Kyle Rittenhouse
Dan Z. for TTAG

It probably isn’t breaking any new ground to report that being Kyle Rittenhouse isn’t easy. In the pervasive public and political climate that is the state of play in the third decade of the 21st century, an individual can’t fight for their life on the streets of Kenosha, then fight for it again in a court room — all of it captured on video, packaged by and for social media, mainstream news readers and the puditocracy — without becoming a political lightening rod.

And like it or not, a lightening rod is exactly what Kyle Rittenhouse is.

We won’t bore you by recounting what happened in Kenosha when he successfully fended off multiple attackers and then successfully made his case for armed self-defense in a court of law. If you’re here, you know all of that. And if you don’t, click here to start.

It’s been almost a year since Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty by a jury of his peers. That, of course, outraged many with an axe to grind and didn’t stop others from pronouncing him a murderer (whatever the jury’s verdict or the law may say), a racist, a fascist, a white supremacist…all without the slightest evidence that he is or has ever been any of those things.

In the last year, Rittenhouse has been busy dealing with the aftermath of what happened to him that night as well as what was done to him by the press and by (some of) his own attorneys.

I met Kyle in Fort Collins, Colorado. The National Association for Gun Rights and the Rocky Mountain Gun Owners had issued an open-ended invitation to him after the not guilty verdict, offering to bring him to the Centennial State to shoot some guns, hang out, and be among friends and supporters.

Those aren’t easy things to do when the majority of the population knows your face and has very strong opinions about you, both good and bad.

NAGR and RMGO had helped to support Rittenhouse and his family financially during his trial and with that all now well and truly in his rear-view mirror, Kyle flew to Colorado with his girlfriend and his advisor to be among people who saw what he did that night as a case of armed self-defense — if an extraordinarily high profile one — against multiple attackers after a number of attempts on his part to get away from them.

But as we found out for ourselves, even a simple evening with supporters at a private reception for an unassuming, remarkably even-keeled 19-year-old kid can turn into a political hot potato when Kyle Rittenhouse is at the center of it.

To give you an idea of what it’s like to be him, NAGR and RMGO reserved the back bar at a downtown Fort Collins watering hole called The Forge Publick House which describes itself as “…a great place to host your next event!” While a good time was had by all who attended, Kyle’s presence apparently upset a number of The Forge’s employees who weren’t working the event.

A little while after things began to wind down — and the tab for 40 to 50 people was well into the low four figures — one of the employees from the front walked into the back bar and screamed, “It’s time for all of you people to leave!” Staff and customers in the front of The Forge had been angrily posting on Reddit since they discovered who was in the back of the joint, emoting and signaling their outrage to the world that the establishment had been used to host someone who had been tried and found not guilty of a crime.

You can read part of it here (some of the 400+ comments are priceless) and The Forge made sure to express its abject shame and grovel before its college town clientele to proclaim regret that such an event had taken place on its premises.

It was all a sadly pathetic little temper tantrum. But it was also a pretty good indicator of what someone has to deal with on a daily basis when he’s attained — rightly or not — the level of notoriety Kyle Rittenhouse has. He simply can’t live the kind of life any normal 19-year-old has a right to expect.

Sad little displays like the one at The Forge are some of the least inconvenient things Rittenhouse is dealing with these days. More concerning is a wrongful death civil suit that’s been filed by the survivors of Anthony Huber, the convicted felon and multiple domestic abuser who Rittenhouse shot and killed after Huber struck him on the head with his skateboard.

The lawsuit names the Kenosha County Sheriff, the Kenosha Chief of Police, the city and county of Kenosha, nine officers who were there that night along with Rittenhouse.

The suit has been filed by Loevy & Loevy, a Chicago “civil rights” law firm that specializes in left wing causes such as suing cities to invalidate their curfew laws when they impinge on Antifa and other mostly peaceful rioters’ ability to maneuver.

People I’ve spoken with who have direct knowledge of the suit have reason to believe (though they can’t provide direct evidence) that the suit is being backed by at least one gun control organization. The motivation appears to be to make a conspicuous example of Rittenhouse.

They want to put the fear of God (and the American justice system) into the average person who owns and possibly carries a gun. They want them to see what’s happened and is still happening to the 19-year-old and decide that armed self-defense isn’t worth the risk of not only jail, but being financially ruined, even if what you did was a clear case of self-defense.

That may turn out to be an ideal commercial for legal services providers such as US LawShield and others, but it probably isn’t what Loevy & Loevy or its backers have in mind.

So Kyle Rittenhouse’s days of defending himself in court aren’t over. And a series of  reports claiming he’d agreed to multi-million dollar settlement with producers of ‘The View’ were completely false. They were apparently planted by Kyle’s antagonists in order to get potential donors to his defense fund to close their wallets.

