Oakland defund the police courthouse
Workers place wooden boards over windows as graffit is shown on walls at the Alameda County Courthouse in Oakland, Calif. (AP Photo/Jeff Chiu)

California’s comprehensive regime of strict gun control laws have worked to ensure that mostly bad guys have guns in the Golden State. Gavin Newsom’s done his damnedest through radically restrictive limits on keeping and bearing arms to keep firearms out of the hands of most good men and women. That leaves the violent criminals to carry freely, especially in jurisdictions where Soros-funded (non)prosecutors rule the roost.

In Oakland, a trio of brazen armed robbers struck Thursday morning just outside the Alameda County Courthouse. They scored big, catching Judge Kevin Murphy walking from the parking garage to the courthouse. They relieved him of his Rolex, his wallet, key fob and miscellaneous other valuables without the slightest worry of apprehension.

Judge Kevin Murphy
Courtesy Love Thy Lawyer

This is more of the same crime that comes from a criminal population that has been allowed to live without the fear of consequences.

KTVU has more . . .

Judge Kevin Murphy was starting his day when he was robbed by three masked men of his Rolex watch, wallet and other personal items at gunpoint, the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office announced on Thursday

Murphy was walking from a parking garage to the René C. Davidson Courthouse building, which sits near Lake Merritt, when he was robbed, a source said…

A source close to the investigation said Murphy, a former prosecutor for the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office, was not physically harmed during the incident, which the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office later confirmed. 

Would it surprise you to learn that police were unable to apprehend the suspects? Who knows? Maybe the three had a court date and decided to do a little “business” beforehand.

One would think there would be better than average security and a larger police presence outside the Rene C. Davidson Courthouse. Especially for individuals like judges. But in a deep blue city where crime is not only tolerated but virtually encouraged, everyone is at risk.

By now, most of us who don’t live in condition white are well aware that the three places the average person is most likely to find themselves the victim of a violent crime are 1) parking lots and garages, 2) gas stations, and 3) the last fifty or one hundred feet from your own front door. Maybe we need to add a fourth location to the list: the vicinity around blue city halls of criminal justice.


  1. Ah, we’re beginning to close in on the desired outcome of these policies; the backlash that ends up unknowingly demanding a complete and utter police state.

    And the judges will be on board. Can’t have public servants losing their Rolexes, now can we?

    • That’s the idea – Let chaos reign, let it get so bad they want a ‘Savior’.

      Who will only ask for a brief suspension of civil rights (just until the emergency is over).

      There ya go, one instant totalitarian… 🙁

      • That’s how the world will get the Anti-Christ. A world of satan worshipers.

      • Yada, yada, yada, blah, blah, blah…Don’t expect anything to change for the better when talking head Gun Owners do not even have the balls to Define Gun Control by its History.

        When you mention the History of Gun Control to an anti Gun zealot they fact check it and stfu. Point out the History of Gun Control to you know who you are and they bark at it like the gutless mangy dogs they are. Where there are Gun Owning pathetic ratbassturds barking at The History of Gun Control you can bet the farm there are Gun Control zealots sitting around with pleasing sht grins on their faces.

        sht geoff…by your words aimed at slandering Trump and Trump voters you are a democRat Party lint licker.

        • Deborah, have a nice life.

          I won’t bother reading anything else you have to say, or respond to you.

          Many have been very patient and have tried, and you simply refuse to listen… 🙂

        • LOL Deb at most they call you a racist and move on from your magic words to the next faux outrage. Keep up with your hollow nonsense though you are totally advancing gun rights by doing nothing.

    • The voters got what they wanted. They are spending less $$$ on cops. Good for them. And it’s too late to change back.
      Once the older cops retire. There will be no uniformed law enforcement from the city of Oakland California. Because they won’t be able to hire anyone to work in that city. Because the city residents and it’s elected leadership, have publicly said, “you can’t trust the police”.

      Obviously Detroit Michigan was not enough. We need more cities to completely destroy themselves. So the others can learn from this stupidity. Next up Denver, Seattle, San Francisco, and Portland Oregon.

      • “And it’s too late to change back.”

        No, it’s not. It is, in fact, too early to bring them back according to the plan in play.

        “Once the older cops retire. There will be no uniformed law enforcement from the city of Oakland California.”

        You seem to think that the problem is just “cops”. It’s not. It’s the type of cop.

        They will recruit new police to fill the ranks. Ones who are loyal to their paymasters and ideologically rigid in the right way or ideologically flexible in the right way. They’re recruit straight up ideological Communists, not by accident, by design.

        This is how the Gestapo was built. Ditto the Stasi, NKVD, Securitate, Chinese MSS and many other “security services” in totalitarian countries.

        The current goal is to get a sufficient mass of people to beg for the cops to return. Then they’ll give those people what they’re asking for, but with a twist.

        It’s a very old game. It’s also very obvious if you’re paying attention. Which 90% are not.

        Shit, look at the Right getting mad as a wet hornet about a Trump appointee striking down the anti-drag show law in TN.

        They’re getting played like a fucking fiddle and still blind to the fact that this is happening because they’re too emo about it. Even though it’s probably the 100th time they’ve been bent over this way, they still don’t see the game.

        • That’s location dependent.

          Sometimes it’s with city councils or a mayor. That depends on the city’s structure.

          But you’ll have to look at the city’s finances and bond issuances in order to ensure you’re not beholden to “impact investing” in your muni bonds.

          If you find that such dependence is the case… you’re going to need to convince people to endure a lot of pain over a decade to fix anything because you have to ween the city off that financial heroin because the Left isn’t going to just let you walk away from that kind of thing.

          In that case, I’d simply leave. (But then I wouldn’t live in a city to begin with, so…) Cash out, or take your loss before it gets worse. Either way, GTFO ASAP. If they’ve got you by the bonds, shit’s gonna get really bad fast. You might take a big financial hit now but you will take a bigger one later. Better to leave now rather than be forced to flee, which will happen. It’s probably going to happen to certain states too.

          In some places the main answer is where it’s always been, control of K-12 education which is highly underrated by the Right but which, ultimately controls society in many regards because it produces culture. Maybe a four year lag time to fully fix the problem by graduating high school kids willing to actually do policing right. School boards are the way in this regard.

          In San Francisco… the answer’s almost certainly a low level airburst nuke in the 20+ kiloton range.

