA (other than the whole “mental illness” thing they have going). The 2A isn’t limited by identity politics, “wokeness”, or any other happy horseshit that the Leftist/fascists want to peddle. I don’t know a single gun owner who has a problem with others of different races, political persuasions, or religions bearing arms. We get enough of that fascist crap from the Left, we sure don’t need it from the Right!!

  1. Things always seem to depend on whose ox is being gored.

    While this group is obviously included in the Second Amendment, they will push for laws restricting speech; mean and hurtful, doncha know.

    Glad to see more organizations opposing gun control laws.

    • Sam I Am,

      “…they will push for laws restricting speech; mean and hurtful, doncha know.”

      Exactly so. Many of them are still a hate group of their own.

      “I know!!! Let’s ask that Christian baker to bake our wedding cake, just so we can make him uncomfortable and even sue him.”

      You read my mind.

      Full disclosure: several gay men and women in my extended family. We all get along famously

      • “We all get along famously”

        Same here Lifesavor I love them all.
        As far as the Baker here in Colorado I really wish there were a way to punish this DA for her unethical persecution. I would love to see her imprisoned for her actions.

      • Some in my extended family as well. None have ever said they were born that way, but “switched teams” after difficult (hetero) breakups. Mrs Haz and I were on great terms with them all their lives (since they were born), but once they chose to go the other way and marry partners of the same sex, they cut off all ties with us out of the assumption that we (being Christians) would shun them first. Totally not true. We do not accept certain behaviors and/or decisions, but we see every person as being made in the image of God and having intrinsic value. But they’re gone.

        • My nieces wife played that game also until she found out that our love for our niece was unconditional. You want to diss us because of our Christianity go right ahead but you will not remove us from her life. We will continue to provide love and support for her.

        • Haz,

          It is something I have tried to understand and have failed at. I’ve accompanied my relatives to gay bars, socialized in their “community”, invited them to our home many times. In the end, I had to admit I will never understand their lifestyle.

          BTW, apparently my relatives put the word out at the gay bar: “Leave that guy alone. He will hurt you.”

          The above warning was likely the result of a story I used to tell about a guy in the seminary who became ‘inappropriate’ with me. He did not repeat that mistake.

        • “…once they chose to go the other way and marry partners of the same sex, they cut off all ties with us out of the assumption that we (being Christians) would shun them first. Totally not true.”

          Did you communicate that message to them?

          And, if you did years earlier and were rebuffed, have you tried recently? Their attitudes may have changed over time…

        • Haz,

          I always believed in “hate the sin, not the sinner”. I have a nephew who is a “flaming fa**ot” (his description, not mine), and he is literally one of the nicest people I know (and funny as hell – boy has the best collection of “fag jokes’ ever). As long as they leave me alone (and stay away from kids) I don’t give a rip what they do in private. Not my circus, not my monkey. Hell, I even try to love drooling idiots like dacian and MinorLiar. Not always successful on that one, but I try.

        • I have a cousin from Seattle that suddenly became very feminine and fond of nail polish after his marriage didn’t work out. I knew him when he was younger. He wasn’t born that way. Maybe he still likes girls. I didn’t ask. There wasn’t any friction with him and any of the family after his change that I’m aware of.

        • You’re much more likely to be run out of an establishment for being conservative (it happens all the time) than if you’re gay. If the gay guy gets kicked out, you’ll be sued into oblivion. If the conservative gets kicked out, other conservatives will lecture them about the “free market.” Who has privilege again? I keep forgetting.

          As a matter of fact, gay Lefties will be the first ones to kick a conservative to the curb.

    • What % of the straight community votes for gun control? It doesn’t matter. If it violates the rights of 1 person it is illegal.

    • the community overall overwhelmingly supported it although that doesn’t mean every single person in the community.

      • Those who bothered to vote. But the devil is in the details. I doubt many read the proposal in its entirety.

    • and what percentage of straight, white men voted for Biden? took exactly one post for the bigots to crawl out from under their rocks

      • Asking a question in sincerity does not a bigot make. I would like to know the answer to your question also. Does the fact that you asked it make you a bigot? No it doesn’t but you inference does make you a fucking asshole. Congrats!

