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Today at 3:10 PM Central I will be live on the radio with Kate Krueger on her radio show. Still not sure what topics we will be covering, but I’m guessing that guns will be in the mix there somewhere. Click here for the “listen live” link.

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  1. (But I’d rather listen to the Farago, Leghorn, Zimmerman, Matt in FL weekly podcast. I hope that happens sometime soon. And yes, I’d even pay for it.)

  2. I’m getting a 404 not found when I click the Listen Live link (the words and the picture of the microphone) at the link above.

    The address of the link I’m clicking is:

    Tried it with my adblocker on and off both.

    I did get it to work by clicking the 1100 KFNX logo above the mic, and then clicking the Listen Live link at the radio station’s page.

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