        • You assume they want “cops”. No they don’t. They will hire their friends who will never attend any police academy. They want “enforcers.”
          Even the KGB had a requirement for academy attendance.
          They have no interest in law enforcement.

          And those cop badge cams, that record everything. That the Libertarians Liberals and the Left demanded all cops have. They will all disappear when Democrats have complete control.

          We are about to a real communist city/state on the North American continent.

        • “So how do we get a good chunk of that 90% to start paying attention?”

          At this point, you hurt them or you scare the fuck out of them with facts deployed in a way that gets around the other side’s propaganda machine.

          The latter meaning that you do what Conservatives have never done in my lifetime, put in work. Ground game work.

          As I’ve said quite a few times: This ain’t some game of grabass, politics is a knife fight in a telephone booth. It’s literal life and death on a mass scale. We just dress it up with stupid puppet shows like Meet The Press because we’ve been temporarily removed from the bare knuckle bits of this since 1945.

          It is no less than war with words instead of weapons and if the words fail the guns come out. Every. Single. Time.

          von Clausewitz is worth reading on the subject.

        • They will create a p0litical s0cial justice police. Recruitment is likely to be from local antifa and 8LM chapters.

        • “So how do we get a good chunk of that 90% to start paying attention?”

          You can start by educating them. Seriously.

          Start pointing out the parallels to Orwell’s ‘1984’. Beat that drum as loudly and as long as you can.

          Remind them that ‘1984’ is supposed to be a dire warning of Communist totalitarianism…

        • Geoff is absolutely correct.

          1984 and Brave New World were both written to be engaging narratives about very dry political theory that was extremely dangerous and so make them *accessible* to the masses who were not, in Huxley’s case for example, going to sit through an academic lecture on several hundred pages of psychology that could be used to manipulate individuals and groups.

          But a good story is engaging and evokes emotion. Which is why these books were written and also why the antis and the Left absolutely love to “personalize” a tragedy to further the agenda.

          Both Huxley and Orwell were men of the Left, particularly when they were young.

          To steal from The Mars Volta “The iconoclastic have had it coming for years, they know the prisons you have yet to fear”.

      • Detroit is not completely destroyed, I just got back from there. Would I live there? Hell no. There are still open lot wastelands and trashed urbanism, there are also places starting to come back and thrive. No, I do not to give three cheers to Detroit.

        My point is that no urban hellhole in America is ever truly razed to the ground, they go down just enough to be noticed, the people responsible face no real consequences, a new guard of clowns take over, lessons are never learned, people turn to more government to allegedly protect them, foundational American traditions and values are squeezed out even more, and and the beat goes on.

        Nothing will change by assuming these people will ever “get it.” Leftists never think their policies are the problem. They think that if only the correct people are put in charge, then utopia is around the corner. Actually, the riffraff believe that, the people really in charge understand none of the shit they do works well – except that it keeps the riffraff under their thumb, and that’s all they care about.

        The only thing that will change these places is to drive out the left. And our side (on the whole) always decides that’s too much work. Conservatives want to be left alone. Leftists are control freaks. Guess who wins?

        • “Leftists never think their policies are the problem.”

          Why would they? Their policies get them exactly what they want. It is only your point of view that leads you to believe that their policies suck.

          To them, these are features, not bugs. They’re quite well versed in how to demoralize a population, large or small and then atomize that population and take over.

        • “They’re quite well versed in how to demoralize a population,…”

          Micheal Moore beats that drum among the loudest. Telling people the game is rigged, and there is nothing they can do about it…

        • I used to work for a member of Congress. Trust me, the people at that level aren’t the best and brightest. When your only goal is power, you become blind to a lot of important things. I have seen this firsthand (and it’s not limited to government.) Running a superpower like the United States requires a bare minimum of effort to keep it afloat.

          This country was founded unlike any other in history, which means one simply cannot govern with nothing but leftist “features” and expect everything to go smoothly for those in charge. The bugs will show up, and when they do, the left doesn’t know how to cope with them except to use more force because, yes, they really aren’t that smart. Every leftist rules with an iron fist. Why? Because their ideas suck and people will not volunteer for that kind of submission. If you have enough force, you can get away with it. If you don’t, you run into problems. America can’t be governed like North Korea, there is too much of a presence of freedom and liberty still in the population. Maybe that will change in a couple centuries or so. I have no idea. But as things stand now, features and bugs must comingle.

          If anything goes haywire, it’s always because the wrong person was in charge. It’s never the actions themselves. If you ask yourself true, honest-to-God questions about, say, why the American economy isn’t as good now as it was a few years ago, that means you must go where the evidence leads you. Once you become that introspective, it is impossible to remain on the left. I also know this first-hand, because when I was young and stupid, I was on the left and couldn’t defend anything properly.

          This is how the left gets away with avoiding introspection: pretend the past never existed. I will go back to the example of Detroit. That city in 2023 is not like the city it was in previous decades. There are so many stories out there about Detroit’s comeback, I would never live there, but you will be hard pressed to find valid explanations for why it’s happening, which is – the left F’d up. You will see “explanations” like big tech is coming to town for the cars, or generic nonsense about cultural heritage and history, if you look hard enough you might find someone admit whitey has moved into downtown but you don’t read anything beyond that racial element. You won’t find honest answers from people who should know better, but at some point, the people who wanted to be in charge of Detroit said – we can’t disappear from the map. Does this mean that town will start cranking out Republican mayors? Hell no. It means there is an ebb and flow to these morons, who want to eat their cake and have it too. They will never admit their faults, and those in charge will do whatever it takes to stay on top of their little fiefdom, because if they lose it they are in charge of nothing.

        • No offense here Colonel, but you’re missing the forest for the trees.

          You’re absolutely correct about much of what you say here, and I can personally attest that it’s also true at the state level. However, you make an early logical error, technically in your premises. Your error in assuming that those people are the ones that matter in the current iteration of Marxism.

          They don’t. This ain’t your daddy’s Marxism. It’s not what you’re used to seeing. That is why it’s so effective.

          The intelligence of a mayor or his advisors is neither here nor there, and in many ways having dumb ones is *better*. You can have a city council or a Congress made up of the best and brightest and, mostly, it doesn’t matter because the root of the rot is elsewhere.