        • Flip side I’ve noticed sone far right attempting to define any trans shows as pedo. Of course not true.
          We all know that children don’t belong at sexualized cabaret.
          A costume show such as “RU Paul Drag” is benign.

    • In interviews the majority who admitted they voted for 114, when told what was being “IMPLEMENTED” they always respond we didn’t vote for that!!!

      The ballot clearly stated you must show up to show you can unload, load and shoot your gun safely..Now the AG is adding all kinds of “RULES” to get your permit!!!

      Also, your required to show up with your own gun, which means first time buyers our out of luck getting their permit!!!

      • This is why democracy sucks. Anyone who spent the time to read the bill knew it was a shit sandwich. Yet, uninformed idiots went and voted for it because it sounded good to them.

        • Yep and it lets politicians off the hook. I didn’t sponsor it but you voted for it. That way they get to claim innocence to the unintended consequences that they knew darned well would happen. Kind of like Obama voting present a huge percentage of the short time he was in the Senate.

  2. Long time ago was “pink guns” program.
    Gay bashing and murders disappeared.
    It seems the type of person to attack was a cowardly sociopath and not willing to risk that 1/100 gay men were armed.

    • As I hear about ILLannoy practically everyday “you voted for it”. I DIDN’T but most of the happy alphabet crowd likely DID. SOL…

      • My comment on the “pink guns” was based on the historical effect, and of course not a statement of all times and forever.
        Regarding the pulse massacre, I read that the motive was not extreme right wing hatred of gays but rather a self loathing brought on by his Father.

        • Stop with your facts Richard!
          Miner right now is furiously typing away to find any and all articles that dispute your comment. It will most likely be from VOX or the absolutely unbiased rag Queerty. You will be owned…

        • Serious question: Have you tried asking ChatGPT for a message to troll a gun forum?

          If you haven’t, you should. Then maybe y’all can learn to ignore the trolls. Especially when you realize that AI is smarter than Miner, or Miner is a bot and not a new model.

      • Yeah, all those poor, persecuted gay people, shot by . . . another gay.

        F*** right the hell off, MinorLiar, you drooling idiot. If you weren’t so stupid, you would embarrass yourself. Fortunately for you, you are dumber than Balaam’s off ass, so you aren’t even troubled by your own stupidity.

  3. Self defense is a human right whether you’re straight or gay. Maybe, gays are beginning to understand that the anti-gunners aren’t their friends.

    Guns are only a secondary target for the anti-gunners. Their primary target is the right of the private individual to use force in self defense. In their minds, the life and health of a violent criminal count as much or more than the life and health of his victim.

      • And then they see posts from morons like you and realize the people of TTAG support them fully. GTFOH you asswipe.

      • Just me speaking for myself – I’ve never feared or hated anyone for their sexuality except I confess to a blind hatred of active pedophiles.
        Non active pedophiles I’m ok with. For example if they want to rape blow up dolls but stay away from living human children, I have no issue. I have always been confused at people and ethnic groups angry at people for their being gay or trans.

        • no one regards a couple of aging queens living together in the neighborhood as much of a threat…in fact they’re often good neighbors….it’s the groomers we’re most concerned about….

    • “Their primary target is the right of the private individual to use force in self defense.”

      No, that’s their secondary target and the self-defense aspect of it is secondary to the force in general. It’s not that they support criminals over you, that’s just a convenient thing for you to believe right now because it obscures the actual goal(s) and makes it easy to guide you right to the slaughter house.

      Know your enemy, know his sword”, otherwise you’re asking to get cut to ribbons.

      You don’t need to be a genius to figure this stuff out. They’ve spent over a century writing this shit down for you to read. The only way you can be misled by this stuff is if you haven’t bothered to read the playbooks they’ve been openly publishing.

      These people are Malthusians at heart, because that’s what Marx was and these people follow Marx whether they explicitly know this or not.

      I’m not going to insert a large essay here but I will, once again, point out that one of the major tricks the Lefties play is to keep you from knowing the game by selling you on the idea that reading the rule book is dangerous or stupid.

      And I will use the example I often use; Nietzsche. No matter how much you explain to Right-leaning people what this guy actually said, they’ll still tell you he wanted to “kill God” and go on a rant about nihilism in the most ignorant manner imaginable.

