I suck at reading the wind. Given my choice of shooting competitions you’d think that I would have it down, but it’s more of a guessing game than it should be. Thankfully there are instruments that help in determining wind direction and speed so I can plug the data into a computer and adjust my shot, but they usually cost a bunch of money and are pretty bulky. Now, a new company is starting to produce wind meters that plug into your cell phone’s headset jack and use an app to show you all the juicy wind related details. Make the jump for the presser, and yes I’ve asked for one to T&E . . .
WeatherFlow is proud to announce the WeatherFlow Wind Meter – it’s an anemometer that fits in your pocket. It’s the first hardware product we have created for the general wind & weather addicted community. It’s compatible with iPhone, iPad, iPod, and all major Android devices.
Download one of our free apps for iOS or Android and plug in your wind meter – it’s really that easy. Hold it up high facing into the wind. Your phone does the rest by recording the wind speed (average and gust), wind direction and location. Easily share onsite reports with WeatherFlow, Instagram, Vine, Twitter, SMS, Email, Facebook. And view all of this crowd-sourced weather in one of our consumer applications.
The Wind Meter, although not a scientific instrument, is designed to be better than any other handheld anemometer on the market. It’s operating range extends from the smallest puff (2 mph) to well over hurricane force winds (125 mph). Calibrated at the University of Florida’s Aerospace Engineering Department, our Wind Meter is accurate to the larger of +/- 0.5% of the reading or 0.2 mph at up to 15° off-axis. That means even if you don’t hold it directly into the wind, you’ll still get very accurate wind speed information.
Not only do we have one of the most accurate and coolest handheld wind meters on the market, at $34.95 it’s also one the most affordable. So what are you waiting for? Get one now!
When the second PETA drone flew overhead we were ready.
“Watch this shit.”
This is NOT the Ottoman I ordered with the couch!
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