A press conference just wrapped up in California where the Democrats (who have an overwhelming majority in the state) unveiled their latest gun control agenda. And since the Democratic majority is so strong, these aren’t proposals — it’s a preview of things to come. According to one person who was watching the press conference, the following new restrictions on personal liberties will be coming to the most “liberal” state in the union . . .
Thanks to Reddit:
- Possession of hollow point bullets and similar assault bullets a felony.
- Must register and report ammo purchases. Only purchase max 500 rounds.
- 10 round magazine limit
- ALL magazines must be fixed to the gun (can not be removed without the use of a tool)
- 100% prohibition of all magazines greater than 10 rounds. All previous grandfathered magazines become illegal. Felony if you keep one.
- Changing definition of shotgun revolving cylinder — Basically only single shot shotguns will remain legal.
- Bullet Buttons will become illegal — All AR and AK style rifles that are currently equipped with them will be designated Assault Weapons. Felony to possess.
- All gun owners now must be licensed like drivers.
- All gun owners must carry gun liability insurance
This is the first time we’ve seen a state try to enact this kind of ammunition posession legislation. Maryland is trying to set up a minimum age for ANYONE to purchase ammo, but California is going leaps and bounds beyond that. From Yahoo! news:
Like New York, California also would require background checks for buying ammunition and would add to the list of prohibited weapons.
Those buying ammunition would have to pay a fee and undergo an initial background check by the state Department of Justice, similar to what is required now before buyers can purchase a weapon. Subsequent background checks would be done instantly by an ammunition seller checking the Justice Department’s records.
And what did the senators have to say about the pending legislation? From the presser:
“We respect the Second Amendment right of law abiding citizens to have guns for hunting, for sport, for protecting their homes and families. But loopholes in California’s tough gun laws have been exploited long enough,” said Senate President pro Tempore Darrell Steinberg. “We can save lives by curbing the proliferation of guns designed to be fired and reloaded rapidly. We can save lives by getting guns and ammunition out of the hands of the wrong people. We can save lives if every gun owner knows how to safely handle those guns. And if we can save lives, we must act to do so.”
So basically California is about to try and implement every single gun control measure on the Democrats’ wish list, with the exception of full confiscation. And thanks to the government of California, there’s just about nothing that can be done to stop it short of legal action. Or armed insurrection.
What no HK MR556 darn so want one w/o paying a arm and leg.
Just filled out a few for kicks. Fingers crossed.
Just when I thought California couldn’t get even more retarded. Just wow.
I never knew Mr. Miyagi hated guns so much…
Im going to say this as nice as i can at this point. FUCK YOU come and take them!
I agree with your second sentence.
I would hope there are enough patriots left in Californistan to even make it a viable option… because after this, the option won’t be there next time.
HAHAHAHA assault bullets!?! are you kidding me?!
We need to act now.
“assault bullets?” REALLY?! REALLY?! WTF! I swear to f*cking god the left are the most manipulative group of f*ckholes in the known universe! FOAD Yee!
So… are all expanding bullets “assault” bullets, now?
That’d suck for hunters even more than the lead-free requirement.
I’m guessing that LEOs will be exempted from the bullet bans. Or they might Cuomo it up, which would be quite funny. And tragic.
LEO’s can get stuff the civilians can only dream of! No offense to Accr81.
I pray Accr81 will never be asked to go and take some law abiding citizens guns or magazines. I know many who will fight to keep them..
Who knows. That’s the sh1tty thing about minting catchy new tyranny lingo; you get to define it yourself. My guess is that anything tipped, bonded or pointed will be out. FMJ only. Can we just give CA to MX already? I am sick and tired of their shenanigans. They’re out of the union!
Wait. I thought all gun owners were seething cauldrons of rage that explode at the slightest provocation. How is it possible that something like 2000 gun owners attended a hearing at the capital about criminalizing semi-automatic rifles and none of the gun owners shot up the place? (end_sarcasm).
F*** Cali, the place is dying. The home of the 70% income tax welfare state with all their profitable businesses and producers fleeing en masse. Its just going to get worse too as they continue raising taxes to prop up their failed system. The pyramid is gonna come crashing down once there is no one to pay for all their entitlements.
I love these posts. Takes more guts than I have. Thanks Dan.
All the self-righteous little men who have nothing to do but criticize should grow a set and post their own version – alas, they lack the balls
Wow, so anyone actually protecting their home with a 10-round magazine will have to use FMJs instead of hollow points…. Don’t think they thought that one through.
Or maybe they did. Because shooting an FMJ at an intruder would rip right through them into the next house causing damage and possible unintentional bodily harm. This would drive the cost of “gun liability insurance” through the roof. Bam, open wound, apply economic pressure.
Is this verified? NY was draconian, this makes NY look like a mecca for gun lovers by comparison…
Go F yourself
They are slipping, no kids in vid.
This situtation interests me because black criminals aren’t normally afforded any consideration of their mental health status; they’re usually instantly labeled street thugs with no further analysis required. Mental health assesssment are typically reserved for non-black mass murderers and such.
Well! Um… So I just found this, from RT.com (That’s Russia Today, y’all. Together with Al Jazeera they’re becoming the go-to source for no-bullshit reporting.)
Emphasis mine. (Source)
Bat-shit CRAZY.
500 rounds max? That’s like a weekend up north! Silly hippies.
That is a good range session to some of us.
Thats barely an afternoon’s worth of IDPA or 3Gun drills. Looks like competition shooting is over in Cali.
I shoot way over 500 rounds of .22 every time I go to the range. I bring 3 boxes of 550 rounds and often leave empty.
You criminals are FINISHED in California! We’ve gotcha NOW!!!
Well, if this bill passes, which is VERY likely because the Senate House is D majority, it will turn me into a felon. Thank you for reminding me that they have effective laws to catch law abiding citizen firearm owners like myself. Where do I line up to be tossed into the slammers? Cause you know, those pesky standard capacity magazines went out a few nights ago and cause a sh!t storm of hell. I didn’t find out till I was cleaning my firearms that they were even out of the house!!
Because higher costing guns = less crime
The irony is delicious.
LAPD Spree Killer’s Supposed Full Manifesto Shows Support For Gun Control And President Obama
When the gun grabbers say that “We respect the Second Amendment right of law abiding citizens to have guns for hunting, for sport, for protecting their homes and families” and then turn around in teh same breath and propose this Bullsh*t, then it is obvious that they have no idea what the Second Amendment is all about.
“You think we’re just a bunch of featherbrains. But after you turn in your guns and assault bullets, THEN we turn the Mexicans loose on ya with chainsaws and machetes!”
We respect the Second Amendment right of law abiding citizens to have guns for hunting, for sport, for protecting their homes and families, but we’re still taking them away.
Fixed it for ’em.
Yeah, that’s about right.
I’m still waiting to find out if my off-the-shelf Weatherby 20ga shotgun is now an assault weapon.
“EXAMPLE: The featureless Mini-14 rifle, which contributed to the deaths of 69 people in the 2011 Norway massacre. This rapid-reloading firearm is currently legal in California.”
