Dougan Ashley and Carnik Con seem to have gotten their money’s worth from a trip to the Knight’s Armament factory in Florida, home of the world’s best machine gun collection. In this video he runs through some of the best light machine guns, blowing stuff up and maybe learning just a little bit along the way. Also making a special appearance are Trey Knight (making good use of his daddy’s tank collection) and his hetero life partner Kevin Brittingham. Gotta admit, it’s pretty entertaining.
Life partners. No.
“…hetero ‘life’ partner…”, what bullshit, just say they are best friends.
Calm down guys, it’s humor.
@PTM, no, its kowtowing to the language of the sodomites.
Language of the sodomites?
That one is rich, not gonna comment more than that. IMO, I am not a fan of sodomy but what people do in their bedroom is up to them and not up to me.
@lolinski, I totally agree. I just won’t accede to them the language.
Wow, sense of humor much?
Maybe they don’t know what they are yet…
very entertaining…LOVE THE TANK
That made my day… Please please please reopen the rolls for new machine guns! This middle class guy just wants to shoot stuff real fast.
Dougan’s videos just get better and better.
I am mildly jealous…
That video was awesome!! The ultimax had barely any recoil. Never heard of a lot of these. If only I won a lottery jackpot I’d have many of these!
Hetero life partner? Can’t you just say BEST FRIEND?!? Oh yeah, cool guns.
Gotta say, that can on the Mk. 48 was not that efficient.
Have you fired a Mk48? Cause I will take any sound and more importantly flash suppression I can
For MGs the can is more for flash suppresion than sound suppression. This is because MG gunners often get killed because they are easily seen. I mean, it is hard to ignore the muzzle flash and the dust that gets kicked up by MGs.
This video is like the movie “Airplane”.
I caught stuff the second time I didn’t notice the first time.
Watch the chopper pilots hair…
I need a PKM.
Yeah, that is exactly what I thought when he fired that thing.
I need a PKM too, at least the blueprints.
Well that was fun.
ROFL at “rimmed for the extractor’s pleasure.”
Nope…best line…..
… is extremely lightweight and low recoil and it increases the perceived size of the operator’s balls…..
And that is why 54R wins this video.
54R, rimmed for the extractor’s pleasure, lmao.
Every time I convince myself I don’t want an automatic weapon, something like this comes up.
Almost the most fun you can have with your clothes on.
Get ready to put a dent in the ammo budget.
Do it
joke’s on you, no full-autos in Washington
A simple fix for that, move to the other side of the Columbia
That’s one tough folding table.
When he opened up with the CETME I was in the middle of laughing when I instantly stopped and my jaw dropped. Man that was neat.
Dammit that was awesome. The open bolt M16 was definitely new to me, had no idea that was a thing
I can fix that floppy main gun. No way it should be doing that. Dangerous for the driver, his head’s exactly underneath.
I’d (maybe) let him kiss me on the lips if he’d let me shoot the LMG a few times. ; P
CETME all the way.
This guy wins the Internet today. I vote the CETME for the crazy rate of fire. Or the PKM for its raw ability to f*** s*** up with corrosive surplus ammo. And recoil.
I want his job.
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