They’re not happy that a GiveSendGo account has been established to raise money for his legal defense. The good news is that he has excellent legal representation on his side for the civil fight in the huber suit, just as he (ultimately) did for the criminal trial.

He also has some of the same attorneys in his corner who represented people like Nick Sandman. They’ll be working to defend Rittenhouse’s name against media personalities and various outlets who, well, should have knowns better than to throw around baseless accusations.

We had a few minutes to talk to Kyle one-on-one. Given the pending litigation, there were some topics we were asked not to discuss.


If you’re one of those who watched the video of what Rittenhouse did to defend himself and were struck by the skill and control with which he acted against multiple attackers from multiple directions, it may surprise you to learn that the pistol drill below along with some other shooting Rittenhouse did while he was in Colorado was more practice and training than he had in his life prior to that night in August of 2020.


As is the case for most 19-year-olds, Rittenhouse’s plans for his future have changed over the last year-plus. He was enrolled at Arizona State University’s online program with the intent of working toward a nursing degree. When that become known and the university’s students made enough noise, ASU let it be known that Rittenhouse was “no longer enrolled” there despite being acquitted.

As he mentioned in the video above, his attention has now shifted toward a career in aviation which he’s pursuing at a school in Texas. In the mean time, keep your eye on the media for news of his attempts to defend his name against some of the most egregious slurs that have been flung his way by those who couldn’t manage to stomach the outcome of the case brought against him.

The truth of the matter is that, given the high profile he unintentionally attained and that others have thrust upon him, Kyle Rittenhouse may never be able to live what any of us would consider a “normal” life. That said, based on his intelligence, his good nature, and with the help of a lot of people who have been in his corner based on their knowledge of Kyle and the actions he justifiably took, he stands a decent chance of living a very good life indeed.


  1. Never forget it was the Libertarians Liberals and the Left who supported financial institutions ending their business relationships, with the Firearms industry, and other family related guns businesses. Without warning, without justification, as far as I’m concerned.

    And the Three L’s would also support a financial institution preventing you from raising the money necessary, to defend your life, in a courtroom. Because they say that’s just a private bank. They have every right to refuse service to you.

    The rich, criminal or law-abiding, will always have access to machine guns. And the rich, criminal or law-abiding, will always have access to lawyers. Very good lawyers.

      • True but unfortunately he isn’t far off on the libertarian party which is a coopted gaggle of all kinds of weirdness and about as far from the concept of the founding fathers as one can get and makes the existence of an actual Libertarian party a myth. With that said absolutely correct on the other 2/3 of his named groups and their goals.

        • Neat missed that one entirely. We will see if they keep on a path that is consistent with what they say and if they can keep control. So disregard my previous post there appears to be at least some libertarian party in existence and now I will need to read up and see if they function as claimed.

        • to SAFEupstateFML
          TTAG is or was filled with Libertarians who supported banks ending their relationships with a legal business. With no warning at all.

        • to Anonymous
          I have been following the Mises Caucus. Back in the 1980s there was no such thing as a left wing or a right-wing libertarian. They were just Libertarians. It’s been very interesting to watch left-wing Libertarians attack right-wing Libertarians. In fact I would say, that Reason Magazine, I consider to be a left-wing libertarian media source.

          And I would consider Lew to be a right-wing libertarian media source. And I have been reading both of them for a very, very, long time now. And I have noticed the changes happening over that period of time. In general I like the Mises Caucus. I think there is hope for Libertarians if they are successful.

          Unfortunately the left-wing Libertarians are thoroughly embedded into Structural libertarianism. They’re in LP. A lot of them. And they control many influential libertarian media sites.

      • In this case it’s an irrelevant distinction because they support letting corporations with monopoly over payment processing do what they want in the name of corporate freedom.

        • Thank you for saying that. I can disagree with someone. And that’s fine. But I will not stand for intellectual dishonesty. Libertarians were fine when Gunsite Academy or some other much smaller mom and pop gun business, was completely cut off from their financial processing company.

          Now they’re going to tell me suddenly, that they’re against a financial processing business preventing you from paying for the lawyers, for a court case, that could send you to prison for the rest of your life?

          But it’s okay to be financially destroyed by a bank???

        • The idea of “build your own [google, twitter, etc.]” is absurd. Large corporations have spent a lot of effort promoting their idea of libertarianism that benefits them. Now the government is using corporations to violate individual rights under the guise of libertarianism. Liberty being the core value sounds good on paper. It doesn’t work without morality.

        • I don’t believe the word ‘corporation’ is in the United States Constitution.

          Every billionaire is a failure of public policy.

        • “Every billionaire is a failure of public policy.”

          Nope. Billionaires foot the bill for your ever expanding government, Miner. Every person on welfare and every middle class person with declining earnings, opportunities, and wealth is a failure of public policy. Don’t look now, but public policy is failing badly after three solid years of doing better.