So if it killed someone in one incident thousands of miles away in another country it should be banned???
Exactly. Although at least he has a step-up on DiFi. She’s just a retard who thinks that scary features make an assault weapon. Yee recognizes that even a semi-auto that looks like a farmer’s gun is still dangerous so he wants to ban it. The mark of a *true* tyrant.
They will be including the M14 in upcoming legislation BTW.
I’m looking forward to this. Call Alan Gura.
Had to bail on that video. Not 1 proposal will do anything to eliminate crime. “If we could have saved 1 life…” We could have saved a lot of lives by not being as restrictive with cc permits to competent people. I do not believe for a minute that this is what Californian’s want. My question is who wants it and why? But that is becoming less and less of a mystery every day.
If by banning driving we save the (record low for 70 years) 2700-ish lives, then we have a responsibility to do so…
Well that seals it Dorner is now the official spokesman for the Democratic Party for Gun Control, take it away Chris.
I don’t have #’s handy, but yes. Cops commit violent crime at a greater rate than CCW holders.
In Texas those numbers are available on the DPS website. Texas CCW, compared to LEO nationwide. Bottom line is that LEO commit violent crimes at the same rate as private citizens.
CCW permit holders are 18 times LESS likely to commit violent crime.
This is unconscionable. I’m seething, and it’s all I can do to be productive at work right now.
This is nothing less than a declaration of all-out war on 2A rights in California.
Fine. So be it. They want the Armageddon showdown on 2A rights? They’re going to get it. It’s ON, motherfsckers!
So I set up at the first rest stop on I-10 eastbound in Arizona with a pocket full of cash and a “I buy guns” sign. Should be fun.
This is great news for people like me, who live in Oakland. I mean, both the mayor and the governor live within a mile of my house. So, if I experience a home invasion, I can run to their homes, and the hired security people will save me.
I also really like the idea of a 1-round magazine. I’ll just carry 15 of them with me and learn to change them really really fast.
Considering this proposal says that all magazines must be fixed and removable only with tools, you might need a pneumatic jack hammer to change quickly.
I’m freaked out, too, but let’s apply a little reasoning here.
The fixed-magazine thing will apply to rifles, not pistols. Bet your last $5 on that. They’re out to kill AR- and AK-class rifles dead, dead, dead in CA.
Nothing about designating NRA a terrorist organization whose members can be killed by drone strikes since capturing them is obviously problematic?
I wonder, if Obama had a son would he look and act like Christopher Dorner???
Hope everyone in the Bloods and Crypts and MS13 are lining up early at buy back programs. They are all about to become felons
So would a 10/22 have to be fixed magazine?
With all the sh!t going on in the fascist states, this is the least of my concerns.
Can someone please name all the f**k-tards in the video. I want to send them all an email expressing my displeasure for their disrespect of the Constitution … and question their manhood. .
Question their manhood? Dunno about that, Joe. That chick looks pretty damn butch to me.
Oh, that was a woman?!?! Looks like a dude in drag.
Hello Joe,
As a CA resident, thank you for the letter to the senate. Here are the authors of the bill.
The ten legislative actions are contained in bills being authored by Senator Steinberg (D-Sacramento), Senator Marty Block (D-San Diego), Senator Kevin de León (D-Los Angeles), Senator and Chair of the Public Safety Committee Loni Hancock (D-Berkeley), Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson (D-Santa Barbara), Senator Mark Leno (D-San Francisco), and Senator Leland Yee (D-San Francisco).
Well, we knew it would be bad. We knew it would be ugly. Be prepared to see a whole more stores pull a Creedmoor and get the hell out.
Kinda sad knowing I’ll never set foot in CA again. Lots of great memories.
Lots of great memories
Me too. Like the time I p!ssed in the Pacific.
Good times.
I wonder if Surefire will join them. Between taxes and the state hating basically everything they stand for (suppressors, flash hiders, tacticool lights and gadets, high-high cap mags, etc)when will enough be enough for them?
I would really respect them more if they moved. They should have done that a long time ago. We’d love to have them in TX. Just sayin.’ You can move in right next to Larue.
Thank God I didn’t accept that Systems Engineer job in California last year. The higher pay and ability to play with all the latest hardware and 2012 software (GPO, Active Directory, MDOP, and SCCM) was tempting, but my freedom is more important to me. I really feel bad for all the pro 2A people in that state.
aren’t these morons dead broke? How do they plan to pay for all this?
maybe they’d do paperwork even slower.
fun with acronyms: MEFAT. BFMATE. FMEAT. BMEAT and F.
I like ‘BMEAT and F’ the best.
Think about this… 500 rounds is only 50 rounds in 10 calibers, or 100 in 5.
So 1,000 rounds is $600 & freight – say $650.
1,000 primers $30
1,000 fmj bullets $90
Powder for 1,000 rounds @ 23gr $6.60
Brass saved from everywhere $free
That looks like $126.60 to me, saving enough for a Dillon or Hornady progressive press & a set of dies on the first 1,000 & after that it’s $470 in your pocket for every subsequent 1,000, plus you get to develop a load that’s better than any surplus or factory one.
Heck; I load 5.56 pretty quickly on an RCBS Junior.
OK, so I actually like reloading too…:-)
All they are doing is criminalizing the people that are good and ignoring the real criminals that would actually harm other people. They are also infringing upon every ones freedom and they have been doing so for a very long time, and I think it’s about time they stop.
real criminals fight back. Honest people with paper work mistakes will be so terrified at the thought of being locked up for years, that they’ll just give in and admit to anything in hopes of staying out of jail.
Oh – that footage leaves out the important part. I’m sure someone here remembers it – when one of the ATF agents goes through the window, another one shoots right into the window, SURELY killing or wounding the first agent. I guess they blamed it on the Branch Davidians.
The one and only upside I see to this is that this will and should throw the fear of God into folks in swing states who may have been thinking the concern was overblown. Hopefully this helps in the state elections this year and the federal ones in 2014.
I agree they should be disarmed and dissolved back into the IRS. It is time.
They have bad leadership, ideology, and methodologies. From what I have read they have the “guilty til proven innocent” doctrine of the IRS and abusive Federal policing powers.
While I do not partake of the substance, I’ve never understood why it was illegal in the first place.
Wow. Thoroughly disgusting and not worth enforcing.
Those armed citizens who cannot afford to flee will depend on the courage of LEOs like yourself bud. You and those like you are all that is left of a State Government who lost its way a long time ago. I commend your stand to not enforce this doom. From one career LEO to another, keep the faith my friend.
Ah, Those Mother F***ers
If even half of it is ture LAPD has bigger problems.
I would not be surprised if it is true
Reportedly, California currently has over 15,000 individuals they KNOW should not have a gun (felons, etc..), and do not have the manpower to confiscate them. The state will be bankrupt before any of this transpires.
All true, but still — if I was going to take a felony collar, it wouldn’t be for something passive like possession of a magazine.
The great thing about being old is that the squib loads that are running our government can’t scare me anymore with their crazy laws and fascist plots. It’s the same reason that I pay for my NRA membership by the year and not for life.
