Let’s get one thing straight. The gun in this photo is not IN erstwhile actress Lindsay Lohan’s mouth. It’s in front of her lips. No doubt celebrity photog Tyler Shields told The Double L From Hell to blow across the top of the barrel, as melodramatists are wont to do. Anyway, “It’s not softcore porn hunny, it’s called ART,” the “Mean Girls” actress told her Twitterlings. Personally, I like my porn hunny on toast. Or whatever. But calling this picture “art” is like calling the Pieta a lawn ornament. And never mind Lohan’s fabled lack of control on the drug front; what of her lack of trigger discipline? Any guesses what weapon’s stuck to her Botox? Anyway, here’s the unintentional gun pun of the week. “I don’t know why I am such a target,” Lohan spilled to a Los Angeles radio station, “but I think there’s a big misconception of who I am as a person.” Well I’m glad that’s cleared up, then.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nXBtvs5oVU


  1. She needs to get her #$@!# finger off the !$!#$!@# trigger! Arrrgh! I swear, that drives me insane!

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