          If you want highly entertaining, and informative, debates on this topic, find a Political Science department and watch a Conservative professor debate a Leftist professor. Not a student, two people with the creds and 10+ years in the department to ensure there are no lightweights here. A fair fight as it were.

          What you will find is that the Conservative can be right in everything they say and still lose. They’re playing an old game. The Leftist is playing the new game. That new game is the game at this point because the Lefties know how to make that the new game. If you don’t recognize what the new game is, you will lose. It’s been going on a long time.

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  2. “Life in California: Judge Robbed in Broad Daylight Across the Street from Oakland Courthouse”

    Legal gunowners strike again. Wouldn’t have happened except for easy access to guns. Not to mention the illegal importation of guns into California from states with loose gun control laws.

    • Those legal gun owners would be perfectly well behaved if it wasn’t for the GOP’s loose gun laws in California and their exploitative capitalist mindset that has removed any and all safety net!


      • “Those legal gun owners would be perfectly well behaved if it wasn’t for the GOP’s loose gun laws in California and their exploitative capitalist mindset that has removed any and all safety net!”


  3. And so? A tech CEO was murdered in San Francisco not too long ago. No repercussion to that either, as far as I know.

    The scary thing is, lots of people who live in the Bay Area just accept things like this are going to happen. They view things like car break-ins, feces on the sidewalk and the occasional mugging as simply the way things are – as “normal.” (I used to live there, so I am speaking from firsthand conversation and observation.)

    Things will not change, except to get worse, until the average person on the street has had enough of this “normal” and demands change. That could be signalled by voting the incumbent party out of office; it could be signalled by a surge of gun carry permit applications, perhaps followed by a bunch of otherwise law abiding people deciding to carry illegally thanks to the burdensome and slow permit process, because they refuse to be victims any longer.

    As to when that might start to happen? Well, no real sign of it as far as I can see. Chesa Boudin getting booted seemed a good start, but, what’s happened since?

    • If you’re talking about the CashApp guy that got wetted up in the middle of the night that was a love triangle, not a rando street crime.

      Another tech exec has been charged with murder in the case.

    • “Chesa Boudin getting booted seemed a good start, but, what’s happened since?”

      We just so happen to have Chesa Boudin and Lori Lightfoot news:

      “Failing Forward: Recalled San Francisco DA Lands At Berkeley Law, While Lori Lightfoot Brings ‘Big D*ck’ To Harvard”

      “After failing so hard as San Francisco district attorney that a Democrat-led coalition of residents led a recall effort, Chesa Boudin, the soft-on-crime former ‘Soros DA’ has landed on his feet at UC Berkeley, where he’ll lead the college’s new Criminal Law & Justice Center.”

      “And in today’s second case of failing forward – disgraced Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot (D), who once bragged about having the “biggest dick” in the city, has landed a teaching gig at Harvard less than a month after leaving office.”


      • Unfucking believable!
        Let’s teach our students how to destroy America without making it quite as obvious as we did. The next generation of Boudin’s and Lightfoot’s coming to a city near you. Control government, academia, and the media. This is why they want your children as early as possible.

        • “Unfucking believable!”

          You misspelled “entirely predictable”. What you see as “failing up” isn’t failing. They were loyal, they’re being rewarded for their fealty to the cult.

  4. I wonder who the judge will blame for this insult to his dignity & high position?

    • The guns, obviously.

      The racist, supremacist guns…

      • they probably had ghost guns if they had serial numbers the crooks would be in shackles already……

      • He should have offered them a job as his private security, since the Oakland PD seems to not give a damn.

  5. a close friend in NJ was the head judge of the crimminal courts in Middlesec County and carried a CCW.
    Upon his retirement his carry permit was terminsted.
    he relocated to PA.

    • Leigh,

      Pay for it?!?!?!? Hell, those idiots VOTE for it!! It is next-to-impossible to get elected to any elective office in KKKalifornia UNLESS you are a Leftist/fascist idiot. Gavin “Hairgel” Newsom, Karen Bass, Diane Feinstein (so senile she can’t function), Ted Lieu, (and don’t forget Kamal-toe “Kneepads” Harris). KKKalifornia once elected more than a few dumb@$$ Republicans/conservatives, but, other than a FEW rural/suburban areas, you have to be a Leftist/fascist to get elected. Do what I did, and GTFO – let them crash their own economy, destroy their own cities, and make complete @$$es of themselves. I’ll move back when they finish self-immolating.

  6. https://www.pewpewtactical.com/weekly-wrap-pistol-brace-amnesty-ends-biofire-nj-commission/


    A new smart gun company says it won’t submit its design to a New Jersey state commission that could use it to tighten gun laws.

    Biofire Technologies, who launched the Biofire Smart Gun early this year, says it won’t send the gun to the New Jersey Personalized Handgun Authorization Commission.

    The commission, established in 2019, sets performance standards for ‘personalized handguns’ in the state and also keeps a roster of smart guns allowed to be sold within its borders.”


      Not certain the declaration is relevant, as regards NJ mandate that once a smart gun is put on the open market, anywhere in the US, only that/those gun(s) would be legal for purchase in NJ.

  7. but NJ can’t do that until they approve it no matter where its sold. and they can’t approve it without a direct sample from the manufacturer.

    • “but NJ can’t do that until they approve it no matter where its sold. and they can’t approve it without a direct sample from the manufacturer.”

      Logical, but likely not reality.

      The requirement to approve firearms is a law passed by simple majority. The legislature can change any law, or introduce new law.

      It will be quite easy to rule that since their internal procedure cannot approve the smart gun, but because that gun is sold elsewhere, no guns in NJ can be sold that are not smart guns. Such will prevent the sale of non-electronic guns, as well as stop the legal sale/purchase of guns that are not electronic guns.

      Some coupla years ago, the California Supreme Court ruled that a law that cannot physically be complied with is a valid, enforceable law. NJ will quickly pick up on that.

      • biofire also said…

        “But Biofire’s CEO said the company has no interest in helping restrict gun rights and won’t be submitting its design for review.

        ‘There is not a world where Biofire will be applying for inclusion,’ Kai Kloepfer told The Trace.

        ‘We do not support mandates of any kind. We’re looking to build positive long-term relationships with gun stores and forcing these additional administrative burdens doesn’t incentivize them to support our technology; it does the opposite.”

        its almost funny… anti-gun screaming for a smart gun in the name of ‘safety’ (as an excuse to control gun owners even more) and by their own anti-gun activities keep a smart gun out of the market.