They don’t need to do 15,000 SWAT-style home invasions. They take a small number of productive, law-abiding gun owners and make public examples of them.
Possible scenarios:
People start using guns to ward off paroled ARMED home invaders. The homeowners are arrested and jailed for the use of illegal ammo/gun. Bail is set at a ridiculous amount. The police chiefs hold a press conference for the SF, LA, Oakland, Sacto and SJ news outlets. The dolts in the media will dutifully parrot the talking points of the crooked cops, detailing the arrest of “antigovernment hate groups with an arsenal of assault weapons and a cache of deadly ammunition, with allegations of child abuse and racist literature”. The typical drugged up viewers will smirk and applaud the brave protectors.
The homeowner is put into a dangerous jail with viscious gang bangers (Santa Rita, Stockton, Oakland, SF, Modesto, Fresno). If he/she survives the cellmates, and has only broken ribs and missing teeth, there is a likelyhood the poor homeowner will plead no contest, forfeit the guns, mortgage the house to hire a lazy defense attorney, and be grateful for 5 years probation. Those jails are modern day torture facilities that provide amusement for prison guards and the other personnel. And they can be used to scare and cower a law-abiding citizen, with no experience in the criminal world.
So when someone tells us to stay in Kali and fight, I say, LEAD BY EXAMPLE. Lose your job, house, freedom, life savings and front teeth–attack the windmills!
I’m in great shape and I’m reasonably competent in both armed and unarmed combat, but I prefer vicious attack lawyers, thank you very much.
If the day comes that I am detained for questioning, or arrested, my vicious attack lawyer and my backup attack lawyer will both know about it before they get me to the police station. Possibly before I leave my house.
Didn’t the courts already shoot down ammo registration and thumb printing to buy ammo?
I don’t think anyone would go along with these rules. But the powers that be know that. They don’t want you to go along, they want conflict to justify their monopoly on force. The entire ‘homeland security’ apparatus has already been pivoted to focus on patriots and veterans, not ‘al-CIAda’.
Comments and ratings have been disabled for the video. Apparently any sort of feedback isn’t their thing. I may have to accelerate my plans to leave this state.
Great, drop the Firearms and with a couple new letters in their alphabet (maybe Arson and Nazis) we can call them BATMAN.
EDIT: I thought they were re-dubbed the Violent Crimes Berau and took on the FBIs job description?
they gave themselves the nickname, nothing official.
Call lawyers or Daniel please move out escape the fascist PIGs coming for you.
Oh yes, Homeless security has those banned hollowpoint thingies too. Hope they don’t use any in Kaliforn I A
I think Doug Casey is right…Most gun owners are law abiding nationalists and will turn their guns in just like they have in every other Tax Farm, errr, Country. The ones who don’t will be slaughtered by the political terrorists.
I agree, demote them back to a division of the IRS… then get rid of the IRS and the federal reserve system
Four points:
1) If you take all of those laws together it becomes obvious that they want law abiding citizens to be armed with 19th century technology. All 20th and 21st advances in firearms are banned.
2) Their fatal mistake is that criminals don’t give a hoot in hell about such laws and will continue to use the latest and the greatest. Advanced firearms will flow into the state like fuel through the Apollo rockets.
3) The law will pass, then it will go to the SCOTUS, In the meantime, the criminals in California will make Detroit look like Disneyland.
4) Just saw a brand new Mercedes s500 with California plates all the way out here on the east coast with vanity ones that spelled “FLEE CA”
Stupid is as stupid does….
If this passes, and chances are it will, I imagine it will open up a whole new black market in CA. California citizens actually may have more options available to them when purchasing a firearm. The democrats refusal to protect our border or enforce immigration laws just may come back to bite them in the ass. The irony in that would be oh so sweet.
Maybe everyone out in Kalifornia can buy back some of those ARs and AKs our govt. sold to the cartels.
So how does it work filling out a 4473 in the states where pot has been legalized? Do you get your transfer blocked because you answer yes to the drug question or do you just perjure yourself by lying on the form? What if “improved” background checks for NICS begins to restrict people who have a medical marijuana card(I think it’s Cali where you have to have a card).
This is out of control here in CA. How much fail can one state have? Tanked economy because of their way of harassing business owners, insane taxes and fees for everything ($600 to register my car for one year!), abuse of the middle class and horrible gun laws about to get worse? Well, great social programs for those that don’t like to work but like having lots of babies.
+1 Disarm the government as much as possible. Good thing they took care of those evil Branch Davidians — sometimes you’ve gotta shoot at people who aren’t threats to you so that they shoot back so that they become threats to you, amirite?
It appears that 8-10 states are tripping over each other to pass the most restrictive anti 2A bills that they can get away with…there truly is a huge divide between the blue & red state legislatures…
When this all started, I posted at Sebastian’s blog that the states is where these people would attack our rights. They would not be able to get this stuff through the Senate, much less the House, but i never imagined they would go this far. Worse than what New York did. And with a super majority of hardcore leftist in control, this sadly may be a done deal.
I hope everyone in California can get on it and fight this. Sadly, even though there are many Pro-2A individuals there, this will likely get rammed though. Because lawmakers in California, like New York, are all about control. Taking from you is what they will always want to do. And it is only a matter of time before power crazed politicians seek to control more and more. I hate the saying “people get they government they deserve” or however it goes. But the last time I went to California I left with an incredible feeling of relief. As if the state itself was an unhappy depressed mass of people. Thats the feeling you get from the state as a whole.
There are great freedom loving individuals in California. But they are under the thumbs of the machine that is the liberal nanny state and its dictators.
If this passes into law, there will be an interval between passage and Supreme Court strike-down. During that interval, I would not live in (or even visit) California for any reason whatever. Too risky.
The criminals will be fully armed, but law-abiding people not. And as we see unfolding today, the police are not, shall we say, totally on top of the criminals.
California: flee it while you can still leave.
At the risk of becoming tediously repetitive:
No. Flee if the laws are passed. Until then, FIGHT!
Thank you Dan, for standing up proudly and supporting the cause!
I stopped by Valley Guns one day, but unfortunately was unable to shop there due to the no guns sign on the front door.
I guess they support the 2A but…
I may need a couch to crash on and a nice dry place to store my friends. If these go through, CA will be in my rear view.
I just put (more of) my money where my mouth is:
I donated an additional $50 to SAF. (That’s $150 already this year.)
I joined CCRKBA for $15, and sent them another $35 on top of that.
I revived my CalGuns Foundation for $15, and sent them another $35 on top of that.
I’m all in. Every available evening and weekend, all of the money I had budgeted for shooting sports in 2013 — it’s all going to fight this.
+1 SAF is based up here in beautiful WA. If things get too hairy down in Cali, feel free to come up to the beautiful Pacific Northwest.
To all you California 2A folks… keep your heads up!
FOAD, you gobshite. Why don’t you join the Westboro Baptists in picketing a veteran’s funeral or something, you no-account pissant polecat?
