Levi strauss gun control shannon watts

Jeans maker Levi Strauss & Co. has unequivocally aligned itself with the anti-gun left. They make no bones about their anti-Second Amendment corporate stance and have gone out of their way to cozy up with the likes of Michael Bloomberg’s maternal sock puppet, Shannon Watts.

Yesterday, at the company’s annual shareholder meeting, David Almasi of the Free Enterprise Project, part of the National Center for Public Policy Research, confronted Levi’s president and CEO, Chip Burgh with evidence that the company’s anti-gun rights position is hurting sales and, by extension, shareholder return.

Here’s the Fee Enterprise Project’s press release on what happened including full audio of the exchange.

Levi Strauss & Co. executives were presented today with conclusive proof that their politics could hurt sales, and they simply dug their heels in further.

At the Levi Strauss annual shareholder meeting, the National Center for Public Policy Research’s Free Enterprise Project (FEP) presented polling data indicating across-the-board public opposition to the clothing manufacturer’s anti-gun activism. But despite proof that their politics could hurt sales in key demographics, leaders of the clothing manufacturer stood their ground, telling shareholders they would continue to risk profit and the company’s future by pursuing what they refer to as a “values-driven” business model.

“Levi’s is putting itself at risk of becoming a niche brand of the political left, like Smart cars and Boca Burgers,” said National Center Vice President David W. Almasi, who represented FEP at the meeting. “When consumers discover that Levi’s supports efforts aimed at restricting their Second Amendment right to own and use guns safely and legally, our polling suggests they are less likely to buy Levi’s products. The company only made this risk greater today by putting politics ahead of pants.”

At the meeting, Almasi presented the results of an FEP-commissioned poll that showed how Levi’s anti-gun activism made knowledgeable consumers less likely to buy its products.

According to the nationwide survey:

• An overall 89% total favorability rating for Levi’s, Dockers and Denizen clothing fell to 63% after those surveyed learned of Levi’s involvement in anti-Second Amendment activism.

• The downturn in Levi’s popularity crossed all income and education levels, resulting in more than a 20-point drop among Millennials and Gen-Xers and more than a 30-point drop among Baby Boomers.

• Upon learning of Levi’s opposition to gun rights and its participation in and funding of anti-gun activism, 63% of overall respondents said they were less likely to purchase Levi’s products. This included 71% of Millennials and 75% of those living in the Midwest.

Full results of FEP’s poll are available here. Summaries of the poll were given to the Levi’s board of directors at the shareholder meeting.

In his statement – addressed to Levi’s board, executives (particularly President /CEO Chip Bergh) and shareholders – Almasi said:

Levi’s Form 10-K contains 16 pages dedicated to risk factors including trade wars, intellectual property theft, earthquakes and pandemics that could threaten the company’s future profitability. Yet just 57 words are dedicated to a clear and present risk you’ve already assumed. It seems there isn’t an ample understanding of the risk when you, in your words, “take positions on social issues that may be unpopular with some customers.”

You note these positions could “impact our ability to attract or retain such customers” and “reduce long-term demand” for Levi’s products. Since it appears the board has failed to effectively address this, I’m here to help with your due diligence…

Mr. Bergh, in your letter to investors, you said you “can’t say definitively that leading with purpose has driven our business growth.” I’m telling you we have proof that it won’t when “leading with purpose” means seeking to deprive Americans of their civil rights.

Almasi then asked:

Some financial experts wonder if there’s any more room to expand. Is it wise to alienate core constituencies – like Midwesterners and Gen-Xers and even Millennials – by adopting political causes? Why can’t you simply remain neutral and just make clothing?

Almasi’s full statement, as prepared for delivery, is available here. The exchange between Almasi and Bergh and Levi’s Chairman Steve Neal is available on YouTube.