      • to Nathan Freeman
        I will go through my TTAG archive. And I will start dropping libertarian names like bombs. And those individuals can explain why they believe a financial institution, that services a legal business, has the right to terminate that business relationship, without warning whatsoever???
        Perhaps your name will appear on that list.

        Do Libertarians believe in the concept of copyright?

        • I agree. In fact they are so comfortable with their position about drugs, they come out and openly support the taking of private property, by criminals in order to pay for their drugs. Which is why they openly supported proposition 47 in California.

      • Well, Libertarians let their whole movement get commandeered by Anarchists and others. So, what’s a REAL Libertarian anymore? Diluted to nothing, now. Taken from you without a fight.

    • Should sue the bigoted restaurant for discrimination. Treatment was no different than Jim Crow democRats getting their panties in wad when a Black sat in a restaurant.

      • If i owned that buisness, all the employees that spoke out about Kyle was there would have been fired on the spot.

    • Libertarians support a person’s right to run their business however they please. Even if they want to run it in to the ground. Would you have the government dictate how people can run their businesses? OK comrade…

      Libertarians also support people’s right to do business (or not) with whomever they choose. Vote with your wallet. If you don’t like a business, don’t trade with them. And tell your friends! Wishing the government would interfere with private transactions is commie rationale.

      Libertarians believe in a free market. All of the problems you mention exist because “Liberals” and “Conservatives” do not believe in a free market and have trapped us and businesses in a regulatory jail cell. Government protects the monopolies that are at the root of these issues.

      The Libertarian party has its share of deep-sate apologists, but they not running the show anymore. It is currently run by the Mises Caucus. Maybe you should check them out.

      It blows my mind how people will see someone they dislike consolidating and using power against them, only to run out and vote for someone that promises to consolidate and use power against their foes. It’s like you’ve been dug in to a deep hole, but you think maybe if this other guy digs instead, you’ll get out.

      • Actually one of the purposes of government is to protect you from having your rights being violated. Now would you support a business discriminating against homosexuals??? Or discriminating against blacks, or discriminating against some other skin color?

        I remember these arguments being made back in the 1990s. And I remember that Libertarians supposedly supported a business deciding who they would serve, and who they would not serve.

        But this is about guns. So I will keep it to Guns. Black people used to get their guns through mail order. With direct delivery to their homes. Because the white gun store owners would not sell them. Which I assume the Libertarians are comfortable with. And I’m okay with that.
        Because I would love to go back the days, when I could get all my firearms delivered to my home. No gun store and no back ground check required.

        But I don’t see Libertarians supporting that.

        • Because the white gun store owners would not sell them.

          you got any real life living and breathing examples where white gun store owners refused service to black people? Come on, where is your evidence?
          I call hokum.

          We need to get back to the says when ANYONE could look through a paper catalogue, or (nowadays) online,decide which one and how many I want, send them a check or credit card number, and in about a week have the guy in a grey suit happy to relieve himself from carrying that heavy box around your neighbourhood.

          I am old enough to remember walking into a gun store in a state not my state of residence, telling the clerk “I want THAT one”, peeling off the appropriate number of Federal Reserve Notes with the appropriate pictures on them, and walking back out of the store with ny new firearm in hand. And the cleark never even asked my surname nor address. And handed me a standard generic cash register ticket showing I paid $XX.xx for something or other.
          And my skin colour, birth language, age was never a factor. And I’m certain that if the owner/clerk in that store happened to have a very high melanin content in his skin, he’d have treated me exactl the same way the guy with far less did.

        • “you got any real life living and breathing examples where white gun store owners refused service to black people? Come on, where is your evidence?
          I call hokum.“

          It must be hikum, because now that we’ve elected a black president, they ain’t no more racism in America, right?

          “Published: Nov. 23, 2017 at 5:00 AM EST|Updated: Nov. 23, 2017 at 7:03 AM EST
          Christopher Mason (Source: NBC12)
          Christopher Mason (Source: NBC12)
          MECHANICSVILLE, VA (WWBT) – A man is speaking out to NBC12, claiming he was denied a gun purchase because he looked suspicious.

          Christopher Mason recorded a video of him being asked to leave Hopkins Gun and Tackle in Mechanicsville. The gun shop owner is now responding to the allegation and explaining his actions.

          A gun dealer has the right to deny a customer, even if that person passes a background check. Christopher Mason believes the gun shop abused that right and judged him by his appearance.

          “I said I’m not going to sell you a gun,” store owner Vance Hopkins said in a video that’s now gained 4.5 million Facebook views this month.

          “And why is that?” Mason chimes back.

          “I don’t have to have a reason not to sell you one,” Hopkins responded in the video.\

          Mason says he walked inside with a friend and immediately the owner greeted them.