So those of you who live in California as I do NEED tomorrow Feb 8th be in Sacramento at the capital building 10:00 to 12:00 to make your voice heard… This is a legal protest planned for some time… If your guns are important enough your willing to died to keep them then missing a day of work or whatever else you have going on won’t kill you…
How many laws can they pass? How many things can they ban before they realize it doesnt work and never has? They cant be this ignorant.
They know exactly what they are doing. Never forget it.
Something is likely to pass at the Federal level. Likely very watered down to mental health and beefed up background checks. When it does, our allies in Congress should insist that it include language that it is Congress’ intent to occupy the entire field of firearms law, and that State law’s are therefore preempted and unenforceable. Just a thought.
That would set a very dangerous precedent…
More dangerous than what is currently going on? We are seeing not only gun rights, but also the future of gun rights strangled on a state by state basis.
A Congress that can pass confiscatory gun control can pass confiscatory gun control already, they don’t need a precedent. I would rather take my chances by eliminating all the crazy crap at the state level, allowing all the folks who live in those states to be exposed to cool things like AR-15s so that they pressure their politicians to keep them protected.
Here is an article for you where I suggested something similar, though I am more pessimistic about the minimum cost to pull it off than you are:
Feel free to call me a coward traitor in the comments.
Dammit! Just when we thought the exodus from the wackjob left coast pouring into our State had subsided. They tax the poor bastards to death and now effectively remove their second admendment rights. Oh well. As an American Patriot and staunch supporter of our constitution I hereby welcome all Patriotic fellow gun owners to the Great State of Idaho. But you must leave your west coast karma behind! Those poor tards in control of that pathetic state have no idea just how bad they are f-ing it up. Sad too. For it is a beautiful state and lots of great Americans living there.
Californians: Leave and leave soon.
WOW. Perhaps one way to fight back is for all the gun/ammo mfrs to pull a “Barrett”‘ and refuse to sell anything at all whatsoever in California, including to law enforcement…maybe especially law enforcement.
Will anyone attempt to make CA-compliant guns anyway ?
Question – private security would not be exempt so what are the Hollywood crowd and other swells going to do?
Make certain there is an exemption inserted.
i like the way they can investigate there self on shooting the wrong truck.i’m sure we will all be fine when these people are the only ones with guns…
And there will be no more gun crime in CA.
Misplaced outrage. His point is valid. Air travel is not in the same class as “sin tax” as cigarettes and alcohol. He’s not advocating higher taxes on firearms, he’s pointing out the hypocrisy of the situation. More people travel by air than own guns. Get your ass off your shoulders people, not everything is anti-gun.
+1 Dave.
The government imposed the taxes and, as we are currently seeing, they want to tax the livin’ beJesus out of firearm/ammunition sales. The politicians say that the tax will be used to pay the governmental costs of, “gun-violence”, but we all know it is to make firearm ownership, and use, cost-prohibitive for many citizens. It is a tax on our rights.
I have often wondered, if poll taxes are unconstitutional taxes that deny the “right” (privilege) to vote, why aren’t firearm/ammunition taxes unconstitutional if their cost could deny a citizen their Second Amendment right? Any answers?
Where does it say they’re felonies?
always good to know about the management.
A weapon is like your Fire Extinguisher, or first aid kit. Its not appropriate for all uses but can handle a lot of little stuff and if you have a big problem, its better to have some resources.
Unfortunately, I live in California.
If this God-aweful legislation passes, and I take apart all of my semi-auto firearms. Am I still allowed to own all the parts?
If I can, then it seems like it would be impossible to get these guns off the streets.
If I cant, which parts will be banned?
If it is not put together, what “features” does the firearm have?
It seems to me that this legislation will not affect the firearms in California, but rather the amount of training law abiding citizens can legally get in California.
If y’all want to see what an “assault hammer” looks like, check out a “California framing hammer.” Straight(er) claw, longer handle, ergonomic curves, checkered face… it’s a high-speed/low-drag hammer.
I’ve never heard it called a “California” framing hammer, but I’ll tell you… 16 oz. doesn’t sound like much, but my crash course in using it one long-ago summer about killed me the first few days. We were building stud walls, and after the first few days of misery, it wasn’t long before I was wielding that thing like a surgeon, driving 16D nails flush with one hit. It’s still a pretty awesome skill when you show it to someone who’s never spent any time around a construction site.
The irony of it all! Watching fox news right now and authorities have located Christopher Dorner’s burned truck in Bear Mountain. The California government is advising citizens in the area to lock their doors and ARM THEMSELVES!
does this count as ‘common use’? that would hitch up to my suburban quite nicely.
I keep saying two artillery guns or mortars, some land and a buddy could make for a great game of battleship
I don’t want to put the miles on my keyboard that it would take only to have it all deleted…#keepinitpositive
Number 1……Hollow point bullets is considered a felony……The Department of Homeland Security and the TSE have just purchased over 625 million rounds of HOLLOW POINT AMMO……
Number 4…….Many firearms, actually most, are manufactured to only have external magazines or clips and a fixed magazine is impossible rendering most firearms illegal.
Number 6…….Only single shot shotguns are considered legal…….Really……
Number8……Everyone must register their firearms like a drivers licence……A precursor to full gun confiscation.
Number 9…….All firearms owners must carry firearms liability insurance…….What the hell is that and for what crime are all LEAGAL firearms owners being infringed on
Oh yeah Our right to bare arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED OPON……Reason that this is so is so that we the people do not get railroaded down the river by a tyrannical government……of which seems to have shown up…… All of this is illegal of course when held in the light of the United States Constitution and if these mandates are allowed …..anywhere in this Country…..Our Constitution can then later be altered or abandoned at the will of the Government of whom are supposed to be in our employ and thus the effectual omission of the 2nd Amendment would take all the power of the people to defend our form of government away from us and so render us totally defenseless to restore Old Glory to Her original state and the Land of the Free we will no longer be……..
well driving is a privilege while owning firearms is a right so idk what he is thinking
When can we buy a 155mm Be a good deer rifle LOL!!!
The suppressors are so they don’t disturb the neighbors when they shoot the wrong person in a pickup that looks vaguely like the one they’re looking for.
mistaken identity. shot up 2 wrong trucks. Nobody cares. WTF.
Or when they shoot a defenseless dog
I thought it was to shoot peoples dogs before a dynamic entry into the wrong person’s house? (I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it.)
I don’t know many women who look like the cop either. The guy looks like a linebacker.
hopefully a couple of years from now we’ll be enjoying an unheard of ammo glut not seen since the 90s….
RF i just emailed this link to the info@ account, but since you put a daily digest up i think it fits in perfectly.
NY is fighting against SAFE Act one county at a time, http://www.cnycentral.com/news/story.aspx?id=857663#.URRaXI6wjvt
If we can get each county to do the same (even if we can only get every county but the city) it should prove overwhelmingly that the state of NY does not want anything like the SAFE act
Everyone, just fall back to Texas! Leave California ASAP!!!
Coward. What will you shout when Texas gets steamrolled and you get laws just like this, but enforced by Fedzilla?
Anyone who thinks this is a well-contained California problem is delusional.
