Forget kindergarten cop give me kindergarten hunter! These danish kindergartners are going on a “field” trip to learn where their food comes from. I think American children should be learning firearms safety and hunting in public schools . . . can I get an Amen? Meet the kindergarten that took its children deer-hunting“A pre-school child sits with the leg of a deer in her hand, the dead deer lying behind her. Smiling, she predicts that the deer will be delicious and explains to the camera why hunting is needed. This is the start of a video that shows a kindergarten school trip in Denmark to a hunt organised by the Danish Hunting Association. In a world where many are disconnected from the food they eat and where it comes from, this trip aimed to educate children in the journey of meat from land to table. To do that, the children help the hunters cut up the deer and prepare the meat. Jens Bjorn Andersen, board member of the Danish Hunting Association, says that “this scheme is all about showing future generations what hunters are doing and making it easy to digest.” OMFG can you imagine the outrage in the US if schools started taking kids hunting?

Photo courtesy of Alberta Bear Hunts

What is life after turkey season?  Why, bear season of course. Except for in Connecticut apparently.  Connecticut Senate votes against bear hunt, amends bill language to forbid trophy-hunting activities “The Connecticut Senate voted against legislation that would have permitted a bear hunt in Connecticut for the first time in more than 100 years. After an hour-long floor debate, the Senate removed language allowing a bear hunt through a legislative process known as a “strike all” amendment to S.B. 522 that instead forbids trophy hunters to import, possess or offer for sale or transport in Connecticut five species of African wildlife. After the Senate approved the amendment, the bill transferred to the Judiciary Committee. Annie Hornish, Connecticut state director for The Humane Society of the United States, says: “We are thrilled that the Senate acted to squash Connecticut’s first black bear hunt in a century. The best available science indicates that a trophy bear hunt will not benefit public safety, as bear hunters seek large, trophy-sized male bears deep in the woods, not in our neighborhoods. Rather than killing this slow-to-reproduce species, people can employ commonsense measures to minimize encounters with bears, like using bear-resistant trash cans and feeding pets indoors.”

Wow!  This is one of the most intense videos I have ever seen. Hunter in tree stand is joined by a bear in intense close encounter“This black bear was literally breathing down the neck of the bow hunter who was filming it. The bear spotted the hunter and his partner in their treestand from below and quickly climbed up to check them out. One of the hunters had his camera rolling the whole time, and it’s a good thing he did. This is one of the most adrenaline-pumping bear hunt encounters we’ve ever seen. But the action doesn’t end with the standoff in the tree. This video has lots of action, including big black bears battling for dominance and an epic kill shot.”

A portable hunting blind!!  This reminds me of a time a couple years ago during a very tough deer season, on my private ranch, I would sit in my Prius and watch for deer.  The Prius is so quiet, all I needed was camo wrap and it would have been a great blind.  OMG stop, yes I HAD a Prius ugh I’m not a closet liberal. And yes, for the truly lazy, in Texas certain hunting from vehicles is permitted when you’re on private property. When you hunt for years and years you try anything, I’m not ashamed. Real Tree AP HD® Camouflage Universal Enclosure “Turn your golf cart into a stealthy hunting vehicle! This camo golf cart enclosure provides concealment and protection from the elements.”

Photo Courtesy of

I just ordered the VX3i 4.5-14x40mm from Leupold with the Boone & Crockett reticle. I wanted something really special for my Camila Weatherby 7mm that I could take out to longer distances without over complicating things. Shooting at longer distances requires complete trust in your optics to ensure your shot is going to put an animal on the ground. Review and dead animals coming soon.

I must admit that when I read this next story, the first thing that popped out at me was “a single shot 10 gauge“! Where did he get it, did he inherit it, what kind was it? These are often unique guns people! – Two charged with illegal turkey hunting“Two men were arrested in Shenango Township Sunday for alleged illegal turkey hunting. Shenango Township police, with help from other police departments, arrested two men around 8:30 a.m. when they allegedly caught them hunting in a wooded area off Cochran Hill Road, a road closed to traffic. Vincent J. Sorbo, 26, of 830 State Route 956, Volant, and Edward J. Barbato, 26, of 23 E. Moorehead Ave., New Castle, are facing charges in connection with the incident. According to a criminal complaint, a Shenango police officer on patrol was driving on Cochran Hill Road and noticed a turkey decoy sitting on an old strip mine. He then spotted an unoccupied tan Ford Ranger pickup truck in a field and found two fresh sets of footprints in the mud in a tractor path leading to the decoy.  The police confiscated two loaded shotguns – a 12-gauge pump and a single-shot 10-gauge — that were lying near the men on the ground.” Why do people commit hunting crimes that lead to the loss of the privilege to do the thing you love the most? Not to mention the loss of your guns.

Great job of keeping things interesting Turkey Reapers! Maybe you should change your name to Turkey Whisperers.

For those of you that want to ensure you get a bear during this bear season . . . try bear bait (where it’s legal of course). From so many methods and types to choose from just remember bears love to eat. Here are some great tips on common mistakes made when bear baiting. What bear baits work best for you?