        • “biofire also said…“But Biofire’s CEO said the company has no interest in helping restrict gun rights and won’t be submitting its design for review.”

          True, but thinking NJ’s conduct will not be influenced by Biofire’s statement. The state of NJ can legislate as it wishes. Creating a log jam of legislation that stops sale/purchase of any firearm. due to conflicting laws, would be “mission accomplished” to the anti-2A mafis.

        • it sounds like biofire is thinking “hmmmm… maybe we better not market this after all. If we do some states will use it to ban other firearms and further restrict rights.”

  8. The judge probably let them go a couple of days earlier. They were just getting back to their normal routine of being ‘good little boys’.

      • Not only that — it’s a “crime spree.” Like serial littering. Or letting the air out of a few car tires.

  9. @.40 cal Booger
    “it sounds like biofire is thinking “hmmmm… maybe we better not market this after all. If we do some states will use it to ban other firearms and further restrict rights.” ”

    Can’t stop the signal; it is out there.

  10. King County Courthouse (downtown Seattle) is the same way. Jurors have to walk the gauntlet of druggies and assaults to get to court. People have stopped answering summons for jury duty. Seattle police were ordered to stay away so they didn’t have to arrest anyone in order to keep the crime stats down.

  11. @strych9
    “Cash out, or take your loss before it gets worse. Either way, GTFO ASAP.”

    Reagan got it right: there is nowhere to go from here. Once freedom and liberty are extinguished in the US, it is game over on a worldwide scale.

    • Reagan also said we have 50 States. We should have 50 different ways of doing things.
      Unfortunately that means 1 or 2 of them are going to be socialist/Communist. Because they will vote for it.

      • “Reagan also said we have 50 States. We should have 50 different ways of doing things.”

        It was the founders who established that idea.

        “Unfortunately that means 1 or 2 of them are going to be socialist/Communist. Because they will vote for it.”

        Isn’t it more likely 24-26 states who are voting for it.

    • It’s not about doing it country-wide. It’s about getting out of a municipality that has become… encumbered, shall we say, by MEI with regards to it’s muni bonds.

      If that’s the case you really can’t do shit. The practical reality is that this is an area where Chris is right, you’ll have to let that city go the way of Detroit.

      The whole thing with Bud Light and Target elucidates two key points:

      1. Conservatives simply don’t have the raw power to seriously shift the needle alone, but what they can do is deploy influence (which is what I’ve been talking about for fucking years) to sway the normies. The combined power (see my bit on Statistics for Propagandists from yesterday, it only spent like seven hours in moderation jail) is enough to overwhelm these companies in ways that ESG investment cannot overcome.

      Which is how they got these companies to do these shit in the first place. CEI scores to attract ESG investment. Only the combined power of most Conservatives with a goodly chunk of the “Independents” (normies) can hit these companies hard enough that the ESG investment can’t offset the loss.

      The same thing is going to be true with MEI and income from property taxes, fees etc. You have to prove to these entities that what they are doing isn’t just going to cost them, it’s going to CRUSH them. You can’t simply boycott city taxes, but you can leave. So do it.

      Go somewhere that your tax money doesn’t go directly to people who hate you or act on behalf of people who hate you. What else are you going to do? Battle of Athens it and get yourself massed on because there’s no way you muster the required numbers? Again, Alinsky, their real action is your reaction.

      You really need to think about this shit, not rely on cutsie sayings.

      2. At least at this juncture, over a prolonged time period this battle can be won simply by walking away in a financial sense. It takes longer than you’d like but that’s the breaks of the game. Yeah, it sucks but you’re not up against some disorganized pansies here.

      The Left has spent 150 years getting to this point, you think you’re going to get them to give up in a few months? Nah, son. They’ve been laying down those interlocking fields of fire I talk about. They’re trained Marxists. They idolize people like Antonio Gramsci. His Prison Notebooks are the base for the philosophy of neo-Marxism and the people you’re up against idolize him because, basically, he died for the cause in a truly horrible way. These people are dedicated and cult like in their organization. They even have no-shit martyrs.

      As a side note; Those notebooks are big, big hot shit on the educated part of Left. They were translated from Italian into several language by a team of people.

      That team led by a guy who’s name was Joseph Buttigieg. Do you need three guesses as to who Joe’s son is? Remember all the stories about how close they were? Fascinating, no?

      • Nope, we can’t walk away from this, “there is nowhere else to go.” We can try to delay it, but “the righteous” have no real power remaining, but to resist until the last moment.

        As to “cutsie sayings, we need to stop focusing on fantasy, and fight where we are, when we are, with what we have, not delude ourselves that we (2A defenders) will be the new American armed revolution.

        The Leftists and communists are locusts, moving to a more favorable place (tax and policy wise) isn’t a long-term solution to anything; locusts are already migrating in hordes to places they are not yet the majority population. Like immigrants who move here to re-establish what they are leaving, the locusts are bent on destroying the cropland that feeds them.

        • “…not delude ourselves that we (2A defenders) will be the new American armed revolution.”

          Well, I’ve never said they would be. But as I’ve pointed out before, focusing on the 2A is myopic. Doing that is playing the game they’ve designed for you, which you cannot win.

          As to physically staying where you are… again, I’m not suggesting fleeing the country. I’m also not suggesting that this is always the right answer. I’m saying that if you discover your city is chasing an MEI score, it’s time to leave.

          What you don’t seem to realize is that you’re effectively arguing that standing in a field full of landmines which is also pre-zeroed for artillery fire is the only option. If you do that the outcome is preordained and not in your favor.

          You are letting them dictate the ground on which you will fight because they bring the battle to you at a time of their choosing. What part of that sounds like it’s winnable or smart?

          Further, you need to make a distinction. The Leftists are not locusts, the Liberals are. You need to figure out the distinction between “default Liberal” and “Left” or you’re not even targeting the right people as your enemy.

          Having made the distinction, you’ll realize that “default [party]” people are squishy and don’t pay much attention. They operate mostly on emotion and vague notions of “good”.

          ^^This^^ is where you can win.

      • “Well, you can wait for my entirely bland comment to get out of jail.”

        No one in history has restored freedom, when it was destroyed, squelched, obliterated, non-existent, gone from memory, smothered. A new strongman might arise, and take tyranny from another despot, but freedom and liberty never arise from salted earth.