I could care less about the rantings of some bowel sucking maggot. The natural state of helicopters just like all aircraft is to slam into a giant smoking hole in the dirt.When I wasa 17 yr. old I spent countless hours guarding these places until the medics and undertakers finished scraping the rotting piles of flesh up and deposited in a box for the next of kin.I even found a flying boot with a foot in it one night. This big mouths buddies won’t find any rat killing tupperware at my house though. If I get harrassed by black unlit helos in the night I’ll give this jackass and his frieneds a lesson in physics that will make it to prime time. I don’t worry about redneck cops since I’ve seen Wv.troopers dumped into the fed pin for just the kind of crap this bigmouth is in love with.REMEMBER THIS… There are less than a million of them and 33o million of us. Does the word CUSTER mean anything to ya JACKASS?
They all are missing the point that there is a tyrant in the White House. The fact that the alleged Aurora Colorado shooters father was a big wig scheduled to testify in the Libor Scandal and Adam Lanza’s father was a big wig for GE financial scheduled to testify in the Libor scandal. THIS IS NOT A COINCIDENCE!!!! Both shootings were staged by the Obama tyranny administration to attack our rights…
Why would California legislators do this? Because they know they can get away with it. They know they don’t have to worry that some 18th century type Americans are going to shake their worlds.
Greetings professor!
I will fight. I will not move. I will continue to vote the people who do not represent me out office as long as I can rightfully vote. I am law abiding. I am your neighbor. I am not the problem. I will not be a statistic, nor will my family be victims.
My family fled China for a reason. I thought my family fled China to the USA and not to another communist country? I’m tired of this Nanny state telling us it’s for the better good when they themselves have ZERO knowledge to the things they are attempting to legislate and pass as law of this state.
Being Chinese, I don’t see how and Yee and Lee are both pro-citizen disarmament? Your homeland is the epitome of control! Your parents fled that place to have a better upbringing and life! Where freedom of religion, thought, and the right to protecting your family/liberty/justice isn’t met w/ a T-95 tank. How can you as a Chinese-American be so anti god given right to arm ourselves? Frankly, you should be ashamed, have you not read or learned ANY Chinese history? Like many other oppressed people, how can you stand there with a straight face and say this is for the better good? How?
Because the world looks different from the commander’s seat of the tank?
Ok this is not cool for you all in California, not only is this a state issue for you but can affect the whole country.. Stand tall and proud, stick up for your rights and squash this … I know this much, they came to take my stuff i will end up in jail or dead…
Traitorous Redcoat
folks I have to agree with several of the above posters, strangle the life out of the government beast by moving and taking your tax dollars with you, California and new york are no longer viable safe places to live and raise children. Virginia is a very good option, Ohio is ok, Texas is great, pick your climate. everyone says oh but the house and mortgage, oh but my job, oh this oh that. these things are replaceable your children, freedom, and your life are worth far more than these things. besides both of these states are already trying to confiscate your property and paychecks to pay for their spending addictions already, what do you really have to lose?
There were an awful lot of Minis in those pics. Are there still some CA LEOs that issue them?
Whoa Kimosabe!!! When you start calling Savage rifles cheap,,,,I’m waiting for you to tell us next that you wear lace on your drawers. You miss the whole point about Savage starting with Authur Savage himself. He was thought to be Old English gentry when he went to the land of OZ and was immediately kidnapped. A year later his family told the local indians we won’t give you a dime for him. Another yr.or so later he was a free man and owned the largest cattle ranch there.Next is this..if you can hit a gnat in the butt with it 2 miles away,do you really need a 50 rd. mag? Then there is Sam Pate and the Savage rifle team. The current owner of Savage Mr. Cobern gave a few of the shooters around the factory enough money to go into town and buy a few rifles at the local sporting goods store. He stuck them on a plane to the UK to fire in something called the F matchesThese guys were firing against the former redcoat officers that had hand laid 5 figure rifles 400 to 1200 meters away. They brought it all home. The trophies,ribbons, sheepskins,old shields with gold coins on them…all of it. They showed the whole world why there is a US of A one more time. The old indian chiefs head was from a deal they made back in Authurs day.They gave the indians fantastic deals on rifles so they could hunt and feed the tribe in exchange for use of the chiefs likeness.I bet the PC maniacs cuss and spit on the ground when they hear that. They are not cheap…they are more valuable than most things these days. I own 3.
I’ve been a resident of California all my life and this is home. I’m at tax payer I’m a law abiding gun owner! I’m sick the useless California legislature destroying the quality of life for all in the Golden State. As I perceive that most of this lunacy is hatched in Northern California I seriously propose that central and Southern California succeed and form the states of southern and central California ASAP!
With the number of bullet holes in a couple of those cars, I’m guessing some of those cops are wishing they had bigboy mags, instead of the shorties DiFi gave them.
Prior to the 1930′s most transportation infrastructure in the US was built by turnpike, railroad, and canal for profit companies.
Holy Galtian revisionism Batman! They were built by private companies because the government paid them to do it.
Sure Gary Kelly is no Herb Kelleher, and I don’t necessarily agree with his spin on all this – especially since Herb would’ve been smoking, drinking, and telling a good dirty joke during the interview.
Regardless, anyone remotely familiar with history knows the construction of railroads (and a bunch of other critical infrastructure) was built by private contractors who never would have done any of it without the government paying every penny.
This is as bogus as taxpayer-funded stadiums for billionaires. They didn’t build shyte – they just took the taxpayer money.
A great american 🙂
Every capitalist pig he kills, score one for the good guys 🙂
Go Christopher!
A friend lives in Costa Rica & he said some banana republic down there couldn’t afford to combat drug crime anymore, so they just gave up & declared all drugs legal. They were shooting heroin in the public park for awhile & then many just lost interest in drugs, why bother when its legal they said, Randy/// I didn’t need an AR untill my government said its so good I just “have” to have one. Besides, I got me a RR to blow up with one,lol.
I guess you can hope for peace when you pull your piece, past a certain point though violence is the answer to the problem, Randy
Good going Patriot, Randy
I have a money saving idea! Don’t regulate it!
The Dems in the CA Assembly will be re-elected without the votes from gun owners. There are NO CONSEQUENCES to fear for these power mad jackals! Any ideas on how to stop this abuse of power when the Dems own the Assembly and state senate, not to mention the fanatical Gov Brown?! Any coordinated plan of attack? No cliches, please…and I support GOA, JPFO, NAGR, etc..
Somebody cache/store the website and pictures. I think the Californians fighting for their rights have a clear evidence of “common use”.
I love how all these politicians are calling these “Common Sense Laws” when they obviously have no common sense. They refuse to look at the facts of what happens when guns are limited and banned and think it wont apply anywhere else and try to make it a competition of who can make stricter guns laws. these laws will do nothing to stop violence what-so-ever but limit how law abiding citizens can protect themselves. And if they actually do respect the 2nd amendment then they wouldn’t be trying to be the state with the strictest guns in the nation.
I love the sentiment, however the facts are not correct. No FBI statistics suggest more people are killed with hammers or bats than guns. That is because it isn’t true.