          “Before we could say anything, he said ‘I will not sell you or your friend a firearm, because I have reason to believe you will take them and sell them on the streets’,” Mason said.“

      • I would be a lot more fine with it, if the banking system weren’t a government-backed cartel we are all effectively forced to participate in or become unpersoned.

        What are a the meaning of free association, in such an environment?

    • Who remembers ‘Operation Choke Point’ under Barrack? Lets have a quote from history and tell me how these corporations really operate. And yes it has metastasized.
      “The Fascist State lays claim to rule in the economic field no less than in others; it makes its action felt throughout the length and breadth of the country by means of its corporate, social, and educational institutions, and all the political, economic, and spiritual forces of the nation, organized in their respective associations, circulate within the State.” Benito Mussolini

    • I would like to say that Kyle Rittenhouse is a true American hero.
      And he has an excellent teacher ahead of him as an instructor in self-defense.

    • So is OJ.

      Just because a jury found him not guilty (and I certainly agree) does not mean people cannot disagree on an area of public concern.

    • “How are his lawsuits going? He was and is still being called a murderer by prominent folks.“

      You may be disappointed to learn that this is America and people are entitled to their opinions. If you are interested, below is an attorney’s assessment of Kyle’s chances in court.

      • You may be disappointed to learn that when you take your “opinion”, and announce to the world something as character-attacking as “he’s a murderer!”, that it ceases to be an “opinion” and becomes outright slander, with accompanying legal ramifications.
        A man who works and sometimes lives in the city with his dad, attacked by three men who do not live in the city, and is forced to defend himself from clear, armed attacks on his life, is not a murderer.

        • Does anyone know how far each of the three goons traveled to join the riots? Exactly how far out of their way did they go (in miles or kilometers) to get their very own hot FMJ souvenirs?

      • Except “murderer” is not just an opinion about someone, it’s a statement of fact about that person.

        If I say “Miner49er is a pedophile”, maybe that’s my opinion, but it’s a matter of fact whether it’s true or not. If it’s not true, then I have defamed you.

        As for Legal Eagle’s analysis, if I remember correctly, he thought Rittenhouse would be convicted. He’s good for legal memes, but I find his legal analysis generally pretty suspect, especially when there’s a political valance.

        • I hear all that you’re saying, but the proof is in the pudding. Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty almost a year ago, where are his lawsuits for defamation?

          Just as Donald Trump promised all his sexual assault accusers would be sued when he took office, Mr. Rittenhouse hasn’t sued anyone.

      • MajorStupidity,

        Hmm. So it’s your OPINION that Legal Eagle’s “legal analysis” was a persuasive and educated statement as to the viability of Rittenhouse’ legal claim for defamation against people who, AFTER he was acquitted, specifically called him a “murderer”?

        Don’t quit your day job (if you even have one), you have no future as a legal analyst. FWIW, I agree with Legal Eagle that Rittenhouse has no case against LeBron James. I agree regarding the “white supremacist” and “domestic terrorist” claims, he has, at best, an uphill case. With regard to outright calling him a murderer AFTER his acquittal?? You and Legal Eagle are both full of shit to your ears.

        And the chances that the Times v. Sullivan standard survives in SCOTUS are slim and none, and Slim just left the building. The LOGICAL place for SCOTUS to commence demolishing the ridiculous Times v. Sullivan is EXACTLY the application of that standard to “limited purpose public figures”. “We can defame you because we made news about you by defaming you” ain’t gonna fly, champ.

        But you continue playing a lawyer on TV . . . at least you’ve got the “unscrupulous liar” part nailed.

        • “Except “murderer” is not just an opinion about someone, it’s a statement of fact about that person.”

          Oh wow, our pal S9 is in real trouble…

          October 14, 2022 At 19:53
          The cops in Arvada are straight out ass-covering murderers… “

        • MajorStupidity,

          If that was an attempt to be clever? Your snark-fu weakens, daily. As does any even pathetic attempt at logic. Cite me a reference to the trial where the Arvada police were ACQUITTED BY A JURY, you @$$clown. An intelligent person might find that distinction relevant . . . but of course, “intelligent person” automatically excludes you.

          Like SO MANY other Leftist/fascists, Trump broke your already-feeble brain. If Trump had a superpower, it was definitely turning mentally challenged Leftists into complete raving lunatics. Exhibits A and B would be yourself and dacian the demented.

          Just admit it, MajorStupidity, you’re a broken man (well, more accurately, broken boy . . . or girl, hey, I don’t judge). How f***ed up are you going to be when Republicans come out of November with a 2+ seat majority in the Senate, and a 20-odd seat majority in the House? Will crying salve your wounds, or will you be compelled to commit sepukku??? Inquiring minds want to know.

      • Slander and libel are not protect by the first amendment minor, as the recent Alex Jones suit proves. You just don’t like it when the shoe is on the other foot.

        • Alex Jones was talking about dead children, Kyle Rittenhouse is very much alive.