        We make a stand, and the desolation of the world eventually runs us into the ground. The only reason we are not a conquered people is those who fight the rearguard action. The US must be eliminated, so that a single master can arise (some call that master communism, some have other words/ideas, but the result is compliance with a strongman).

        The arc of history is not freedom, but suppression of others. We were a shining light on a hill. Now, we few, we happy few, are the dwindling safeguard of the light; darkness will prevail, until it doesn’t.

        I read the back of the book.

  12. “I disagree. It would be the kickoff of the big game.”

    ‘Fraid there ain’t gonna be no boogie, Lou.

    We ain’t the same sort of people who populated the colonies.

    We ain’t the same sort of people in the colonies, when Civil War 1.0 led to independence from England.

    We ain’t the same sort of people in the states when Civil War 2.0 was initiated. Indeed, even the geography isn’t the same.

    We ain’t the same sort of people who helped win WW2 (we haven’t won a war since 1945)

    We can hope to slow destruction to a walk, resist tenaciously, but we are seeing how empires end; once the slide began, none ever recovered their former power and glory.

    • It’s mildly amusing to watch both sides pontificate on this.

      You keep on this path and there is no choice but war. You’re right, fat, lazy Conservatives won’t start it but they won’t get a choice in the matter either.

      The alternative, of course, is always there. You can just let them take you. Make it easy and don’t put up a fuss.

      Also, you ignore the history of Rome which was saved from utter destruction several times before it fell.

      • “Also, you ignore the history of Rome which was saved from utter destruction several times before it fell.”

        But fall it did; and created Italians.

        The eight greatest world empires:

        Persia (Achaemenian) Empire
        Han dynasty
        Umayyad Caliphate
        Mongol Empire
        Ottoman Empire
        Spanish Empire
        Russian Empire
        British Empire

        Where are they today? Which rose from the ashes to be a great empire, after destruction? Why would we think the US Empire will defy history?

        Empires all experience a life cycle humans would understand: birth, life, death. The cycle cannot be ended, only extended for a season or two (as with human life; empires consist of humans).

        So, we (humans) can fight the good fight, but we can never win.

        • I met a traveller from an antique land
          Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
          Stand in the desart.[d] Near them, on the sand,
          Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
          And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
          Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
          Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
          The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:
          And on the pedestal these words appear:
          “My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
          Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!”
          Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
          Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
          The lone and level sands stretch far away.

          — Percy Shelley, “Ozymandias”, 1819 edition

        • Horseshit, as usual.

          We have things entirely new to the world – the Bill of Rights, checks and balances, and the philosophical ideas that underlay them.

          The “inevitable” cycle from raw chaos to absolute Rule of One can be and currently is, obviated by the Rule of Law.

          Cargo cult intellectualism and hormone-crazed control freaks notwithstanding…

        • Empire is hard but brittle. The Chinese will soon discover this.

          The US, insofar as it is an Empire, is quite different that previous Empires and has the best geography of any nation in history.

          Unlike historical precedent, the waning of the US Empire is not the downfall of the country itself. Partly because of geography and partly because the US Empire is different from any other Empire ever created in both structure and purpose.

    • “We ain’t the same sort of people who helped win WW2 (we haven’t won a war since 1945)”

      Those depression-era, WW2 era people were hard people *because* of the crushing depression and the horrors of the WW2 era.

      They created today’s soft people. The path we’re on will build new hard people who will want their freedom back, and be willing to die for it. They will have the tools to do so because of the 400-plus millions of guns in circulation. Even if they do a mass confiscation, millions will have evaporated in terrible boating accidents.

      None of us will be around to see it…

      • @geoff

        Everyone ignores the fact that the Left is financed and enabled by the lucrative spaces created by Drug Prohibition. Their attack on the Bill of Rights is aided by useful idiots who pass and uphold unConstitutional laws, and their reliable political base includes massive numbers of people who would be entirely content to watch TV, push brooms and flip burgers in a *free* society. As opposed to fomenting so-called “revolution” in the current pharmaceutical dictatorship.

        Legalize it, ALL of it, or die a slave.

        BTW – I read thru this entire thread, and not ONE word about who really runs Oakland, San Fran. etc…

        Yeesh, things are indeed dark in the collective mind.

      • “The path we’re on will build new hard people who will want their freedom back, and be willing to die for it.”

        Thinking people who do not even bother to vote (for whatever reason) aren’t the type to engage in armed rebellion. I really would like to see an empire in history that recovered itself.

        • “Thinking people who do not even bother to vote (for whatever reason) aren’t the type to engage in armed rebellion.”

          Those aren’t the folks who will fight the next one, they haven’t been born yet.

          It will be fought by those who heard stories of a great free nation in their childhood by their grandfather around a campfire, and know exactly where those tools are buried, sealed up and preserved in thick grease for the time they are needed… 🙂

    • “‘Fraid there ain’t gonna be no boogie, Lou.”

      Maybe not with you, but its gonna probably happen even if it might not work.

      Didn’t you ‘comply’ with the unconstitutional pistol brace thing?

      The slide into the abyss begins when you stand at the edge and start complying with what the abyss wants.

      • “Maybe not with you, but its gonna probably happen even if it might not work.”

        Oh, I agree with you. However it will be random actions, by small gaggles of gun owners. Nothing at all like Civil Wars 1.0 and 2.0. The geography and supply chains are not there to support a general uprising. Look at the difference between now, and the actual organizing for 1.0 and 2.0; nothing like it today.

        The US will go out without even a whimper, much less with a bang. We need to fight the rearguard action as long as possible, but no empire ever really recovered from ultimate decline (and ours is a short empire)

        • “The geography and supply chains are not there to support a general uprising.”

          Say it in French and you’re speaking of Algeria in the 1950’s.

  13. Actually, I’m shocked the judge wasn’t armed. I remember reading how in states like CA and NY, while it takes forever for your average citizen to get a gun and permit, the judges, lawyers, politicians, etc. can get it, just like that.

    Because, their lives are more important than ours.

    • “…while it takes forever for your average citizen to get a gun and permit, the judges, lawyers, politicians, etc. can get it, just like that.”

      Not in San Fran, I believe they haven’t issued one for about 30 years.