John Im almost your age and I couldnt have wanted my staff to have a kick ass farewell video like that. Let me say you brought the mind set and enviorment that a MAN COULD ONLY DREAM OF! I had no intentions of going to shot show ever but after that i almost feel i have to do it before i die. Bucket list that shit. 2014 shot show here comes Scott the shit show. O one last thing Im never gonna get a complete rifle now that people are gonna have them on mantels in thier houses and offices. But i will be forever happy with my barrel. LOL Im gonna fram it next to my 1956 Dodgers baseball. RIP John. MY heart and tears go out to your family. SCOTT
idiot food for starving idiots.
Lee Harvey Oswald, 3rds 5 secs into an American President with a bolt action deer rifle… what do you consider “rapid fire weapons”? This guy is a complete idiot. Chicago now has some of the toughest gun laws and is the deadliest town in the US because of just that. Wait until they become something that now has to become smuggled. THEN it won’t be SEMI automatic weapons pointing back at them, they will be full auto banned weapons and give the illegal supply routes one more product to run and one more commodity for people to get killed over. How ironic it being guns now. “Ammo clips” and other phrases mentioned make the case that these guys have NO idea what they are talking about. They need to educate themselves on how these weapons operate and stop trying to play on the ignorance of the public with massive volumes of their own retarded word vomit.
That Syrian mother’s story is heart-wrenching… can’t imagine losing my kids. What parent wouldn’t feel the same way if their children were murdered?
Too bad for Bashar Assad her therapeutic release is a lock & loaded FN Fal.
Probably why they have been buying so gaud awful many rounds.
While I do not want to attack you personally, I am compelled to ask you Californians to please move to a swing state or a red state. California has 55 electoral college votes and 53 representatives in Congress. The number of electoral college votes and representatives each state has is based on population. Thus, you merely being a resident of California is allowing California to bully the rest of the states around. As a resident of Georgia, I resent California giving Barack Obama an easy 55 electoral college votes in the 2012 election. Thanks to California, Romney needed to win almost every swing state whereas Obama could afford to lose most of the swing states and still win the election. Every Democrat running for President has the same electoral college advantage thanks to California. Without California, Democrats could not win national elections. Without California, Democrats could not pass an “assault weapons ban” or other gun control bills in Congress. Furthermore, I resent California infecting Congress with career politicians like Diane Feinstein, Barbra Boxer, and Nancy Pelosi. I bet you Californians cannot even name one Senator or Representative from Georgia. Everyone can name a few of your career politicians and that is not a compliment!
Dear Californian gunowners, ARREST these Traitorous Statist lunatics, NOW!
F%ck that state and let it rot. I realize it isn’t anywhere near easy drop a job and move but goddam it’s getting stupid there. The more Reds that move out of that blue hell hole the more they’ll feel the pain of being a bluer state.
I’ve had a concealed firearm permit in colorado for 20 years, and I haven’t committed a crime yet. But they want to make me a criminal if I go visit my daughter a CU Boulder without leaving my firearm at home. I am totally baffled that here in the mid-west I feel like my rights are being assaulted as if I lived in NY and CA. How did we let this happen? I write to these people in the state and federal capital but it has no effect because they don’t represent the people, they do what makes them feel good. And if I let this situation get me a little depressed, then they’ll try to use that as excuse to take away my guns without a judge.
Good on her. It’s pretty risky to shove your show into a place guarded by some firepower.
We all know the well regulated militia line, but who is willing to admit that we have a long way to go in training, tactical observation and deployment, information gathering, intel, people inside, this is the “Well Regulated part” We need to get organized and start a true “National Guard” made of Americans for Americans, Setting up shop to blot out Tyranny every chance we have. My Opinion is snipers take first round, High profile Traitors!
Oh, you want to tax our rights. Oh, I get it. How ’bout we tax the 4th? How ’bout the 1st? Oh, say $500 for every stupid thing you say? Sounds good to me.
I realize this is an old thread but I just noticed the comments. Actually I was offering lower cost alternatives. I was not however stating that they are comparable in terms of optics quality. In point of fact I was not making a direct comparision at all. On the other hand your statement that the XTR line is “slightly better than Tasco” is in fact false. These scopes have been reviewed many times by acknowledged optics experts and in particular the 1.5X6x is quite well thought of. It is perhaps a bit dated as of 2013. But it is a quality optic at 1/3 the cost of the USO’s. By every measure the Burris XTR line in miles ahead of Tasco’s. So I am not quite sure what axe you are grinding here.
Why is it that a ban on gay marriage had to be put to a vote by the citizens in a general election but that your legislators are able to enact all these crazy gun laws arbitrarily? With that in mind, are there really no state representatives willing to propose a new state law that says that Ca state gun laws should be no more restrictive than any Federal statute?
Or should i avoid posting things when i’m half asleep? lol
Also, the next time she’s up for election, can you guys PLEASE not re-elect that daffy feinstein broad? C’mon, you can do that much for the rest of us surely?
Holy Jesus! How many more letters do the have to cram into that agency? The already have a silent E in there…
Don’t forget Really Big Fires. That’s another of their responsibilities.
I’m confused about the purpose of this article. We want to pay taxes on airlines? Those taxes on guns are “sin taxes” the government thinks we’re sinning. They might tell you it’s for conservation efforts but it’s to make it to expensive to own a gun.
Ladies and Gentlemen:
May I present to you the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania? It is a great place to be a gun owner and concealed carry person!
Tom H.
Lancaster, PA
Dear President Obama, where one grew up has, to a first-order approximation, bugger all to do with it. I grew up in an inner city. I live closer than I’d like to an inner city. My office is about two blocks from some primo slums where people get shot with depressing regularity. I’ve never lived on a farm (in a rural community or in any other place), I don’t hunt, I don’t shoot trap as often as I’d like, and you know what, Mr. President? Despite all that, I’m one of those “people” whose right to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE [choice expletive deleted] INFRINGED.
Let’s have a sensible, rational discussion about “common sense steps.” In fact, let’s talk about what we have in common. Every time you leave the house, you bring men with guns with you. I can only afford to bring one man with a gun with me, and it’s me. But it’s just common sense, and I think we can all agree that all sensible free people ought to take common sense steps like that. I don’t know if it’ll reduce gun violence in America, but I have good reason to expect it’ll reduce the efficacy of gun violence directed at me and my family.
I applaud you Sir, well written!
“I think all drugs should be legalized.”
Does that include Meth? Heroin? Bath Salts?
Libertarians tend to favor decriminalization of drugs for freedom reasons and reducing the legal costs to society. Would libertarians be willing to ante up money for the inevitable social costs that will result? A lot of people just want to smoke a little grass without any hassle from the fuzz but unfortunately it’s hard to place limits on something unlimited like drug legalization
I’d like to see how drug legalization would actually work and what steps would be taken to ensure we didn’t pay billions for the consequences as a result.
It would make for an interesting world in which those with their shit together could find jobs while the addicts withered away. Of course drugs would be taxed, not given away free, and the users would eventually need a way to buy more stuff. Hopefully we still would have firearms to dissuade them with.
I think it’s wonderful the CA legislature has found a way to get criminals to comply with all these proposals.