Earlier in the meeting, Bergh said the company is “not gonna change” and is “committed” to its political stances. In response to Almasi’s comments and question, Bergh stated that political neutrality is “not the kind of company we are” and that Levi’s is “proud to take stands on social issues of our time.” Later in the questioning, Bergh did push back when a representative from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) asked the company to “ditch cow leather” based in part on its environmental sustainability goals.

After Bergh and Neal cut off public conversation, Almasi was approached by a Levi’s employee with whom he stressed the importance of retailers remaining neutral in an increasingly polarized political climate.

“We are not asking anyone at Levi’s to change their personal opinions about guns. We are simply asking them to respect shareholders’ investments by not making the company a muscle for fringe politics,” Almasi said. “Financial experts worry about the ability of Levi’s to stand out and grow in a shrinking marketplace. Being seen as the company colluding with Michael Bloomberg to restrict gun rights is not the right way to gain favor with blue-collar workers and Walmart shoppers.”

Yesterday’s Levi Strauss meeting marks the 29th time FEP has participated in a shareholder meeting in 2019.

Launched in 2007, the National Center’s Free Enterprise Project focuses on shareholder activism and the confluence of big government and big business. Over the past four years alone, FEP representatives have participated in over 100 shareholder meetings – advancing free-market ideals about health care, energy, taxes, subsidies, regulations, religious freedom, food policies, media bias, gun rights, workers’ rights and other important public policy issues. As the leading voice for conservative-minded investors, it annually files more than 90 percent of all right-of-center shareholder resolutions. Dozens of liberal organizations, however, annually file more than 95 percent of all policy-oriented shareholder resolutions and continue to exert undue influence over corporate America.

FEP activity has been covered by media outlets including the New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, Variety, the Associated Press, Bloomberg, Drudge Report, Business Insider, National Public Radio and SiriusXM. FEP’s work was prominently featured in Wall Street Journal writer Kimberley Strassel’s 2016 book The Intimidation Game: How the Left is Silencing Free Speech (Hachette Book Group).

The National Center for Public Policy Research, founded in 1982, is a non-partisan, free-market, independent conservative think-tank. Ninety-four percent of its support comes from individuals, less than four percent from foundations and less than two percent from corporations. It receives over 350,000 individual contributions a year from over 60,000 active recent contributors. Sign up for email updates here. Follow us on Twitter at @FreeEntProject and @NationalCenter for general announcements. To be alerted to upcoming media appearances by National Center staff, follow our media appearances Twitter account at @NCPPRMedia.


  1. A little off topic….

    W29 L34? What is that, a beanpole alien? Not a OFWG.

    Hey Dan Z., is that your jeans size?

      • So I blew up my yeti cooler, cut up my Springfield Saint AR, threw my XD in the river, recycled my Surefire flashlights, canceled my subscription to Motorcycle Cruiser magazine, tore up my Walmart preferred shopper card, ended my REI membership, gave away all my Delta frequent flyer miles, and now standing in front of my keyboard in my whitie-tighties as the smell of burning denim fills the backyard.

        There’s got to be an easier way to support the second amendment.

        • “More” comfy?

          You mean comfier? And you’re a TTAG writer? With this abusive “más” Spanglish bastardized English?

          Is it “more good” also Boch?

          Greyhound, well done, and the craziest (not más/more crazy Boch) part is you only scratched the surface.

        • The glory of capitalism is that there’s plenty of other places that provide all the services you’re complaining about. Plenty of companies that smartly take a neutral political stance. Now, The funny about about this era, is the amount of companies taking political stances and taking economic hits for doing so is growing. The modern elite dinosaur CEO’s of the business world will slowly learn the hard way, that the goal of a company isn’t to drive change or push an agenda, but to capitalize on existing trends. A companies main goal is to maximize profit by increasing and pleasing customers. If you fail to do that, eventually you’ll be gone, replaced by someone smarter who can do that.

        • Hank said
          “Plenty of companies that smartly take a neutral political stance.”

          In many ways, trying to remain neutral just clogs up the battlefield since without uniforms, the enemy is not obvious. A giant company can remain unnoticed until it pivots into the spotlight. By then, the consumer has poured billions into the pockets of the newly minted enemy.