          I think a lot of reasonable people have a problem with Kyle Rittenhouse illegally arming himself through a strawman purchase and traveling across state lines to a continuing public disturbance loaded for bear.

          That’s a far different situation from a classroom full of six year olds sharing milk and cookies before nap time.

          But go ahead, draw a false equivalence if you find that… entertaining.

        • The court disagrees with your assertion and the court has far more information then you get from msnbc or cnn.

          It doesn’t matter that the events aren’t similar, they aren’t. But it proves slander and libel aren’t protected speech, and they never have been. It’s not a “false equivalence”. If you make up a ton of blatant lies about me that hurt my reputation, I have a right to sue you. Keep that in mind as you scorch the internet with leftist lies against people. You yourself may one day find yourself in the same position as Alex jones. You and him really aren’t that different, he’s just got a bigger platform and following.

      • ” If you are interested, below is an attorney’s assessment of Kyle’s chances in court.”

        Devin, the hard Leftist? 🙂

        • “Devin, the hard Leftist?“

          So do you have a factual disagreement with the content of his assessment?

  2. Kyle, I think you’re a great person! You are just considered collateral damage by the commies that want control of the country. The devil hates you because you are righteous. We are living in the end times, people have lost their minds, and that’s why they hate you. I wish I could go fishing with you and have us a fish fry. I do disagree with you about destroying a rifle that did it’s job, but it was yours so not a problem.

    • Notably absent, sadly. Went way out of their way to purposefully ignore and avoid the issue as I recall.

      Kyle, if you read this, know we feel for what you’ve been through. And, for those and that which still dogs you at every turn. Chin up young man, and never let them get you down.

      For everywhere you go there will always be those that will have your back, no matter which direction you may turn. Know this despite what others would have you believe, you are dearly appreciated for standing up for what is right.

      Thank you.

  3. It does not surprise me is there are so many Liberals who will go out of their way, these liberal lawyers who go into the prison system. And teach murderers and rapists to become lawyers. And attend their graduation ceremonies in prison. You can watch it all on 60 Minutes like I did many years ago.
    And many of those same individuals will work to prevent someone who was found not guilty of murder, and work to prevent an innocent person from pursuing their education.

    • Chris T,

      I’ve never made a secret of the fact that I am a lawyer (was in active practice for 45 years). For most of my career, we used to joke about the fact that “It’s 95% of lawyers who give the other 5% a bad reputation”, but MOST of us believed that MOST lawyers were adequate to good professionals, and reasonably honest. Nowadays, I think the percentages in that joke are generous. There ARE good, honest lawyers out there – good luck finding one.

      • “There ARE good, honest lawyers out there – good luck finding one.”

        I’m lucky one fell right into my lap. A long-time family friend.

        I would have been happy with simply getting the $140,000 hospital bill retired, It ended up making me pleasantly cash-positive…

  4. The inteview was great. You asked the right questions. I know something about the aviation world as a licensed A and P. Airframe and PowerPlant mechanic. You don’t have to work for the big boys as a pilot. It doesn’t take that many hours to accumulate to qualify for a commercial pilot’s license. You can fly for a small outfit. Or even by yourself as an air taxi service. There are many people that are doing this. Yes it’s a small business. But once you get your foot in the door, you can work your way up. There’s plenty of corporate Pilots flying small planes, taking business men wherever they need to go.

    And there is a shortage of both pilots and mechanics in the aviation world.

    • From what I recall a pending critical shortage of pilots in the next 5-15 years as expected retirements ramp up. I forget how many exactly by percentage are in that window but it was enough that we had to look into our current roster at the state level but no idea how that one is looking.

      • A lot of Pilots started quitting when they refused “to take the needle” back in 2021. This has made the pilot shortage much more critical, than it would be over a long of period of retirements.

        And it’s not just Pilots. A lot of educated professionals at critical jobs have decided to quit their job. Instead of being forced “to take the needle”.

        • There is a lot of that in quite a few fields that is getting next to no attention particularly in college admissions, military recruitment, and various medical care providers. Going to be a messy few years regardless of election results.

        • Frank I can speak for the college admissions getting funding for requiring the needle as one of community colleges tried to drop the requirements and immediately had their funding from the SUNY system threatened. I would imagine some taxpayers funded incentive is at least partially responsible for keeping the defunct treatment in place.

  5. We all need to remember that Kyle is still a very young guy. He’s under constant pressure from the coven of filthy communists and other germs and punks who are constantly nipping at his heels. Nevertheless, he seems well grounded and has an abundance of equanimity and poise.

    Good for him.

  6. The best way to avoid becoming a zimmerman in the wake of a self-defense shooting is to lawyer up and shut up as much as possible.

    I understand that there may be financial imperatives in this case but I don’t think the publicity- which will always remain polarizing- is a good idea.

