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centurion glock17

I really like Liberty Suppressors. Instead of making military focused silencers, the company has catered specifically to the needs of the average civilian shooter and they’re cranking out some excellent multi-caliber rated products at a price point that nearly everyone can afford. Their Liberty Mystic-X is still my #1 choice for new silencer owners, since it works on an array of calibers and easily disassembles for cleaning. That is, it was my #1 choice. Liberty has just launched their new “Centurion” can, which is a shorter version of the Mystic-X . . .

From the press release:

The Centurion is the next evolution in pistol silencer design, utilizing groundbreaking baffle technology along with the most durable materials; Liberty brings maximum results to the table once again. The Centurion is 6.5” with a core of stainless steel, a titanium tube, and weighing in at only 12.5 ounces with Recoil Booster attached, this silencer is light and compact. This suppressor shares the same mounts and adapters as our popular Mystic family of silencers. The Centurion is rated for 22LR, 300BLK, and 9MM. The size and versatility of this silencer is unmatched.

The Centurion is THE perfect suppressor for your nightstand pistol.

MSRP for the Centurion is set at $835.

I like the sound of this thing (so to speak). One of my big complaints with the Mystic-X is that it’s about the size of a lightsaber. This shorter version should be much more maneuverable and better suited to short-barreled rifles and handguns. Stay tuned for a full review when one becomes available.

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    • We all like to complain about giving the government $200 per silencer but we almost never question the prices of the cans themselves.

      • ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, they are high because of the gov, not because manuf are greedy. in europe they alot cheaper, but less complex. you get what you pay for…. basically its a restricted socialist type market. almost like black market. its not really a free market because of all the extra legalese going along with it…. do you even internet bro?!!?!?!?

        if the manuf could build one tuesday, and sell it to a customer (not distributor) thursday, theyd be worlds cheaper, why, cause hed be doing volume, and less hassle…. i shore do love this “free” country were in. sure its not africa and im not starving, but…..

        • Salty is right. The $200 tax stamp is only the most visible cost added to the silencer, there are also added costs of complying with the regulatory requirements. The added costs of a silencer become high enough that the end consumer isn’t willing to pay for a much cheaper, easy to replace, off-the-shelf, Euro-type of silencer, so the manufacturer has to add value though high-quality design specs and materials, to increase its longevity, and make it worth the investment for the consumer. This kicks the price up even higher. And on it goes.

      • Without the $200 “tax”, we could buy a low quality can and throw it away after a year and buy another. When we have to kick in that tax, we insist it at least pretends to last forever. That is where the cost comes from. Instead of titanium, make the can from an aluminum soda can, sell it for $20, it’ll (probably) work for a box or 2 of ammo.

  1. Even with out gubbermint interference and road blocks. The prices of these cans is always going to be way out of my reach. Not financially but in being priced unrealistic for what the device is. For years Ive always wanted an internally suppressed Ruger 22 slab side. Only thing that has and will continue to stop me is the price. I can buy 2 Rugers for the price of a can. Sorry guys just wont happen for me.

  2. OK I get suppressors aren’t for everyone, but they are for me. Glad to see another option. HOWEVER. I will reiterate my request that any can designed to shoot .22 be made with a baffle that is coated with some kind of Teflon material. I’m no metallurgist but somebody has to figure out a way to keep slag from getting welded to the baffles. For those who actually use their cans, you know what I mean.

    Don’t worry guys. For those that won’t pull the trigger on a can – I’ll buy another one to make up for you. You’re Welcome!

    • thanks, because whenever I think about silencers, I can hear Fienstien and “the prettiest AG” laughing all the way from Sacramento.

    • “I will reiterate my request that any can designed to shoot .22 be made with a baffle that is coated with some kind of Teflon material. I’m no metallurgist but somebody has to figure out a way to keep slag from getting welded to the baffles.”

      Teflon is rather on the soft side, hardness speaking. Some folks have tried Teflon coatings for aviation anti-ice, only to discover water drops at a velocity of a hundred knots or greater stripped the Teflon clean off. The speed of the lead slag would probably do the same.

      I do know there are some rather advanced super-slippery ceramic coatings that may work, are there any ‘can companies that use something like that?

      • PVD coatings like TIN or diamond like carbon (DLC) seem like a good idea – they are also used to coat high-speed drill bits, gun barrels and internals, etc. I also wonder if NP3 (with integral teflon) might work.

  3. I wish the reviews, which this is obviously not yet, would include a description of how much crap gets spit back at you from them

    The rentals I have done left my face feeling powdered lightly in lead which I did not enjoy as much as I expected

    That flow suppressor looks great for that if a bit overengineered for plinking

  4. Too bad Liberty is stuck on MSRP, and all their boosters and adapters don’t come with their cans. It will set you back another 100.00+ per adapter.

    • I just started the F4 on my Mystic X. Mystic X and FBA together were slightly less than just the can MSRP. Maybe my dealer gets a good discount.

      Although I agree that it would be nice if they offered some sort of adapter with the can and an option to upgrade/swap between the different types.

  5. Geez, that’s expensive for a threaded tube with a few stainless steel baffles in it. Ridiculous. Should be about $100.

  6. I bought my first pistol silencer, a GA Revo9, last year and finally got to bring it home this year. As if the hassle of legal documentation and playing the waiting game weren’t enough to turn me off, I’m not impressed enough with it to shell out another $800 (not counting Uncle Sam’s $200 pound of flesh) when I can just stick with ear pro and be better off financially and realistically in a true home defense scenario.

    So…great, yet another high dollar can barely different from the last one. The cost/benefit ratio is quite lopsided in my estimation, but your mileage may vary.

  7. Agree with much of above postings. I purchased 2 Mystic x and one of their Freedom for 30 cal. based upon Nick’s and Jeremy reviews. They are great cans for rifles, but too large to use on pistols. And yes, the price and hassle of obtaining is insane for what you get. In addition, when used with my always reliable Glocks, you do get common FTF’s (feed/cycle) due to the significant weight in front (yes, I purchased their booster attachments as well). These supressors should realistically be $200-400 tops on an open market (I find it hard to believe they cost more than $125 to produce), and the Govt should stop making it more difficult for me to make shooting and hunting less loud/bothersome/intrusive for my neighbors and myself. The current cost and hassle of silencers means I will never buy again.

  8. You guys know you can get a tax stamp to build your own, right?
    Shorter, lighter, me likeee.
    My main concern with all cans, however, is effect on accuracy. Can’t wait for the revue.

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