        • Yes, the better way to support gun rights, and liberty in general, is to have not bought into the “trendy” hipster B.S. in the first place. No need to sit at your keyboard naked. Pay a hundred bucks a pair for tailor made pants to start with.
          They’ll fit better, look better, and last long enough to be the same cost in the long run anyway. And your dollars will go to support people, instead of to boards of ‘directors’, who will use YOUR money to support causes you detest.
          It’s a win-win. I get better looking, better fitting pants, a tailor gets my money instead of Bloomberg and Soros, and the old lady gets money she probably needs. Better for all…. except for the corporate thieves.

        • @ Hank,

          Nice text book definition of capitalism, and it somewhat existed at various times.

          However, CEO’s today are not career people. Their new strategy is short term profits at the expense of the long term viability of the company. They get in, sell out (often to china), and then take their “Golden Parachute” to safety while the company, employees, consumers, and public at large suffer.

          Plus if they can garner praise from their group think, circle jerk, elitist friends, all the better. And because they are “woke” they paid the penance of any evil deed done to acquire their wealth.

        • Yes, please illuminate us on why Surefire is anathema.

          And second on 5.11 pants. The “mag pockets” are amazing for phones, wallets, and everything else!

        • I threw 5 pairs of Levi’s in the trash when I first heard they were anti 2A. I usually donate old clothes, but I didn’t even want homeless folks advertising for Levi’s!

        • Grrrrrrrrr…

          Thanks Snowjob! Wish I had never read that article. I’ve used Surefire for years on my duty rifle and shotgun when I was an LEO. Their products have held up under rough use, and I have been running their M600DF on two rifles and Benelli M4 for the last year.

          Now it’s all gone over a stupid $9,800 donation decision to a leftist, and what’s up with them also donating at the same time to the person running against them?????? Sometimes these corporate decisions …

    • days gone by, pal. same inseam, matching waistline.
      my boy rocks those dimensions now.

    • Used to be y size, many years ago….it was a VERY difficult size to find.
      Let’s just say I’ve since balanced out the ratio. Lol!

  2. Just fine with me, I stopped buying Levi’s way before they were “woke”. I’ll stick with Wrangler and Duluth Trading.

  3. Huh….well that’s a shame! I always assumed that my (not size 29W 34L) Levis were gun friendly since I can fit my Ruger LCR in the coin pocket quite nicely. Go figure~

    • Dayum…..now if it were the LCP …. I could understand.

      But the LCR would take a massive watch pocket.

    • I can fit my Ruger LCR in the coin pocket

      Um … which pocket are you calling the coin pocket? The little pocket above the primary front pocket (I always called it a “watch pocket.”)? Because if you can fit an LCR in that you must make Andre the Giant look like a toddler!

  4. Levi’s was woke before we knew what woke was.
    I boycotted Levi’s, Hanes, Sara Lee, and others back when they were proud financial sponsors of the efforts to keep concealed carry illegal in Missouri in the 1990s.
    My only Levi’s purchase since then was a pair of $4 shorts of the clearance rack about 15 years ago.

    In other news, not only did Vanguard vote our shares in favor of an anti-gun shareholder proposal last year, they proudly proclaimed they were doing it in the name of profits. Think about that, if any of your retirement or investments are being held by Vanguard.
    Vanguard response:
    Our Investment Stewardship team engages with companies when there is a material risk to your long-term investment, which is why we are meeting with the leaders of gun manufacturers and distributors. We want to know how they will mitigate the risks associated with their products and the impact regulations or other actions will have on their long-term value. We believe that when a business poses a risk to society, it can also pose a risk to investors.

    • Oops, left the word Ruger out of my Vanguard comments.
      Institutional holdings of Sturm, Ruger shares controlled by Vanguard were voted to force the board of directors to take anti gun actions.

      • Merill Lynch truly sucks ass. A criminal organization, never trust them, especially with your money.