    On a related note, we hear about “qualified immunity” needing reform or removal all the times but how about the absolute immunity that the prosecutors have when they bring a ridiculous criminal case like this that includes charges failing to meet even basic elements of the crime? They should be able to be sued just like cops if they act egregiously enough in their office.

    • Prosecutor’s immunity is tied with police immunity. And, yes, it needs to be struck down. There is no immunity law, the Supreme Court wove that out of thin air. Any officer anywhere should be liable for wrongdoing. No immunity whatsoever is acceptable.

      Can’t do the time? Don’t do the crime.

  7. First impression is, he’s filled out some? I think he’s carrying about 20 pounds more than that night in Kenosha. Or, is that just the camera perspective making him look bulkier?

    • He gained weight in lockup.

      After he made bail, I’m sure the stress of the upcoming court ‘festivities’ probably had him over-eating. Hell, he was a 17 year-old kid, for cripe’s sake!

  8. Thankfully Kyle didn’t end up like Johnny Hurley in Arvada.

    Stops a mass shooting by going up against a rifle while armed with a pistol, 5/6 on target, kills the shooter, moves to a location where he is going out of his way to not be “the threat” and gets shot in the back by a cop who’s still hiding and then the cops prevented him from getting medical care for 40+ minutes so that he could bleed to death on the pavement from a wound he should have survived.

    But at least they publicly called him a “hero” after he was murdered. I guess they “saved the taxpayers” some dough, eh?

    • Yeah that letting you die before medical aid is a thing I guess.
      Happened here in this town of 950. No knock search warrant a cop gets fired on then fires back. Home owner laid 3 hours with his girlfriend screaming hes dying we need a doctor. Then she comes out of the house and says “He’s dead.” Then the cops and paramedics all rush in. It’s like the police are afraid of having someone alive in court?

      • In such a situation if a grieved family member tripped, fell down and happened to put deck screws into all the doors and windows of such officers’ houses just before a *suspicious fire* from which no one escaped I’d have no sympathy for the cop and were I on the jury I’d seriously consider nullification.

        Abuse of public authority resulting in death is one of the few places where I might be convinced that the death penalty is warranted and would have really serious trouble finding fault with the family members of the deceased.

      • The cops in Uvalde essentially ensured no one would survive by waiting as long as they did. The guidelines are the “Platinum Ten Minutes” and the “Golden Hour” for gunshot victims. Those are the time frames for medical intervention to have the best chance to save the victim.

        By holding off any response whatsoever for more than 70 minutes, they ensured anyone with a hope of survival would die.

        • True, and the behavior in Uvalde is unforgivable.

          But, it should be noted, the cops didn’t shoot those kids. A cop did shoot Johnny Hurley and then the police decided that he didn’t need to live. They then engaged in behavior specifically meant to ensure he didn’t survive.

          The Uvalde cops were disorganized cowards. The cops in Arvada are straight out ass-covering murderers, regardless of what Jeffco Sheriff’s Department has to say in their investigation.

          It should also be noted that the Denver Post took the opportunity to argue that CCW should be illegal because it’s not possible for the cops to know who’s who in a shooting situation.

          How about we hire cops with an IQ above room temperature and shitcan the ones that fuck up, with a quickness?

        • “The cops in Arvada are straight out ass-covering murderers“

          Careful, according to most on this list you can be sued for defamation for that statement…

      • A dead man’s testimony dies with him before it ever gets heard; a live one can testify in a courtroom full of jurors who of late may be less inclined to see things the way police want them to, assuming the local prosecutor is not one of those Soros-funded types who prefer to work for the criminal class instead of their victims.

        Trust no one who collects a government paycheck.

  9. I’m surprised lil’d hasn’t commented today about right-wing militia violence (when it was his left-wing militia doing the violence that night). Is he alone in the cinema fapping off to BROS ?

  10. All I can say is that for someone who had to experience to fight for their life after being attacked. He will live his life with the stigma for trying to do the right thing that the left doesn’t wants to acknowledge using a firearm to save your life from taken from evil men.

  11. quote———–More concerning is a wrongful death civil suit that’s been filed by the survivors of Anthony Huber,——–quote

    Just as O.J. Simpson got away with murder the civil lawsuit nailed him. I hope the civil law suit against this punk nazi Rittenhouse is just as successful. I would like to see him hounded and forced to pay the berreved for the rest of his life.

    Rittenhouse went looking for a fight that night and he got it and he was more to blame than the people who attacked him. Yes both sides were at fault but Rittenhouse instigated the conflict.

    • You’re just pissed because he showed you not zees that you’re not immortal.

      And the rioting got toned way down afterwards. You not zees ran and hid after the shots.

      • It’s funny the leftist/socialist keep projecting with the ‘NAZI’ (National Socialist German Workers Party) label. It’s all totalitarianism including Mussolini’s ‘Fascism’, and the lefts beloved communism.