      Which is the dumbest fucking thing you could say in that context. Literally the dumbest. On par with stating that oncologists “love cancer”. But it is very common because people have been tricked into not reading the warning label and still opening the box by a school system that’s been actively brainwashing people since at least 1958.

      One wonders if they’d be willing to state openly that a cyanic chemist only wants to poison people and that taking a class from a cyanic chemist was a “poisoning school”.

      • 1958?….don’t think so…getting religion out of the public schools was constitutionally correct….but using them for social engineering never was…getting kids to think was always a good idea…telling them what to think never was….

  4. I’ve instructed at a local chapter of Pink Pistols. I actually had a gay man tell me that he was more comfortable being out as gay in Boston than he was being a gun nut in the LGBT community.

  5. I absolutely do not trust the LGBTQxyz crowd to defend civil rights for anyone. They simply do not have a history of supporting civil rights. They have a history of disagreeing with the Christians, when the Christian said a father is necessary in the home. And they are big supporters of the Welfare Industrial Complex.

    The h0m0sexu@ls, in general, are s0ci@lists Pr0gr3ss!ve in their p0lit!c@l 0r!ent@ti0n. The first gay person I ever heard say everyone should have a gun. Was the former San Francisco city supervisor Harvey Milk. May he rest in peace. The only other white people were the members of The Log Cabin Republicans. Who publicly said black people needed guns to defend themselves against the racist police. And they said that on national television in 1980. As they supported Ronald Reagan for the presidency. The Log Cabin people had glass bottles and rock thrown at them during Pride parades, by the Gay Left.

    Even the white communists who described themselves as “the friends of black people” were absolutely against black folks owning guns. The white left eschewed gun ownership.

    Every law-abiding citizen of the United States has Second Amendment civil rights. Unfortunately those in the gay community mostly do not believe this. They in general are enormous supporters of the status quo. Despite all their complaining about the administrative state.

    In the real world owning guns and supporting the Second Amendment are absolutely two different things. Here on TTAG we have discussed many people who are gun owners, and at the same time, they absolutely do not support of Second Amendment civil rights.
    But they do want their own guns.

    • Even the white communists who described themselves as “the friends of black people” were absolutely against black folks owning guns.

      Well of course they were. Are you not familiar with the USSR’s history of recruiting American blacks as propaganda tools for a photo op of the people arriving in the USSR and then immediately arresting and murdering them specifically because they were black and this might cause “problems”?

      Commies are about communism. They don’t care about anything else. Everything else they discuss is a smoke screen, a tool to be used in furthering communism. That includes people.

      And like any tool, when it loses its usefulness it is discarded.

      • My father worked with one of the Black Panthers in the 1960s. I know a great deal about their activities. As well as the white communists who claimed they wanted to help them. It is why I have never trusted a white Leftist. Because a white leftist has always been against the individual ownership of firearms. Yes today they want guns. But not of you.

        I don’t know if you are aware of the Greensboro North Carolina Massacre of white Communists, by the Klu Klux Klan, in the late 1970s. At that time the white Communists had publicly eschewed private gun ownership. It was one of the major reasons why many blacks never joined the Communist Party in the south. Because while it may have been illegal or very difficult for blacks to get guns. They certainly did get them. Because before 1968 they could get their guns through the mail delivered to their homes. Including the ammo.

        Mr. A. Philip Randolph who was a black labor leader, back in the 1920”s, he called himself a socialist. I used to read his socialist negro newspaper in the library archives of Hampton University. Back when I was stationed in Virginia. But he publicly stated that the white socialists were not the friends of black people. They were just as racist, as most everyone else was in the early 20th century. Actor Paul Robeson on the other hand was a hardcore communist to the very end. He swallowed the “Kool-Aid” completely.

        Actually I believe that black gay people will be discarded like used toilet paper by the Leftist white homosexual leadership in this country. And I know that it was people like Colion Noir and Maj Toure of Black Guns Matter, that created more black people gay owners than any white gay group. They toured the country. With the support of the owner of BassPo Shops. They were doing the work long before these gays clubs got shot up.
        And no I’m not saying that the Pink Pistols weren’t interested in having black members.