        Opened my first IRA, and they placed a “new” ANNUAL FEE on the account. That placed it under their arbitrary limit, which triggered an UNDER THE LIMIT FEE, which triggered a MAINTENANCE FEE.

        Of course you could have avoided this, if you just had more money they told me.

        Steal money with a gun go to jail, steal money with a “fee” go to the Yacht broker and pick out a new model.

        Big banks need to be given the “MA Bell” treatment.

    • Southwestern Bell was another huge anti-2A donor during Missouri’s CCW struggle, but it’s a little trickier switching landline carriers than clothiers.

  5. He’s doing it wrong. You’re supposed to wait until your business is tanking before getting woke to incite a last minute partisan bump of support and publicity then pay out bonuses to the CEO’s and close up shop.

  6. Well, all I can say is that the price of Levi’s is now at $75 per pair here in SoCal. Saw them on “sale” for $55 last Christmas and bought a pair because I grew up with them as a kid and felt nostalgic. The quality was no better than any other brand.

    One of my co-workers pays $150+ for designer jeans. I’m content with my $30 standard brand denims or 511 tacticals.

    As the Left becomes more “values driven” in their business models, they’re failing to realize that the Right is also becoming values driven in our purchasing decisions. Kinda like when a Hollywood actor opens up his/her mouth to bash conservatives and immediately alienates half his/her former fans.

    • Stretchy Tactical Jeans are the way to go, if you have an active life. In addition to 5.11 Defenders (seems to be the standard), a few others to consider are TD McQuade, Vertx Defiance, Condor Cipher (but these fit more like skinny jeans, but the cheapest of the bunch). I suggest anyone try a pair, just wait for a sale. Haven’t worn Levis since the 90’s.

      • Nothing says keyboard commando like 5.11 clothing and every tactical clothing line. Every cop and security guys “knows” you are carrying even if you are not.

        • You must like Jordache tight denim, like Brooke Shields from the ’80s.

          Pants with all the gear loops, pockets, and accessories scream “tacticool”. But the more subdued casual versions don’t give anyone reason to look your way. My circle (LEOs and safety personnel) and I don’t wear the tacticools. But we DO like 5.11, LAPG, and related styles. And we don’t answer to you.

          Go back to your hole under the bridge, troll.

        • What does a keyboard commando wear? Cargo pants? Parcord bracelet? G-shock watch? 2A/MolonLabe t-shirt? Flannel button down shirt? Merrel boots? Kryptek ball cap? Nothing wrong with wearing any of these things, just have to mix them up with regular (non tactical looking clothes). I’m from SoCal and off work, becuse i surf and hike, I look like a surfer/hiker in my Vertx pants (no cargo pockets), Teva Flip-flops, gun belt under a surfing T-shirt. It blends with the environment. If being made is a concern, one can observe body language and a clean cut appearance (head and facial hair, a straight gig-line, etc). IMHO, discrete tactical pants are the way to go if you EDC a gun. What do you wear?

        • PG, my widdle snookums. You told me you just loved the 5.11 camo pants I got you last Christmas. You weren’t lyin’ to me now, were ya? Cuz you also said you liked the tactical thong I got you fer yer birfday, too. I won’t be spending no more money if you don’t like what I get.

          And are you still dustin’ your nethers with that baby powder I suggested? You sure was itchin’ and scratchin’ a lot while we was watchin’ Muppets Christmas Carol together.

        • I wear Wrangler jeans and Carhartt and Duluth cargo pants. You were saying Mr. Commando? Professionals wear tactical clothing when they are being tactical. Otherwise they where something.else. But go ahead and let every LEO and Security guy know you are packing. It’s still a free country.