      • Let’s see if I can get this through the screeners: I agree and the defamation “National Socialist German Workers party” aimed at Kyle is just projection by the socialists themselves.

        • Nazi/racist/fascist no longer has any meaning beyond “something I don’t like.” Notice how they never accuse anyone of being a communist. That still means something to them.

        • “Notice how they never accuse anyone of being a communist. “

          Which makes practical sense. There are several schools of Marxist thought which posit that socialism and fascism are just stops along the way to communism, which is naught but a stop along the way to utopia.

          From a practical politics perspective, recognizing that openly supporting “utopia” is a fool’s errand that will attract no one, and knowing that you’ve greatly disguised your Marxism, attacking fascists and Nazis is a great way to hurry people along the road to where you want to go.

          It also simultaneously serves as a filter for those who are unwilling to go where you wish to go. Those that see the danger in this sort of divide an conquer were never going to be comfortable with what a truly communist society must, inevitably, do to police itself into theoretical utopia. Therefore this serves to head off a 5th column at the pass.

          Sure, hurried implementation of such a filter early in the process almost certainly affects the quantity of end-product but it also does a better job of ensuring [ideological] purity of that product and that this purity is combined with the will to do what that ideology will certainly “require” of its adherents.

          The bullying also serves to filter you own crowd and to silence the middle ground. Something, something the second of the three main goals of propaganda I constantly mention.

          Eggs, omelettes and such. This is the way of rational ideology in all its forms.

        • “Notice how they never accuse anyone of being a communist.”

          Which makes practical sense from a longer range temporal perspective. There are several schools of Marxist thought which posit that socialism and fascism are just stops along the way to communism, which is naught but a stop along the way to utopia.

          From a practical politics perspective, recognizing that openly supporting “utopia” is a fool’s errand that will attract no one, and knowing that you’ve greatly disguised your Marxism for 70+ years, attacking fascists and Not Zs is a great way to hurry people along the road to where you want to go.

          It also simultaneously serves as a filter for those who are unwilling to go where you wish to end up. Those that see the danger in this sort of divide and conquer were never going to be comfortable with what a truly communist society must, inevitably, do to police itself into theoretical utopia (or just maintain the power structure it has erected, which is what really happens). Therefore this serves to head off a 5th column at the pass.

          Sure, hurried implementation of such a filter early in the process almost certainly affects the quantity of end-product but it also does a better job of ensuring [ideological] purity of that product and that this purity is combined with the will to do what that ideology will certainly “require” of its adherents.

          The bullying also serves to filter your own crowd and to silence the middle ground which is the largest group that would resist you initially. [Something, something the second of the three main goals of propaganda I constantly mention.]

          Eggs, omelettes and such. This is the way of rational ideology in all its forms.

        • Multiple moddings. Ugh.

          Notice how they never accuse anyone of being a communist.

          Which makes practical sense from a longer range temporal perspective. There are several schools of Marxist thought which posit that socialism and fascism are just stops along the way to communism, which is naught but a stop along the way to utopia.

          From a practical politics perspective, recognizing that openly supporting ‘utopia’ is a fool’s errand that will attract no one, and knowing that you’ve greatly disguised your Marxism for 70+ years, attacking racism and Not Zs is a great way to hurry people along the road to where you want to go.

          It also simultaneously serves as a filter for those who are unwilling to go where you wish to end up. Those that see the danger in this sort of divide and conquer were never going to be comfortable with what a truly communist society must, inevitably, do to police itself into theoretical utopia (or just maintain the power structure it has erected, which is what really happens). Therefore this serves to head off a 5th column at the pass.

          Sure, hurried implementation of such a filter early in the process almost certainly affects the quantity of end-product but it also does a better job of ensuring [ideological] purity of that product and that this purity is combined with the will to do what that ideology will certainly “require” of its adherents.

          The bullying also serves to filter your own crowd and to silence the middle ground which is the largest group that would resist you initially. [Something, something the second of the three main goals of propaganda I constantly mention.]

          Eggs, omelettes and such. This is the way of rational ideology in all its forms.

        • I’ve now tried to respond to this three times, all attempts were modded.

          Fuck WordPress and, honestly, since this is an ongoing problem for TTAG, fuck them for not fixing this.

          Google got your balls or something? Christ on a cracker, I didn’t even swear in those modded comments.

        • Saw the comments. You said so_shall_is_mm. Such talk has to be moderated according to the WordPress geniuses.

      • to Jethro the Janitor

        Another ignorant and insulting comment that makes little or no sense. Tell me Jethro the Janitor were you born this way or do you practice at making mornic comments.

        • If my comments make no sense to you, dacian, then they are spot on. With your lack of education and mental illness I would be shocked if you could understand the majority of the remarks made here.


        • If you want txo talk about ignorance, you are certainly well qualified as you are totally ignorant of the criminal v civil law.

