British student 3d guns charge
courtesy Repringer and Vimeo

I seems that the signal can’t even be stopped by the UK’s famously stringent gun control laws. The Daily Mail reports that

In what is thought to be the first case of its kind, Tendai Muswere, 25, is being prosecuted for creating the a (sic) James R Patrick PM522 Washbear Revolver and a Reprringer V3 Hexen pepper-box handgun.

Muswere has denied making the guns.

The alleged weapons were found during a raid on Muswere’s flat in Tachbrook Street, Pimlico, central London.

The Zimbabwean national was a student at London’s Southbank University at the time of the offence.

If you’re not familiar with the guns Muswere is accused of making…

The Washbear Revolver was created in November 2015 by American mechanical engineering student James R Patrick and the specifications disseminated online.

The Hexen pepper-box handgun first appeared in 2013, and is believed to be the first attempt to create a viable firearm with a 3D printer.

3d printed gun derringer pepperbox – reprringer pentagun from Free Dee on Vimeo.

And like Defense Distributed’s 3D guns, plans are readily available all across Al Gore’s greatest invention.

If convicted, Mr. Muswere will be living as a guest of the Crown for a very long time.


  1. The U.K. should get over themselves. If legal law abiding citizens were able to carry a firearm and not surpress a persons right to bare arms ; this won’t be an issue. The simple fact is such a regulation is a paranoid delusions of reveloution.

  2. This is a UK issue and carries no weight with me. We kicked their ass 240+ years ago because of laws of suppression. Let the people of the UK fight their own battles. They chose those in power. Now suffer the foolishness of their choices. We now have our own suppressive laws because of bad choices. Seems it may be time for another ass kicking. Keep Your Powder Dry…

  3. 20 years from now these little episodes in technology utilization will seem very quaint.

  4. The only thing the “washbear” revolver has going for it is that people would probably laugh if it was pointed at them. When I was a kid so called zip guns were considered a threat. A kid could put one together in a single shop class period.

  5. Don’t point your index finger at someone in the shape of a gun over there. You’d be safer giving them the middle one instead.

  6. The good news for him is that being locked-up over there is only marginally worse than being “free”.

  7. He’s smart, from Zimbabwe and old enough to have “adult” knowledge of Mugabe.

    A jail or prison in England might be a step up. It’s certainly better than a Zimbabwean jail under Mugabe and, let’s be honest, things almost certainly haven’t improved in terms of conditions for the incarcerated under Mnangagwa.

  8. I would like to look at the files of these 3D printed guns for academic reference to compare against historical designs in my reference books.

  9. The UK is still “smarting” from the citizens of the Colonies keeping and bearing arms in 1775. Don’t want to risk losing again to an armed citizenry. American politicians are likewise scared shitless about the armed citizenry thingy.

  10. It is almost like they do not want the number of guns deaths we here in ‘merca enjoy. They do not know what they are missing over there not giving the toothless an issue to get behind.

    • 35,000 gun deaths a year…60% or so suicides
      600,000+ abortions a year…0% or so suicides
      I am pro-choice and pro 2A and pro population reduction

  11. This is a British issue that has no bearing on me. Due to suppression laws, we kicked their ass 240 years ago. For information about the top 5 alternatives to Microsoft Office Word for photographers, read this article. Overall, there are a large number of free Microsoft Office alternatives, making MS Office replacement easier than you might think.

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