      • Try finding a local tailor. They will make you whatever you want, to exactly the specs you desire, what ever that might be, and all for maybe a little over double what store pants cost. But they’ll last twice as long (or more), and the perfect fit and fabric of your choice will just be freebies on the side.
        I’m lucky in that I have a local old lady that’s been making clothes since she was a child, and only charges me 100 bucks a pair, but tailor shops will still only go maybe 150/pair. Still a bargain.
        Maybe you’ll pay a bit more then, for the perfect fit, perfect stitching, choice fabric, etc. Paying for the extra gravy that I get thrown in. But she’s quite old now, and soon I’ll have to go elsewhere again, when she either dies, or gets too old to see her needles. Or just too tired to continue. But these old ladies are hard core stichers. Around here they keep making quilts till they’re a hundred. Most of them can’t make clothes though. I would imagine clothes are a lot harder to make than blankets.
        Just try going into a ladies dress shop and ask who they use to make alterations for their lady’s gowns. Whoever it is, if they can alter evening gowns, they will be able to make pants and shirts to order as well. The only real down side is after you order, it takes some weeks to get your pants.
        To make this work, one needs to be able to think ahead enough to order your next pairs BEFORE they’re needed, instead of waiting til the last minute like you can buying off the rack. It’s not at all difficult though. And if you’ve never worn custom sized for you clothing, it’s quite a treat. It’s hard to go back to off-the-rack once you feel how good perfection is. And you never need to hang around a store trying crap on to find something that fits at least tolerably. Just stand there for measurements, and then come back a few weeks later to pants that are perfect.

        • John: I’ll bet you do the tailor made route too, huh? Once I did that for the first time, I couldn’t understand why clothing stores even exist. If people just knew how much better tailored clothing was, nobody would ever buy off a rack again. Well, except for maybe sweats, or bathrobes, or such like.

        • “John: I’ll bet you do the tailor made route too, huh? Once I did that for the first time, I couldn’t understand why clothing stores even exist. ”

          Umm.. perhaps they exist because not everyone lives in your income bracket? Have you ever considered that the average American simply doesn’t have the means to spend $100 or more for a single pair of fucking JEANS? Wow… SMH.

          Elitism is not reserved to liberals, I see…

  7. If readers of this blog were unaware of Chip Berg’s anti-gun advocacy then I doubt it is on the general public’s radar at all or even could be.

  8. Their jeans suck nowdays anyways. Not long ago I caved because I own one pair of jeans. I tried 505, 550, 560 and 569’s. Every single pair fit differently. Every single pair had flaws. I even tried a stretch pair, which, admittedly, was very comfortable – but the seem was sown weird and the size was WAY off. Every single pair had different sizing.

    After the last article you guys posted about their anti-gun stance, I hope this company dies. Unfortunately, companies like Levi’s are travelling at the speed of a bullet, and it will take a lot for them to go bankrupt. But they will, eventually, having lost almost 1/3rd its revenue in the past 10 years already. Hopefully, the same can be said about DICKS. Just look how long it took Toys-R-Us (which btw, was the coolest store in the world) to die off. These things take time, because share holders bleed every penny.

  9. Yeah. They’ve been shit-hooks long before it was fashionable.

    Gillette was another company that supported gun grabber groups even back in the 70s.

    • Now that a few months have passed, has anyone heard how Gillette’s recent fiascos have effected them, if at all?

      • I dunno, but Harry’s (shaving company – they sell in Target, and even Wal-Mart now or online to your door) is an amazing company. I have tried them all. I did DSC for a long time in the military, but after using Harry’s, I will never use another razor. Best shave ever. Try em out, you won’t be disappointed.

        • I tested Harry’s against a Schick Hydro 5. A three week old Schick gave a better shave than a new Harry’s. Harry’s is an ok razor but you get what you pay for.

  10. NW, not to pick nits, but my understanding is that was a pocket for a watch. Hence the term “pocket watch.” I’ve worn Levi’s since I was in high school. I’ve worn Nike since the army allowed us to do PT in running shoes instead of our boots. My first pair were Nike Daybreak. Both were a long time ago. I emailed both companies when their stand on anti 2A became public telling them I would no longer purchase their products. No reply. Spend your money with their competitors.