      • I find it interesting that he’s openly advancing the argument that if someone from TTAG’s comment section kicked his ass it would be his fault for “instigating” his own asskicking rather than the person who instigated the actual attack.

        That’s goddamned fascinating.

    • It is very clear, you know little about criminal law and less about civil law RE:Torts. In a criminal court the verdict must be beyond a REASONALBE doubt. In OJ’s case the evidence tech cross contaminated the evidence rendering it useless. In civil cases, you only need a 51% preponderance of evidence to find for the plaintiff or the defendant. If OJ was “guilty” it was not proven beyond the REASONABLE DOUBT! IN the civil case it is a whole different criteria. Before you start commenting on the law take a law course or learn something about it before you spout off like a Sperm Whale.

    • That’s “Your Opinion,” and it seems you need reminded that Opinions are like A$$holes and some of those A$$holes never learned how to wipe.

      Kyle is a fortunate young man. He survived an attack(s), but was forced to defend himself lethally. That’s a trauma he’ll be forced to deal with for the rest of his life.
      He needs support, not condemnation from self appointed Judges.

  12. Most important thing to remember Kyle is that what other people think is pretty much irrelevant if you can just learn to ignore them. They don’t support you, pay your bills, feed you or look out for your wellbeing. Most of those folks you will never see more than once. The people you want to surround yourself with are those who understand what happened and feel as you do that you did the right thing. The Left is not interested in what is right, logical, makes common sense, what is ethical or moral. They have one agenda and that is to do whatever it is they want to do and the heck with anyone else. Ultimately this will probably be settled in the street because they have grossly underestimated the patience of most people and think that they will ultimately prevail. They will not as most of them are cowards and when push comes to shove, and they get shoved you will see a major change in attitude. They came into my town in Colorado and left without doing anything because they were met by Sheriff’s Deputies and townsfolks who made it very clear, you start it we will finish it. They asked for protection of the police to escort them to their cars. Real wimpy people who at least knew when to backoff when confronted with serious opposition.

  13. Aviation is a great field to get into. There is a severe shortage of pilots. I know, I am a pilot but I’m well past my prime to be flying commercial. But Kyle is the perfect age to get going in the field.

  14. Kyle, I hope you read this…
    Your worth in life may be defined by
    “situational importance and impact”.
    Namely, you are defined by minute
    moments when the fan blades are
    brown. YOU stood up. The thousands
    of screaming Harpies would NEVER
    stand up to protect YOU. Never.
    Many on this site stood up. I am the
    least of those. You are one who
    has earned his membership by brave
    and righteous action. You are welcome
    at my dinner table with open arms.
    Always. You have reminded us all what
    Manhood really looks like.
    God Bless you.

  15. Guess Twitter or Fakebook is moderating this forum. Twice my comments were taken down, no profanity, no defamation, no targeting, just historical facts from the 1940’s.

    • Welcome to some sort of WordPress bot moderation. It’s frustrating. Their moderation program seems to include hot button topics. For instance, so_shall_list gets held up for moderation. So does ca_seen_oh. And so on.

  16. Not bashing him or defending him but I wouldn’t have been there in the 1st place.
    I would guard my business but that would be it.
    He put himself in a bad position when he decided to walk down the street with a rifle in hand knowing what was going on around him.
    I do agree not guilty as he was defending himself but you had to know that something might happen that night. I would have stayed away unless it was some property or family that I was protecting.
    Civil case may not go his way and that will be unfortunate for such a young kid.

    • “He put himself in a bad position when he decided to walk down the street with a rifle in hand knowing what was going on around him“

      Your assessment is accurate.

      • So Rosa Parks put herself in a bad situation by refusing to sit in the back of the bus? Walk down any street in America, If you are attacked for being there are you the bad guy?

        Typical Fascists. Blame the victim.

        • Apples and oranges there comparing Rosa to Kyle.
          Kyle wasn’t doing this for furthering Civil rights in the least. He was there to “help”.
          There were riots going on and he was going to help protect others property. Noble in a sense but you had to know that something might happen.
          Again, if I was protecting my own business, yes I’d be there. Other than that, it’s not my job to protect others and their property or lives. I’m not law enforcement.

    • The BLM lawlessness was only happening because the government decided to pull back and allow it to happen. Police were literally a couple of blocks away observing it. The feds were flying drones for future selective prosecution. The entire point of having a government is to maintain order and protect the well-being of it’s citizens. They weren’t doing their job. When the government fails to do their job, others will step in to fill the void.

      The entire 2020 BLM-Antifa Cultural Revolution was literally promoted by the liberal establishment. They needed people to be angry because it was an election year. It took the protesters all of five seconds to end up rioting in front of the White House. The typical useful idiots were being used by Democrats. Our current VP told rioters to keep at it, and she would bail them out. Where’s the accountability? Notice how the cowardly politicians are running away from that position now.

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