Finally, a letter from a reader:

“Hello Liberte, my name is Mauricio, I am from Europe, and I live in Austin (Texas), but in the future I would like to move to Mississipi (property taxes in Texas are too high for my budget!) to buy a ranch (a nice one, hopefully …) to live in peace and quiet and to practice shooting and hunting. I have been reading The Truth about Guns for the last two years, and I like your articles about hunting. Recently I watched and interview in which you invited your readers to ask you about hunting themes that they would like you to write about. Well, could you write about hunting in Mississipi?”
Mauricio – Thank you for writing to me and YES I would love write about Mississippi hunting. After reading the hunting statistics for that state makes me think I need to move there too! Mississippi Deer Forecast for 2016-2017 “The opportunity for hunters to fill all eight “tags” is readily available throughout the Magnolia State.
According to the Quality Deer Management Association’s Deer Density Map, Mississippi has more deer per square mile than any other state in the nation. Most of the Magnolia State (especially the lower Delta, much of southwest Mississippi, the Black Prairie and several areas in northwest Mississippi) has a deer density greater than 45 deer per square mile. Only southeast Mississippi, along with a few other pockets around the state, fall into the deer density category of having less than 15 deer per square mile.
The majority of Mississippi falls somewhere between the two. However, the state’s extremely high deer population, estimated at nearly 2 million animals, is both a curse and a blessing. While the increased odds of seeing deer is favored by hunters, severe overpopulation in many areas is of great concern to biologists and managers statewide.” Good luck to you Mauricio, thanks for reading and keep me posted on your hunting adventures!


  1. Danish deer hunting?!? Who’d a thunk! I wish I could shoot the giant rats infesting nearby(had a HERD of more than a dozen jump across the road in nearby Munster,IN the other day). In bright sunshine.Missed my car by inches…

    • Passing through Colorado on a back country highway, I look down the road and there isn’t a car or truck in sight. Suddenly, from the right side of the road comes a herd of…. Prairie Dogs!!! Then I look a little closer at the countryside to my right and left and there are mounds everywhere.

      • They’re pretty gross if you run them over with a bike.

        Fun to shoot with a suppressed 5.56 rifle though!

  2. The kids over here would need grief counselors at school and hug therapy. Just goes to show the only person who is qualified to teach your children is yourself.

    • I think this blood based “welcome to reality” theme for children should be furthered to familiarizing them to their own mortality. If regulations didn’t forbid it I’d say take the kids on a field trip to a medical examiner’s facility and let them view a few autopsies in progress.

      “See kids, depending on the circumstances of your own death that human being you see laying on that table….and in that tray …..and on that scale ….will be YOU someday.”

      No need for them to be deceived about what happens to people, either.

      • Actually, that’s not a bad idea, but not realistic. And, of course, anyone who pursues a medical career of any kind will encounter this experience sooner or later.

        Throughout history, the children were intimately involved in the care of both young and old, and were present during sickness, injuries from accident, and death of a family member – including preparing them for burial. Everyone (but the 1% perhaps) had a lifelong working relationship with living AND mortality. The protection of children from all forms of reality is only a very recent aberration. And I assure you it only applies to a few people in the world… The children in war torn places don’t get much of that protection.

        Children need to be part of LIFE, all of it. They need to participate with the family and their community, every aspect of life, work, enjoying their freedom and coping with disaster as it comes.

        • And I believe that swaddling of the youth breeds liberalism. An unrealistic outlook on life, and death, breeds unrealistic ideas in young minds.

        • What ?

          So my idea about letting these same kids watch a coroner pull some dead person’s scalp down below their face like a rubber mask and then cut through their skull with a Stryker saw and remove their brain was not REAL enough ?

          I didn’t realize that my suggestion amounted to “swaddling” in your eyes. Wow, you’re hard core man.

  3. A bit (a lot) off topic, but a question for the crowd: Just slapped an McMillian A5 stock on a Rem 700 SPS, worth glass bedding? Yes? No? Seems like they left some room either for a bedding or in an attempt to free float that thick-ass barrel.

  4. Best bear bait?
    Cook bacon in the morning with a light breeze. Then wait for them to come into camp!

  5. The guy hunting the turkey was hilarious! I figured he wanted to see how close he could get and then the turkey would attack him. Instead, he ends up blasting it from 8 feet away!

  6. “a single shot 10 gauge“! Where did he get it, did he inherit it, what kind was it?

    Well, all the way back in the late ’70s/ early ’80s you could buy new singles, doubles, and even a few pumps in 10ga. Browning still makes a pump and a semi-auto right now. Remington discontinued theirs just a few years ago.

    If it were an 8ga, or something larger, then maybe it’s a bit unusual or antique-y. Although Remington Industrial still sells 8 gauge ammo (slugs IIRC) for blasting slag chunks loose in kilns.

      • I know they recently killed off the “New England Arms” sub-brand, but isn’t H&R dead again too? (The original died in the ’80s, but the reanimated corpse that Marlin owned in the ’90s, which has been subsumed into the Borg. Are they still marketing guns under the H&R1871 name?)

        • I don’t know what Freedom Group is marketing under what name these days, but there is no production of break barrel single shots for about two years now, production ended around April 2015.
          I think they’re still selling the imported pump action shotguns under the H&R name.

          It’s kind of nice that they left the web site up for reference.

    • I bought an H&R 10 ga. single shot only a couple years ago, and not long after busted a 28 lb long beard.

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