        Historically the Communists have always used sex, gay or straight, in order to seduce people into their sphere of influence. People don’t like to talk about it. Because they’re uncomfortable talking about sex and politics together. They try to cause distractions by accusing you of being a bigot, intolerant, or a phobia of some type.
        And they will use sex against you. If you don’t bend to their will. Which is exactly what they did to Milo yiannopoulos.

        It’s just a tactic they use to try to disarm you. So that you won’t fight to protect your civil rights.

      • My father worked with one of the Black Panthers in the 1960s. I know a great deal about their activities. As well as the white communists who claimed they wanted to help them. It is why I have never trusted a white Leftist. Because a white leftist has always been against the individual ownership of firearms. Yes today they want guns. But not of you.

        I don’t know if you are aware of the Greensboro North Carolina Massacre of white Communists, by the Klu Klux Klan, in the late 1970s. At that time the white Communists had publicly eschewed private gun ownership. It was one of the major reasons why many blacks never joined the Communist Party in the south. Because while it may have been illegal or very difficult for blacks to get guns. They certainly did get them. Because before 1968 they could get their guns through the mail delivered to their homes. Including the ammo.

        Mr. A. Philip Randolph who was a black labor leader, back in the 1920”s, he called himself a s0ci@list. I used to read his s0ci@list negro newspaper in the library archives of Hampton University. Back when I was stationed in Virginia. But he publicly stated that the white s0ci@lists were not the friends of black people. They were just as racist, as most everyone else was in the early 20th century. Actor Paul Robeson on the other hand was a hardcore communist to the very end. He swallowed the “Kool-Aid” completely.

        Actually I believe that black gay people will be discarded like used toilet paper by the Leftist white h0m0sexu@l leadership in this country. And I know that it was people like Colion Noir and Maj Toure of Black Guns Matter, that created more black people g@y owners than any white g@y group. They toured the country. With the support of the owner of BassPo Shops. They were doing the work long before these g@ys clubs got shot up.
        And no I’m not saying that the Pink Pistols weren’t interested in having black members.

        Historically the Communists have always used sex, g@y or straight, in order to seduce people into their sphere of influence. People don’t like to talk about it. Because they’re uncomfortable talking about sex and politics together. They try to cause distractions by accusing you of being a bigot, intolerant, or a phobia of some type.

        And they will use sex against you. If you don’t bend to their will. Which is exactly what they did to Milo Yiannopoulos.

        It’s just a tactic they use to try to disarm you. So that you won’t fight to protect your civil rights.

        • Commies and soshalists have something in common.

          Both believe in a “scientifically designed” society. And, rather tellingly, both believe that such a designed society should, of course, be based in eugenics. Because science.

          Which is why they loved Sanger so much. And I think we all know how she felt about non-whites.

      • communists are rapidly becoming an endangered species…at least in their pure form…but their ideas continue to linger among the far left…and blacks shooting it ut with the cops has usually had a bad outcome…especially when the real threat is right in their own neighborhood….

    • Ahhh, yes. “Those people” are all alike, except for a few exceptions, regardless of however much evidence to the contrary.

      • “Those people” seem to be voting for these intolerant, racist white homosexuals, like California State Senate President Tom Ammiano. Who I believe in 2014, wrote the law making rape victims, stalking victims, and everyone else, wait an extra 10 days to get a gun in the state of California.

        Also the proud gay Married with Children governor of the state of Colorado signed the law repealing preemption in that state. And he has been described as being a Libertarian. By other Libertarians.

        And they are already talking about writing and passing new anti-civil rights legislation in the state of Colorado since the gay club Massacre there.
        My question is what are “those people” going to do about it in the state they live in???

        Will they show up and protest by the thoudsands? As they did for BLM with a rainbow flag in one hand, and a rock or firebomb in the other?

      • Hey, @$$wipe, how about we judge people by the content of their character, not the color of their skin . . . or their sexual preferences . . . or their voting patterns?

        I don’t need a self-important, virtue-signaling @$$hole like you to tell me what to do, child. Go roger yourself, vigorously, you self-important t*at.

      • fyi

        The only way this problem is really going to be fixed is when g@y people come out of the closet and address it in a public forum. They’re going to have to find the moral courage within themselves. Yes, there are those in the g@y community who are the enemies of the family and enemies of Liberty.