      Fortunately, that’s about to change with ‘Bruen’…

  14. Unpossible! Fake news!! Judges have exceptions to most gun laws in CA, so he must have been able to defend himself, unlike the rest of the unwashed.

  15. “At this point, you hurt them or you scare the fuck out of them with facts deployed in a way that gets around the other side’s propaganda machine. ”

    We certainly agree, there. Now we have a strategy, what are the tactics? Opposition needs a voice, a national voice. No matter the logic and facts, the Opposition has no national voice hammering home the necessary propaganda.

    The US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) declared American “thoughts, ideas, and beliefs are part of the “critical infrastructure” of the nation; infrastructure that must be controlled by the federal government.

    The InfoWars are removing the means by which to, “…hurt them or you scare the fuck out of them with facts deployed in a way that gets around the other side’s propaganda machine. “

    • “Opposition needs a voice, a national voice.”

      No. It doesn’t. Decentralization is required until critical mass is acquired. Otherwise Rule 12 will bite you. This is a political guerilla war. That’s one of the major things that the Right has never understood.

      At this point, you need to educate people as widely as possible while expanding capacity in line with Rule 2. Use humor as much as possible.

      Rule 5 works both ways. Learn to use it but don’t punch down at a personal level.

      Rule 3 is easy. Hammer the fuck out of it. We have plenty of older people with experience and free time. Educate them and deploy them at the local level, particularly in regards to the education and guidance of younger people. As this gains traction, advertise the hell out of it to maximize capacity in regards to Rule 9, then recycle Rule 5 at the panicking Lefties.

      Recognize where you can fight and where you cannot. Where you cannot, act as a 5th columnist.

      Understand the insitutions they’ve taken and work to minimize the impact. Hence leaving an area with MEI guiding it’s attempts at bond sales. You cannot win that and you will get fucked by it because it’s already done. All you can do is move out of the way.

      Otherwise it will do what it’s meant to do and drain YOUR resources via taxes and fees. Retreating sucks but tactical retreats that pull your enemy into a minefield covered by heavy machine guns are lulzfuckingtastic.

      Rinse, repeat, grow.

      A few years ago when I said I’m not out to win a few battles, but to bury the Left for a generation, I wasn’t joking. And I’ve spent more than half my life working to get into the position to do just that, mostly because I can. Which is a luxury most do not have. I’m aware of that, which is why I take 20,000+ pages of Lefty work and condense it to around 100 for you guys.

      • “No. It doesn’t. Decentralization is required until critical mass is acquired.’

        Using which communications lines? Without a cohesive message, without a leadership. we end up with a bunch of raggedy assed cadets, running hither and yon, with different and disconnected messaging (just like Republicrats). At best, we end up talking to ourselves.

        We are too complicated a nation; this is not 1774. One side of the split just follows whatever the Dims command. The other side is too busy with day-to-day to let governance be the most important feature of their lives. And when they do pay attention, paying attention is like religious denominations; looking for ways to separate ourselves from others because their group isn’t pure in beliefs and lifestyle.

        I always enjoy your writings, but you may be misjudging the situation, and the response of the populace to the situation, as regards the number of people who are politically astute, and eagerly motivated. The Dims are committed to destruction of this nation, and the non-Dims too divided to be committed to any meaningful political action. Of the two major political parties, one wants absolute despotism, the other wants to be well thought of, and allowed to attend all the cool social gatherings. One party is revolutionary, the other complacent.

      • Using which communications lines?

        Whichever work for whatever you’re doing. As Alinsky said, this is “political jiu jitsu”.

        What you fail to understand, Sam, which makes me wonder if you’re not just egging me on here since you’re certainly smart and perceptive enough to get this is that GOP messaging has sucked, yeah.

        OK, jiu jitsu, the GOPs messaging has sucked so long that the Left has overreached. What can we do with that overreach? We can point it out. Hell, mostly it points itself out.

        Something like this starts with a general feeling that things are not right. We have that.

        Now, we point out specific instances of what is wrong and let people think about who’s doing it. Where they look at us in bewilderment we wind them up and point them in the right direction.

        Let me give you an example that’s been fucking-A obvious since 2008.

        Wages have long failed to keep up with inflation at the low end, which is to say the “entry level”. There are numerous reasons for this that range from stingy people to central banking but that’s not really the point.

        The point is that at this point you have pretty much everyone under 40 looking at life in a dichotomy. Most people think they’re screwed and some unscrupulous people are looking at ways to game the system for that $200K a year job because that’s the only way they have a future.

        The average household income in 2021 was $70,784. Let’s be really real, that ain’t shit and that’s the middle, most young people don’t make nearly that.

        Inflation is eating people alive and has been for 15 years. Rent plus covering your own insurance when you get 36 hours a week from your employer crushes people in their 20’s. Mix that with the risks of “no fault” divorce and you’re not getting people who want to risk kids because they can lose everything to a slimy divorce attorney.

        The result is a lot of apathy. Why work hard when you’ll never get anything for it? Pay for the Boomers’ SS and Medicare while never getting a penny yourself. Taxes and fees take 55% of your money (currency, really) off the top. Houses are entirely unaffordable for young people. The median house was $89,000 in 1990 today it’s over $400K. That’s a ponzi that WILL collapse but young people don’t have a long enough temporal horizon to see that.

        If you’re actually paying attention the young people’s penchant for “being a streamer” is actually them making a bet on the most likely chance for success in the economy that’s been hollowed out at the American worker’s expense for 40 years.

        Now, you can run several directions.

        I’d suggest a message of hope and turning shit around in the future that younger people can actually believe in. Not “Hope and Change” but actual concrete policies.

        The first party to stop and say “Look, mistakes were made and we need to fix them.” while actually listing off the real problems for the majority <40 is going to win several landslides in a row if they mix that with even half-assed messaging and a decent ground game.

        Add in some actual sane policy, not GOPers promoting war in Europe, and you're off to the races.

        Statistically who hates "woke" and cancel culture the most? Zoomers. By a mile, because they've seen it up close and personal. They don't like it AT ALL. Maybe start with what Ramaswamy is talking about and build that into a few planks in a platform that say you give a shit about people who aren't retired or about to be.

        Because right now, for 20 years the message to Xers on down has been "Fuck you, we got ours and we don't care if it's at your expense". The fact that most Boomers don't actually think that doesn't matter since it's the perception.