    • Was originally a watch pocket, but with the death of pocket watches (my grandfather still carried one in the 1970s, but he was a rarity even back then) it became a coin pocket.

      Then I started getting jeans with coin pockets that were too deep for me to reach to the bottom and retrieve the coins, so they became Nokia pockets.

      The fifth pocket won’t hold an iPhone, but it will hold a fairly sizeable pocket knife, or the transponder for your keyless car.

    • An NAA mini-revolver fits there too.

      If we ever get OC here in Florida, that’s where mine is gonna ride…

      • Yep. That’s what always rides in the 5th pocket on me. One of my best friends, now passed on, made me a custom set of very low profile grips from a bar of stainless steel. It might look like a toilet flush handle but that NAA Mini completely disappears in the watch pocket.

  11. I wear a lot of Dickies jeans these days. Maybe not the most fashionable, but they’re comfortable and cheap.

    • I love dickies, wore them for years, but I just don’t like the “carpenter” style and I like having regular pockets (not like the dickies work pants that are slanted) to hold my stuff. Also, most dickies are below waist. I have switched to RIGGS, but if dickies made a pair of work pants like all the other styles they have with regular pockets, I’d be all over them.

      • Let me just state that again, “I Love Dickies”, all kind of dickies too!

        Just remember, “most dickies are below the waist”, that’s where I find them! “I’d be all over them!” 😉

  12. Stopped buying buying anything by Levi’when they started on their crusade to to destroy the Boy Scouts years ago. Gillette, Dicks, Haynes, your’re dead to me also.

  13. It it can be shown that Levi’s political stance against Amendment #2 is hurting profits, a shareholder’s derivative suit against management is a near certainty.

    Almost makes me wish I owned a few shares so I could file one myself. I’ll just have to be content with not buying their overpriced jeans.

  14. There is no product that I need nor want from a company that is against my Constitutional rights.

  15. Got an old pair of Levis I use as a mat/rag to collect the cleaning solvent drainings from my AR barrels. Other than that no Levis. Levi Strauss can KMA.

  16. I have a nostalgic love of the 501s but the last pair I saw locally was made in Egypt with the thinnest denim I’ve ever seen. Forget about pulling them apart with horses – I think two latte drinking tech bros on Seattle’s rental bikes could rip them to shreds.

    • Levi’s and several other brands have gone the same way. Pure garbage. Look at them sideways and they rip.

  17. I believe Levi’s wrote off America and American manufacturing years ago. What becomes of them is no concern of mine.

  18. Levi Strauss has been a woke company for a quite a while but their more vocal anti-Second Amendment rhetoric of late is more an attempt to follow rather than lead. They know their market has shifted from hard working people who tend to be pro Second Amendment to the urban hipster and woke Millennial who are at best indifferent to gun control. If they thought gun people were still buying their stuff they would be making so much noise about their support for gun control.

  19. Lol, another company marked down that won’t be getting any of my money. Thanks TTAG!!!

  20. Haven’t bought Levi’s new in 45 years. Since I got “woke” I haven’t bought retail jeans. Thrift stores are where it’s at. My Nikes cost $3.00…btw when I competed in bodybuilding(a lonnnnnnng time ago) I wore a 29″ waist but the gay er hip pants were too skinny for legs with muscles. Painters paints😄

  21. I have a question. Ok, more than one: Why do companies that have nothing to do with guns have an opinion they need to tell us about? Why don’t they just make their products and leave it at that? If I owned a big company, all I would care about is the products I sell and keeping my customers happy. It’s implausible to imagine this is the opinion of every person who works at company x. Just because the CEO/President/Manager hates guns, why do we even give a soapbox to stand on when it’s clearly just one person. I don’t know his name, I don’t know who the CEO of Levi’s is, and I don’t care. Why can’t the CEO just make it HIS opinion, instead of falsely implicating the whole company as if they’re the same collective mind? Him saying ‘That’s the kind of company we are’ is an obvious fallacy, it doesn’t relate to anybody other than him.