        I’m glad that there are right now a handful of g@y people who are willing to come out in the public, and state something that is obvious. Not all g@y people are groomers. A groomer can have any sexu@l 0rient@tion.

        G@y people have a knee-jerk reaction when it comes to people using the word Groomer. It is not a slur. It’s an accurate description of a criminal act against a child.

        But the problem with the g@y community is they made the mistake decades ago of embracing groups like NAMBLA. And allowing them to march in g@y pride parades.

        And they made the mistake of embracing the group ACT UP back in the 1980s. The g@y founder of ACT UP admitted in public, that he had based the creation of his group, using Adolf Hitler’s book “Mein Kampf”.

        So yes there is what I would consider to be a “moral battle” going on inside the g@y community. Sadly G@ys Against Groomers was recently deplatformed.

        “G@ys Against Groomers” Call Out RADICAL Child Grooming Agenda in Schools” video 6 min long

      • gays vs Christians…the cultural war continues…one group would prefer to be left alone…the other won’t allow it….

  6. I hear them ‘say’ they don’t like 114. The problem here is that few if any of them will make the mental connection between 114 and the Democrat party. If your going to vote Dem then this is what your going to get. These people are free to choose but it sure seems to me that they have made their choice.

  7. The City of Portland endured almost a year of “mostly peaceful protests” by Antifa BLM demanding that the police be refunded, disarmed and disbanded. The LGBT community was on the front line. The mainstream media gas lighted the public to conceal just how violent the protestors we’re. the rioters got much of what they demanded. the predictable and intentional result has been that violent crime, particularly homicide, in Portland skyrocketed. The same people who were providing political cover for the LGBT supported rioters then exploited the crime surge to justify Ballot Measure 114.

    Screw the LGBT community along with the African American community and the Budhist Community and the Muslim community who supported Ballot Measure 114. We should not only be denying them the right to keep and bear arms, we should be pressuring the few armed Security guards who have not been disarmed by BM 114 to not provide security for these vermin.

  8. Many years ago I was young and handsome. Occasionally gay men would approach me and there was the awkward “I’m just friendly not gay” exchange and that was it.
    I always made a point of remaining friendly after.
    In contrast as a child I had a pedo try to put a small rubber Penis in my mouth when I was at the urinal.
    Quite a contrast.

  9. a Major Problem in the Pleading in this Article. Gun Rights Are Everybody’s Rights! Gay, Straight, White Black, Purple, Blue, Red, or Green. Everybody has a GOD Given Right to self-defense and Firearms are guaranteed by the Constitution. It doesn’t matter what you look like, who you are attracted to, or Love. We The People ALL have this Right. Welcome to the 2A Community!

  10. I don’t really know that much about the actual politics of Pink Pistols or its membership, so I’ll steer clear of that.

    What is obvious, however, is that in this instance they are not wrong. The entire point of this law is to create as much room as possible to deny people access to firearms for any reason .gov can come up with/manufacture and that they’ll use this to go after everyone, regardless of affiliation, sexual preference or whatever else.

    That said, I’m not a fan of using their grievance hustle to win this fight. Partly because that’s divisive, but mostly because even if Pink Pistols is a fine organization, they’re in the same corner of the library as groups that are not upstanding at all and which will use whatever power Pink Pistols manages to carve out here for the goals of the other organization which, generally speaking, will not be to the benefit of people in general.

    The same sort of way that I don’t like racism but also don’t really want to empower people like Sharpton and Farrakhan, I’m wary of using the grievance hustle. Especially since it’s entirely unnecessary, a principled position on “freedom” or “rights” or the “2A” will do exactly the same thing and without the side effects.

    • strych9,

      While I don’t believe they have any LESS right to self-defense, I also don’t believe they have any MORE right to self-defense. EVERYONE has the RKBA, equally (except incarcerated felons, or people JUDGED to be, after a fair, evidentiary hearing, mentally incompetent). But they also have no special need of firearms. 2A is race-neutral, gender-neutral, sexual preference neutral, politics neutral. Even, God forbid, racist commies like MinorLiar and dacian the demented have the RKBA. And, of course, the right to be mocked for their stupidity and hypocrisy.

      • I would agree entirely with what you say here. Completely agree.