        • Where we see things different is the idea that people in love with their convictions are not really interested in anything that doesn’t reinforce those convictions. The issue is the difficulty of admitting being wrong; the most difficult of thing a human can undertake.

          When I listen to younger people, they invariable attach all the govt failures you describe to Republicrats/Conservatives/Fascists on the right. When pointing out the failings laid directly at the feet of Dims/Leftists/Marxists, the response is that Republicrats/Conservatives/Fascists created the disaster, and the only possible response available is what the Dims/Leftists/Marxists are doing.

          The worst of it is that my middle son told me that because of the inequity (un-equity?) created by “red states”, he is negotiating to move to Minnesota, where things are less expensive, and government programs overcome and prevent the craziness, and unfair financial scheme in his “red state”.

          In another episode, the Colonel and I, a few years back, were talking to a couple of zoomers. Their first response was to ask why we had to have individual states; why couldn’t the country be run by professionals who knew how to get thing done, and have the same laws everywhere. They were also complaining that the US was the worst nation in the world, because under our “system” they were entitled to peace, safety, and enough money so that they didn’t have to have full time jobs. (which they attributed to “old people” who didn’t want the younger generations to have the advantages and wealth “boomers” were trying to keep for themselves.

          What you propose makes perfect sense, to people of sense. Not only is the current lead generation senseless. they don’t want to learn, or change. Any message is wasted on people who don’t see a need to change, and would want to change even if they see the need.

          As for our other two sons, they are quite happy to raise their children in govt re-education camps; their parents are too old-school, and the sons don’t have time away from their jobs to home school, or spend evening hours de-programming their children.

          Yes, the game is rigged, and the conservative/traditional thinking about elections is a losing proposition in every way.

          The above are some of the reasons I accept the inevitable, which is full done in a decade, when the “boomers” are a small fraction of the population.

          No, I don’t “egg you on”, but I do find your comments intriguing, and thought provoking. You are willing to engage in more than sloganeering.

        • “When I listen to younger people, they invariable attach all the govt failures you describe to Republicrats/Conservatives/Fascists on the right.”

          They’ve been told that non-stop for the entirety of their K-12 experience. How is this surprising? If you find mismanufactured widgets you don’t blame the widget, you look at the production line that’s spitting them out, right?

          Your examples below that all run back to a guy named Paulo Freire, who expanded on Hagel’s concept of the Hegelian Dialectic.

          It’s a method for replacing the real with a fake copy, intellectually
          speaking. Usually this is accomplished by a confidence game or by browbeating people into it.

          The most commonly obvious form of it is the browbeating. A fake version of something real is created and people get shoved into that mental space by force.

          Say, for example, [Critical] Equity as a standin for equality or equity if we’re discussing real disability that reduces access. Then the real thing is attacked as imperfect (because nothing is perfect) while a better solution is alluded to but never stated.

          Anyone who argues back about this will then be castigated as, racist, sexist, homophobic or whatever fits the bill. “You’re against equity? Why do you hate people in wheelchairs, you bigot!?”.

          People then, statistically, retreat from arguing, ceding the territory of the real to the fake that has been created and, over time, the whole society’s Overton Window shifts to accept the new fake as the standard that always was.

          People used Freire’s work extensively in education circles starting decades ago (he’s been dead since the late 1990’s)
          James Lindsey explains how that works, and the tricks to make it work, in a video he has called “The Negation of the Real” on his YT channel “New Discourses”.

          Lesser uses of it are also relatively common in advertising, once he explains the whole thing (which he is mostly talking about in reference to Gnostics and gnosis) you’ll realize you’ve seen it many, many times before on TV. Bernays has a version of this he talks about in his book Propaganda.

          For background: Freire was a South American Marxist “educator”. He wrote a whole book on the subject of how to do this to school kids, and it’s been done for 40 years. Anything called “critical” in the education space basically comes from him.

          He’s the one who came up with the idea that, especially teachers, needed to form “critical consciousness” so that they could denounce in a way that automatically announces the possibility of something better and different which never has to be concretely declared.

          It’s a form of argument devoid of positive statements so that the arguments advanced can never be critiqued. It’s both taught and imprinted on many teachers via schools of education and they go on to use it in their “educational practices”.

  16. @LKB
    “— Percy Shelley, “Ozymandias”, 1819 edition”

    Thanx for the reminder.

  17. Seems almost daily I read something that further convinces me to stay the hell out of California, New York, Jersey, Etc. And stay my ass out here in the back end of no where.
    Had to go down to Mobile a couple weeks ago. My better half had a DR.s appointment at 1 of the major hospitals for some neuro repairs. Sucks for her when the legs don’t want to work right. At least she’s not back in the wheel chair.
    Anyways, while getting bored silly, I wandered out to the car so I could grab a smoke. Was a little too far away to do much, but got to watch some fool think he was going to mug 1 of the nurses coming to work. Dumbass got a 50,000 volt surprise when she hit him with a taser. Security and uniformed cops had him before his eyeballs quit spinning. Hope she didn’t have a problem because she was detained long enough to fill out the PD report.

    • “Get out of the cities”

      And go the which other cities? Are you thinking modern people can survive in the wilderness, without being discovered? Thinking large numbers of people can just move to small towns, and carry on? Most of the population cannot telework.

      It is unpleasant to admit, but even rabid 2A defenders will have something in their lives that will be above Second Amendment concerns. We are not the same people who settled the original colonies. The political fight is where we are.

  18. Oakland has always been a criminal’s paradise, even before the Soros sponsored DA’s appeared. Now it is even worse. If you live in a metro area of California, it is not if you will be victimized, but when. Flee while you can.

  19. Film That Just Shows Liberals Talking About Their Ideas Labeled ‘Offensive Content’ > https://ussanews.com/2023/06/03/film-that-just-shows-liberals-talking-about-their-ideas-labeled-offensive-content/


    Twitter’s rightwing takeover is complete. Why are liberals still on it? > https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jun/03/twitter-conservative-media-elon-musk-ron-desantis

    Twitter And The Daily Wire Battled Over Controversial What Is A Woman? Documentary, Then Elon Musk Weighed In (A planned deal between the two to release the film was allegedly cancelled.) > https://www.cinemablend.com/movies/twitter-and-the-daily-wire-battled-over-controversial-what-is-a-woman-documentary-then-elon-musk-weighed-in

    “The Daily Wire, a rightwing media outlet, also recently announced that it is jumping into bed with Twitter and will stream its top podcasts on the platform. The partnership got off to a tricky start, however, when Twitter cancelled a deal to premiere the site’s anti-trans documentary What Is a Woman? for free on the platform because of two instances of “misgendering” in the film. Musk quickly backpedaled on that after the Daily Wire’s CEO, Jeremy Boreing, wrote an outraged thread on Twitter about the documentary being labeled ‘hateful conduct’.”