Oh wait///
I think it is a sick paradox to have them sing “America the Beautiful” after having their friends gunned down in cold blood in December. Is America all that beautiful to them at the moment. Why not have them sing a song praising peace, love, and understanding…not bolster more nationalism when not needed. Watching kids place their hands over their hearts reminds me of Hitler’s youth during the height of propaganda in the 3rd reich.
So basically this is a hidden plan to fuel economic spending? It seems to be working? Too bad they don’t threaten a car ban. Can you imagine how fast those cars would fly off the dealer lots?
You can’t really pick your favorite until you shoot one. I wanted to love the HK P30, but I could not hit anything with it. I gave the M&P 40 and 45 a try, but they weren’t much better and had a very hard time cycling new rounds when dirty. Plus, you might like the hinged trigger or you might hate it. To me it feels like too much “trigger slap” so I decided to go with Glock. Yeah, it ain’t pretty, but I like the minimalist controls, the fact that you can spend $10 on 3 springs and that gives you an excellent trigger. Also it’s a very simple handgun, with a no-nonsense design. It’s not going to be the most accurate gun under the sun, but it’s my favorite thus far.
This one is great.
Ok, I admit it I’m a HK fanboy. Along with my 1911s I shoot them almost exclusively. I designate the HK45C for home defense and HK2000SK 9mm for concealed carry.
That being said, I think the Walther PPQ 9mm is a gem that is too often overlooked. Every time I take out a new shooter I’ll allow them to shoot multiple guns. Without fail, with the PPQ, by the third shot onward they’re playing in the target’s center rings. An ultimate confidence booster. If you want immediate converts, give them a PPQ 9mm.
When it’s not at the range, it’s the wife’s home defense tool.
Glad I left and came to VA last year.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but firepower is the measure of rounds a weapon can carry. Doesn’t going to .40/.357 decrease fire power? Better training and the most modern 9mm loads should be sufficient. Such as Hornady’s new Critical Duty, designed to overcome barrier penetration issues. And in situations where a handgun isn’t enough, a patrol rifle in .223/5.56 should have you covered.
Dae-su approves this message.
Id say as a Security Contractor for over 4 years. Best handgun none polymer is Beretta M-92FS. If you must have Polymer the best is not the Glock 19 but the Glock17. Its more balanced and has nicer grip than the 19 the 17 is better.
The historically accurate claim that the 2nd amendment included, as a primary value, preserving the ability to fend off government-turned-tyrannical -received nothing but scorn in the MSM. Even the highest levels of the US judiciary understood this. Is it not ironic, then, that the first person to start shooting with an AR-15 under a claim of tyranny is a Democrat, ex-cop, Piers Morgan fan, Obama loyalist, and gun-confiscation zealot? There is a god.
Hey, Gun Violence Task Force?
Fvck off and die.
Those squib loads in St. Louis aren’t just outgunned by the BGs, they’re out-thought. The BGs steal at least as much as the cops, they shoot better than the cops, and they sleep in their cars almost as often as the cops. Okay, the cops have better medical, but with Obamacare they’re losing that advantage too.
There is no Doubt this man went about things the wrong way. The truth is he snapped. I’m sure after seeing the police mistreat people on a day to day basis we would all get to the point of bringing it in the open. Once again the police stick together against the truth. NEVER TRUST A COP…
> “There is no law or set of laws that will completely end gun violence,”
What will it take to make the general population as safe from homicide as inmates in our prisons and jails?
homicide_prison_v_population_1758x0902.jpg ( 1,758 x 902 pixels)
The sources for the data I used to create that graph are:
Mortality in Local Jails and State Prisons, 2000-2010 – Statistical Tables
Margaret E. Noonan
December 13, 2012. NCJ 239911
see Table 3 on p. 6 and Table 14 on p. 14
Suicide and Homicide in State Prisons and Local Jails
Christopher J. Mumola.
August 21, 2005. NCJ 210036
see tables on p. 2
The graph is also available in smaller resolutions —
homicide_prison_v_population_1000x0513.jpg 1,000 x 513 pixels and
homicide_prison_v_population_0800x0410.jpg 800 x 410 pixels
– if you need a smaller-size copy for some reason.
You can never be too young to stand up for what’s right… especially when it’s your future at stake. Thanks for speaking up, Brian!
As for the other posters who worried about age, I’m sure many of us were younger than Brian the first time our families took us to the range or gave us a firearm as a present. I still have the bolt action .22 rifle my father gave me when I turned 10.
If CA passes these laws there will be people that loose their lives, this isn’t Australia, some American gun owners will not go quite, and to be quite frank, can’t say I blame them.
Even Kentucky – which has been a bastion of pro-gun activities over the years – has now seen a bill written (don’t think its been dropped yet) that would implement not only an “assault weapon” ban, but limit mag capacity to 7 rounds and require that ALL handguns be registered – past, present and future – and that ALL handgun owners be licensed. It provides the now commonly used language of grandfathering existing “assault weapons” and magazines, but requires a special license to do so. It also contains the background check requirement for all firearms sales and labels the failure to license a handgun as a class A misdemeanor and the failure to license an “assault weapon” as a class D felony. This may play well in Louisville where the sponsors are from – and perhaps parts of Lexington – but otherwise its tone deaf to the rest of the state and will die a quick death.
Whats the point if I can’t get ammo to use with this? Sounds legit though.
“I’m not speaking here of armed resistance—although that’s a distinct possibility”
Oh man you are KILLING ME today with these repeated wet dreams about gun owners actually backing up their big talk with armed action against “the man”.
It’s time to face it – old fat white guys aren’t going to do a damn thing when the ATF comes to collect their arms. It’s simple psychology apart from anything else – if you don’t have the balls to even leave your house without a gun (or go to yoga class for that matter) then you are going to do exactly nothing when the real authority turns up. Just how long do you think you will last against SWAT anyway?
Someone above mentioned that what they (the Legislature) intend to do is deny that the 20th Century happened in gun-design.
Well, I’m cool with that.
I’ll just pull out that “1873” Winchester clone with the 30″ bbl and full length magazine – 14-rds of .44WCF!
And if that doesn’t work, there’s always the 1886, with 9-rds of .45-70.
Even if the guns were stored in a safe, the shooter had plenty of time to defeat that safe once he was effectively alone in his mother’s house.
“In a safe” != “perfectly secure from anyone who really wants them”
A good gun safe requires time, tools, and know-how. He would likely only have had the time.
Plenty of time until the smell of the dead body caused some questions. Or maybe until a friend of the mother was looking for her.
Who knows? A quality safe is better than a locked sheet metal cabinet or no locked container at all.
I believe that if the mother was contemplating committing her son to an institution, due diligence requires a more secure storage container than a locked cabinet. If than in fact is how she stored her firearms. I have not seen any pictures or read a description of her storage container.
Sad blow to the rights and liberties of law-abiding citizens in California. I guess I will never move to that socialist state. I wonder, however, will Brad and Angelina and other celebrities who own these types of weapons give them up willingly……I doubt it, and neither should anyone else. It would be awesome to see a Californian revolution.