    It’s a shame what people do just because they have a lot of money and feel important.

    • That is a good point as to why a company would want to alienate and perhaps lose a good portion of its customer base.
      Why do dumbass celebrities weigh in on things. Because the studio says so, but I’ve stopped watching 90% of movies since they began sharing their thoughts about President Trump.

  22. You act like this is something new. Levis has been anti gun and pro homosexual since at least the early 1990’s.

  23. Another company that can kiss my ass and go bankrupt. I’m liking Dickies better anyway.

  24. Given the companies attitude, it will be that proverbial cold day in hell before any of their products cross my doorstep. As to the position of their executives, might well be time for stockholder action.

  25. If Catholic nuns can demand that Ruger produce reports on ‘gun safety’ then Levis shareholders can demand an explanation of declining sales and stock values. Throw the execs into the skillet and let them fry.

  26. Just one more reason besides being overpriced to not buy their products.
    I haven’t owned a pair of Levis in over 35 years.
    Wranglers at under $20 a pair work for me.

  27. And another icon of the American working man bites the dust in favor of Liberal pandering. No more Levis for me or mine.

  28. I have been wearing levi’s products since 1973. Another life long customer gone forever. Wont be that much of a transition as the quality of their entire product line has degraded to the point that I was already looking for a replacement. Their current leadership has just made that transition easier. F’em

  29. Grew up wearing Levi’s, but will not be buying another pair.
    My next pair of jeans will be from Finland, Varusteleka-brand Särmä TST Tactical Jeans.
    Stretchy, non-restricting material
    2″ belt loops
    Button fly
    Crotch gusset
    Ten pockets:
    Two ordinary side pockets
    Two (pistol mag size) smaller pockets inside each side pocket
    Two ordinary back pockets
    Two (assault rifle mag size) hidden back pockets


  30. If only someone else could sew blue canvas into a letter V shape.
    F that douche Berg for ruining an American iconic brand. I guess I have to experiment with denim suppositories passing as pants from Old Navy and 5.11 or whoever. I had stopped wearing Levi’s for a decade or two until my go-to jeans makers all started making stuff tight and low rise.

  31. Levi has every right to their position and I have every right to never purchase their products.

  32. I quit wearing Levi’s and started wearing Wranglers back when Levi Strauss attacked the Boy Scouts of America for prohibiting homosexuals from leadership roles.

    Of course, now the BSA has gone full Leftard on us, and I left them as well. But Wranglers are a better jean anyway.

  33. Not going to burn my Levi’s.

    I am spray painting a silhouette of an AR-15 over the leather tag on the back then donating them.

  34. Well, never again will I buy a Levi’s product…because “that’s the kind of person *I* am”.

    Frankly, to my surprise, the past pair of Levi’s I bought wore out faster than my Wranglers, so why pay extra for an inferior product?

  35. Wranglers, Schmidt, Carhartt, Dickies…all pretty conventional stuff that can be selected for CCW without looking like a ‘tacticool’ hipster.

  36. Time to elect a new Board!! Have worn Levi’s for 50 years, while I won’t burn what I have, I will never buy another pair.

    Shameful to let the special interests on the left drive your company. Shareholders unite against these unamericans!!

  37. I wonder if they are thinking more about foreign markets? I remember the last time Nike pissed on America (not the latest, Betsy Ross flag thing) their popularity at home dipped, but they more than made up for it by increased sales in China. China loves it when big American companies hate on America. Levi might be making similar calculations.

  38. Hilarious! SF based Liberal Bullshit Co that hasn’t been relevant for what about 15-20 years? They are trying to hold onto the Pothead Grannies & Grampas. Great Marketing Strategy – Don’t lose the Dying Diaper Wearers – Levis Stretch with Built-in Diaper.

  39. When Levis’s corporate agenda went anti Second Amendment and anti-American, I stopped buying their garbage and their clothing. I am a senior citizen and I despise their corporation. Where do these idiots come from?

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