  20. “We have things entirely new to the world – the Bill of Rights, checks and balances, and the philosophical ideas that underlay them. ”

    And a lethargic populace opposing the unstoppable slide into tyranny. Not to mention widespread political defiance of the SC. The rule of law you hope will mean something is obviously tiered into elites, and the rest of us.

    Speaking of laws, when the Republicrats held all three branches of government, how much pro-2A legislation did they enact? How many times did the elephants install balanced budget controls? How often did the pachyderms actually cut budgets (cutting the rate of growth is not a cut to the budget, which grows regardless of being slowed a bit. When did Repubs actually punish Dims for failing to uphold the Constitution? (even today, Repubs are letting the administration officers defy Congress….because Repubs cannot sell conservative values, and are keeping themselves in the minority; there’s a reason registered Dim voters notably outnumber Repubs. (49 million, to 38 million).

    And we can’t get all 38 million Repubs to vote in every election, not to mention how puritanically divided Repubs are. Dims may disagree internally, but vote as a block. Repubs are all about purity tests.

    • “Speaking of laws, when the Republicrats held all three branches of government, how much pro-2A legislation did they enact?”

      Filibuster, Samuel.

      However, thanks to the Leftists-Marxists killing the judicial filibuster in the Obama administration, we retaliated and used it against them to seat 3 on the Supreme Court, giving us all kinds of legal goodness to harvest… 🙂

      • “Speaking of laws, when the Republicrats held all three branches of government, how much pro-2A legislation did they enact?”

        “Filibuster, Samuel.”
        – Thinking a Talk-A-Thon is not pro-2A legislation

        “However, thanks to the Leftists-Marxists killing the judicial filibuster in the Obama administration, we retaliated and used it against them to seat 3 on the Supreme Court, giving us all kinds of legal goodness to harvest…”
        – SC rulings are not pro-2A legislation. Bruen is not the law of the land…look at the refusal of lower courts, and states to comply; each matter to be adjudicated, one provision of gun control law at a time. National legislation is more immediately effective in rolling back unconstitutional limits on gun ownership and use.

        Seems both of the examples are matters of delay, not pro-action legislation

  21. @Geoff “I’m getting too old for this shit” PR
    “It will be fought by those who heard stories of a free nation in their childhood by their grandfather around a campfire,…”

    I know you want that to be. However, rogue gangs do not a militia make. No leaders, no organization, sympathizers unknown, no shared military experience, no underground press, no secure communications, no rally points, no safe facilities. Scattering to disconnected locations in the countryside destroys any cohesion of purpose, or operations , etc. This is not 1774, nor is it 1858. The idea that random murders of authorities will significantly deter government forces from retaliation.

    Note: Civil War 2.0 was fought between two armies, not an army, and armed insurgents. Today, there are no examples of any highly advanced/functional government being overthrown by disparate individuals, or groups. Even the IRA had to give up on overthrowing the British.

    It is the ballot box, the jury box, or subjugation; that is the future. The arc of history is not toward freedom and liberty.

  22. @strych9
    “What you don’t seem to realize is that you’re effectively arguing that standing in a field full of landmines which is also pre-zeroed for artillery fire is the only option. If you do that the outcome is preordained and not in your favor.

    You are correct, on both accounts. There is no reversal possible, only delay.

    I focus on Leftists because they are the root, they spawn locusts (so I intentionally conflated the two for simplicity). The Leftists, neo-marxists if you will) are the driving force; destroy that, and the locusts die off.

    In the end, I still submit that we are at empire’s (“childhood’s”) end. Our choice is to delay the inevitable, or cut out own throats now.

  23. @strych9
    “The US, insofar as it is an Empire, is quite different that previous Empires…”

    There is nothing about the US empire (both business and militarily) that makes it immune to history. Everyone wants to believe they are the exception (see fads on Wall Street), but “the house” always wins.

  24. @strych9
    “Say it in French and you’re speaking of Algeria in the 1950’s.”

    Not seeing an analog. By 1962, the French were exhausted by WW2, loss of empire, loss of Vietnam.

    The Algerian revolutionaries were not leaderless, uncoordinated, armed mobs. In the US, we do not have even identified, accepted, squad leaders for armed revolt. We have gone so far beyond what our founders would have tolerated, as to be a cosmic joke. Fleeing to the small towns is not going to reverse the tide, reverse the slide.

    Why do I contest the idea that somehow the zipline to insignificance can be reversed? Because I know who the enemy is, what they are capable of, and how history shows that every empire, every nation, eventually devolves into obscurity. Five thousand (plus) years of recorded history, and somehow people in the US can hope they will avoid the historical road.

    The fight is now, not some mythical day in the future when “the real fight will begin”. The weapons are public persuasion; die quick, or die slow.

  25. @strych9
    “They’ve been told that non-stop for the entirety of their K-12 experience. How is this surprising?”

    It isn’t surprising at all. Point being that we are long past “the tipping point”, and with almost no public voice to try to reason with the mentally ill. The “Left” wins because all the arguments are emotional. Reasoning and logic is a losing combination when faced with pure emotion (the work you cite is all emotion, seeming to be logic and reason).

    At best, the nation is split between Left and Right, the so-called uncommitted are equal to the number of unicorns in the Bronx Zoo. If we are down to hoping the uncommitted can be persuaded, their number will not produce an overwhelming majority about anything.

    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.”
    – E. Burke, 1770

    Obviously, evil is prevailing because “good men” ignore what was/is happening. By understanding the multi-prong attack on “good”, you are optimistic that reversal of society is possible. I look at history, and see the arc being toward evil, not “good”. The US is the greatest empire ever, yet even we are in irreversible decline into the “dustbin of history”.

    I always find your commentary fascinating, insightful, and educational. I perceive you are evangelizing the saints, but the number of saints is not growing in size, or influence.

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