You’re right. A stocked firearms cabinet on school property could have prevented this tragedy.
No, really this is smart. Because it takes me 500 rounds to kill one person so, limiting me to 500 means there will be no more mass shootings. ummm….wait.
fair is fair
Decision made on what vendor I’m purchasing my next upper from.
OK… I’ll be the first to promote Florida on this thread. They don’t call it the “Gunshine State” for nothin’! Florida treats gun owners even better than the Great State of Texas (love Texas!). No 30.06 (no guns allowed) signs to worry about.
We are a SHALL ISSUE (CCW) state.
No “approved guns” list.
No state income tax!
Bring your guns, money, jobs, intellect, and patriotism to the Gunshine State! You’ll be welcomed with open arms!
I can afford one of their sticker ! =D
Well, since I had my question posted, guess it was time for me register finally.
Anywho, since I sent out this email some time back, I have had a chance to look into it further, and had similar results to Jimbo. If I set a zero at 200 yards, it puts me at around 1.5″ high at 100, and back to zero at 35 yards or so. Close range works perfect for pigs, hold low for 100 on white tail, and back dead on at 200.
All that said, Nick may very well have a point concerning a kill at 100 plus yards. I would have to be very confident in an accurate hit at long range, and take into account the animal size as well.
I’m going to look to buy something from LaRue in the very near future. Thank you for standing with your fellow patriots. Your honor and commitment will not be forgotten.
The rest of the gun manufactures should take notice, because WE, your customers, are taking names and making our lists of those naughty and those nice. LaRue is on the nice list. CheaperThanDirt, they are on the naughty list.
I made a zip gun when I was 15 years old that fired .22 long rifle high velocity out of a bicycle parts, a bed spring (acted as both the hammer and hammer spring), and various other things lying around the garage. Granted, the bullet tumbled out of the barrel, but it tore up a phone book pretty good and I could hit a gallon jug from 12 feet.
In case someone asks “why do you need a silencer?”. Answer” Why do they put mufflers on cars?
I’m sure this has been answered somewhere in your myriad threads, but I’m asking anyway. What kind of quad rail is that? I’m specifically curious about the smooth rail covers, and if they’re specific to the rail or universal.
This BUFFOON just negated any officer involved shooting within his department for ETERNITY! I’m thinking some lawsuits are on their way…..
Here’s an unbelievable story of how 2 NY cops stood and watched a man get stabbed nearly to death and didn’t intervene until the victim somehow overpowered the assailant. (YouTube video)
Let me guess, just call 911instead, right?
Not about the “gun”…
It’s about CONTROL!
(How many times have I said that on these blogs??)
Drunk on Obama juice. Popular culture is beseiged with these over confident zombies.
Technically, its Seig Heil
I do not Bow before The President, Senate or House of Representatives or the Court.
I subservient to no man!
Very sobering.
The only way a model like that works is if you don’t already have 300M+ guns in private ownership.
wow… is about all I can say.
“NRA vs. America… merchants of death?”
A friend of mine used to live in Germany and he liked to go hunting. To do so one is required to join a hunting club.
The clubs thus have a way to keep members and have high dues and rules so silly that eventually he quit and said to hell with hunting Germany. They were required to wear traditional lederhosen, and my friend said the whole experience was too humiliating. He is fluent in German but did not appreciate their enthusiasm for tight leather shorts.
If we’re looking for ridiculous ideas, banning poison might be the best. Why do civilians need nerve agents if the Army can’t even use them in war? If it saves even obe child, then maybe we can deal with an ant problem now and then.
Better yet, have government training and certification for these deadly substances. Then you can call a true professional if you need a spider killed, and it will create more jobs.
People should have to qualify to use gravity.
Ironically not only are African Americans the main gun control constituency, they are the leading cause of gun murders.
As of fact, as of FBI stats, black males commit about 60-70% of all gun murders annually. How is this recorded fact/stat not the main issue in the gun control debate? I have yet to see even Mr. Colion Noir make a video about this issue. His latest video is titled “why are black leaders anti-gun” but of the videos from him I have seen nothing on how black males dominate the gun murder stat. Not calling Noir out but if even someone like Noir, who obviously has a love for guns and freedom and truth from what I can see from his other videos, why on earth would he not tackle this issue? Why doesn’t anyone? I have yet to see it mentioned anywhere.
This isn’t about racism or generalization, it’s about being honest and dealing with reality.
If say Norwegian Americans like myself were 15% or so of the population like African Americans are and we were responsible for around 65% of all gun murders, I’d be screaming WTF is going on!? Let’s deal with this! But not a peep, not a word, not a video, not a news clip, nothing here even. Just an amazing ignored fact that relates to everything we are talking about with this gun issue.
Officer Judas, you are my hero!
Thank you for your candor, your insight and your service!!
Adolf Obama: MUST BAN Assault Hemp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m actually fine with it, it’s out of the way enough for me. Though the one thing I can’t tolerate, are ads that make noise, especially when they start playing after some delay and I have to hunt down which tab contains the offending material. I will never ever patronize a company from one of those ads, and I also avoid webpages that play those ads.
Even retired cops are exempt from a few of these. Because cops NEVER commit crimes with a gun (or at all for that matter)…
yeah, but everybody registers their car. So what’s the difference? (sarc)
They are definatly a bunch of thieves. I purchased a stock over a year ago, order# 2636. Can’t get them to return a call or answer an e-mail. Won’t return the money. If the ATF won’t do something about them maybe I can get my attorney to do something.
Listen, lady, it’s not a firearm!
I was born in CA and later worked for an aerospace firm in Hawthorne, CA. Eventually I moved to Texas because of my job and have never been back to CA since and I don’t miss it. Also, I refuse to sell parts and supplies to any government entity be it Local, State, or Federal within any Slave State including CA and NY. If enough of us ban together and stop selling to them they’ll eventually start to feel the effect.
Even people who do not support the second amendment should be VERY alarmed at this type of attack on civil liberties, and the attempt at criminalizing lawful behavior with the stroke of a pen. Rights not fought for run the risk of being lost, and the slope is very slippery thereafter for the other rights in our country. This is how tyrannical governments begin.
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I suggest civil rights lawsuits. After all, the SCOTUS has declared that common use firearms ownership is a “fundamental right.”
I say if they pass these bs bills, there should be a requirement that the politicians be the ones to go door to door to enforce them. If that were to happen and I am not delusional to think it ever would. I would believe it would be a safe bet that there would be quite a few open seats to fill in the legislature. Not one of these bills do anything to increase public safety. All they do is hurt the law abiding gun owner and attempts to turn those law abiding gun owners into criminals. I know more then a few deputies that when asked about these bills, that if given the order to go confiscate weapons or magazines, they would refuse and or quit because if they did they know they would get killed. It’s a sad time to be in California, it a beautiful state but the capitol needs an enema.
This made my day! Way to go Mark! Love your products and the pocket constitution that comes with them amongst other things but this is a great idea and hope it catches like wildfire!
When will all these gun restrictions stop! It is out of control. What is going on. It is our rights!