        Unfortunately, vis a vis Pink Pistols there’s the “optics” thing in politics and there’s a cohort out there prone to being led to believe that some *preferred* group is “oppressed” by violence.

        Politics really isn’t about the truth, it’s about what you can convince people is the truth. That makes lies and exaggerations very powerful, especially when backed by emotional manipulation/blackmail that the Left loves.

        But again, you’re demonstrably correct. The question is how you’d operationalize that in politics.

      • still have a hard time envisioning a gay militia….as I expect the founding fathers would…but I suppose it could happen…

    • “I’m wary of using the grievance hustle.”

      (I missed this comment earlier.) Yes, thank you. We don’t need to be playing their games. It just goes to show how much control the Left has over our culture. “We” fight on their terms without even realizing it. A conservative gun blog promotes, and thereby normalizes, the Progressive Battle Flag every chance they get. And people wonder why we lose.

      • The somewhat piecemeal stuff I’ve been putting out for years here all leads to something that you’re touching on. (With a pin, lol.)

        Properly done, manipulation is subtle to the point of being unnoticed. It doesn’t make a decision for the person in question, it *helps* them make the *right* decision. Just like a good salesman doesn’t sell you anything, he helps you sell it to yourself.

        In that regard, good manipulation changes behavior while leaving the person unaware. The best ads are actually in the background, the ones you think you ignore but don’t.

        It’s the subtly that actively hides the danger and power of this kind of manipulation. Explaining the subtly is a long deal, especially the processes behind it. But once you know the system you can see it when someone tries to use it on you. Which is kinda my whole point, to inoculate people against this so that they may do the same for others.

        [I’ve probably picked a terrible venue to attempt this in some regards, but this does provide feedback that’s useful and it provides a place where I can separate out the “testing” by doing it elsewhere, like on those poor fucks over at breitbart.]

        It’s also why I’m such a stickler for language and appreciate Nero’s points on that topic (and just his name, which is epic). He’s one of those people who’s brains I’d love to pick about some of the specifics of word use/abuse.

        Anyway, we fight on their terms in many cases because we let them control the language, even when we don’t realize that we do it. Such is, as you say, their level of cultural control and much of that flows from language.

        The fact that the people you mention use this capacity so, so freely makes me start to question their sanity in a real way and provides some interesting meditations on “evil”. If I didn’t know they were Malthusians I might suspect they were somewhat suicidal. Once you actually study what’s known and realize how much they use it and how cavalier they are about it… it’s both frightening and, honestly, something you have to kinda admire.

        The question though, which remains entirely unaddressed is… suppose we break the mold. OK, then what? What new games do we play and force them to discover a lesson about shoes and other feet?

        The one thing I’m certain of here is that there will always be games. Someone sets the tune that the party dances to. It’s not us for now but if it was… what would we do with that?

        • seen any commercials WITHOUT black people lately?…or gays for that matter…two guys kissing would make a great ad for anti-nausea meds!….

  11. To Jen Farmer
    Maybe sit down with a preacher from your religion and talk about God killing people?
    To most of us, those people were murdered by a man who’s father told him things like you wrote, then could not reconcile his sexuality against the hatred of his father, so did a mass murder & suicide. I don’t see the loving hand of god here but I’m not a theologian.
    I do hope that you are not in any situation as the shooter was? I mean I hope you do not speak to your family about hatred from god?

  12. Oregone,,,,,the Queer’s & Pink Pistol’s Agree on one thing,,, OREGONE SUCKS….
    On that I’ll agree with them…

  13. @Dude
    “…gay people will be the first ones to kick a conservative to the curb.”

    An act not particularly restricted to only one political group.

    • *gay Leftists. It happens on the regular. They tend to be an intolerant bunch. Accepting and inclusive…as long as you agree with them.

  14. “Much like North Carolina’s Pistol Purchase Permit, a Jim Crow-era law which uses subjective criteria to deny black people the ability to own a handgun for protection” Only one sheriff in NC was accused of denying African-Americans citizens of NC permits to purchase and CCW and he is African_American and a Democrat. The process is redundent and unnecessary and should be abolished, but its not a big deal. Most of the transaction is done online. The cost is $5.00 per pistol and has to be renewed every 5 years. My NY State CCW was $450.

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